As of December 2007, the album has sold 605,000 copies in the United States, having reached a high of #3 on the US Billboard 200 and quickly going gold.
Background and recording
For their fourth studio album, Weezer attempted to incorporate an innovative system in which they'd release demos in MP3 format on their website every day while in the studio working on Maladroit. This resulted in dozens of different versions of over thirty different songs circulating on the Internet before the album was released.
The idea was to keep solid communication open with their fan base on their official message board as well as, more crucially, on unofficial message boards such as the Rivers Correspondent Board (which was closed to the public at Cuomo's request, chiefly so that members of the press could not gain access). Yet frontman Rivers Cuomo and the fans strongly disagreed on a number of creative aspects of the album. One thing they did agree on was bringing back the old summer 2000 song "Slob" for use on the album. Cuomo commented, "I never would have thought to put the song 'Slob' on the record if the fans did not request it. Scott Shriner also wanted a hidden track, 'Are You Gonna Be?,' for the album." Regardless of disagreements, Weezer fans are still "specially thanked" in the album's liner notes and the album title itself was suggested by a board member on the Weezer message boards who went by the screen name of Lethe.
I can't say That you love me So I cry And I'm hurting Every time That I call you You find some Way to ditch me So I learned to turn And look the other way So I learned to turn And look the other way Ooh, ooh Ooh, ooh Ooh, ooh Ooh, ooh, ooh
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