Updated 8:24 pm September 6th , 2014

EZRA LEVANT - Nova Scotia closed for business


Nova Scotia closed for business

7:58 am, September 7th, 2014

We get it: they don’t want fracking – or the jobs and tax revenues that come with it.

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Toronto school’s war memorial targeted by vandals again

Toronto school’s war memorial targeted by vandals again

9:14 pm, September 6th, 2014

A war memorial outside a Toronto high school has again been struck by vandals.

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Quebec porn star successfully completes sex-a-thon for implants

Quebec porn star successfully completes sex-a-thon for implants

7:42 am, September 7th, 2014

A Quebec porn star has earned herself some implants after having sex with 25 men in an apartment above a Gatineau bar.

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Case closed after 125 years? Identity of Jack The Ripper revealed with DNA

Case closed after 125 years? Identity of Jack The Ripper revealed with DNA

9:39 am, September 7th, 2014

The identity of one of the most prolific serial killers in history has finally been revealed thanks to DNA evidence.

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The lighter side of politics
Where there's news, there's satire.

Prentice the next premier of Alberta
Jim Prentice is to become the next premier of Alberta. What does this mean for the future of the Alberta PC Party?

Another 9/11 style attack?
After Islamists took over a Libyan airport, eleven commercial airliners have gone missing. Should we be worried about another 9/11 style attack?

The state of refugees in Kurdistan
ISIS is still powerful, even gaining ground in certain areas.


Prentice the next premier of Alberta

Jim Prentice is to become the next premier of Alberta. What does this mean for the future of the Alberta PC Party?

Another 9/11 style attack?

After Islamists took over a Libyan airport, eleven commercial airliners have gone missing. Should we be worried about another 9/11 style attack?

Nova Scotia fracking ban

With the ban of onshore fracking, does this mean Nova Scotia would rather live off handouts than stand on their own two feet?

Celebrities fall victim to nude photos hack

Apple says its central iCloud systems were not breached by the attack.

Canada and Israel: An Unprecedented Alliance

WATCH THE FULL SPECIAL HERE: Exploring the unique relationship that exists between two democracies, across the world.

Video of the day

Ghostbusters: the most libertarian movie ever

30 years after its release, the film still teaches some of the best libertarian lessons.