News Edmonton

Spike in Edmonton photo radar tickets questioned in City Hall


By , Edmonton Sun

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photo radar

Some city councillors are questioning whether a spike in the number photo radar tickets is the result of soaring operational costs.

"That's the accusation the public can make," said city coun. Mike Nickel, who echoed concerns made by fellow coun. Amarjeet Sohi on Monday at a city hall audit meeting.

"We've all turned around and seen our speeding tickets get a little tighter. The tolerance has seen it go from under 10 kilometres or five kilometres to now we're getting speeding tickets from two to five kilometres -- I don't remember that ever happening before."

The city auditor released a report last week on the five-year costs associated with running the photo radar program. In the original business plan, developed in 2007, city administration estimated an operational cost of $6.7 million from 2008 to 2012, but in reality the costs soared to $53.4 million. Despite the increase, the city was still able to reap revenues of over $33 million in 2013.

Over that time, 1,173,000 photo radar tickets were issued to city drivers, up from the estimated 750,000.

However, city administration denies the accusation and claims the spike in issued tickets was done to ensure public safety, citing that fatal and injury collisions per 1,000 people have dropped from 7.44 in 2007 to 3.89 in 2013.

Edmonton Mayor Don Iveson says the reason why tickets are being issued at such high volumes is because drivers continue to speed.

"The question was asked very clearly to administration, did they increase enforcement in order to generate more revenue to cover the costs, and their answer was no," said Iveson.

"They've (administration) recovered more than enough money to pay off the program -- there is no need to increase it to cover the costs -- so the logic there is flawed. There is more than enough money because there are still too many people speeding."

But when it comes to photo radar making streets safer, Nickel remains skeptical.

"As a statistician by training, there are many variables that go into that. You cannot point directly to photo radar to say that it's saved lives, there are a lot of things that go into saving lives and that's we have an office of Traffic Safety. I think that's what's contributing to those numbers and not photo radar by itself," said Nickel.

In an effort to increase communication between the two parties, council is seeking a new report from city administration detailing up-to-date statistics on photo radar enforcement.

"Council clearly should have been updated. You can't let something get this far off track without letting council know," said Iveson, who is most concerned with the discrepancies between the business case and the actual results, adding that future business cases ought to be more thoroughly vetted before they come to council.

"Nothing is ever going to be 100 per cent accurate, you have to take some risks, but they were way off on some major assumptions," said Iveson.


Automated Photo Enforcement Review 


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