Opinion Columnists

Gunter: Bench Horner and Lukaszuk, Mr. Prentice; McIver can stick around


By , QMI Agency

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Look below this story for a wrap of coverage from the leadership event

There’s an old Chinese adage: Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.

Now that he has won the leadership of the provincial Tories, that adage might apply to Jim Prentice.

He wanted to lead his party in the Alberta Legislature, now he has to do it. And it is not necessarily going to be a pretty or an easy task.

His mandate from the party is overwhelming. He won 77 per cent of the vote, an almost unheard of level in a leadership race. Meanwhile both his rivals failed to crack the 15 per cent threshold.

Prentice also won in every region of the province and with likely with every voting demographic – men, women, youth, seniors, pro-business types, rural voters.

Click here for more vote coverage

Ric McIver got 12 per cent of the vote; Thomas Lukaszuk a mere 11 per cent. Prentice’s victory is so complete he now has the luxury of including both men in his new cabinet, or not.

Neither has shown he has a power base within the Tory party. Prentice doesn’t need to make peace with either of his rivals in order to maintain unity within his ranks. That is a luxury few leaders ever enjoy.

If I were him I’d keep McIver and be iffy on Lukaszuk.

McIver has made some flubs (like marching in an anti-gay parade and running negative ads against Prentice in the final week of the campaign). But he is basically a capable and decent guy.

Moreover, McIver has the right instincts on spending and on shrinking government. If Prentice means to live up to his promise to balance the budget this year – the whole budget and not just the operating budget – then he is going to need other fiscal hardliners in cabinet, such as McIver.

Lukaszuk brings less to the table. He’s worth a minor portfolio – very minor – at best.

But what Prentice does with his two leadership challengers will say less about his seriousness than what he does the province’s current Finance Minister, Doug Horner.

Horner was an early and enthusiastic supporter of Prentice’s. As the most senior minister to endorse Prentice publicly, he would normally be owed a job in the next cabinet – a job equal to or greater than his current job.

But Horner has also made himself the symbol for the two worst excesses of the Redford era: dishonest budgeting and expense-account extravagance.

Prentice was adamant during the campaign that one of the first things he would do if he became premier (which he will do likely later this week) was get rid of the Redford-Horner Three-Card-Monty budget technique and bring back a single, unified set of provincial books.

Horner has remained equally adamant up to the present day that his practice of splitting the budget into three parts – one each for operations, savings and infrastructure – is honest and straightforward, even though he is just about the only person who thinks so.

Also, Horner was the minister responsible for the province’s fleet of aircraft. Not only did he fail to stop Alison Redford from using them as if they were her own royal squadron, Horner himself used them to fly his wife around on at least five occasions without an obvious government purpose to her trip.

If Prentice is truly serious about cleaning out the Tory stables, which are choked with years of manure, he cannot reappoint to cabinet the minister most closely associated with the scandals of the previous administration.

It is not an easy position for Prentice to be in. It will be hard to boot Horner out. But if Prentice doesn’t, he’ll lose credibility instantly.

Careful what you wish for.


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