News Alberta

Alberta PC leadership contender Ric McIver supports Prentice


By , Edmonton Sun

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EDMONTON - The two underdogs in the Progressive Conservative leadership race didn't even come close in Saturday's vote, which was plagued by low turnout and technical difficulties.

Former Calgary alderman and infrastructure minister Ric McIver came a distant second to winner Jim Prentice, with 2,742 votes, while former deputy premier and labour minister Thomas Lukaszuk mustered 2,681.

McIver, who campaigned as a fiscal conservative and took credit for killing former premier Alison Redford's “skypalace” plan, congratulated Prentice on the win and said he while he was satisfied with his own campaign, he will be happy to stand behind the new premier.

“Now it's time to bring the party together. Now it's time to act like a team, and I will do that,” he said.

“I feel that we made a difference, impacted the future direction that our party and our government will go. I'm very proud of that.”

McIver said during the campaign that his government would help clear the way for pipeline construction by making "impossible deals." He came under fire in June when he attended a March for Jesus event held in Calgary by a preacher with an openly anti-gay position. McIver apologized, saying he doesn't share the preacher's "nasty, mean-spirited" views.

Lukaszuk, who focused his campaign around social programs and school infrastructure, left without speaking to reporters following Prentice's victory speech.

Before the final tally came in, however, he said he felt good about the conduct of his campaign but called the lower-than-expected voter turnout of some 23,000 party members “extremely disappointing.”

“It shows how much work there is ahead of us moving forward. It speaks to the fact that Albertans are disengaged, and that we have to roll up our sleeves and get a lot of work done,” he said.

Lukaszuk had promised to legislate a fixed election date and mandate MLAs to hold town meetings twice a year if elected.

His campaign was hit with controversy in recent weeks over a $20,000 data roaming bill sent anonymously to the Edmonton Sun, for which Lukaszuk apologized, saying he was exchanging legal documents in relation to a distressed cabinet minister while on a vacation to Poland and Israel in October 2012.

Both McIver and Lukaszuk said during the campaign that they would significantly shrink the size of the cabinet if elected.

NDP MLA Deron Bilous, who is in the midst of his own party's leadership race, said Saturday's low voter turnout is telling. He called the PC race anticlimactic and said Prentice presented little more than “vague” ideas in his campaign.

“It doesn't matter who's at the helm,” Bilous said. “Prentice can claim that he's an outsider, but really, you're throwing a new coat of paint on an old beater and Albertans are tired of it.”


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