Thursday, August 21st, 2014

Journalism Funded

Screen Shot 2014-08-21 at 10.30.05 AMThe Huffington Post asks:

What happens in Ferguson and the St. Louis metro area the day after everybody leaves?

I'm not sure.

We plan to be there as it all unfolds.

Great. I feel better knowing that AOL, a large, profitable media company, supports the Huffington Post's real, on-the-ground reporting.

For The Huffington Post, this'll involve a first-of-its-kind collaboration with readers, the local community and the Beacon Reader to create what we're calling the Ferguson Fellowship.

Oh wow, I love it when the community gets involved.

Local resident Mariah Stewart has been covering the Ferguson protests as a citizen journalist with the support of readers through Beacon's platform. With HuffPost readers' support, we can make sure Stewart can continue her work.

I'm happy to support her! What do I retweet?

Click here to make a contribution and to learn more about Stewart and the Ferguson Fellowship.


In partnership with The Huffington Post, your backing can train and fund a promising new journalist in Ferguson for the next year.


For the first time, you have the power to ensure on-the-ground coverage from Ferguson remains a part of the national conversation. The first Ferguson Fellow, Mariah Stewart, has already made an impact with her coverage on Beacon. But she can do even more with training, guidance, and support from The Huffington Post. To enable this, we’re aiming to crowdfund at least $40,000 for 12 months of coverage plus benefits.

But can't AOL, a large, sprawling media company that owns a lot of things that generate a lot of revenue, find the money somewhere? I mean, it paid three hundred and fifteen million dollars for the Huffington Post, millions of which Arianna Huffington, who has been tweeting about Ferguson a lot, personally received? Why can't the Huffington Post, an organization once valued at nearly a billion dollars, just like, hire Mariah Stewart, who seems like a nice person?

After the first year, we’ll continue the fellowship if interest remains.

Will we have to pay for that, too?

2 Comments / Post A Comment

Wow, this is incredibly odd. I'm not even sure how I feel about it, but I'd say my feelings are mostly negative and 100% confused.

15673631@twitter (#286,437)

This is a "first of it's kind" like New Coke. It's a news information extortion racket. This would be completely different if the journalist they are proposing to hire with our money had pitched this as a kickstarter and HuffPo had done the PR to get it out there. Then, we would know the money was going to this journo with a vision, not a giant corporation too cheap to spend money on a reporter.

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