Ukraine: NATO hypocrisy over “Russian invasion” as Kiev suffers defeat

Written by Jorge Martin Friday, 05 September 2014

donbas-miners-antifascist-strike-thOn the eve of the NATO summit in Wales, the Ukraine crisis has seen an escalation in rhetoric. The same people who told us about Saddam’s “Weapons of Mass Destruction” are now raising a hue and cry about thousands, perhaps tens of thousands, of Russian troops having invaded Ukraine and demanding swift action to counter them.


Revolutionary enthusiasm at the IMT World Congress 2014

Written by In Defence of Marxism Thursday, 04 September 2014

Greek delegation-thRevolutionary moods are growing across the world as capitalism rots and the ruling elite attempts to maintain its position by attacking the working class. Meanwhile, the International Marxist Tendency is growing in numbers, developing a deeper understanding of the processes taking place, intervening in the struggles taking place, and fighting for socialist ideas in the movements of workers and youth.


Pakistan: The consciousness of necessity

Written by Lal Khan Thursday, 04 September 2014

In all the excruciating din about “changing the system”, none of the politicos of the present political setup – each representing different sections of finance capital – even mentions the name of the socioeconomic system that dominates and is ravaging this tragic land – capitalism!


Britain: Death pangs of the coalition - Tory MP defects to Ukip

Written by Ben Peck Wednesday, 03 September 2014

ukip-thThe crisis of British capitalism expresses itself at the economic, social and political level. Its latest political manifestation, the defection of a Tory MP to the UK Independence Party (Ukip), demonstrates the dialectical law of sharp changes and sudden turns. The British establishment has always whipped up xenophobia and racism in an attempt to divide the working class. Today, however, under conditions of crisis,  the issue of immigration and anti-EU hysteria has served to highlight divisions with the ruling class, especially its political representatives.


Pakistan: National Marxist Summer School 2014

Written by our correspondent in Malakand Wednesday, 03 September 2014

national marxist summer school 2014 pakistan 5-thThe National Marxist Summer School was held in Malakand in Northern Pushtoonkhwa from 8-10 August. It is near the Swat valley which was controlled by the Taliban until a few years back. Despite the long distances, high costs of transport, difficult journeys and the dangerous security situation in the area, 225 young comrades participated from all over the country, including 26 women. The venue of the School was on the banks of the Swat River flowing through the green mountains of the valley.


Political Islam in Pakistan

Written by Lal Khan Tuesday, 02 September 2014

taliban-thAfter the collapse of the Soviet Union and the capitalist counter-revolution in China, an immense political vacuum opened up in ideology and politics on a world scale. In these conditions there was the resurgence of political Islam and religious fundamentalism.


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El Salvador appeal


Donate to help bring a comrade from El Salvador to the IMT World Congress.
[Read the appeal]

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El límite es el capitalismo, derrotarlo es la tarea

Written by El Militante (Argentina) Friday, 05 September 2014

La presión que sufre el país desde hace meses a manos del imperialismo (Buitres/Griessa/Obama/EE.UU.), junto a la oposición interna, genera un ambiente de que Argentina se encuentra literalmente en el default y al borde del abismo.


Bolivia: Vota MAS y lucha con nosotros contra la colaboración de clases

Written by Lucha de Clases (Bolivia) Thursday, 04 September 2014

morales 20060113 thLucha de Clase vota y llama a votar por Evo Morales y el MAS. Lo hacemos con nuestras perspectivas y sin renunciar a ninguna de nuestras críticas, más bien reforzándolas. Criticamos la presencia en las listas de tránsfugas de la derecha, empresarios y terratenientes, criticamos las concesiones económicas a banqueros, agroindustriales y empresariado en general, en una palabra criticamos el programa de colaboración de clases, entre explotados y explotadores, al cual la dirección de la COB se ha adherido sin inconvenientes.


¡¡Agur Ainhoa!! Tu fuerza y compromiso nos seguirán inspirando

Written by Lucha de Clases (Estado Español) Wednesday, 03 September 2014

ainhoa-thTras varios años de lucha contra el cáncer, con tan sólo 42 años de edad, nos ha dejado nuestra amiga y compañera, Ainhoa Murguiondo Ortiz de Zárate. El vacío que nos deja a quiénes hemos tenido la suerte de conocerla y compartir una parte de su vida va a ser muy difícil de llenar.