Satya or Sathya is a Sanskrit word that loosely translates into English as "truth" or "correct". It is a term of power due to its purity and meaning and has become the emblem of many peaceful social movements, particularly those centered on social justice, environmentalism and vegetarianism.
Sathya is also defined in Sanskrit as "sate hitam satyam" which translates to "The path to ultimate truth or Sat is sathya (i.e. the real truth)".
Hence all the deeds, words, and wisdom that bring us closer to the Ultimate Truth are the truth.
The philosophical meaning of the word 'Satya' is "unchangeable", "that which has no distortion", "that which is beyond distinctions of time, space, and person", "that which pervades the universe in all its constancy." Human life progresses through different stages—from childhood to adolescence, from adolescence to youth, and youth to old age. It is through these changes that people progress in the manifest world. That is why human life or its receptacle, the body, is not Satya.
Śri Sathya Sai Baba (born as Sathyanarayana Raju (23 November 1926 – 24 April 2011) was an Indian guru, spiritual figure, mystic, philanthropist and educator. He claimed to be the reincarnation of Sai Baba of Shirdi, considered a spiritual saint and a reputed miracle worker, who died in 1918 and whose teachings were an eclectic blend of Hindu and Muslim beliefs. The materializations of vibhuti (holy ash) and other small objects such as rings, necklaces and watches by Sathya Sai Baba were a source of both fame and controversy; devotees considered them signs of divinity, while skeptics viewed them as simple conjuring tricks. Photos of him are displayed in millions of homes and on the dashboards of cars, and lockets bearing his photo are worn by many as a symbol of good fortune.
Almost everything known about Sathya Sai Baba's early life stems from the hagiography that grew around him, the presentation of narratives that hold special meaning to his devotees and are considered by them evidence of his divine nature. According to his followers, then, Sathyanarayana Raju was born to Easwaramma and Peddavenkama Raju Ratnakaram in the village of Puttaparthi, in what was the Madras Presidency of British India. His birth, which his mother Eswaramma asserted was by miraculous conception, was also said to be heralded by miracles. His siblings included elder brother Ratnam Sesham Raju (1921–1984), sister Venkamma (1923–1993), a second sister Parvathamma (1928–1998), and younger brother Janakiramiah (1930–2003). As a child, he was described as "unusually intelligent" and charitable, though not an exceptional student, as his interests were more of a spiritual nature. He was uncommonly talented in devotional music, dance and drama, and an avid composer of poems and plays. He was said to be capable of materialising objects such as food and sweets out of thin air.
Kamal Haasan (born 7 November 1954) is an Indian film actor, screenwriter, producer and director, considered to be one of the leading method actors of Indian cinema. He is widely acclaimed as an actor and is well known for his versatility in acting. Kamal Haasan has won several Indian film awards, including four National Film Awards and numerous Filmfare Awards, and is known for having starred in the largest number of films submitted by India in contest for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film. In addition to acting, screenwriting and directing, he has also featured in films as a songwriter, playback singer and choreographer. His film production company, Rajkamal International, has produced several of his films. In 1990, he was awarded the Padma Shri for his contributions to Indian cinema. Kamal Haasan is also a recipient of an Honorary doctorate by Sathyabama University. In 2009, he became one of very few Indian actors to have completed 50 years in cinema.
After several projects as a child artist, Kamal Haasan's breakthrough into lead acting came with his role in the 1975 drama Apoorva Raagangal, in which he played a rebellious youth in love with an older woman. He secured his second Indian National Film Award for his portrayal of a guileless school teacher who tends a child-like amnesiac in 1982's Moondram Pirai. He was particularly noted for his performance in Mani Ratnam's Godfatheresque Tamil film Nayagan (1987), which was ranked by Time magazine as one of the best films of all time. Since then he has gone on to appear in other notable films such as Anbe Sivam and his own productions, Hey Ram and Virumaandi, as well as Dasavathaaram, in which he appeared in ten distinct roles.
Lyrics : Vicomte Vampyr Arkames
Entre ciel et terre, j'errais tragiquement
EspÈrant patiemment un geste, un soupir
A la vie, Þ la mort,
Ici ou ailleurs,
Je les ai contemplÈs par milliers
Adorer et chÈrir
LÈgion Spirituelle Damnatrice, Eternel sera le Supplice.
Au nom de l'impur,
Ils ont bÁti l'antre du nÈant
OÛ se cÒtoient morale et mensonge
OÛ se mÈlangent sacrÈ et immondices
Afin que l'Èlu (Oh) pÈrisse.
Au venin, je choisis le feu.
A l'Arrogance, (je prÒne) le MÈpris
A la faiblesse, je souhaite la richesse
A l'immanence, j'ordonne la transcendance.
Oh! Je refuse et rejette le pardon,
Comme je maudis leur pacte.
A mort, je les ai marquÈ
Par le feu, par ma flamme
Pour qu'Þ jamais (Oh) ils savourent
L'ultime Ètreinte de la BÉte,
Et- succombent
Aux prÈjudices de la Peste.
(Entre ciel et terre, je domine Èternellement
Attendant patiemment ton dernier soupir)
A la vie, A la mort,
Ici ou Ailleurs
Enfin, Étre Dieu.
Dans le DÈsert de mes Nuits,
Le Chaos s'est installÈ,
Immense et Cynique,
EntraÍnant au fond de l'AbÍme
Le Fleuve de mes Sentiments.
Pour la Splendeur du NÈant,
J'ai traversÈ le Miroir
Et me suis laissÈ tomber, Èternellement,
Dans cet Univers sans Fin.
De la Morte Lune aux Flammes des tÈnÕbres,
Ma Chute sera...
Et quand mon heure sera venue,
Je disparaÍtrai afin de rÈapparaÍtre... Encore.
Dans le DÈsert de tes Nuits,
Le Serpent a pris place.
RÉve et RÈalitÈ ne font plus qu'un
Et le Poison qui coule dans tes Veines
T'ouvre les Portes de l'Au-DelÞ...
La magie de ses Yeux
T'enivre des Visions les plus SecrÕtes,
Celles que l'on ne voit qu'une seule fois.
Le Voyage se termine bientÒt,
Il reste cette RiviÕre a franchir
Et les Parfums de l'ÈternitÈ t'y mÕneront.
Chavirer dans les Mers de Sang,
Plonger dans l'Infini de l'Espace,
BrØler tragiquement jusqu'au TrÈpas;
Lyrics : Vicomte Vampyr Arkames
Mon pÕre, je vous ai trahi.
J'ai effacÈ de ma mÈmoire,
les dimensions , les limites,
l'envie de vivre.
Mon pÕre, je vous ai haÎ.
J'ai reniÈ l'essentiel,
Ma foi, vos larmes :
Je me suis enfui.
Mon ange, je te dÈsire.
Prend moi la vie.
Donne toi la mort.
Soit celle qui brØle.
Mon ange, je vous dÈsire.
Soit celle qui
Tend Þ devenir
(She said)
" Jesus, please, love me
Jesus, please, fuck me "
You wanna be Jesus on Extasy
I am the Acid Christ
(I am) the poison in the land of God
I am the Acid Christ
(I am) the acid in the human blood.
I am the Acid Christ
Idole de mes insomnies, obsession de mes nuits,
Un silence glacial se propage en cette antre
OÛ la lune jouissive prend possession du dÈsir.
ObscuritÈ, tombeau des apparences, dÈtruit les masques de chair,
Fait rÈgner Satan, Lucifer et les Lueurs Sanguinaires.
Que sorte du caveau des Immortels
L'esprit de l'homme dÈmoniaque.
Que la chaleur de son mÈpris embrase l'humanitÈ,
Quel ne soit plus que cendre,
Sur laquelle il soufflera pour que jamais ne ressuscitent faiblesse et stupiditÈ,.Mais des Ámes InvulnÈrables, comme sorties
de l'Enfer, donneront la mort Þ son corps.
Pour que se rÈpande le sang purificateur qui fait renaÍtre des esprits
Dont les idÈes font grandir le monde.
Vampire troublant, prend mon corps pour cercueil.
Et rÈalise ton rÉve funÕbre, mettre l'humanitÈ Þ tes pieds.
Que l'humilitÈ la rende humble
Et que la souffrance lui apporte une plus grande maturitÈ.
La lumiÕre de ton regard les guidera
Vers un destin plus tragique mais non moins pathÈtique.
Lyrics : Vicomte Vampyr Arkames
Suis-je le fils prodige de Lucifer
Celui qui assassine le dernier espoir
Celui qui mÈprise le souffle humain
Celui qui symbolise le testament terrestre.
De l'ascension Þ la consÈcration,
Serai-je le bras droit de l'ange cÈleste
Serai-je les larmes et l'ultime soupir
Serai-je haÎ tel-l'aigle du mal.
In Nomine Seth, our time'll come
In Nomine Seth, revenge'll come like a rain
In Nomine Seth, you'll read between the lies
In Nomine Seth, your life'll get a new sens-
Les blessures de l'Áme ont meurtri
les derniers lambeaux du Christ
m'ont traÍnÈ lÞ oÛ plus rien ne vit
LÞ oÛ la mort devient miracle.
C'est la lame libÈratrice qui m'a conduit
You hate everything about me
Why do you love me?
Worn out and faded
The weakness starts to show
They’ve created the generation
That we know
Washed up and hated
The system moves to slow
They give us answers
To questions they don’t even know
Thinking to myself
That I have done something wrong
That I have crossed the line
Have you found out this time
I lead you to believe it's only you and me
Do you see it in my eyes?
Lyrics : Fenris Gylve Nagell
Let me be the salt in your wound
The flow of your mind has coagulated
( you're ) wishing somehow to bleed
for the cause that no one will- heed
confidence in illusions
bravery of the garish
honour of the despised
spawned from the cradle of unmight
pathetic distression, path of anger
your insignifiance drowned by respect
currently ( you're ) confident - aging in embarassment
your future ( is ) deleted, bathe in disgrace
confidence in illusions
bravery of the garish
honour of the despised
spawned from the cradle of unmight
Le Sang des AncÉtres me sera versÈ,
Afin de donner Vie Þ un Funeste Futur.
C'est dans l'obscuritÈ que la LumiÕre surgit,
C'est dans la Noirceur que l'Ame subsiste.
Ouvre les Yeux, afin qu'Þ jamais
Sa LumiÕre te mÕne au bout du Chemin.
Ouvre les Yeux, afin qu'Èternellement
Tu puisses lire Þ travers leurs Mensonges.
Il te faudra laisser la Vie derriÕre toi,
Ne croire qu'en toi et qu'en l'Eternel.
Pourquoi se satisfaire de l'EphÈmÕre
Alors que l'immortalitÈ t'est offerte?
Heures perdues, Larmes amers,
S'arreter juste pour contempler
L'Eternel et tant de MystÕres.
Tant de questions sans rÈponse,
Tant de Regards noyÈs dans ces Mers.
Tomber Þ genou et mÈditer
Sur les alÈas d'une Vie qui n'est pas la mienne.
O Pere , O viens reprendre tes Enfants!
Ils t'ont servi, ils t'ont compris.
Il me reste une ÈternitÈ a vivre
Au sein de cette HumanitÈ que je maudis,
Et l'Espace est trop grand pour se contenter
De se laisser porter par leurs Mensonges.
La Vie n'est qu'un RÉve et elle doit le rester.
Nous sommes le Vent glacial qui souffle sur la Plaine,
La Lune Noire qui t'obsÕde et qui t'effraie.
Nous ne sommes qu'un et LÈgion Þ la fois.
Le Feu consumera les tiens ainsi que ton Monde absurde
Car on ne peut empÉcher le Vent qui souffle sur la Plaine.
Guide-nous vers les DÈdales,
Que ta LumiÕre nous mÕne Þ ton Royaume, Þ notre TrÒne.
Que notre Repos soit Eternel,
Que ton RÕgne soit fait sur Terre, comme au Enfers.
O FrÕre, rejoins notre ArmÈe de LÈgion
Pour qu'ensemble, notre Mort, nous la construisions.
O Lucifer, viens Þ tes FidÕles,
C'est toi que nous invoquons.
Seule une Elite sera entendre et comprendre
Les Secrets, les MystÕres, les Blessures de l'Ame,
Pour que jamais plus, son Destin ne soit DÈrisoire,
Pour que jamais plus ne se consume la Flamme.
O PÕre, viens reprendre tes Enfants,
Ils ton servi, ils t'ont compris.
O Lucifer, viens punir ces Mourants,
Lyrics : Vicomte Vampyr Arkames
Ready for a near death-experience-
Spiritual transition
Physical atraction
Conciousness abolition
Sexual perversion
Emotional abstraction
(slow) killing depression
Amphetamine logic
(this is) a monumental dementia
I want you to be the only one
to be down in a hole
to destroy this empty world
or to leave this filthy planet
Darkness is a gift, feel it inside of you
Darkness is a gift, feel me inside of you-
Take it or do it but
Leave this fucking planet !
Take it or do it now !
(feel the devil inside)
Before leaving this fucking planet
Destroy it again and again and again and again
Before escaping this christian world
Destroy it again ! again !
Before leaving- this fucking planet
Destroy it again and again and again and again!
Before burning this holy world
Leave it-now!
Take it or do it but
Leave this fucking planet !
Take it or do it now !
Comme un Soleil perdu dans l'Univers,
J'Èclaire vos Vies, brØle vos ámes.
Mon Èclat sera immense et pourtant ÈphÈmÕre:
Le Temps sera alors venu de m'Èteindre en Souffle Sanguinaire.
Ainsi je me cristalliserai en une ètoile,
DiscrÕte, Pure, comme les plus Belles toiles,
Perdue Þ jamais dans l'Univers
Je rejoindrai alors tous mes FrÕres.
D'autres porteront alors le Flambeau
Et vos Yeux Èblouis de nouveau
Pleureront en regardant le Ciel si beau,
Dans lequel luit en moi l'image du Chaos.
La Froide Nuit, alors tombÈe,
Elle observe dÈsespÈrÈment le Ciel...
Elle ne dÈsire et n'envie.
Soudainement, elle se tourne vers l'HumanitÈ,
Silencieuse et perdue dans ces RÉves,
Elle comprend alors que le Monde devrait changer
...Vers une Nouvelle õre.
Les blessures de l'Áme sont Èternelles.
Aucun repos ne sera accordÈ, o pauvres mortels!
Mourir sera ton seul honneur, si avant de partir ,
Lyrics : Vicomte Vampyr Arkames
J'ai rencontrÈ Dieu
Il me ressemble
Il m'a cÈdÈ sa place
Pour Étre Dieu.
Oh ! Il vous hait
Comme je vous hais
Et ne souhaite
Que votre mort !
(elle dit)
" J'ai convoitÈ Vampyr
Car j'aimais Dieu.
Il m'a voulu sienne
Ou peut-Étre- bien morte-
Je suis damnÈe Þ jamais car
De la transe Þ l'extase,
J'ai cru en la bontÈ divine
Et Dieu ne souhaite- que.. ma-Mort ! "
Renie maintenant et Þ jamais ton Dieu !
Implore celui qui conquit les cieux !
Renie maintenant et Þ jamais ton Dieu !
Implore !
Metall Zerreisst
den Leib Christi !
J'ai -
-rencontrÈ Dieu
Il me ressemble
Il m'a cÈdÈ sa place
Pour Étre Dieu.
Metall Zerreisst
Lyrics : Vicomte Vampyr Arkames
La Lame s'imprÕgne de tout mon Etre,
Le Tourment s'empare des ruines de ma Conscience
Entaille Veine aprÕs Veine,
Que l'on se dÈlecte du Poison Maudit.
LacÕre Encore et Encore
L'ignoble certitude paradisiaque
Qu'en ton Ame siÕge Èternellement
Les SÈvices de l'extrÉme Extase.
Les plaies ouvertes sont notre MÈmoire
Ce qui nous rappelle le Pacte signÈ,
Immense rÕgne de mes DÈraisons spatiales.
Je veux voir le Sang se rÈpandre
Se mÈlanger Þ l'essence de la vie
Et convertir l'Étre humain en PoussiÕre
Afin qu'il se repentisse Þ tout jamais
Et s'oublie dans les constellations de ma DÈmesure.
Le reflet de la Lame Èclaire son Esprit,
Guide l'empire des Sens vers l'extrÉme Jouissance.
Le Sang du Saint est souillÈ Þ jamais
Et les Stigmates de sa Foi sont
Sentir en soi
La division de l'esprit et du Corps
En un Schisme d'une tout autre dimension.
Deviner en soi
Le mÈlange du Bien et du Mal
Comme humilier la lumiÕre par cet Ètrange NÈant.
A jamais, l'union sera consommÈe dans le
sang libÈratoire...
Le BlasphÕme est un Devoir,
Majestueux tel un Art.
LacÕre Veine aprÕs Veine,
Entaille encore et encore.
LacÕre Veine aprÕs Veine,
Magique QuiÈtude qui m'envahit,
Me traÍne aux Portes du Repos èternel;
Comme le Calme avant la TempÉte,
Tu masques le Feu qui me dÈvore
Depuis tant d'annÈes, pour tant de SiÕcles.
EmmÕnes-moi lÞ oÛ le brasier illumine le Ciel,
Embrase mon áme comme tu l'as si souvent fait.
Je vois dans tes Yeux, leurs èdifices se consumer
Par tes Flammes, chaque Nuits, un peu plus...
Le passÈ est restÈ gravÈ Þ tout jamais
Et le souvenir du BØcher reste entier.
Notre Vengeance fera ses oeuvres
N'oublie pas : par le Feu, notre pouvoir sera.
L'extase ÈphÈmÕre de cette Drogue ne peut faire totalement oublier
Le Bruit des Armes, l'Odeur du Sang !
Le LevÈ du Soleil sera le Signe
Que les Hordes Noires s'Èlancent
Vers ceux qui n'ont que trop oubliÈ
Le Bruit des Armes, l'Odeur du Sang!
Le Temps de la Revanche est arrivÈ
Et Þ jamais je serais le Funeste Empereur
D'une Obscure ArmÈe, avide de Sang,
Qui fera rÈgner Violence et Terreur,
SymbolisÈ par la Croix et le Serpent.
De Dominations en Dominations
Je dÈchirerai les ámes et les coeurs.
Je verserai le Sang Þ profusion
Afin qu'au fond de leur Malheur,
Ils implorent le Sinistre Empereur,
Qu'il leur accorde une derniÕre faveur.
La Mort, je leur aurais alors interdit
Car la terrible Souffrance subsiste dans la Vie.
Mon Nom sera Þ jamais dans leur esprit gravÈ
Alors que ma Vengeance n'aura qu'Þ peine commencÈe.
L'Aigle du Mal prend son envol
Make a wish on a silver sun
A day like this can't be wasted
Make a wish don't tell anyone
Cool this temper with laughter
Daylight comes crashing in
Time is of short supply
The wind streams through broken rooms
Underneath darkness lies
From this fear there may come light
Stretch me out over this divide
Make a wish on a silver sun
When it comes, it comes
Make a wish on a silver sun
A day like this can't be wasted
Make a wish don't tell anyone
Cool this temper with laughter
Daylight comes crashing in
Time is of short supply
The wind streams through broken rooms
Underneath darkness lies
From this fear there may come light
Stretch me out over this divide
Make a wish on a silver sun
What I find, I know is mine
It describes, feels at times
Heave a sigh, open wide
A disguise to fuel the fight
Things you say can make my day
But you've paid to be this way
A real fake but not betrayed
In construction, I'll honor your soul
Laid down, something more beautiful
I'm tempted to rewrite it all
This time I know I'm going
In straight lines to bad lands
I'm leaving nothing to chance
Courageous mind, my left hand
Reaches for you I'm holding
On for dear life, cut from old cloth
Tarred by the same brush
As I sit here in the window of third
For the first time I feel I wont fall
In straight lines to bad lands
I'm leaving nothing to chance
Courageous mind, my left hand
Reaches for you I'm holding
I believe in
I believe in when
I believe in
Same old story in time for a warning
I'm gonna turn around, you'll be gone
A nice little goodbye, songbird unheard
Your precious light will shine
Don't make me wait, now that I have come of age
Stranger today, your precious light will come my way
I was not in for much, may be lost but I've been touched
Watch over me, let me be
Now's the time to lose yourself
Now's the time to lose yourself
Same old story in time for a warning
I'm gonna turn around, you'll be gone
A nice little goodbye, songbird unheard
Your precious light will shine
Don't make me wait, now that I have come of age
Stranger today, your precious light will come my way
I was not in for much, may be lost but I've been touched
Watch over me, let me be
Now's the time to lose yourself
Don't start now that you've recovered
Words slip out when you don't want to
Comment on the situation
Round up then some
Do what leads to your destruction
Commit yourself before your actions
Dictate all future affairs
Can't stand the sight of this disrepair
Don't think that I'll be here most any day
You give me no reason I find it a strain
(Don't pull me over)
In my own way, I dream we're safe
Can't stop natural disasters
To walk on or fall down
It's ours but not in the same way
Our rights failed me
Follow or lead by example
I hope we're safe
Do what leads to your destruction
Commit yourself before your actions
Dictate all future affairs
Can't stand the sight of this disrepair
Don't think that I'll be here most any day
You give me no reason I find it a strain
(Don't pull me over)
In my own way, I dream we're safe
I'll start by picking everything apart
Oh this is such a curs
To me you live a total fantasy
Timeless favor, there might be strings tied
Speeches, restless interrogation
There lies on streets, lie there with me
Catching fever, I don't think of life as obsolete
Jealous, fertile, cut from the safety of this life
These faces, I've walked in place
At which point I'll ignore
A motiveless crime
A motiveless crime
A motiveless crime
I've witnessed
Timeless favor, there might be strings attached
Catching fever, I don't think of life as out of reach
A motiveless crime
A motiveless crime
A motiveless crime
Senseless seeings
Realized beings
Watch me, around here
A square there but be near
What you are is measured in ways
I can't explain
Not always at times that you may
Need explaining
Cuts through the air like
A bad light but not to spite
Hold up an old friend
And use him to mend these trends
Listen now, it's coming in loud
I can explain
It's just that I see what is plain
And you are safe
Mend these trends
Mend these trends
Mend these trends
Feed me something we'll go back to the start
Take pride of place understand our reasons
A photograph taken at the time
When confidence won't up and leave
So loosen your hold though you might be frightened
Release or be caught if this be the right thing
Unable by thought to look what the tide brings in
Look what the tide brings in
Feed me something we'll go back to the start
Take pride of place understand our reasons
A photograph taken at the time
When confidence won't up and leave
So loosen your hold though you might be frightened
Release or be caught if this be the right thing
Unable by thought to look what the tide brings in
Look what the tide brings in
So loosen your hold though you might be frightened
Release or be caught if this be the right thing
An angel lost its wings
Amongst the bags of things
Disclosed amounts of greed
Creep in daily
And though naive at first
You must be quick to learn
It's not the words that hurt
So save them
Memories meant for me
Take all the time in the world
All the time you deserve
You'll be lost but you'll be free
Now that luck is found
Our feet won't touch the ground
Might not be first in line
Still we stand by
Cut like broken glass
Leaves splinters in our path
Been guided by your thoughts
So hold that
Memories meant for me
Take all the time in the world
All the time you deserve
You'll be lost but you'll be free
Take all the time in the world
All the time you deserve
You'll be lost but you'll be free
I won't guess forever
Given chance is slender
Forgive this fragile day
And fail to capture thoughts
The restless side has gone away
Breath out
Never forget this fragile day
Each and every day
Colours in waves
Love and nights cause sparks
Tearing us apart
Street lights fading, cuts my heart
Knowing that the time is past
Comes in waves that don't belong
To me they're silent
Fall back on what you've done
I'll be the only one
These colours before my eyes
I'll be forever colorblind
Each and every day
Colours in waves
Love and nights cause sparks
Tearing us apart
Street lights fading, cuts my heart
Knowing that the time is past
Comes in waves that don't belong
To me they're silent
Fall back on what you've done
I'll be the only one
These colours before my eyes
I'll be forever colorblind
See me, feel my breath cloud your window
Raindrops peel the dust from my skin
Hear me call your name through the damp pane
Wind blows, but the end won't begin
Eyes glow and pretend not to notice, a
Hearth burns but your tea has gone cold
Lies flow and an anvil lies waiting
Sorrows and a soul have been sold
One step further: one step too far
Won't step further, stay where you are
One eye sheds a tear in the night's shade
But I turn around and forget
To watch for it hitting the pavement
My fate lies no more tears ahead
Leave me, let me run from this place and, hey there,
Keep your distance, your's no disgrace, but stay there
Sleep your slumber in your dream maze, your saviour
Left his transfixed pose and repays now fate's stare
One step further: onestep too far
Won't step further, stay where you are
One step further is where we are
Close the door and switch on the light, believe me
I am gonna go on a ride to take me
One step further: onestep too far
Won't step further, stay where you are
One step further is where we
Unseen fetters clink to the ground, a weight falls
Now I'm searching for what I found, the road calls
Leave behind me sloth and despair, the sky grows
Sunrise hits my feet at the ground, still wind blows
One step further: onestep too far
Won't step further, stay where you are
One step further is where we are
Once we lived our life in a song
There was a time when we knew what was wrong
We were young and true in our heart
But there's a fork where we all have to part,
Launch a new start
Our cause, your cause, we shared a dream
But our commom feelings burst at the seams
Felt the time begin dragging by
Towering Tension grew to crack the sky
Stay where you are, our choice
One step too far, your voice
Drowns in the stars, my friends
We're heading past the end
We found a place where we do belong
Took a step, moved out of the throng
Left behind what we had to pass,
All was fine as long as it did last, but
Stay where you are, our choice
One step too far, your voice
Drowns in the stars, my friends
We're heading past the end
Touch me, hold me, put your hand in mine
Help me to forget
Feel me, keep me safe at your shoulder
Rock me to sweet dreams
Stay where you are, our choice
One step too far, your voice
Drowns in the stars, my friends
the flashlight shot right through your flickering heart
people's movements round you fall apart
cackle out an ooze of sweat and laughter
spin faster
learn your eyes' distress from quietening gazes
find your swift ignition flare amazement
a gutter ballroom to your feet
like raw meat
they move slowly - how they bore me, live so slowly
phosphor drowns in cigarettes breathless smoke
the prince of tuesday nights he spoils his joke
tickle fancies till they scream in rapture
i could never share your world
suddenly it's too absurd
sometimes even dance can limp
sometimes your diction's stumbleing
your footsteps never kiss the cancelled rhythms
so here inside me it's all very quiet
drifting like the wind in my scorched hair
shifting like the winter through bald trees
all my life i am tonight
growing like a cramp in your right hand
thriving like the winter's divorced land
frustration leads to knowledgs
burn your laughter mirthless
so here inside it's all right
ruthless like the needle in my eye
cutting deep like friends caught when they lie
raging gives you knowledgs
pack the stars up mirthless
the dancefloor cracks your bones and launches a laugh
the dust creeps in your lungs and stutter coughs
your hand bursts open, hit by treacherous footsteps
you move slowly - how you bore me, live so slowly
Sleep, for now You still dare to,
Keep your eyes closed as you do,
Breathe, and feel how your heart beats
Peace won't last any longer than your
On, I have to go on,
don't turn around, run and keep my back
bent, 'cause it is on my heels
and its breath caressing me,
damp, so close and pressing me
faster, I have to go faster,
or it will be past me and I will be
passed, God, it is so fast,
my heart is of glass, how long will it
last? Knees that bend and hurt
and feet that burn and tread wet sand,
bleed and leave a fat shed trace,
shining, it's nostrils refining
upon a race dying in monstrous pace
What is it, a man or a beast?
Just why did it turn upon me?
A shadow, grotesque, incomplete
Its panting and croaking a spell
looming, tow'ring, weaving a cell,
for my thoughts in blistering hell
Go, a stumble, just go, a twig hanging low,
row row your boat,
no, the sun is still up there,
slow, growing filling the air,
Ho, Phoebus' reddening fair
Chariot, far from its lair, tear it, be fair,
just don't spare it, your glare a spear
My blood freezing while I haste on
Its smell oozing vile all along
Roasting my brain in milelong tongs
Lightening, frightening rages the gale
Thunder, under pressure not to fail
Blowing, glowing fire, the sky
Burning, churning arrow in your eye
Still, behind me a will, to blind me and kill,
a mind, just to
spill a life, to quench its thirst, still alive,
the prey, a curse fills the air, who pays, which purse
ringing, whose silver is singing,
who is the one bringing this chase to end?
Sins I repent, Tears, falling, die....
Path blurring, now steps falter, my
vengeance knocking at my gate
something less than scents of shades
drips from my hands and paints me pale
dragons waiting to exhale
am i really here?
pandora grins my blood to stone
gnaws her teeth into my throat
whilst guilt sneaks through the sullen air
wrath and sloth unfix your hair
am i really here?
just one glance from your eyes
blood on the floor
knives you spoke glide inside
and you want more
green and grey to black and white
swords forever in my side
red tears float in neonlight
makes the night a day too bright
am i really here?
autumnal leaves on barren land
castles built on poisoned sand
the dagger sparkles in your hand
nothing left here to defend
am i really here?
stains of fear sweep my pride
a lock on the door
all run out, turning tide
still you want more
beautiful memories still in my head
daisies and roses, needle and threat
all ripped off me
days in the woods, nights in lakes
magic books, going out late
all ripped off me
expressions that wait for signs of my fear
assassins to kill on verdict of weakness
better than i
satanic sadism looms back from your eyes
demons besmear your lips with their lies
better than i
just one glance at your eyes
blood on the floor
all run out, turning tide
still you want more
feel me bleed deep inside
crimson drips reflect your eyes
all run out, turning tide
hit the ground, end my flight
promise the world and give what you gain
virgins to vamps and killers to saint
greed in your eye
apathy yawns, movement dies
so much truth behind your lies
no more princess, shining knight
blame and guilt form your spotlight
am i really here?
vengeance knocking at my gate
something red as nereus' fate
drips through your clothes and paints me pale
horror grows, but tears still fail
Footsteps tear the cobwebs of a night
Heartbeats fade in skin-distorted black light
Read closed eyes and sew your lies to evermore
If is Why and whispers cry your wounded core, a verbal
Your truth is burning in your eyes, your nouns distract
my name
Verbs creep craving, adjectives crack echoes of your
Creeds of passion form your ache in crooked rhyme
Scorching breath pales pictures fading into skies
Stars your mirrors, black as silver, borrowed life
Phrase-poised rivers, floating shivers, sharpened
Our eloquence dried-up
The vivid sentences cut
Disguise the inner rot
Discuss the final
keep it inside, reap it inside, rip off the mortal pain
(Read it from my face) your changes faint to same
(Seal it in your gaze) you die of what you´ve gained
(Stunningly amazed) my coldness drowns your aim
(Defeated and erased) your shot words lose the game
Deserts sigh in mourning as they swell
Rocks forbid the last infectious yell
Crusted bloodstreams underneath the silent sand
You fill the sky with your breath tonight
though your chemical brain is still sleepy
Life rests in your pocket,
don't think stains on the mirror deceive me
Sometimes I forget who you were
when you tell me your heartbeat is silence
You stare at me with your empty eye
and i can't find a line left in your hand
Years just slip away when I look out in your face
Did you look my way when I reached out for your gaze?
You light your life to ashes
that will never know Phoenix again
Thoroughly draw your life lines
- it's the ghost in the mirror you ban
A nosebleed, are you thirsty?
Feel the heat dry the blood of your pain
Supersonic cyberlove, but your friends do not enter
your den
Old lies grin my way and you drift through your fantasy
Chalk revives your face when you cancel your legacy
Headaches float your days that will tell for your
Did you look my way when I reached for your self-
Proud we see low life leak now. Castaway left to devour
Ask for E to hit the crowd. Drown in dreams ever so
And you smirk at your denial. And you pray for suicide.
Smile your death, cut your breath tight.
Hold your head out into night
Long before the truth might drown your pillows
She sneaks into your headaches through your closed eyes
Forgotten and bored, your hearbeats left your life
Shivering as the northwinds through the night
Write it on your bedroom walls: Loving launches lies
All your plans piled broken on the unwiped floor
Your memories fainted in your veins, all those years
you died
All your kisses showing you the door
Keep them small, those changes at your doorstep
You can't deny what you came for
Breathe in deeply the nothingness your smile adores
But you can't deny what you came for
I won't stay and watch you suck your own blood out
A vampire that can't taste the juice of life
Wave goodbye to all those moving on
We'll think of you as someone almost remembered
See your friends give in
Sold for thoughts too thin
Laughter makes you fly
Laughter built of cries
I won't stay and help you blind your own eyes
Ashen in their caves like burnt-out fires
Wave goodbye to all those moving past your grave
We'll think of you as someone left behind
Keep them small, the changes at your doorstep
But I can't deny what you came for
Breathe in deeply the nothingness you're craving for
But I can't deny what you came for
Thunder on the Mountainside
Amongst spires of stone where shadows hide
The journeys been long and
Weariness only grows
Hollow and desolate
Our march of exile carries on
Spirit of the quest lives on
It is the strength to move beyond
Spirit of the quest lives on
A glimmer of hope in the darkest times
Adversity has no meaning
When the fire begins to roar
Life courses through a tired soul
Spirit of the quest lives on
It is the strength to move beyond
Spirit of the quest lives on