Fargo is a 1996 American dark comedy-crime film produced, directed and written by brothers Joel and Ethan Coen. It stars Frances McDormand as a pregnant police chief who investigates a series of homicides, William H. Macy as a car salesman who hires two criminals to kidnap his wife, Steve Buscemi and Peter Stormare as the criminals, and Harve Presnell as the salesman's father-in-law.
The film earned seven Academy Award nominations, winning two for Best Original Screenplay for the Coens and Best Actress in a Leading Role for McDormand. It also won the BAFTA Award and the Award for Best Director for Joel Coen at the 1996 Cannes Film Festival.
In 2006 it was deemed "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant" and inducted into the United States National Film Registry.
In the winter of 1987, Minneapolis automobile salesman Jerry Lundegaard (Macy) is in financial trouble. After being introduced to criminals Carl Showalter (Buscemi) and Gaear Grimsrud (Stormare) by Native American ex-convict Shep Proudfoot (Reevis), a mechanic at his dealership, Jerry travels to Fargo, North Dakota, and hires the two men to kidnap his wife Jean (Rudrüd) in exchange for a new car and half of the $80,000 ransom. However, Jerry intends to demand a much larger sum from his wealthy father-in-law, Wade Gustafson (Presnell), and keep most of the money for himself.
Faggot, faggot
they called as I walked down the street
faggot, faggot
your words don't mean shit to me
sick of your words sick of this town
if this is a fight i'm standing my ground
I can't believe this country is my home
stuck in fargo north dakota
fuck you, redneck fuck
the power behind your fist bespeaks the depth of your ignorance
booze and blood and sexual confusion
i remember everything
your smile your hands
and the strength that they had
blood on this floor and it will never come clean
faggot, faggotseething sound of your bigotry
forget, forget
the love of the god you're calling down on me
i'm tired of ignoring your threats
tired of the religion you pervert
take my freedom to exist for granted at home
won't make that mistake in north dakota
and when i walk your threat will be there and when i get up
your boot will be there
i've got your blood on my hands