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Scientific American Editor: Fox Told Me I Couldn't Talk About Climate Change


Michael Moyer appeared on "Fox & Friends" on Wednesday morning to talk about tech trends for the next decade. He tweeted that he suggested the number one trend for the future would be climate change impact but was told to choose another topic instead.

A recent study by the Union of Concerned Scientists found that while misinformation about climate change was more or less common among cable news channels, Fox News led the pack by airing misleading coverage 72 percent of the time. The network's denial of global warming has been a subject of late night mockery, from Jon Stewart to "Saturday Night Live."

The rest of Moyer's tweets from behind-the-scenes at "Fox & Friends" described an uncomfortable experience, including an assistant who told him the missing Malaysia Airlines jet was hidden on a military base somewhere:

TPM has reached out to Fox News for comment.

Image via Fox News