Latest news: Thursday, 28 August

A monster in their midst – Metro

Key and friends (guest piece by Matthew Hooton) – Metro

Significant fallout from Dirty Politics allegations – Scoop

Political Conduct Survey August 2014 – Horizon (PDF)

Cameron Slater lays police complaint –

Dirty Politics hacker ‘decent and ethical person’ – NZ Herald

More Dirty Politics revelations expected – One News

Candidates confident after poll surge – NZ Herald

Key continues to defend Collins-Slater relationship – Newstalk ZB


Leader’s debate: And the underdog is… –

Nicky Hager’s public meeting in Auckland last night – The Paepae

John Key stands by embattled Judith Collins – 3 News

Editorial: Why I respect Nicky Hager – Kapiti Independent

MP considers legal action against Nicky Hager –

Editorial: Politics in the abyss – Bay of Plenty Times

‘Trustworthy’ Conservatives get Dirty Politics boost – 3 News

Peters’ difficult decision – 3 News

‘Dirty Politics’ – the fallout continues – Frankly Speaking

Why hasn’t Collins resigned? – The Jackal

More tea, anyone? – The Timaru Herald

I think that most New Zealanders.. – The Standard


Latest news: Wednesday, 27 August

Collins forced to backtrack after saying she’d been cleared – NZ Herald

Greens’ complaint over Collins will not be investigated – 3 News

Collins clutching at straws: Greens – Radio NZ

The ‘Dirty Politics’ stories, where are we? – Pundit

Judith Collins raises doubts about which dimension she is in – The Standard

Shane Bradbrook – Te Reo Mārama was a direct threat to tobacco industry – Marae TV


Chief Ombudsmen to probe ministerial offices – NZ Herald

If this was Labour we’d be calling it a mess – Pundit

Judith Collins misinterprets privacy rulings –

We have reached a low point when innuendo trumps facts – Wangaui Chronicle

Political opinions of your aveage kiwi – Bella – Paul Henry Show

Collins too compromised to remain Justice Minister – Labour Party press release

Crusher Collins caught out lying about Privacy Commissioner – is this her last, last, last chance again? – The Daily Blog


English left spluttering over a question – The Southland Times

National warned over ‘rouge elements’ – Radio NZ

A rare concession from Judith Collins – Newstalk ZB

Collins stays confident about Papakura – Auckland Now



Latest news: Tuesday, 26 August

Anne Salmond: Royal commission needed to clean up dirty politics – NZ Herald

Cunliffe: Grubbiest election campaign yet –

Pike River families to stage silent protest for PM’s visit – One News

Failed National candidate wants rouge elements kicked out – Radio NZ

Dirty tricks stub out Maori tobacco campaign – Waatea News


Corin Dann: Dirty Politics should add spice to TV debate – One News

John Key takes campaign to the West Coast –

Barking up the wrong tree – Office of the Privacy Commissioner


Whale Oil features in Indian radio station legal case –

Key talks to Pike River families – Radio NZ

Plunket apologies over Gower ambush –

A ‘frosty reception’ for PM on West Coast today – Radio NZ

Editorial: Time to commit to clean politics – The Press


Key drops hint of tax cut as National gets campaign back on track – Radio NZ

Dirty pictures – The Standard

Polity: Hooton on Key on SIS: Bullshit! – The Standard

Editiorial: Bid to shift focus from mud to policy – The Dominion Post

Time will tell whether book should’ve been published – The Dominion Post


Latest news: Monday, 25 August

Dirty politics: New Zealand’s own House of Cards is collapsing – The Guardian

Vote Compass: Hager book impacts voting decisions – One News

Politicians and the media are going to the blogs – The Nelson Mail

Lusk seen as partner in grime –

Why the Secret Intelligence Service feeding Cameron Slater information is so very, very serious – The Daily Blog


Editorial: Dirty politics ruining election – NZ Herald

David Fisher: My history with Cameron Slater – NZ Herald

Peters calls for top-level inquiry into Hager allegations – Newstalk ZB

John Armstrong: PM resolves to harpoon ‘Whalegate‘ – NZ Herald

How Dirty Politics has changed NZ and placed all of us at risk – The Leading Edge Blog

Hager’s book continues to haunt – Otago Daily Times

Matthew Hooton on Nine to Noon – Radio NZ


PM’s nice-guy image gone forever – Waikato Times

Dotcom denies he’s behind the Whale Oil hacking – NZ Herald

Brent Edwards on Dirty Politics – Radio NZ

John Key ignores questions over Judith Collins – 3 News

Dirty Politics plague NZ election – Radio Adelaide

Dotcom ‘preparing legal action’ against blogger –

Just answer the questions John – The Standard


Call for Aaron Bhatnagar’s resignation for govt body – The Daily Blog

So who’s a ‘conspiracy theorist’ now? – Frankly Speaking

When privacy goes flying out the window – Waikato Times

Complacency issue has been dealt with – Manawatu Standard

Today in politics: Monday, August 25 – The Dominion Post

NZ election campaign tees off amid dirty tricks saga – Taipei Times

Slater, the Government and Hager: A false equivalence – Aotearoa Independent Media Centre