The Teenie Weenies was a comic strip created and illustrated by William Donahey that first appeared in 1914 in the Chicago Tribune and ran for over 50 years. It consisted of normal-size objects intermingled with tiny protagonists. The comic strip characters were two inches tall and lived under a rose bush. They lived with "real world" size materials made from discarded objects like hats, jars, barrels, kegs, and boxes - all of which were gigantic to them.
The strip was inspired by Palmer Cox's The Brownies and was done in the form of text with a single large picture. Unlike the Brownies where the text was written in verse, Donahey wrote in prose. The Teenie Weenies first appeared in black and white in the women's section of the Chicago Tribune on June 14, 1914. This first story was of the Top Hat house burning down. The comic strip ran as a one panel story with a picture until 1923. It then moved to the comics page as a strip cartoon. Color versions soon appeared in the magazine section of the newspaper printed in rotogravure.
I remember,
When you were the witch of Carnagus
But you were
And the flame was alive into you... into you...
Hidden so in your soul
Azrael didn't even know
When we are crossed our looks
An ancient fire inside us
The saving force is the love inside
The rising light from the darkness
The hidden ways of the great design
The rising light from the darkness
To the love
All is clear
We have found again a memory
We would have
Had to fight
You would have had to kill kill me...
But destiny was different
And all the chains have been broken
You have braved the ancient forces
Love has built the bridges for us
The saving force is the love inside
The rising light from the darkness
The hidden ways of the great design
The rising light from the darkness
solo : alex
The saving force is the love inside
The rising light from the darkness
The hidden ways of the great design
The rising light from the darkness
And the flame has blazed
And you are burnt
And risen from the ashes
Like a rising star
And you have become a legend
The Queen of the Sun
Goodbye my sweet Lady
Goodbye my Love...