
Learn Esperanto first: Tim Morley at TEDxGranta
Tim Morely thinks that every student should learn Esperanto. In this unexpected and persua...
published: 14 Apr 2012
author: TEDxTalks
Learn Esperanto first: Tim Morley at TEDxGranta
Learn Esperanto first: Tim Morley at TEDxGranta
Tim Morely thinks that every student should learn Esperanto. In this unexpected and persuasive talk, he makes the case that this supposedly archaic tongue ca...- published: 14 Apr 2012
- views: 18177
- author: TEDxTalks

Freundeskreis: Esperanto
Nine designers worked on the lavish mixture of styles for the Stuttgart band "Freundeskrei...
published: 20 Oct 2008
author: filmbilder
Freundeskreis: Esperanto
Freundeskreis: Esperanto
Nine designers worked on the lavish mixture of styles for the Stuttgart band "Freundeskreis" - producing a four-minute animation in a record-breaking two weeks.- published: 20 Oct 2008
- views: 1963777
- author: filmbilder

Esperanto: a rare but alive language
Esperanto: a rare but alive language France 24 report takes you today in the small town of...
published: 13 Aug 2013
author: FRANCE 24 English
Esperanto: a rare but alive language
Esperanto: a rare but alive language
Esperanto: a rare but alive language France 24 report takes you today in the small town of Saint-Martin-d'Arcé, where Esperantists from all around the world ...- published: 13 Aug 2013
- views: 84
- author: FRANCE 24 English

Esperanto - The most successful made-up language (The Feed)
Just hearing snippets of Richard and Kiah talking you'd be forgiven for thinking you were ...
published: 27 Nov 2013
Esperanto - The most successful made-up language (The Feed)
Esperanto - The most successful made-up language (The Feed)
Just hearing snippets of Richard and Kiah talking you'd be forgiven for thinking you were listening to a Spanish or German conversation. But if you listen closely you'll realise this language is somewhere in between. Richard and Kiah are part of a group of just a few hundred Australians who speak a made up language called Esperanto. Produced by Jeannette Francis. The Feed airs weeknights at 19:30 on SBS 2. You can also follow us on Twitter at @TheFeedSBS2, or 'LIKE' us on Facebook to stay in the loop.- published: 27 Nov 2013
- views: 1636

The One Show does Esperanto
Feature about Esperanto, from The One Show, 11th January 2010. Presented by Arthur Smith, ...
published: 12 Jan 2010
author: Tim Morley
The One Show does Esperanto
The One Show does Esperanto
Feature about Esperanto, from The One Show, 11th January 2010. Presented by Arthur Smith, features Tim Morley, and Terry & Anica Page. First broadcast on BBC...- published: 12 Jan 2010
- views: 60747
- author: Tim Morley

A Complete Grammar of Esperanto - Lesson 1 - Alphabet and Pronunciation
Ĝuu vian unuan Esperantan lecionon!
Enjoy your first Esperanto lesson!
Here you will le...
published: 02 Jan 2014
A Complete Grammar of Esperanto - Lesson 1 - Alphabet and Pronunciation
A Complete Grammar of Esperanto - Lesson 1 - Alphabet and Pronunciation
Ĝuu vian unuan Esperantan lecionon! - Enjoy your first Esperanto lesson! Here you will learn about the letters in the Esperanto alphabet and how to pronounce them.- published: 02 Jan 2014
- views: 28

Kuru - Original Esperanto Film
Tiu filmo estas mia lasta filmo por mia kurso ĉe universitato. Ĝi ne tuta plaĉas al mi, s...
published: 12 May 2014
Kuru - Original Esperanto Film
Kuru - Original Esperanto Film
Tiu filmo estas mia lasta filmo por mia kurso ĉe universitato. Ĝi ne tuta plaĉas al mi, sed ĝi estas bona. Bonvolu, rigardu kaj ĝu. This film is my last film for my course at university. It's not entirely pleasing to me, but it's alright. Please, watch and enjoy. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Topher-Talks/114094702103913 Twitter: @TopherTalksUK Blog: http://tophertalks.wordpress.com/- published: 12 May 2014
- views: 109

Esperanto para español hablantes - Lección 1
Es una lección, la introductoria, para generar interés en la lengua más fácil que jamás ex...
published: 11 Aug 2007
author: Franz Fortuny Loret de Mola
Esperanto para español hablantes - Lección 1
Esperanto para español hablantes - Lección 1
Es una lección, la introductoria, para generar interés en la lengua más fácil que jamás existió en la humanidad y que todos deberían de estar hablando ya hoy.- published: 11 Aug 2007
- views: 62824
- author: Franz Fortuny Loret de Mola

WIKITONGUES: Joshi speaking Esperanto
Saluton, mi nomiĝas Ĵoŝi kaj mi parolas al vi el Kalifornio, Usono. Mi eklernis esperanton...
published: 23 Dec 2013
WIKITONGUES: Joshi speaking Esperanto
WIKITONGUES: Joshi speaking Esperanto
Saluton, mi nomiĝas Ĵoŝi kaj mi parolas al vi el Kalifornio, Usono. Mi eklernis esperanton kiam mi havis dekkvar jarojn, do ĝis nun mi parolas ĝin dum preskaŭ naŭ jaroj. Laŭ mi, esperanto estas interesa lingvo pro tio ke ĝi estas tre juna, kaj havas tre novan, junan kultuton. Sed, mi ne pensas ke ĝi estas tute neŭtrala, tute egala, tute perfekta lingvo. Do, ne kredu je tiuj, kiuj diras ke ĝi estas la plejpleja, plejbona lingvo de la mondo. Male, ne kredu je tiuj, kiuj diras ke ĝi estas mortinta lingvo; ĝi ne estas mortinta, ĝi ja vivas. Nu pri mi...Nuntempe mi loĝas en eteta urbeto kun sesdek homoj. Mi laboras en la vendejo de miaj avoj. Antaŭ de tio mi loĝis en intenca komunumo kun kvardek homoj, kaj tie mi metilernantis kiel kapromelkisto kaj paŝtisto. Mi parolas la anglan denaske, kaj mi lernis ankaŭ la hispanan kaj usonan signo-lingvon. Do, kompreneble mi ŝatas lerni kaj studi lingvojn, kaj pro tio mi lernis esperanton. Nu, mi ne pensas kion diri plu, do, dankon pro aŭskulti min; espereble mi ne revidos la videon kaj vidas ke mi fuŝis multe pri la akuzativo. Ĝis! Hello, I'm Joshi and I'm speaking to you from California, USA. I started to learn Esperanto when I was fourteen, so up to now I have spoken it for about nine years. In my opinion, Esperanto is interesting because it is very young, and has a very new, young culture. But I don't think that it is a totally neutral, totally equal, totally perfect language. So, don't believe those who say that it is the absolute best language in the world. On the other hand, don't believe those who say that it is a dead language; it's not dead, it's definitely living. So, about me...Right now I live in a tiny town with sixty people. I work in my grandparents' shop. Before that I lived in an intentional community with fourty people, and there I interned as a goatmilker and herder. I speak English natively, and I have also learned Spanish and American Sign Language. So, understandably, I like to learn and study languages, and because of that I learned Esperanto. Well, I'm not thinking of what to say further, so, thanks for listening to me; hopefully I won't rewatch the video and see that I messed up alot with the accuastive [a running joke with Esperanto speakers]. Bye!- published: 23 Dec 2013
- views: 114

Next language mission: Benny coaches a monoglot to learn Esperanto!
Please subscribe to my other channel to follow this project:
published: 01 May 2014
Next language mission: Benny coaches a monoglot to learn Esperanto!
Next language mission: Benny coaches a monoglot to learn Esperanto!
Please subscribe to my other channel to follow this project: http://www.youtube.com/user/fluentinthreemonths?feature=sub_widget_1 Make sure to watch the video to see WHO I'll be coaching over the next 6 weeks. This mystery person will make a first appearance in the week-1 update ;) No comments about Japanese please. This video is about Esperanto. See my blog for updates from Japan and a conclusion to that project. Here's a link to the special Esperanto 6-Week Challenge. There will be a speech competition: one in person at the Polyglot Gathering and another online (top prize for each: a week-long vacation!). It just started yesterday, so anyone can still join: http://6wc.learnlangs.com/special- published: 01 May 2014
- views: 4072

Esperanto Basics 1
Welcome to Esperanto Basics - simplified - for English speakers.
The Esperanto language is...
published: 30 Apr 2014
Esperanto Basics 1
Esperanto Basics 1
Welcome to Esperanto Basics - simplified - for English speakers. The Esperanto language is quite easy to learn, as languages go, but like any other language you can't begin holding conversations in it until you have learned enough vocabulary. The intention of this series is to get around this barrier to language learning and allow the learner to begin right away not just reciting words or phrases, but practicing the formation and interpretation of phrases, right from the very first lesson. This first introduces the series and its method of taking advantage of an existing vocabulary to begin practicing Esperanto words and grammar right away, to facilitate further learning and better retention.- published: 30 Apr 2014
- views: 28

Can you speak Esperanto?
CNN's Monita Rajpal takes a look at the origins Esperanto and some of the world's most fam...
published: 29 Jul 2013
Can you speak Esperanto?
Can you speak Esperanto?
CNN's Monita Rajpal takes a look at the origins Esperanto and some of the world's most famous Esperantists.- published: 29 Jul 2013
- views: 14

Esperanto - Reportagem da Record Goiás
Reportagem da TV Record, em Goiás, sobre o idioma Esperanto, a Língua Internacional. Data ...
published: 15 Jan 2013
author: Fábio Santos
Esperanto - Reportagem da Record Goiás
Esperanto - Reportagem da Record Goiás
Reportagem da TV Record, em Goiás, sobre o idioma Esperanto, a Língua Internacional. Data da gravação: 29/11/12. Mais informações sobre o Esperanto, visite o...- published: 15 Jan 2013
- views: 2126
- author: Fábio Santos
Youtube results:

Benny & Lauren's plane, train & automobile travels: Week 3 of Esperanto learning
This last week was a pretty crazy one! We left Ireland by driving to the ferry port, getti...
published: 23 May 2014
Benny & Lauren's plane, train & automobile travels: Week 3 of Esperanto learning
Benny & Lauren's plane, train & automobile travels: Week 3 of Esperanto learning
This last week was a pretty crazy one! We left Ireland by driving to the ferry port, getting a ferry (with the car) across to Wales, driving to Manchester, flying from Manchester to Cherleroi, getting a train to Brussels, and then on to Bruges, and finally in AMSTERDAM. Wow! (By the way, if you are in Amsterdam and want to meet up, you have a choice of TWO different book signing and language learning discussion events to come along to that I'll be hosting - free to attend as always! One at 5:30pm next Thursday (29th) in Waterstones, and one at 7:30pm Tuesday June 3rd in ABC Treehouse. https://www.facebook.com/events/635499836497243/?ref=5 https://www.facebook.com/events/265084150335314/?ref=5 Click the links to sign-up and see you there!) To mix things up a little, I passed the commentary microphone over to Lauren this week! She prepared what she wanted to say and wrote it all out herself. I only glanced at it, so a few minor mistakes may have snuck through but you can hear how she is doing to use the language with a prepared script. You also get to see how we got around studying without Internet (since we rely on websites like Lernu/Memrise a lot), and see some funny moments in our interactions. Check it out and enjoy this week's fun update! Looking forward to your comments as always :)- published: 23 May 2014
- views: 2429

NASK - Nordamerika Somera Kursaro de Esperanto (1-a parto)
Ĉi tiu filmeto estas la 1-a parto de raporto pri NASK (Nordamerika Somera Kursaro de Esper...
published: 15 Mar 2014
NASK - Nordamerika Somera Kursaro de Esperanto (1-a parto)
NASK - Nordamerika Somera Kursaro de Esperanto (1-a parto)
Ĉi tiu filmeto estas la 1-a parto de raporto pri NASK (Nordamerika Somera Kursaro de Esperanto). Ĝi estis filmita je julio 2013, sed publikigita je marto 2014. Dankon pro la spektado. Ĝuu, komentu, kaj disvastigu! Aliajn kontaktojn de la reĝisoro de Globeto, vi trovas ĉe: www.fabinhomonteiro.com- published: 15 Mar 2014
- views: 1069

Lauren's Esperanto week 4: Chat in Esperanto
This week's video had Lauren and I chatting on camera! Since she still has a couple of wee...
published: 30 May 2014
Lauren's Esperanto week 4: Chat in Esperanto
Lauren's Esperanto week 4: Chat in Esperanto
This week's video had Lauren and I chatting on camera! Since she still has a couple of weeks left, rather than this being 100% spontaneous, I told Lauren some questions I'd like to ask her and she prepared her answers in advance and learned them off (so she isn't reading). This is important because many of these questions may be the kind that she is asked when she meets people and uses Esperanto with them in a few weeks. Check it out and don't forget to activate youtube subtitles!- published: 30 May 2014
- views: 2391