Sunken Ancient Egyptian City Discovered
FORBIDDEN ARCHEOLOGY 2: Ancient Alien Discoveries of Early Man
Ancient Knowledge
Ancient Egypt's Buildings Documentary
Lost Ancient High Technology Of Egypt Before The Pharaohs Part 1
Ancient Technology - The Most Advanced Technology we know - Rediscovered in modern times
Interpol - Ancient Ways (Official Audio)
Seven Wonders of the Ancient World - Discovery Channel Documentary
Life on Mars, Ancient Egypt and Atlantis Link - Artifacts - Mars - Earth Connection
Superior Technology of Ancient Egypt Civilization | Full Documentary
Four sisters in Ancient Rome - Ray Laurence
07/20. Discovery Channel: Ancient Warriors - Spartans
A bag full of symbolic folklore about werewolves, or, rather, their sexual connotation. Granny tells her granddaughter Rosaleen strange, disturbing tales about innocent maidens falling in love with handsome, heavily eyebrowed strangers with a smoldering look in their eyes; about sudden disappearances of spouses when the moon is round & the wolves are howling in the woods; about babies found inside stork eggs, in a stork nest high up a tree; etc., etc. Of course the story of Little Red Ridinghood is also present, with a very handsome he-wolf! (And of course this he-wolf consumes Grandmother, but 'consumes' Little Red Ridinghood). All the stories are somehow reducible to loss of innocence, and fear of/hunger for (a newly acquired sense of) sexuality; their Freudian character is mirrored in their dreamlike shapes. This movie is not really a horror movie; it's more a multiple tale about growing up into adolescence.
Keywords: 1700s, alternative-reality, ambiguity, animal, animal-in-title, battle-of-the-sexes, beast, bed, blind-man's-bluff-game, blood
Within the forests are strangers lying in wait for innocents . . . who stray from the path! [Australia Theatrical]
Where fairy stories meet horror stories [Australia Theatrical]
The desire... the fantasy... the nightmare
In the dead of the night, the beast is unleashed!
The Company of Wolves. They're all the company we keep. Even in our dreams.
Granny: Never stray from the path, never eat a windfall apple and never trust a man whose eyebrows meet in the middle.
Rosaleen: And that's all I'll tell you, cause that's all I know.
[last lines]::Rosaleen: Little girls, this seems to say / Never stop upon your way / Never trust a stranger friend / No-one knows how it will end / As you're pretty, so be wise / Wolves may lurk in every guise / Now as then, 'tis simple truth / Sweetest tongue has sharpest tooth.
Granny: Your only sister, all alone in the wood, and nobody there to save her. Poor little lamb.::Rosaleen: Why couldn't she save herself?
Rosaleen: And then they lived happily ever after?::Granny: Indeed they did not!
Mother: You pay too much attention to your granny. She knows a lot but she doesn't know everything. And if there's a beast in men, it meets its match in women too.
Rosaleen: [pushes him away as they near a kiss] Jesus, what big teeth you have!::Huntsman: [smiles deviously] All the better to eat you with.::[Rosaleen shoots his arm with a rifle making him scream and writhe in pain turning into a wolf]
Rosaleen: [hears wolves howl] Who's come to sing us carols, then?::Huntsman: Only my companions, darling. I love the company of wolves. Look out of the window and you'll see them.::Rosaleen: [does so] Poor creatures. It's freezing cold out there. No wonder they howl so.
Rosaleen: [after the huntsman turns into a wolf from being shot, tearfully] I'm sorry. I never knew a wolf could cry.
Amorous Boy's father: A daughter is one thing, a heifer is another!
In 1886, the gunman and gambler Tom Early returns to his homeland to settle down, but he is rejected by his community. He rides to his farm, where he finds that his wife Alice has recently died and his son Tom Early Jr., who disagrees with taking up arms, is working alone. The next morning, Tom rides into the town to buy supplies and sees Sam, the grocer, humiliating his employee Jo. At the same time the cattle lord Grimsell arrives in town with two gunfighters, Gunn and Blondie, and tells the Preacher that he will be crossing 20,000 head of cattle through their lands and their town. Although the preacher tries to explain that the people own the land, Grimsell is not interested in their rights. When Blondie sees Tom Early, he draws his gun but is shot by Tom, in self defense, and kills the gunman. He then invites Jo to work on the farm. While the Preacher wants to send an emissary to Laramie to bring the law to his town, Grimsell summons more than thirty gunfighters to work for him. When the emissary is murdered by Gunn, the naive Preacher organizes a posse to unsuccessfully fight against Grimsell. The farmers are ambushed and attacked and the survivors return to the town. But Tom Early decides to provoke a stampede and fight against Grimsell.
Keywords: ambush, based-on-novel, cattleman, christian, church, congregation, cowboy, cowboys-and-outlaws, duel, dynamite
FASTER THAN "THE FASTEST GUN ALIVE"! (original print ad - all caps)
He gave her a home when the town kicked her out! (original poster)
With rifle or pistol - he was the fastest deadliest shot of the western plains! (original poster)
The canyon pass dynamited by amazing strategy! Thousands of cattle in a frenzied stampede! Men and horse in the path of destruction! (original poster)
BLAZING WESTERN DRAMA OF GUNS AND GLORY! (original poster-all caps)
Sunken Ancient Egyptian City Discovered
FORBIDDEN ARCHEOLOGY 2: Ancient Alien Discoveries of Early Man
Ancient Knowledge
Ancient Egypt's Buildings Documentary
Lost Ancient High Technology Of Egypt Before The Pharaohs Part 1
Ancient Technology - The Most Advanced Technology we know - Rediscovered in modern times
Interpol - Ancient Ways (Official Audio)
Seven Wonders of the Ancient World - Discovery Channel Documentary
Life on Mars, Ancient Egypt and Atlantis Link - Artifacts - Mars - Earth Connection
Superior Technology of Ancient Egypt Civilization | Full Documentary
Four sisters in Ancient Rome - Ray Laurence
07/20. Discovery Channel: Ancient Warriors - Spartans
The History of Ancient Sex - Documentary [18+]
Temples and Religion in Ancient Egypt (ASTONISHING HISTORY DOCUMENTARY)
Documentary - ANCIENT MAN MADE TUNNELS - Underground Civilizations
Ancient Discoveries - The Antikythera Machine
Ancient Egypt: Medicine and History
MUST WATCH - Annunaki and Ancient Hidden Technology ( Nikola Tesla) - This will blow your mind
Ancient Space - Announcement Trailer
Ancient Drilling Technology - Mahabalipuram, India
25 Ancient Greek Cities that No Longer Exist or Are No Longer Greek
The Sphinx, Gobekli Tepe, Ancient Catastrophes - Dr. Robert Schoch
Ancient Discoveries Mega Structures Of The Deep -
Ancient computer
Ancient Aliens Season 7 Full Episode 2 The Tesla Experiment
Ancient sentinel fight
The Ancient Wild - Pastel (Instrumental)
The Ancient Wild - Faces
Dota 2: Ancient Apparition - Ice Blast kill
Ancient Button Metal Detecting With Deep Digger Dan Part 2, King of Scotland
Ancient Aliens Debunked, titulky - Vetřelci dálnověku odhalení
The Ancient Wild - Break Your Chains
[Android] Plants vs. Zombies 2 - Ancient Egypt Day 9
Natural Medicine - The Secrets of Ancient Medicine (TS Documentary)
Kate Wild of The Ancient Wild - Changing Wind
Ancient Egyptian Alien Contact-- 2010, Nibiru and Beyond
FULL Documentary UFO Sightings Global Elite Conceal Ancient Aliens! Jim Marrs Explains 201
Cut The Rope Time Travel - SeaSon 4 - Ancient Egypt 4.1-4.15
Into The Ancient World
Ancient Altar "Tidal" The Slidebar, Fullerton. 8-18-14
Clifford Mahooty- Ancient Native Practice of This Planet
ancient battles
[Engsub] Legend of the Ancient Sword full ep 11 part 4/4 ( CHINA)
An ancient legend
Real Ghost caught on tape Ancient burial grounds in England | Ghost caught on tape
Sex in the Ancient 18+
Ancient history is the study of the written past from the beginning of recorded human history to the Early Middle Ages. The span of recorded history is roughly 5,000 years, with Cuneiform script, the oldest discovered form of coherent writing, from the protoliterate period around the 30th century BC. This is the beginning of history, as opposed to prehistory, according to the definition used by most historians.
The term classical antiquity is often used to refer to history in the Old World from the beginning of recorded Greek history in 776 BC (First Olympiad). This roughly coincides with the traditional date of the founding of Rome in 753 BC, the beginning of the history of ancient Rome, and the beginning of the Archaic period in Ancient Greece. Although the ending date of ancient history is disputed, some Western scholars use the fall of the Western Roman Empire in 476 AD, the closure of the Platonic Academy in 529 AD, the death of the emperor Justinian I, the coming of Islam or the rise of Charlemagne as the end of ancient and Classical European history.
Nikola Tesla (Serbian Cyrillic: Никола Тесла; 10 July 1856 – 7 January 1943) was a Serbian-American inventor, physicist, mechanical engineer, electrical engineer, and futurist. He was an important contributor to the use of commercial electricity, and is best known for developing the modern alternating current (AC) electrical supply system. His many revolutionary developments in the field of electromagnetism in the late 19th and early 20th centuries were based on the theories of electromagnetic technology discovered by Michael Faraday. Tesla's patents and theoretical work also formed the basis of wireless communication and the radio.
Born in the village of Smiljan (now part of Gospić, present day Croatia), Tesla was a subject of the Austrian Empire by birth and later became an American citizen. Because of his 1894 demonstration of short range wireless communication through radio and as the eventual victor in the "War of Currents", he was widely respected as one of the greatest electrical engineers who worked in America. He pioneered modern electrical engineering and many of his discoveries were of groundbreaking importance. In the United States during this time, Tesla's fame rivaled that of any other inventor or scientist in history or popular culture. Tesla demonstrated wireless energy transfer to power electronic devices in 1891, and aspired to intercontinental wireless transmission of industrial power in his unfinished Wardenclyffe Tower project.
[Music & Lyrics : Aphazel]
awakening in another realm
in a distant time and place
beyond the known world
shricking voices calling out
to the neverending emptiness
a shining figure is coming out
of the sea of mist that now surrounds me
reveals a woman pale
yet blacker than the darkest night
with eyes of diamonds piercing through my soul
i'm your saving angel in black
surrender to my force
cause I am the only one
who hold they keys to your mind
the journey to the realm
of the mentally dead begins
in a twisted dimension
where the sky is forever bleeding
and the seas are burning with fury
like a dragons wrath
you're in the claws of death
sucking out your every force
your heart and soul have died
you now belong to my realm
beyond the realms of insanity
she rules the realm of the raptured minds
beyond the realms of insanity
Death herself had chosen me
To let me watch that gruesome scene
And she held me in her daunting hand
Amazed by that macabre view,
My heart begun to pulse
Galvanized by horrors that I saw
The battle was butchering and
The hordes were rising against each other
Saving nothing but death
The dust was rising up in the sky,
Dead bodies were lying on the ground,
A deadly mass of fierce warriors fighting
While the demons were prevailing
On the sons of god
They were tuning dirges saying: "DIE!!!
Meaningless creatures, slaves of the light
I will triumph for the the evil lives in me!"
A veil of flames war covering the field
The bloody battle reached its end
The ancient warriors got victory in hand
The Battle of battles was won!
Her Majesty, the wicked one, was staring at her enemy
Thunderstrucks resounding once again
The seven angels holding trumpets disappeared
god left the field beaten as the earth started to shake...
Night Of The Stygian Souls
Arcane yet so divine
Enthroned by stygian souls
The realm of burning darkness
Is now coming down!
Red storms of the blackest hell
Then a freezing starlit sky was seen
Hail! the blackest one!
Hail! and endure (his reign)
Hail! the fiery one!
Hail! the true king
The sky was set ablaze
As he revealed his wrath
The world was scorched by raining fire!
And the crimson sunset was seen
Like a sinking diamond into the bottomless sea
Never to return but to remain
A distant memory of an ancient time
The deity arose and cast a spell
The known universe was swallowed
He froze the sands of time
The world like a little ball
In his infinite halls, his timeless halls...!
Hail! the highest one!
Hail! and avail (his will)
Hail! the flaming force!
Hail! the final king
Feared, yet adored
(breathing) the cold air
(haunting) like nightmare
(feeding) frenzy bloodbath
(lurking) in shadows
(loving) a heartbeat
(quenching) a long lost lovely
Let me loose, I can't stop me
Need to feed, so hungry
Feels so good, but so thirsty
Hurts so bad, in my blood
(surrounded) by nightmare
(haunted) by night air
(feeding) frenzy blood bath
(lusting) hot pulse
(loving) the shadows
[Music & Lyrics: Aphazel]
prodigious forces of rage and entropy
buried in golden seas under lost horizons
a black hearted creature has now awakened
and begins to claim his ground
from the borden of the earth
secrets cames and rising
with dragon eyes of the deepest red
the patron deity on the fated land
reveals a hunger for vengeance and command
the lord of the northern sky regains control
god of storms hail
the ceaseless one hail
god of war hail
the final one hail
the gruesome creature was rising from the horizon
bringing forth his winds
nineteenth dynasty a roaring sky in fury
the storms now sing his name
the thunder god is back bringing forth
a vast force of ancient plagues
The final traces of the sun have been eradicated
as the earth has seen the coming
of our black domain
The lands are shrouded by the lunar shine
that now will be perpetual successor
of the radiance of the past
The world turns to black
Our army stands tall
Disposed to seat
Our final attack
Pathetic fear and apprehension fill
the hearts of the
feeble lambs once shielded by their decrepit reiuge
Their wretched shepherd has been devoured
by the savage wolves and
Now they realize their scoffing destiny has come
The world turns to black
Our army stands tall
Disposed to set
Our final attack
"I, the Svartalv, Supreme Female
Feel shame for your pityful human form
May your soul be purified
By my Deadly kiss of death!"
The world turns to black
Our army stands tall
In fury and hate
Watching the universe evaporate into aloof depths
As the realm of desolation unfolds itself to me
My existence now is mercurial
And my fate depends on the astral gods
"A place of loneliness and despair
Far away from the sun
Is where now you belong forever..."
The final doom still awaits me
And my future seems dreadfully dark
The storms from lower cosmos are rising
As the astral gods are awakening
Night after night I find myself
Trapped and lost in a world of solitude
Will I ever see another view?
Or will my essence be forever trapped?
In this corner of universe,
Innocent games of unwritten spells as a child,
animals are companions and mentors,
and the moon my night side mother.
No one understood them, few comprehend now!
She awoke with eyes of fire to a world demented by spinners
feeling, smelling, tasting all before her made her live.
Growing, walking, talking, power taking form,
ignoring all beneath her refusing to conform.
"My innocence was a time of feeling pleasure in the rain.
I learned from all creatures of instinct
the magic within joy and pain."
Now she swims to the watery depths of darkness unreachable by most.
Forever mocked by an angry mob like parasites on a new host,
for the one who strives to reveal all aspects of life is hated,
hunted, by those who fear themselves.
"By the time I was one with the moon and tide,
I was detested for not having banished my pride.
Being strong in my age of circle and seas
I raged against all on bended knees!"
Her fall is one of beauty revealing colors
undistributed by a storming sky.
With skill and patience learnt from Crane
she drips blood of her veins to bind what she claims,
power beyond wisdom, faces without names.
"My chance for smoke and mystery so close to earth am I.
My time is matched by wisdom and I am not afraid to die."
The crisp clean winds of the old man have come for her at last.
He loves her with his mighty heart and plans to take her fast.
Most run from old man winter for fear of growing cold.
So set in the reality that they have bought and sold,
not this grand lady she flies away with a smile.
You can hear her singing beyond a year and past a mile.
"My time has filled the circle.
The Sun's inside the moon.
My essence is free to breath,
as my body decays in a tomb."
Spring, fire. Summer, water. Autumn, Earth. Winter, Air.
Daughter, killer. Mother, blood. Wolf, salmon, deer, fox.
Pauper's princess. Christ's desire, Live, Evil!
Hail whole woman!
I was born in the sign of Racea
From lakes of fire I rose
Born in flames to unleash Armageddon
The powers of Hades are in my command
In this grisly night
I ride the realm of Erebus and Sheol
Across the skies my mark will be known
And the seven seas
Will turn to rabid fire beneath my feet
As the blackened worlds above are shrieking
"By destruction he will build his reign
For he is the one who was born in flames"
Through this stormy night
And over these blazing skies
I reign in genocide from my thrones above
I conflagration of cosmic dimensions
Will flare up the lands in apocalyptic rage
"The time has come, the earth is burning
On the first day of Gehenna
the shrieking winds shall be silent
and when a black sun hangs from a somber sky
Caine's sleeping children shall again arise
When antediluvians awake from eons of slumber
the strongest of us shall fall prey to their hunger
countless storms shall quake the earth
as the world turns icy cold
On the second day of Gehenna
our father shall return
and unite his wretched kindred
to the ebon throne of city Enoch
The vile culprits of diablerie
shall meet their deserved fate
to drink the scarlet tainted from the First-born
eating away their breathless bodies
And there shall be battle
Queen Lilith and me the bastard
fiendish legions ascending from the ground
And on the third day shall be silence
the next millennium antediluvians rule
but shall be borne a woman bearing lunar mark
Crestfallen voices from the past,
haunting me
She calls me from the land of the dead,
in twisted tongues
The bells I hear are so cold,
and so woeful
Still I start heading for the graves,
beyond the hills
"I've been waiting for you to come
I am dead to the world, but you know I am here"
At last I realize I can't evade her powers
She's got me mesmerized by her cries
"I want you to come to me!"
"I've been waiting for ages!"
From the land of the dead,
I've been summoned
Her voices telling me,
to join the other side
And as my sense fades away,
my visions transcend
Now I realize,
where I am going
2. Part I: The Curse
Black clouds fill the day sky
In the primitive lands of Nod
As the two sons of Adam offer up
Their gifts (of pride) to the one reigning high
A dark fate born by sacrificial fire
Caine: 'Oh, great father of my father
Whom thou banished from thy garden
Look down upon thy faithful servant
And accept my beloved brother.'
With tears of love the firstborn thrust
His sharpest scythe deep into Abel's heart
Rendering him lifeless but eternally
Prized in the mind of god as his body withered
In the scorching blaze
Caine: 'Oh, my dear brother
Forgive me for what I have done
But to the one almighty
A greater prize I have none.'
Adam: 'Caine, thou has broken my seal of absolute love
The crime thou'st committed meets not
The approval of him above
Forever shall you wonder in the lands beyond alone
And from this day forth I cannot call thee my own.'
Caine: 'Oh, father my great father
Why hast thou cursed me so?
Have I not done what thou asked for?
To the shadowed woods I cannot go.'
Adam: 'I can no longer endure thy sinful words
This greatly unmerciful deed hast done his wrong
I pray that thou find ways to repent
And as I was cast out so you shall be gone!'
Be gone!
Exiled, the firstborn rushes off to the obscure yet
Welcoming arms of Cimmerian darkness
For there he shall find great wisdom
And awaiting beneath the crescent moon lurks
The mother of magick...
Look at you, fastened by sheltering blanket.
Did you think I'd forget how sweet you taste,
nay my umbrageous heart still yearns for you,
and still to peruse your love is such a waste.
You lie there a vision of immaculate purity,
yet your eyes reveal the insatiable whore
and now I'll love sucking your vitality
with you, my pretty. I just want more.
First, I'll tear asunder thy mortal garments,
unmasking your pale delicate flesh,
then, I shall ravage your lovebroken body.
Sinking my teeth upon your tender breast.
Violently, I'll fuck your pernicious cunt,
while consuming the precious life-force,
thoroughly enjoying the sweet flavor.
I'll vampirize you, Natasha, with no remorse.
Until you shrivel into your casket,
"Alone in the darkness I can hear the sweetest voice
whispering words of surcease and I rejoiced!
Who would dare speak to one so condemned as I?
Do you know of my most wicked crime?"
"I'm known as Lilith, your fahter's first bride
Like you I'm cursed to dwell in the shadows of night."
"How can one survive here in the dark groves forlorn?
Without a sole companion or a friend of some form?"
"But there are many companions in my infinite kingdom.
Through magick and sorcery I've found my freedom."
"I was cold and she clothed me,
I starved and she fed me,
I was mournful yet she loved me.
I shed bloody tears and she made them
disappear she kissed away my fears.
Her powers I could see would forever
set me free I begged her to awake me.
Her blood, sweet as wine, as I drank
she would sigh then I closed my eyes.
Into the dark I fell and fell a deepest abyss
surrounded by obscurity a price for her gift.
Out from the frigid blackness came a radiant glimmering light
revealing the flaming archangel known as Michael"
"Cursed son of Adam, indeed His mercy is great
bow thy head and repent thine sins now before it's too late."
"Not by His grace but my own,
I choose to live with pride
your "merciful" God disgusts me
his Kingdom infested with lies."
"You sad irreverent fool have thee no shame?
Tou shall forever fear the light of the Living Flame."
"On the morning by silver wing Raphael came to me and said
Abel did firgive me not by his (forgiveness) but mine own
for darkness is my home.
I walk alone, my skin would burn by the sun's rays I learned
and the dawn had returned to earth below
I did run seeking shelter from the sun
the endless night of Caine had begun.
When I awoke, Uriel appeared
the reaper with black wings
but thrice denied his grace
(Her) Nights spent succumbing
to the brilliance of Blackeyes,
feeling the warm embrace of your hand,
memories like salt on a wound,
dominate my new found spirit land.
Seeking wisdom in the darkness hovering helplessly
around our pain crying with absence of real tears,
like a child born in vein.
I can no longer bear to watch you cradling my form.
Wrenching out bloody drops of desperation's futile storm.
Welcome to the Willothewisp my love. Deaths arduous game.
Mocking times insanity foreshadowing years of reign.
Oh my perfect princess, hard and cold as stone.
I shall trace your lips with crimson. I'll protect you;
they can't have you to bury, to leave me.
Slay all who dare touch my pretty doll,
it will be bloody paradise, a misanthropes ball.
I hear you and beseech you, find a way to understand.
Kill them for my body and be left with grains of sand.
Do not waste your life in vain,
protecting that which feels happiness nor pain.
Willothewisp my love, is forever now what be.
Willothewisp my darkened darling can not be taken away from thee.
I feel your essence all around me,
and see you dead on our floor.
Realize it would kill me to see you
dragged out like a rotting whore.
The dead are not theirs to take,
fuck their reality.I seek revenge.
Fuck their stupidity, your death will be avenged.
My princess is not their dead slave,
to tear apart and fit inside a holy lonesome grave.
Ahh! You torment me with endless worry.
A doll is what is left of me, to kill it, insanity!
Wake up live your life. Do not waste it in my name.
No! Why? Your body comforts me. Please understand.
It is a Willothewisp my love, but at least I would have command.
Help! Help! Ahh!
I can not take this, my heart was black to all but you,
and now you're dead. I need you in any form.
I want you. Separation is what permeates the fear of death.
Ahh! Ahh! Come back!
My essence is always with you.
Hovering over you and what was I
of my love and perfect self,
I never meant to die.
It's all right, do as you wish.
I want my body to be with you.
I see them coming, my pulse quickens, my long blade smiles.
Get away from her! Bastards, pawns!
Die, you are worth nothing, Die!!!
They are dead as well, now bags of worthless flesh.
How dare they try and take you, Ha! Ha! Ha! We are free together.
You shiver like a broken child before me,
clutching my cold hand wet with tears,
you kiss my hand and lips, and I feel nothing.
A presence looms about me, whispering like morning dew.
My perfect death doll princess, I stay here forever with you.
He has won my body, but now he is insane.
I reach out to dry his tears,
only to find I am like wind to rain.
Willothewisp is torture, deaths arguous game.
Text taken from Dante's "Inferno".
per me si va ne la citta dolente,
per me si va ne l'etterno dolore,
per me si va tra la perduta gente.
giustizia mosse il mio alto fattore;
fecemi la divina podestate
la somma sapienza e 'l primo amore.
dinanzi a me non fuor cose create
se non etterne, e io etterno duro.
lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate.
English translate:
through me you enter the woeful city,
through me you enter eternal grief,
through me you enter among the lost.
justice moved my high maker:
the divine power made me,
the supreme wisdom, and the primal love.
before me nothing was created
if not eternal, and eternal i endure.
Gaze into my broken eyes,
where laughter and sorrow collide.
Scattered are the pieces which time forgot.
See the cracked mirror walls,
emerald mist flowing down the halls.
Shattered pieces of a forgotten puzzle.
Feel the shaking of my room,
welcome to my most humble tomb.
Lay your head upon the crimson velvet pillow.
Relax as I tell you a tale
when lunacy reigned and madness prevailed.
Long nailed fingers run through silken hair.
Our poison tongues now dance,
wet with entrancing liquors.
We drown in burning ecstasy,
but you seek something more than this.
Tonight another looking glass will crack.
My promises too broken,
did you believe what I've spoken?
The echoes shall splinter your mind like they did mine.
Prepare my darling, for the nocturnal wedding.
Gaze into my broken eyes,
where a deranged love rises,
to greet your lovelorn flesh.
Hallucinating like undead shamans,
You feel the rapturous sting of first death
and collapse into lonely arms.
Look now with night piercing eyes,
not quite broken, but time shall remedy.
Lick my blood-soaked lips once more,
taste the stain of wondrous insanity.
The constant shrieking in your mind drives you crazy.
Yes, my darling, I can hear it too.
The answers you seek lie in the reflection.
Be still, allow the images to caress you,
here everything is upside down.
Cackling like undead hyenas,
you feel the boggling slap of dementia
and collapse into delighted arms.
My little pet, how foolish you've become.
Yesterday's sweet dedications of love
are part of an infantile dream fading fast.
You raise your vampyrie eyes to consume my heart.
But since it's been viciously torn apart,
you see, a time will fortunately come
when you realize our kind cannot stomach 'togetherness',
for love is but an arduous game mortals play.
So from this day you are mine,
[music by Aphazel, Lyrics by Grimm]
Eerily howling winds, hear the wolves cry. Cries of hunger, cries of hate. The ruler in the forest, below the red moon, hiding in shadows, under the golden forest crown. Eerily, howling winds [4 times]. In the deep dark woods of Norway, they were nowhere to be found. The Ancient wolf spirit gathered and howled. We are the true pagans, we shall always be, from our day forward, to eternity. Forward in the forest, the old man laughed and grinned, spitting forth agony. The red full moon. This is my ode to thee, Ancient ruler of my land. Eerily howling winds, hear the wolves cry. Cries of hunger, cries of hate. In the old Norwegian moon, I will see their red eyes, and I shall greet them, listen to their beauty songs. Eerily, howlings winds [4 times]
Keeper of the Talisman of miraculous, virtues and powers
Greedy alchemist with inhuman knowledge endowed
Chosen initiate guardian of the unknown grialic plants
Prepare the elixir for immortality and rebirth
Open the portal to the astral gates of science
Mental illumination drunk from the golden chalice
"Gaucuma, key to clairvoyance
Muchamor, shaman's mushroom with mystic visions of truth
Honda, for the sacred delirious healing rites
Ayakuasa, death liane of the sorcerers
Yage, to see through walls and rocks
Guanata, sweet coma to the journey of no return"
The secret of divinity lives in this spell
The laws of creation now in my hands
Nature speaks to me in her occult tongue
Reveals to me the keys of her sacred entity
Etherial energies, the principle of life
I am the only mortal with the solar eye...
"The third Eye!"
Little by little the spiral takes its form
[Music & Lyrics : Jesus Christ !]
up from grave
I come to break the spell
slept with corpses scraped
dry blood from veins
dark clouds above shadow hallow
deranged insane my hate my pain
her my footsteps taking your breath
feel my fingers gripping your neck
taste my fury dead and bury
don't you worry you're so pretty
the witch my love I come again to take you home
the witch that I care it's time again that we go home
draped in sheets of blood
so beautiful so beautiful my love
together again forever again
together again forever again
the witch you raised me from the dead
the witch that gave me blood again
the witch we are one again
together we begin again
the witch you raised me from the dead
the witch that gave me blood again
the witch we are one again
the witch again
[Music: Aphazel - Lyrics: GroM]
by foreign shores we tread our way
no clue of what's beyond
a lurking threat unknown to man
an ancient force of prey
through time and space we travel on
our curious natures grow
an evil dark and frightening place
where no man should dare to go
ave aquevale for the neptune towers subside
we unlock doors unprepared
to face the horrors far beyond
as feeble speaks of dust
we boldly linger on and on
our souls will burn with flames so high
and vanquished we will be
for we are merely strangers
in this void of misery
cruched and butchered drained and slayed
our souls forever scream
engulfed and severed, tortured and maimed
with no hope to be free
anghuishly crying no able of dying
a curse no one can tell
forever standed and abandoned
our souls will burn in hell
liberate tute meex infernis
we hear our cries we know our lies
the punishment is due
beware and fear that which is near
and face the world's demise demise
so far yet close this hidden evil
a scythe reaping souls
a breading unportrayable death
will swallow all mankind
we have not seen the face of death
and hell is just a word
the truth is far much worse and vile
our existence too absurd
the fatal verge of no return
now breached beyond restraint
how many times must our souls cry
before we finally learn
we face what power is out of reach
until we crash and burn
a warning's given us
remain on our home soil
for furious proxima centauri
will shred this mortal coil
shred this coil
Into the abyss I'll fall - the eye of Horus
Into the eyes of the night - watching me go
Green is the cat's eye that glows - in this temple
Enter the risen Osiris - risen again
Tell me why I had to be a powerslave
I don't wanna die, I'm a god,
why can't I live on?
When the Life Giver dies,
all around is laid to waste
And in my last hour,
I'm a slave to the power of death
When I was living this lie - fear was my game
People would worship and fall-drop to their knees
So bring me the blood and red wine
for the one to succeed me
For he is a man and a god
and he will die too.
Now I am cold but a ghost lives in my veins
Silent the terror that reigned - maarbled in stone
Shell of a man God preserved - a thousand ages
But open the gates of my hell
Alright now!
Won't you listen?
When I first met you didn't realize
I can't forget you or your surprise
You introduced me to my mind
And left me wanting you and your kind
I love you. Oh you know it
My life was empty forever on a down
Until you took me showed me around
My life is free now, my life is clear
I love you sweet leaf - though you can't hear
Come on now - try it out
Straight people don't know what you're about
They put you down and shut you out
You gave to me a new belief
[Music & Lyrics : Jesus Christ !]
a constant itch will remain on your face
you must eat your own head and spit into space
it crawls in your skin and into your spin
you must dig in your guts and rip out the lines
one with no head he sits by your side
twitching his fingers and rubbing his tights
a pool of blood you're full of blood
the taste of blood the waste of blood
always talking just speaking the lines
ignoring emotions confusing the signs
Satan's children rise from your knees
believing the lies are hard to conceive
making the ways and issuing souls
spit in the face of those who have tolls
what do you see and where do you go
what do you know and what can you show
vengeance comes and violence goes
give them a piece of iron man woes
hail to the fury hail to below
hail to the horned one the goat that knows
Satan's children looks like a goat
Satan's child fly like a dove
Satan's children run thru the woods
Satan's child all around me
Satan's children looks like a wolf
Satan's child swim in the sea
Satan's children crawl in their web
Satan's child is like me
Satan's children looks like a goat
Satan's child fly like a dove
Satan's children run thru the woods
Satan's child all around me
Satan's children looks like a wolf
Satan's child swim in the sea
Satan's children crawl in their web
[Music & Lyrics : Jesus Christ !]
deceased not dead my fire burns
procession of my rotting worms
heads in hand and silent moans
rotting cloth remains on bones
furious yet I ride with ease
grand invisions of crushing knees
rolling boulders the sound of thunder
soldiers rot they come from under
hear the scream it's time to die
we ride the sea and glide the sky
feel the cold rise your feet
our silhouette is black and bleak
severed limbs you felt no slash
mouths are gaping dripping ash
brain is dead you look so old
hands are numb your face is cold
eyes of the dead eyes of the dead
eyes of the dead
crusted black putrid face
all are dead the rats in place
fingers crawl in searching birth
all around is dripping earth
hear the scream it's time to die
we ride the sea and glide the sky
feel the cold rise your feet
our silhouette is black and bleak
severed limbs you felt no slash
mouths are gaping dripping ash
brain is dead you look so old
[Music: Jesus Christ !]
[instrumental with samplers]
[Music: Aphazel / GroM - Lyrics: Aphazel]
another perilous ride through the underworld
another fiery night in the heart of hell
another battle against the blinding light
another chance to slay and burn
the weak defender of the sun
you weak defender
out of the darkness perpetual
the serpent god threatens
the cosmic order
you ride through my lands
unaware of the powers here within
I tell you beware
cause a gruesome doom awaits you
one dreary night with universe in hand
you'll see me strike and swallow
you ghastly light
Oh It's Halloween
Every Night To Me Is Halloween
Like An Ancient Scene
You Know Just What I Mean
Halloween You Are My Pride
Halloween Not Just A Dream
The Moon Is Full, Another Perfect Day Has Began
Like A Demon's Eye, That Devil's Eye
Will We Ever Die
Solo: Mike
Halloween You Are My Pride
Halloween Not Just A Dream
Solo: Andy
Every Night Will Be Another Evil Scene
Like In Horror Dreams I Want
I Command You To Scream
Halloween You Are My Pride
Halloween Not Just A Dream
Black Face, White hands, Bloody Tears
White Face, Bloody Hands, Holy Eyes
Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die
Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die
I'll Rape Your Thoughtless Mind
I'll Taste Your Bleached White Soul
Bleed, You Foolish Heart
And Sterilize Your Tainted Seed
Help To Die The Plague Is You
Time, Time Join Me And Tear Them All To Shreds
You're Gone Dead But Still Here
A Lifeless Stare That No One Can Save
I Am God, God Of Your World
Holy Hell, You'd Better Obey
Hail Furor Hail
Their Life Bewilders Me
Hail Furor Hail
Only Once Make Them Think Like Me
Die Bastard Die
You Fucked Up Yourself, Stay Away From Me
Die Fucker Die
You Gave Up Your Life, Dont Cry To Me
Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die
Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die
I'll Rape Your Thoughtless Mind
I'll Taste Your Bleached White Soul
Bleed, You Foolish Heart
And Sterilize Your Tainted Seed
Kill For Me
Bleed For Me
Suffer For Me
Worship Me
Alone and freezing
Another bleak and rainy night
holds you captured here
Pondering and searching for sense
Why he left for the other side
Eyes, now from the past
Burn your mind, so fast
That which is somewhat dead
May still reach out
Scared, and assailed by the dead,
The spirit of the one, appears again
I am still bleeding!
The sands of time, are killing me again
Night visit!
From far beyond
Tonight he will visit!
And turn your life around
"Unwake, you will meet me again"
"I will go through the tunnel"
"If you let me enter, I will return"
"But shut me out in fear,
and your soul will BURN!"
I am still bleeding!
My soul is still alive!
Night visit!
From far beyond
Tonight he will visit!
And there's no way around
Tonight he will visit
He'll leave his hole,
How deep is your sleep?
That I may not interrupt your turbulent dreams?
Disrupting the sanity of slumber,
the vile and wretched creature
from the astral realm stands right before you.
Purple mist slips through window
cracks hovering above your miserable shape.
"What turmoil spoils my evening bliss?"
A turmoil savor permeates your nostrils.
Horrendous fright upon awakening
your frigid cast paralyzed and spellbound.
Fiery eyes piercing through your alarmed soul,
as ethereal tentacles penetrate the energy shield.
It's the Draining, It's the draining, draining, draining...
How does it feel to be drained so feverishly?
Fear carries a rather exquisite taste.
I only take as much to leave you terrified.
My victims shall become my bounded disciples.
"As the satiated vapor disappears from sight,
[music by Aphazel, Lyrics by Grimm]
You lie still, forever dreaming. Belior, thy serpent calls to thee. Hear me, mighty Cthulu, living on a dream. Cthulu, Lord of dreams. Tiamat, Lord of Seas. Ariel, City of sleep. Cthulu, Lord of the Absu deep. In his arms made of yearn, dead Cthulu waits but dreaming, the enemy rose, Hades, be the kingdom, to cover the earth. Cthulu, Lord of dreams. Tiamat, Lord of Seas. Ariel, City of sleep. Cthulu, Lord of the Absu deep. Hades shall come, back to the earth. In sleep, death's son, unifies. Belfritz, here she unfolds, the secrets of the dead ! Cthulu, Lord of dreams, Tiamat, Lord of Seas, Ariel, City of sleep. Cthulu, Lord of the Absu deep
From the north, from the south,
and from the east and from the west,
we invoke our ancient gods and goddesses.
Bless our conjuration,
for we have gathered from lands afar.
Enhance our perception,
through these enchanted plants bizarre.
Let us see the ganja kingdoms.
Let us dive into hash clouds.
Use our (psychedelically) tainted tongues
to caress Shiva's writhing marbled body.
In this sacred desert ground,
our tribe surrounded by purple shroud.
Ram-skinned drums stirring ghosts.
The time has come to welcome our host.
Deeply breathe the magickal incense,
of grounded opium and frankincense.
Let the smoke take you to fluorescent fields,
where magnificent creatures lay down their shields.
An orgasmic celebration of flesh ensues.
Our eyes luster with desires' hue.
Copulation grins upon my face,
as we cum all over this fuckin' place.
In the sky the dragon flies.
The fabled reptile with ruby eyes has come
to take us for a ride across the phantasmagoric astral sky.
Mystical secrets from the past,
answers for questions from the centuries asked.
Reach out to touch the universe,
embrace the beauty beyond this earth.
And we rode the cosmic snake past the gates of mortality,
Reveal to me, let me see, the precious face of yours. In darkness, where I'm alone, come forth with your wars. You, forever my lord. You, forever my lord, I always deny jesus, son of god. Creation, never done by god, salvations, I find in the goat, Lucifer, brand me with your mark, Lord of darkness, come out from the dark ! Red morningstar, watch me attack, I shall reveal, weak son of god, forever the human lies spreading all wrong, (crushed by) all his evil arts, evil arts of war! Creation, never done by god, salvations, I find in the goat, Lucifer, brand me with your mark, Lord of darkness, come out from the dark!
An innocent little girl,
Hungry for wisdom,
But she searches in places so unsafe,
Unaware, and uncautious
A dark and rainy, Sunday afternoon
At the misty field, over the hill,
She's walking alone, on her own little paths,
Knowing nothing of what this day will bring
As she is standing by the pond,
Her eyes catch a glimpse
Of a shiny, white shape
Heart beating faster now, as she approaches the form
Nervous but helplessly drawn,
To see what's before her eyes
As she's coming closer, she's struck with fear
Before her feet, lies an angel, bleeding!
Her wings torn, asunder,
Like a helpless prey,
Consumed by a vicious beast!
Her figure drenched in blood,
Seeming nearly, human,
As she is lying there,
Like a helpless victim
As she gaze into her eyes,
A voice from beyond enter her mind,
A frightening tale of the final truth,
Eurus, we call upon the east wind
Notus, we call upon the south wind
Zephyrus, we call upon the west wind
Boreas, we call the north wind
Spirit mother hear thy pagan son
On winter solstice night
Waxing mon reveals a new dawn
(The) dark king transforms to infant light
The cycle of ancient times has begun
Io'Evohe we are reborn
Candlemass brings the (growing) child sun
The triple goddess comes shining down
As witches sing with inspiration
Spiral dancing round and round
The spring equinox rises high
(The) dark maiden returns to us
The woods abound with faery goblins
Pan performs his songs of lust
Rejoice in the beltane sabbat
When lilac performes this magickal night
Naked we leap the sacred fire
And feast upon fruits and violet wine
On the day of summer solstice
The sun king will embrace the litha queen
And perish in the wake of Lughnasad
So may a splendid harvest be reaped
On Mabon we follow the lord of shadows
The empty season is upon us
Lady autumn blows leaves of sadness
Chanting as our offerings turn to dust
Ancestor wraiths ride on Samhain night
To proclaim the mystery of passing
Wearing a death cloak smiles the waning king
Let us see what the future will bring
Death is rebirth
The end brings new beginning
Ever turning
The wheel of the Pagan cycle
Anadia... Klephera... Nuit... Mercury... Hestia...
Horus... Brigit... Vulcan... Aphrodite...
"Obscure forces of the shadows I call you!"
I'm the one who raped the children of Abel
I am the wicked King of the night
And I am the wicked King of the night
And I am ready to face your strength
In the stone cold temple the four are gathered
The sweet innocent virgin lays unveiled
Surrounded by candles on the black altar
Companions and brothers, I want you on my side
Be ready now for our ritual shall begin
"Are you ready to become the Bride of Evil?
Are you prepared to receive my Dark Powers?"
"Don't let my beauty die away
Like a dead dry teal
Come to me, give me immortality
...Here on this black altar
I make my promise of faith!"
He's coming closer, and pierces her neck
With passionate inhuman fury
The cuts his pulsing veins
And makes her drink his precious blood
The two minds fight and dance together
A frenzied dance of secret love
"Under this ivory fullmoon
I rise now immortal!"
Now reborn with dead indifferent eyes
Join me night creature in my Anthem of Glory!
"Lord of Darkness,
Your obscure gift made me Undead
In crimson passion we'll live together
Screaming in filth
[Music : Aphazel / GroM - Lyrics : GroM]
I roamed the paths the obscure paths
that lead to the realms of chaos
I lowered myself into the abyss of hate
and ascended the peaks of destruction
and still I walk these putrid paths
seeking the spawn of eternal damnation
my soul's been split like water on sand
and dry is the life I lead
for the powers I have are just a curse
that nibble away at my soul
for merely greed have I opened the gate
for the three to enter foretold
baal mephisto and sheitan are those who offered me valour
the unholy trinity the brothers of hell
who spread only sickening glamour
onwards I march to challenge all hell
and now i'm before the last seal
the red misty portal now opens before me
my mission reverse what i've done
and face the three the fearsome three
until victory is all that I have
my last battle cry is all to be heard
while I fight under a flaming sky
a dark curse now broads over the lands
that aimlessly await what is deemed
deemed to cast only suffering and death
to all who live and all who dream
for I am izual the fallen guardian
banned from the ancient horadrim
aeryel and tyrael my brothers now slayed
for that which my mind had possessed
dying and doomed I limp into the black
and the portal it seals behind me
for I was victorius but banished will be
due to that which I wished had not been
the evil unleashed on the world's destiny
was reversed and the infernal crushed
three brothers of terror three angels of death
I slept in the fires of Hades
But did not burn
I breathed in sulphorous vapors
To reach the astral plane
I tamed the three-headed Cerberus
Then devoured his flesh
I stared deep at the face of the Gorgon
And made her turn to stone
I made love to Prosperine
To taste its bitter venom
I shot an arrow into the eye of the Cyclops
The earth shook as he fell
I called the mighty Kraken
And watched him rise to do my bidding
I soared on the wings of the great dragon
To feel the infernal wind
I hunted the enchanted unicorn
To obtain its horn of power
I entered the labyrinth of Daedalus
And slayed the ferocious Minotaur
I came as the great star
To ignite the blaze of the Phoenix
I'll come to you in the shape of Incubus
Tonight the moon is full in the land beyond the forest.
The howling of Wallachian wolves,
a serenade to the dreariest soul.
I'm alone, within the confines of my barren home bereaved,
left behind, grieving for the one, my ashen bride.
A host of ravens hover from majestic winter mountains.
Into my ears they whisper, a sullen song of melancholy.
Five hundred years have passed since the flowers blossomed.
Green meadows now benighted and shadows embrace the frozen sun
I'm alone
"I remember the glorious storms,
the wrath of the heavens upon the shores.
The erotic winds and their symphonies,
resounding above the elegant trees.
I remember the nights spent in thine arms,
while making dark love with bestial charm.
A setting provided with incessant rain,
sipping the blood from each others veins."
As mist, I travel the dismal skies,
feeding, my ravenous appetite.
Dreaming, of candles and gleaming stars.
Bleeding, from my lovelorn scars.
Once I was a blissful delighted man,
residing over a splendid land.
Now a beast of nocturnal guise,
bent to cease my immortal life.
"I am longing to touch thee, my love,
to bake in the warmth of the skies above.
Marveled by landscapes so picturesque
with the nestled brow on my nurturing breast.
I yearn to taste the sweet tongue of thy kiss,
to dance in the halls of the fiery abyss.
Vanquish thy curse and come set me free,
awake me, my darling, from my tortured sleep."
As mist, I travel the dismal skies,
feeding, my ravenous appetite.
Dreaming, of candles and gleaming stars.
Bleeding, from my lovelorn scars.
Once I was a blissful delighted man,
residing over a splendid land.
Now a beast of nocturnal guise,
bent to cease my immortal life.
"Through ethereal dreams I convoke to thee
like a gentle breeze upon a reposing sea.
Let my waves wash away thy grief,
and convey thy shadowless soul back to me."
I've renounced the ways of christ.
I've spat on his throne and scoffed at his lies.
I'll install a new kingdom to which there will be
everlasting indulgence for you and me.
Soon we shall stroll through the spellbinding mark.
My time has come to relinquish this earth,
with cascading tears of horizons unseen,
I'll be reunited with my pallid queen.
Through ethereal dreams
Together we'll drink to our undying love.
Absinthe shall lift us on the wings of a dove,
and transport us to places beyond our dreams,
where graceful nymphs dominate the scene.
And so I forsake my ancient abode.
My calamitous fable of woe unfolds with valor,
I face the sweltering sun.
Of all my children, none so beloved
my sweet Zillah, none so desired
her tender skin, her blood so saccharine
I was mesmerized by her enchanting eyes.
But she would turn from me, she had no love to me
nothing I'd provide could keep her satisfied
so I took to roam the wilderness alone
Amid the whispering trees, a wrinkled crone I did see.
Crone: "My spell can make thee win her heart
Drink of my blood then we'll start."
Caine: "Her (foul) blood I drank for many nights
and Zillah indeed became my wife."
Crone: "The elixir hast bound thee
My serving thrall thou always be."
Caine: "But after a Year (and a day) her grasp (on me)
had gone
With a stake through the heart, I left her
My wrathful cries of anguish filled that dismal night
I tore at my flesh and drank my crimson tears
When I glanced up appearing in a myriad of stars
the illustrious Archangel Gabriel shimmered
like the moon in my eyes bringing mercy even to the damned.
But why? Why?
He spoke of a path
The path of Golconda
from wich my children could once again inhabit the light.
Without another word,
he disappeared and I conceived
I had awakened at last.
Then the bright-eyed demoness
taught me how to hide from the eyes
of those who dare to hunt us.
How to command obedience and demand respect.
Soon I found myself attaining (yet) greater powers
I could alter forms, control all beasts
and perceive beyond sights.
Eventually I had to abandon Lilith
and flee from the barren lands of Nod
set out to procreate my progeny
Black clouds fill the day sky
in the primitive Lands of Nod
as the two sons of Adam offer up
their gifts (of pride) to the one reigning high
a dark fate born by sacrificial fire
"Oh, Great Father of my father
Whom Thou banished from Thine garden
Look down upon Thy faithful servant
And accept my beloved brother."
With tears of love the Firstborn thrust
his sharpest scythe deep into Abel's heart
rendering him lifeless but eternally
prized in the mind of God as his body withered
in the scorching blaze.
"Oh, my dear brother
Forgive me for what I have done.
But to the One Almighty
a greater prize I have none."
"Caine, thou hast broken my seal of absolute love
The crime thou'st commited meets not the approval of Him above.
Forever shall you wander in the lands beyond alone
abd from this day forth I cannot call thee my own."
"Oh, father my great father
Why hast thou cursed me so?
Have I not done what thou asked for?
To the shadowed woods I cannot go."
"I can no longer endure thine sinful words
This greatly unmerciful deed hast done him wrong.
I pray that thou find ways to repent
and as I was cast out so you shall be gone!"
Be gone!
Exiled, the Firstborn rushes off to the obscure yet
welcoming arms of Cimmerian darkness
for there he shall find great wisdom
and awaiting beneath the cresent moon lurks
[Music: Aphazel - Lyrics: Deadly Kristin]
I saw your face one thousand times in my dreams
his mark clearly shown with eyes like burning coals
like the demon goat
on blackest wings
oh your sight pierces me
oh your sight is fire on my skin
like the demon goat
on blackest wings
evil doll you're the one to be chosen
thy master awaits thee
and will crown you with needles in blood
like a devil whore
my body was oiled with fresh blood
a penetrating stench drying sticky on me
before my eyes he appeared
his head covered with a real goat mask
evil your presence excites me
evil your body enlusts me
evil your presence excites me
evil your body enlusts me
my horns dominate this realm of bags of flesh
my body is ready to fuck the demon goat
the sky turned black and the came
[Music: GroM / Aphazel - Lyrics : Deadly Kristin]
walking by the side of my old tired horse
after months of blood red battles
finally on my way back home
letting myself be dragged by instinct
in the mist of the cold evening
I suddenly came across a gorgeous glade
at the bottom of a roaring crystal waterfall
an abrupt thirst began to creep inside his throat
there was nothing he wanted more
than a sip of that fresh water
fast I ran towards the enchanted oasis
but suddenly my sight was raptured by a blazing image
at the bottom of the spring
a pale and charming maid was laying
singing sweet melodies
captured by her perfect beauty I stood still
bewitched by her flaming eyes
and then I dared to ask her name
innocent eyes
already bewitched by my infernal beauty
another pure soul will soon be corrupted
after an eternity of stone cold silence
the magnificent creature spoke to me
but her words I could not understand
je suis la belle dame sans merci
ton sang sera mon vin ton coeur ma vie
in the abyss of the cursed souls
in the abyss of the cursed souls
in the abyss of the cursed souls
Walking in the dark
Not caring where it leads
It begins to rain
Drenched in cold (I madman)
I see a girl
The feeling of alone
I am drawn to her
She is shy and I become alive
The game
She smiles and my blood begins to flow
I madman
"Take my hand and walk with me
Beforewarned I am mad
Laughing now she follows me
What a bad day she has had
I, a madman walking in the rain
A rotting corpse that feels no pain
Upset and angry for feeling so alone
I wish to find a pretty face
And make her all my own"
Pretty pretty silent one
Standing all alone
Come a little closer
So I can hear your moan
Pretty pretty silly girl
I take your hand in mine
I promise that everything
Is just like wine
A bit afraid but still so brave
I madman
I think I love you
I madman
"A crazy violent stormy man
Hidden in a cloak
Walks now with a woman
Whose throat he'd like to choke
I madman who holds your hand
Like the calming of the sea
Watch me as your life unfolds
And your soul is given to me"
Many times I'll see your face
Damn you madman
You haunt me every night
Without a trace
I madman go to happy place
Promises, charm and smiling eyes
I madman
Always kind and always nice
I think you love my grace
"The game is dead you want me
Remember I am mad
Question after question
Takes her by surprise
I tell her I am wicked
And she is not wise
So take the hand of a stranger
You not a madman"
Silly silly little girl
I am having so much fun
So deep you cannot run
Pretty pretty stupid girl... Stay!
There is something I will teach you
Before you go away
"A crazy violent stormy man
Hidden in a cloak
Lies now on the corpse
Of a girl he used to choke
Laughing as he looks at her
With a smile on his face
Grins while he talks to her
And heads off to the special place"
Goat horned god
Wandering free in the woodlands and mystical forests
To thee I owe my manhood
For thine sexuality is untamed ans pure
Satyr-king for centuries worshipped
A legacy born in the bosom of man
Lust beyond love, love beyond lust
Ruler of nymphs I praise thee
The wilderness is yours
O great son of Herme and lovely Dryope
When arcadians gather and sing
The sweet sound of your pipe
Will resound through the night
Beyond wide valleys and streams
Thou make all wood-nymphs run with fright
With thine phallus awe-inspiring
Like Dionysus and Cernunnos
The muses sing in thine glory
I am one of thousand in thy flock
Be my shepherd, guide my cock
Oh universal Pan
Her majesty is crying tears of ice cold rain.
I see my brazen brothers come to claim their hill and plane,
They take my hand and guide me to the walls of Stortinget.
Angered by the weak and ostentatious actions of leaders of our land.
Spitting on the vainglorious proclaimers of freedom to all that be
as they hold a worldwide banner shouting come and follow me.
Norway is the star to be followed. Her symmetry plain to see.
We shall not let her father into the popular amorphous sea,
and with these words spoken the end befell the lies.
And the promises have awoken the Northern son's vengeful eyes.
I see the promises begging on their knees in guilt and shame.
So swiftly were they silenced and once again the Vikings reign!
Now we shall live as one, brothers and sisters of pride.
As we watch our enemies sail away forgotten with the tide.
Her majesty shall raise her head, a beautiful example to all.
Oh, thou enlightened lover, come roll with me.
Oh my fiercest lover, come roll with me.
All my life I've searched for thee.
The wonders you hold are pure ecstasy.
The greatest pleasures you give are most divine.
I shall love you 'til the end of time.
The sensations I feel when you touch me burn
stronger than that of the ones before thee.
The volcanic shivers you give when we fuck,
reminds me that mandane females do suck.
Through you, I have found the philosopher's stone.
In you my penumbral heart has found a home.
And as you whisper sweet wisdoms into my ears,
the power of cunnilingus brings you to tears.
I smell your hair, red as the brightest rose.
Intorication sets in and my desire grows.
We dance until the moon bids farewell.
Never shall we sleep into the fires of hell.
I'll build you a throne in the heart of my mind,
where everlasting love ye always shall find.
Thy temple adorned with fidelity,
where I'll worship thy essence eternally.
Oh thou enlightened lover, Come roll with me.
Oh my fiercest lover, come roll with me.
Oh my denoted lover, come roll with me.
Oh my faithful lover, come roll with me.
Thou art the answer to all my dreams.
Thou art the bringer of organisms supreme.
And I shall shout to the false god above,
Hecate, thou art the one that I love.
A beginning brings forth questions.
Answered are these with lie upon web.
Shiver, does the child draped in it's disgrace.
The web grows like a poisonous vine fed by storybook filth,
tangling it's hypocritical mass around the throat
of human instinct like a self-perpetuating noose.
The one dangling in rage, refusing to choke,
gains a dagger to sever all ties to the vine of self-deceit.
Consuming the melody of shrieking horror
the blade penetrates as he becomes in harmony with his action.
The constant twilight of the forbidden is unveiled,
revealing darkness to be ravished forever by the intellect of
Disgusted by the pathetic pleading swollen holes of the "holy"
Prepared to protect any path he hath chosen.
Contempt for all benevolent spinners now clinging to the vine.
Feeling, Seeing, Knowing, Being
Lift your sword, slice the vine.
Feast on pleasure, swim in life's wine.
Take your vengeance now and rise,
torment those who fear Blackeyes
All who waste life on bended knees
are begging for death to take them,
so be it go humbly to your god in white.
Look to my Blackeyes for a reflection of your fright.
Run christian soldier, for our army approaches!
Smile christian daughters for the snapshot of your annihilation.
Know this slaves of christ.
Our pulse quickens with the thought of your death.
Prey pawns on your knees!
Prey to the god you fear to protect you!
Blackeyes bring forth hell inside catacombs of a web now sighing
with the weight of helo's drenched in blood of a million spinners.
Join us little children, or be sent
to your empty promise land in tears of Red
Lift your sword, slice the vine.
Feast on pleasure, drink life's wine.
Take your vengeance now and rise,
torment those who fear Blackeyes
What be is Free
Join us little children before it's to late,
and we shall send you in tears
Originally performed by Mecyful Fate
Now raise your hands and do the sign
Oh hail Satan, yes hail Satan
Lay down your swords, the evil star
It's a black funeral
She was a victim of my coven
Open the black box on the altar
Her blood is still hot, so let it out
Oh hail Satan, yes hail Satan
Now drink it, drink, drink, forget that whore
It's a black funeral
The forest is dying
In the heat of the sun
The countryside is burning
Dying birds on dying trees
They sing their last song.
The sky turns dark, the sun
Falls apart.
Full moon shines.
The sky opens up
From the next world arrives Vata.
Icecold fire burning in his eyes
Awekening, from the other world
Into this real one.
Wolves licking my body, frozen in ice
Desire grows the desire of...
It brings eternal winter
Onto the sizzling countryside.
The mourning is still painful
My soul frozen in ice.
ADRAMARAH calls me again
I stepped into his dream
Piercing coldness embraces me.
I feel the power of the next world
I feel the power of the Lord of emptyness.
Now I think back
A strange feeling, as I lie buried
In the frozen ground, I feel the coldness