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Wiktionary:placing brackets in multiple words
НЭГ Монгол: Wiktionary толь бичигт үг оруулах заавар
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Wiktionary (from the words wiki and dictionary) is a multilingual, web-based project to create a free content dictionary, available in 158 languages. Unlike standard dictionaries, it is written collaboratively by volunteers, dubbed "Wiktionarians", using wiki software, allowing articles to be changed by almost anyone with access to the website.
Like its sister project Wikipedia, Wiktionary is run by the Wikimedia Foundation. Because Wiktionary is not limited by print space considerations, most of Wiktionary's language editions provide definitions and translations of words from many languages, and some editions offer additional information typically found in thesauri and lexicons. Additionally, the English Wiktionary includes Wikisaurus, a category that serves as a thesaurus, including lists of slang words, and the Simple English Wiktionary, compiled using the Basic English subset of the English language.
The goal of Wiktionary is to eventually define "all words in all languages."
Wiktionary was brought online on December 12, 2002, following a proposal by Daniel Alston and an idea by Larry Sanger, co-founder of Wikipedia. On March 28, 2004, the first non-English Wiktionaries were initiated in French and Polish. Wiktionaries in numerous other languages have since been started. Wiktionary was hosted on a temporary URL ( until May 1, 2004, when it switched to the current full URL. As of May 2009[ref], Wiktionary features well over 5 million entries across its 272 language editions. The largest of the language editions is the English Wiktionary, with over 3 million entries. The French Wiktionary is the second largest with over 2.2 million entries. Nineteen Wiktionary language editions now contain over 100,000 entries each.
The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History is a 1978 book by Michael H. Hart, reprinted in 1992 with revisions. It is a ranking of the 100 people who, according to Hart, most influenced human history.
The first person on Hart's list is the Prophet of Islam Muhammad. Hart asserted that Muhammad was "supremely successful" in both the religious and secular realms. He also believed that Muhammad's role in the development of Islam was far more influential than Jesus' collaboration in the development of Christianity. He attributes the development of Christianity to St. Paul, who played a pivotal role in its dissemination."
The 1992 revisions included the demotion of figures associated with Communism, such as Vladimir Lenin and Mao Zedong, and the introduction of Mikhail Gorbachev. Hart took sides in the Shakespearean authorship issue and substituted Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford for William Shakespeare. Hart also substituted Niels Bohr and Henri Becquerel with Ernest Rutherford, thus correcting an error in the first edition. Henry Ford was also promoted from the "Honorary Mentions" list, replacing Pablo Picasso. Finally, some of the rankings were re-ordered, although no one listed in the top ten changed position.
She didn't want to get
Pinned down by her prior town
Get me to the train on time
Here take this nickel make a dime
Take this penny and make it
Into a necklace when I leave
What is at the other end
And I don't know another friend
Another wife, another morning spent
Listen, listen to the auctioneer
Another engine, another engine
We never wrote the reasons
That I need explained
Some things are givens
And others get away
This time it's for myself
You call it what you may
Okay, we won't say goodbye
So long, so much more
Listen to the auctioneer
Another engine, another engine
Listen to the bargain holler
Listen to the barter holler
Listen to the auctioneer
Get me to the train on time
Here take this nickel make a dime
Take this penny and make it
Into a necklace when I leave
What is at the other end
And I don't know another friend
Another wife, another morning spent
Listen to the auctioneer
Another engine, another engine
Another engine, another engine, and I
Do I stand the bargain holler?
There was a boy in Arkansas who wouldn't listen to his ma
When she told him that he should go to school
He'd sneak away in the afternnon take a little walk and pretty soon
You'd find him at the local auction barn
Well he'd stand and listened carefully then pretty soon he began to see
How the auctioneer could talk so rapidly
He said oh my it's do or die I've got to learn that auction cry
Gotta make my mark and be an auctioneer
A 15 dollar bid and now 20 now
Will you gimme 20 make it now 20 bi di di bom a 20 now
Will you gimme 20 who da ba bi bi da 20 dollar bid
I got 20 dollar bid and now 25 now
Will you gimme 25 make it now 25 bi di di bom a 25 now
Will you gimme 25 who da ba bi bi da 25 dollar bid
Well as time went on he did his best and all could see he didn't jest
He practiced calling bids both night and day
His pop would find him behind the barn just working up an awful storm
As he tried to imitate an auctioneer
His dad said son we just can't stand to have a mediocre man
Sellin' things at action using our name
We'll send you off to auction school and then you'll be nobody's fool
You can take your place among the best
A 25 dollar bid and now 30 now
Will you gimme 30 make it now 30 bi di di bom a 30 now
Will you gimme 30 who da ba bi bi da 30 dollar bid
A 30 dollar bid and now 35 now
Will you gimme 35 make it now 35 bi di di bom a 35 now
Will you gimme 35 who da ba bi bi da 35 dollar bid
So from that boy who went to school there grew a man who played it cool
He came back home a full fledget auctioneer
And the the people came from miles around just to hear him make that rhytmic sound
That fill their hearts with such a happy cheer
His fame spread out from shore to shore but he had all he could do and more
Had to buy a plane to get around
Now he's the best in all the land let's pause to give that man a hand
He's the best of naughty auctioneers
I got 35 dollar bid and now 40 dollar 40
Will you gimme 40 make it 40 bi di di bom a 40 dollar
Will you gimme 40 who da ba bi bi da 40 dollar bid
I got 40 dollar bid and now 45 dollar 45
Will you gimme 45 make it 45 bi di di bom a 45 dollar
Sold it out now for 45 dollar bid
Hey well all right sir
40 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 I sold that hog for for a 50 bid
There was a boy in Arkansas who wouldn't listen to his ma
When she told him that he should go to school
He'd sneak away in the afternoon, take a little walk and pretty soon
You'd find him at the local auction barn
Well he'd stand and listen carefully then pretty soon he began to see
How the auctioneer could talk so rapidly
He said, "Oh my it's do or die I've got to learn that auction cry
Gotta make my mark and be an auctioneer"
25 dollar 30 now 30 dollar 30 dollar
30 dollar 30 dollar give me a hollar 30 dollar
who will bid it at a 35 dollar bid?
35 dollar 35 35 make it 35 and a 35 make it 35 and a 35
Who will bid it at a 35 dollar bid?
As time went on he did his best and all could see he didn't jest
He practied on and then some night and day
His pappy'd find him behind the barn just a workin up an awful storm
As he tried to imitate the auctioneer
Said his pappy, "Son we just can't stand a havin' a mediocre man,
You gotta take that auction usin' our good name.
I'll send you off to auction school and then you'll be nobody's fool
You can take your place among the best"
35 dollar 40 now 40 dollar 40 dollar
40 dollar 40 dollar give me a hollar 40 dollar
Who will bid it at at a 40 dollar bid?
40 dollar 45 45 will you make it 45 give me 45 and a 45
Who will bid it at a 45 dollar bid?
So from that morning he went to school there grew a man who played it
He came back home a full fledged auctioneer
And people came from miles around just to hear him make that rhythmic
That filled their hearts with such a happy cheer
His fame reached out from shore to shore he had all he could do and more
He had to buy a plane to get around
Now he's the tops in all the land so let's all give that man a hand
He's the best of all the auctioneers
45 dollar 50 now 50 dollar 50 dollar
50 dollar 50 dollar give me a hollar 50 dollar
Who will bid it at a 50 dollar bill?
50 dollar 55 55 make it 55 and a 55 make it 55 and
Sold that horse for a 50 dollar bill
Friday's fun to where no one else can go
Always fighting for a place to call her own
Still her voice is clear
My hands were frozen to my telephone
I was one cold warrior waiting in the snow, invisible
There she goes talking like an auctioneer
Knocking me down
Ohh but she knows
So much more than what I hear
In a dream I had her song was on repeat
I was knee deep in misery
You gotta be kidding me
There she goes talking like an auctioneer
Knocking me down
Ohh but she knows
So much more than what i hear
Try as she might
Im trying all night and know shes close
Your out of sight and out of mind
This is irreversible
I got my time but I know im still invisible
There she goes talking like an auctioneer
Knockign me down
Ohh on my own stereo through my ears
Staring down
There she goes saying what i wanna hear
Taking me down