
How Much is a Human Life Worth?
John on the Late Late Show: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IwjjWhLxf-o Once when I like 10...
published: 23 Mar 2013
author: vlogbrothers
How Much is a Human Life Worth?
How Much is a Human Life Worth?
John on the Late Late Show: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IwjjWhLxf-o Once when I like 10 years old, I was sitting in a school auditorium...I looked at all ...- published: 23 Mar 2013
- views: 307249
- author: vlogbrothers

How Much Is Your Life Worth?
Making cents out of life
Share on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1aRNeoX
Share on Twitter: http...
published: 20 Nov 2013
How Much Is Your Life Worth?
How Much Is Your Life Worth?
Making cents out of life Share on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1aRNeoX Share on Twitter: http://bit.ly/1aRNcNK MUSIC: "No82" by The Beatknitter https://soundcloud.com/thebeatknitter/205-2 INFORMATION: 1 Insurance companies They get to this number by rationing health care based on cost-effectiveness http://content.time.com/time/health/article/0,8599,1808049,00.html 2. Hitmen CNN: CNN.com "Lovers Top Contract Killing Hit List (Feb. 5, 2004) http://www.cnn.com/2004/WORLD/asiapcf/02/05/australia.killings.offbeat.reut/index.html 3. Body parts on black market http://gizmodo.com/5904129/heres-how-much-body-parts-cost-on-the-black-market 4. Soldiers life http://content.time.com/time/health/article/0,8599,1808049,00.html 5. Sperm and eggs Sperm varies: each sperm "donation" is worth about $100 http://www.spermbank.com/newdonors/index.cfm?ID=4 Each egg donation is worth up to $10,000 http://www.assistedfertility.com/faqs/faq-egg-donor-program.shtml 6. The "value of a statistical life" http://www.dot.gov/sites/dot.dev/files/docs/VSL%20Guidance_2013.pdf Footage: The Glasco Family - The Wichita Years (8mm) (1958) https://archive.org/details/The_Glasco_Family_8mm_Movies The Big Combo (1955) https://archive.org/details/The_Big_Combo_1955 Human Reproduction (1947) https://archive.org/details/HumanRep1947 Safety Through Seat Belts https://archive.org/details/safety_through_seat_belts Film Footage courtesy of Shutterstock, Inc., Used by Permission- published: 20 Nov 2013
- views: 49206

Buffalo Springfield - For What It's Worth 1967
S.O.S Please if you like this song positive rate, there is a small percentage of people wh...
published: 26 Aug 2010
author: PityYou007
Buffalo Springfield - For What It's Worth 1967
Buffalo Springfield - For What It's Worth 1967
S.O.S Please if you like this song positive rate, there is a small percentage of people who do not like this song, which by the way seems impossible, like po...- published: 26 Aug 2010
- views: 6065640
- author: PityYou007

Is the Gear Live or G Watch Worth it?
Beau HD tackles the question of whether or not the new Samsung Gear Live or LG G Watch sma...
published: 28 Jul 2014
Is the Gear Live or G Watch Worth it?
Is the Gear Live or G Watch Worth it?
Beau HD tackles the question of whether or not the new Samsung Gear Live or LG G Watch smartwatch is worth your money. Since both devices are functionally and aesthetically very similar, the decision to purchase one of them will really depend upon whether or not you're a tech enthusiast or average consumer. Check out Beau HD's personal channel: http://goo.gl/E5iM4N Do YOU think the Gear Live or G Watch is worth buying? Let us know why in a comment down below!- published: 28 Jul 2014
- views: 3299

Garth Brooks' Record Deal Rumored to Be Worth $100 Million (Spotlight Country)
Garth Brooks' Record Deal Rumored to Be Worth $100 Million (Spotlight Country)
Garth Broo...
published: 28 Jul 2014
Garth Brooks' Record Deal Rumored to Be Worth $100 Million (Spotlight Country)
Garth Brooks' Record Deal Rumored to Be Worth $100 Million (Spotlight Country)
Garth Brooks' Record Deal Rumored to Be Worth $100 Million (Spotlight Country) Garth Brooks is back in a big way, and sources say the record deal isn't too shabby. Spotlight Country has all the details on how you can expect to purchase his existing and current music. Plus, all the details on what Brooks says about his tour. http://facebook.com/vevo http://twitter.com/vevo http://instagram.com/vevo http://vevo.tumblr.com- published: 28 Jul 2014
- views: 8

Chris Brown Hits Flat Foot Backflip & Shows off Dogs worth $1.5 Million
Chris Brown Hits a Flat Foot Backflip & Shows off Dogs worth $1.5 Million
Follow for mor...
published: 29 Jul 2014
Chris Brown Hits Flat Foot Backflip & Shows off Dogs worth $1.5 Million
Chris Brown Hits Flat Foot Backflip & Shows off Dogs worth $1.5 Million
Chris Brown Hits a Flat Foot Backflip & Shows off Dogs worth $1.5 Million Follow for more updates: https://twitter.com/isawtupac Also: http://instagram.com/isawtupac Chris Brown Chris Brown Breezy Teambreezy Chris Brown Chris Brown Breezy Teambreezy Chris Brown Chris Brown Breezy Teambreezy Chris Brown Chris Brown Breezy Teambreezy Chris Brown Chris Brown Breezy Teambreezy Chris Brown Chris Brown Breezy Teambreezy Chris Brown Chris Brown Breezy Teambreezy Chris Brown Chris Brown Breezy Teambreezy Chris Brown Chris Brown Breezy Teambreezy Chris Brown Chris Brown Breezy Teambreezy Chris Brown Chris Brown Breezy Teambreezy Chris Brown Chris Brown Breezy Teambreezy Chris Brown Chris Brown Breezy Teambreezy Chris Brown Chris Brown Breezy Teambreezy Chris Brown Chris Brown Breezy Teambreezy Chris Brown Chris Brown Breezy Teambreezy Chris Brown Chris Brown Breezy Teambreezy Chris Brown Chris Brown Breezy Teambreezy Chris Brown Chris Brown Breezy Teambreezy Chris Brown Chris Brown Breezy Teambreezy Chris Brown Chris Brown Breezy Teambreezy Chris Brown Chris Brown Breezy Teambreezy Chris Brown Chris Brown Breezy Teambreezy Chris Brown Chris Brown Breezy Teambreezy Chris Brown Chris Brown Breezy Teambreezy Chris Brown Chris Brown Breezy Teambreezy Chris Brown Chris Brown Breezy Teambreezy- published: 29 Jul 2014
- views: 301

Worth It or Forfeit?! High End Lipsticks: Tom Ford, YSL, Chanel
Hey cuties I thought I'd start this new high end series!
See if these high end lipsticks m...
published: 27 Jul 2014
Worth It or Forfeit?! High End Lipsticks: Tom Ford, YSL, Chanel
Worth It or Forfeit?! High End Lipsticks: Tom Ford, YSL, Chanel
Hey cuties I thought I'd start this new high end series! See if these high end lipsticks make the cut: Tom Ford Nude Vanille $49 YSL #10 Beige Tribute $35 Chanel La Diva $35 Let me know what else you want me to review! *Sorry there's some editing errors in this video! Check out Sssamanthaa here & tell her tymetheinfamous sent you! This was the first video I saw of hers with Beige Tribute on..omg its so cute on her! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Q9MFssx9LM&list;=UU0qI3HpiBua75glb4RV5mWA I'm wearing Valencia Rose hair in this video: Peruvian straight. Use this link to get a small discount on your order: http://www.valenciarosehair.com/?a_aid=5245998188159 This page features 10%+ off their regular prices! Plus 30% off shipping to the US Here's the review video on this hair: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mRez3T5f394 Get ready for exclusives to drop NEXT WEEK! http://www.CakeFaceCartel.com Check out our Instagram page to be the first to get a slice of cake from my new clothing line: CakeFace™ http://instagram.com/CakeFaceCartel Make sure to subscribe! Like & comment! Connect with me on the following networks: Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/tymetheinfamous Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/Tymethe1nfamous Facebook Fanpage: http://www.facebook.com/TymetheInfamous- published: 27 Jul 2014
- views: 15221

Why Trust Is Worth It
In Collaboration with Cirque Du Soleil
published: 28 Feb 2014
Why Trust Is Worth It
Why Trust Is Worth It
In Collaboration with Cirque Du Soleil http://www.youtube.com/user/cirquedusoleil www.cirquedusoleil.com Special Thanks to Alya Titarenko and Gael Ouisse In 2014, TOTEM by Cirque du Soleil will be touring in Santa Monica, Portland, Vancouver and New Zealand. http://cirk.me/1ezLkeo Music: https://soundcloud.com/janirmusic/jani-r-no-more-words-second- published: 28 Feb 2014
- views: 102887

Alicia Keys - A Woman's Worth
Music video by Alicia Keys performing A Woman's Worth. (C) 2002 J Records LLC....
published: 25 Oct 2009
author: aliciakeysVEVO
Alicia Keys - A Woman's Worth
Alicia Keys - A Woman's Worth
Music video by Alicia Keys performing A Woman's Worth. (C) 2002 J Records LLC.- published: 25 Oct 2009
- views: 21730158
- author: aliciakeysVEVO

Game Theory: Is Comic-Con REALLY Worth the Wait? (SDCC 2014)
Try 50% off NatureBox! ►► https://naturebox.com/matpat
Join the Theorists! ►► http://bit.l...
published: 20 Jul 2014
Game Theory: Is Comic-Con REALLY Worth the Wait? (SDCC 2014)
Game Theory: Is Comic-Con REALLY Worth the Wait? (SDCC 2014)
Try 50% off NatureBox! ►► https://naturebox.com/matpat Join the Theorists! ►► http://bit.ly/1qV8fd6 It's fan convention season! And that means waiting in line to meet some of you favorite celebrities. But have you ever really stopped to consider just how many hours get wasted in those panel lines? Perhaps none are worse than San Diego Comic Con, whose lines have become notorious in the convention space. So is there a way to HACK Comic Con? Obey the rules, but spend the least amount of time possible waiting for the big panel you want to see? Let's find out! Check out some more of our awesome video game content: Game Theory: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL35FE5C4B157509C9 Game Exchange: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCBEC827914127AA3 Digressing and Sidequesting (DSNQ): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOl4b517qn8jve_YolaxYuADuzzT3EHXP- published: 20 Jul 2014
- views: 72633

Not Worth Watching | Sprinkle of Glitter
The day my brain fell out. With Zoe and Alfie!
Florida Vlogs - http://bit.ly/1rTAxpS
published: 30 Mar 2014
Not Worth Watching | Sprinkle of Glitter
Not Worth Watching | Sprinkle of Glitter
The day my brain fell out. With Zoe and Alfie! Florida Vlogs - http://bit.ly/1rTAxpS Tumblrery Me - http://sprinkleofglitr.tumblr.com/ Great big hugs and kissed to Zoe and Alfie (and the guinea pigs) who basically saved the video haha. I'm going to find a location to film this week so the builders will never know my YouTube secrets and I can talk properly and make a video so fancy that the BBC picks it up and I become and international superstar based on my cutting edge and on point vlogs. People will see me in the street and shout, 'There goes that girl that defied the odds (aka the builders) and made her top notch videos anyway! What a woman!". OR, I'll just make it in the evening when they've gone home and use a light for once! If you happen to be Andy or Matthew the builder, please could you tell me you know about YouTube and then this will solve a lot of issues over the next few months. Thanks awfully. If you haven't already subscribed to Zoe and Alfie, you're a dingbat. Zoe - https://www.youtube.com/zoella Alfie - https://www.youtube.com/pointlessblog Also, I made a little joke about Project Library. It's actually really good. Some friends of mine made a four part web series about this guy who owes a library a million pounds (don't quote me on that) and so ensues a cool little adventure. They put in a so much time and effort and I think you should watch it. (Saying that, my videos are still the best ;) ) Project Library - http://bit.ly/1mkkygE My Places : MAIN CHANNEL : http://www.youtube.com/sprinkleofglitter BLOG - http://bit.ly/1aBuStJ TWITTER - https://twitter.com/#!/Sprinkleofglitr PINTEREST - http://pinterest.com/babyglitter/ FACEBOOK - http://www.facebook.com/sprinkleofgli... INSTAGRAM - http://instagram.com/sprinkleofglitr TUMBLR - http://sprinkleofglitr.tumblr.com/ OUR PO BOX- PLEASE NO GIFTS. ONLY LETTERS AND LOVES Louise Glitter / Baby Glitter 2nd Floor 100-106 Leonard St, London, EC2A 4RH Toodlepip! xx This vlog is dedicated to all the kind people who will say, 'It wasn't terrible' in the comments. You da best! xxxx- published: 30 Mar 2014
- views: 121097

WORTH BUYING?! - Battlefield Hardline Beta
Does Battlefield Hardline Multiplayer suck?! Sometimes cranes fall down! D:
Twitch (DayZ e...
published: 13 Jun 2014
WORTH BUYING?! - Battlefield Hardline Beta
WORTH BUYING?! - Battlefield Hardline Beta
Does Battlefield Hardline Multiplayer suck?! Sometimes cranes fall down! D: Twitch (DayZ etc. Livestream) ► http://goo.gl/RvQ6hX Music ► "Halo 4 Remix" by Plasma3Music: http://goo.gl/najCTB Hardline Beta is still accepting here I think ► http://bit.ly/1jXANgh Facebook ► http://goo.gl/7bJXQs Twitter ► http://goo.gl/gmtXjI Hardline Beta sponsored to me by EA Ronku!- published: 13 Jun 2014
- views: 431214

Meek Mill (Full Album) *LEAK* Dreams Worth More Than Money
Click Subscribe For Exclusive New Music: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_u...
published: 12 May 2014
Meek Mill (Full Album) *LEAK* Dreams Worth More Than Money
Meek Mill (Full Album) *LEAK* Dreams Worth More Than Money
Click Subscribe For Exclusive New Music: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=KiloGreenMusic ★ Subscribe & Share ★ *Extra Tags*2Pac,Notorious BIG,Jay Z,Mac Dre,Big L,Nas,Jay Z,,Eminem,Nate Dogg,Lil Snupe,Meek Mill,Too Short,Lil Wayne,2Chainz,,Rick Ross,E40,Lil Snupe,Mac Miller,Rick Ross,MMG,UGK,3hunna,oblock,Young Chop,New Kanye West,Freestyle Instrumental,Rap Freestyle,Sh!t,All My Bitches Dimes,For The Dough,Fa Tha Dough,Smokin Grapes,Fuk The Haters,Hi Hater,Pimp C,Prop 215,EBT,Yikin It,Yike,Flow,Atl,Rap Punchlines,9mm To Your Dome,California Rap,New York Rap,Texas Rap,Street Cypher Freestyle,Rap Cypher,Eminem, Future, Shit Remix,Feat,Diddy,Feat Iamsu,Instrumental,Dj Khaled,Chevy Woods,New Wiz Khalifa,Sodmg,Young Money,Logic,Snow Tha Product,B Legit,Game Versace,Future,Shit Megamix,Future,Sh!t Megamix,The Game Versace,Game Versace,Bay Area Rap,Bay Slumper,Bong,Blunt,Trees,Blvd,Piff,Weed,Marijuana,Blue Dream,Weed Plant,Clones,Prop 215,wax,dabs,oil,Grandaddy Purple,DispensarySour Deisel,Cannibus Club,Card,D Flores Versace,Drake All Me,Feat 2Chainz,All Me,Chris Brown Girl You Loud,Freestyle,,Crestside,Vallejo,Hillside,Los Angeles,Miami Heat,Rap,Lebron James,Dwayne Wade,Michael Jordan,Air Jordans,New,Releases,Instagram,Facebook,Twitter,Soulja Boy,Im Swaggin, Jae Fly Pete Philly,The LineAimsquad Do You, only God Can Judge Me, Good Gatsby Soul Food,CaliKidd Mane,Bricksquad,1017 Glogang,Adrian Broner Versace Freestyle,Atlanta Lil Wayne,Herb,Ganga,Kush,Hybrid,Sativa,Indica,Grow Room,NitrientsTunechi,yike,nicki minaj,weezy,yeezy, Future Shit Remix, Sh!t Remix,Jeezy,HennChronic, GDP, Purp,Swisher Sweet,Blunt,AP9, Glock 40,9mm, Thizz,E-40, Too Short, Bay Area, Fillmoe, CrestSide, Andre NickaTina, GBE,300, Lil Terrio,Phora,French Montana, California,Chief Keef,Versace, Souljaboy,Lil Wayne Drake,Big Sean, Mac Miller, Sodmg, Equipto, Hollow Tip,Ferrari, Lamborghini, Race, Rick Ross, Dj Khaled, Zaytoven, Instrumental,Punchlines,Best Vine, Mac Lethal, Snow Tha Product, Tech9, Teck N9ne, Krizz Kaliko,Miley Cyrus,23, Mike Will Made It,Beyonce New Album, Leak, Cd, Songs, Snippet, New Jordan Release Dates, Nike, Air Max, Gucci, Chanel, West Coast, Dolce n Gabanna, Juicy Couture, Mac, Mob, Hennessy, Patron, Gold Bottles, Cristal, Moet, Chandon, Latino Music, Swag, Blush, StreetFight, HoodFight, Fight, Bloody, Sharkeisha, Official,Instagram, More Followers, Facebook,Wiz Khalifa, Juicy J, Tgod, Taylorgang,Lyrics,Instrumental with New Album, MixtapRick Ross the devil is a lie, feat Jay Z,Future Shit, ATL Remix, Ft Jeezy, Ti,Kid cudi, T.G.I.F,Compton Menace, My Homies, Trae Tha Truth,Chief Keef, Make It Count,Euroz That Nigga,Mark Battles,Got A Feeling King Los,Fredo Santana, Im On Top,w album,jay z new album,Future Shit, Atl Remix,New Drake,Versace Freestyle,Official Music Video,2013,meek mill,lil snupe,freestyle,rip,rick ross,gucci mane,1017 bricksquad,glogang, sodmg Kanye West,Yeezus,Album Leak,Mixtape Ace Hood - We Outchea,Lil Wayne (Official Music Video),Lil Wayne Ace Hood We Outchea (Official Music Video,Lil Wayne We Outchea,Lil Wayne,God Bless America (Official Music Video) Meek Mill Fires Shots At Gillie Da Kid,Meek Mill Panarama,Omelly Panarama,Gillie Da Kid Diss,,Mp3 Download,Jay Z,Magna Carter,Richgang Paint The Town,Rich Gang Paint The Town, Bigger Th n Life,Panties To The Side,Holy Grail, Jay Z Speaks On Dame Dash,Texting Obama,Blue Ivy,Meek Mill Levels Official Music Video, Iamsu who do you love ,Leak,Mixtape,Mp3,Download,J Cole,D. Flores,Chingo Bling Bersace,MMG, Chris Brown, Gas Pedal Remix, SchoolBoy Q, Feat Diddy,Gas Pedal,Atl Remix,Bigger Than Life,Versace Freestyle,Remix,Future,Lil Snupe,Meek Mill,Wale,Rick Ross,Louis V Gutta,The,Game who do you love,Maybach 5,Roscoe Dash Waka Flocka Wassup,Dc3,Meek Mill,Dreamchasers 3,Kid Ink,Nicki Minaj,2Chainz,Mac Dre,Mac Miller,Dr Dre,Beats,Rihanna,Chris Brown,Diss Drake,Freestyle,Juicy J,Mac Lethal,Travis Porter Versace, Freestyle,NNew Rap Instrumental,Gamgsta Instrumental,With Hook,New,Xbox One,Ps4,Adrien Broner Versace Freestyle,Ab,Google Glass,Review,Price, da kid k bottles on me,official music video ,Hood Fight,Street Fight,Ratchet Hood Fight,99 Percent,Dollabillgates,New Rap Mixtape,Ti,Birdman,Hollow Tip,Ak47,Rifle,Machine Gun,Pistol,9mm,420,Purple Kush,GDP,Blunts,Hotbox,Swisher, Young Dro Strong Remix Feat 2Chainz,God Can Judge Me,Tony Yayo,50 Cent,Official Music Video,Obie Trice,Los Angeles Rap,Freestyle,Cypher,Philly Street Freestyle, Hollow Tip,Ak47,Rifle,Machine Gun,Pistol,9mm,420,Purple Kush,GDP,Blunts,Hotbox,OG Kush,GSC,Swisher & Hennessy- published: 12 May 2014
- views: 1552

Ft. Worth doctor gets Ebola virus
Colleagues of a Ft. Worth doctor who has Ebola voiced their support on Monday....
published: 28 Jul 2014
Ft. Worth doctor gets Ebola virus
Ft. Worth doctor gets Ebola virus
Colleagues of a Ft. Worth doctor who has Ebola voiced their support on Monday.- published: 28 Jul 2014
- views: 101
Youtube results:

MTG - Is it worth it to buy a Deck Builder's Toolkit? Should new Magic: The Gathering players buy?
Want to build your first Modern deck? Start Here: http://youtu.be/JPGK0knztD0
Is is worth ...
published: 26 Jul 2014
MTG - Is it worth it to buy a Deck Builder's Toolkit? Should new Magic: The Gathering players buy?
MTG - Is it worth it to buy a Deck Builder's Toolkit? Should new Magic: The Gathering players buy?
Want to build your first Modern deck? Start Here: http://youtu.be/JPGK0knztD0 Is is worth it to buy an Intro Pack: http://youtu.be/r-BPsAgqFtw What's the best MTG gaming case: http://youtu.be/2Aw3j3Mj5Ls Advice For Returning Players: http://youtu.be/aq8fy8cbSGE Many Magic The Gathering players ask the question: Is it worth it to buy a Deck builder’s toolkit? This is a question that is typically asked by players who are new to the game. Still, even intermediate and experienced players sometimes wonder if there's value to be had in purchasing a toolkit. Let's take a look! The deck builder's toolkit provides you with 4 booster packs. Here we see the 2015 toolkit providing a Dragon's Maze, Born of the Gods, Theros, and M15 pack. The MSRP on a toolkit is 20.00, thus, for the cost of 5 booster packs you are getting 4 booster packs plus a handful of extras. Are those extras worth $4.00? Let's take a look: Should I buy a deck builder’s toolkit if I am a new player? Is this the best use of your $20 if you are relatively new to the game. Let's establish a few basics: Let's assume you aren't overflowing with cash. Let's assume you are new and have little to no cards in your collection. Let's assume you know the very basics of how to play now you wish to begin playing regularly. What's the goal for a player like this? I would say that the goal for such a player is to have at least one deck they can take to Friday Night Magic, other standard store tournaments, as well as events like Game Day. That's the next step on this players' journey. So can the deck builder’s toolkit get you to that next step? No. You don't build decks with 1-2 of each card. This is basic deck building 101. Even a budget or beginner's deck for standard should be running 3-4 of most cards. Someone trying to build a deck for standard with 1 of each rare, 1 of each uncommon, and maybe 1-2 or 2-3 of a few commons is simply not likely to create even a remotely viable deck, let alone a supposed new player. And by the way, I am not talking about somehow building a top tier professional deck. Just something that has a chance at being even remotely competitive. A reasonable beginners deck that can gives them at least a chance at a few wins at Friday night magic. The contents of this toolkit aren't teaching new players about the very basics of deck construction. If you want to teach new players about the very basics of deck construction, at least give them 3-4 of some commons and uncommons. Those are the tools they need. With this selection they are practically making a singleton deck. Not something I'd want to take in the Friday Night Magic, let alone as a new player. Music Courtesy Of: "Gonna Start v2" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ "Deliberate Thought" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ "Monkeys Spinning Monkeys" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/- published: 26 Jul 2014
- views: 833

Is College Worth It?
In which John ponders whether a college degree is worth the high tuition, student loans, o...
published: 21 Aug 2012
author: vlogbrothers
Is College Worth It?
Is College Worth It?
In which John ponders whether a college degree is worth the high tuition, student loans, opportunity cost, and low-paying entry-level positions involved. Is ...- published: 21 Aug 2012
- views: 928660
- author: vlogbrothers

"Worth It" - Sam Tsui
Grab Sam's Album on iTunes here:
published: 07 Sep 2013
"Worth It" - Sam Tsui
"Worth It" - Sam Tsui
Grab Sam's Album on iTunes here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/make-it-up/id644755665 For Physical CD, T-shirts and more, click here: http://www.kurthugoschneider.com/store _______________________________ GET IN TOUCH! SAM TSUI: Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/samtsuimusic Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/samueltsui YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/thesamtsui KURT SCHNEIDER: Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/kurthugoschne... Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/kurthschneider- published: 07 Sep 2013
- views: 133750

Switchfoot -- Love Alone Is Worth The Fight [Official Video]
Download "Love Alone Is Worth The Fight": http://smarturl.it/fadingwest
From the Fading W...
published: 01 Oct 2013
Switchfoot -- Love Alone Is Worth The Fight [Official Video]
Switchfoot -- Love Alone Is Worth The Fight [Official Video]
Download "Love Alone Is Worth The Fight": http://smarturl.it/fadingwest From the Fading West EP and upcoming Fading West album & film. On tour this fall - head to switchfoot.com for tickets and info: 10/01/13 Franklin, TN The Franklin Theatre (Early Showing) 10/01/13 Franklin, TN The Franklin Theatre 10/02/13 Ft. Wayne, IN University of St. Francis PAC 10/03/13 Cincinnati, OH The Underground 10/04/13 Detroit, MI Royal Oak Music Theatre 10/05/13 York, PA Penn State York - The Pullo Center 10/06/13 Glenside, PA Keswick Theatre 10/08/13 Boston, MA Wilbur Theatre 10/09/13 New York, NY The Gramercy Theatre 10/10/13 New York, NY The Gramercy Theatre 10/16/13 Charlottesville, VA Paramount Theatre 10/18/13 Elizabeth City, NC MACU 10/19/13 Elkins, WV Davis & Elkins College 10/20/13 Atlanta, GA Center Stage Theater 10/23/13 Vero Beach, FL Vero Beach PAC 10/24/13 Jacksonville, FL The Florida Theatre 10/25/13 Pensacola, FL Pensacola Interstate Fair 10/26/13 Houston, TX Reliant Arena 10/27/13 San Antonio, TX Laurie Auditorium - Trinity University 10/28/13 Waco, TX Baylor University 10/29/13 Lubbock, TX City Bank Auditorium 10/31/13 Denver, CO CCU 11/01/13 Aspen, CO Belly Up Aspen 11/02/13 Albuquerque, NM Lobo Theatre 11/03/13 Phoenix, AZ Grand Canyon University Arena 11/05/13 San Diego, CA Balboa Theatre 11/06/13 Hollywood, CA The Fonda 11/07/13 Santa Cruz, CA Rio Theater 11/08/13 Santa Barbara, CA The Luke Theater 11/09/13 Chico, CA El Rey Theatre 11/13/13 Eugene, OR McDonald Theatre 11/14/13 Redmond, OR Hooker Creek Events Center 11/15/13 Seattle, WA Moore Theatre 11/16/13 Newberg, OR George Fox University 11/17/13 Yakima, WA Capitol Theatre 11/18/13 Missoula, MT University Theatre (University MT Campus) 11/23/13 Longview, TX Le Tourneau University- Belcher Center 11/24/13 Abilene, TX Abilene Civic Center Lyrics: I'm trying to find where my place is I'm looking for my own oasis so close I can taste this the fear that love alone erases so I'm back to the basics I figure it's time I face this time to take my own advice love alone is worth the fight And I never thought it come to this but it seems like I'm finally feeling numb to this the funny thing bout shame is you forget what the reason you were playing the game is and It's all an illusion a 21st century institution so I'm heading down the open road unknown and we find what we're made of through the open door is it fear you're afraid of? what are you waiting for? love alone is worth the fight we're only here for a season I'm looking for the rhyme and reason why you're born why you're leaving what you fear and what you believe in why you're living and breathing why you're fighting it and getting it even let's go headed down the open road unknown and we find what we're made of through the open door is it fear you're afraid of? what are you waiting for? love alone is worth the fight here we are here we go where the road is our own feel it calling you home here we are here we go love alone is worth the fight- published: 01 Oct 2013
- views: 9359