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Still together, still happy!

ss kylie and dave We met in 2008. David and I married in October 2013 on the anniversary of our first date, in front of an intimate gathering of family and friends, at Point Vernon overlooking Hervey Bay.

Still together, still happy, raising my two sons and from time to time Dave's lovely grandsons. Dave just bought a Harley and he laybyed my pillion passenger gear yesterday, so a new adventure awaits.
But it's not the big adventures that count, it's the companionship of every weekend, checking (and not winning!) Lotto with a laugh, binge-watching Breaking Bad, walking the dog, reading the paper, making curries and stews through winter, laughing and helping each other through struggles.

Thanks again, because although we lived within 1/2 hour of each other we never would have met without RSVP.

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