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I had little idea that this would be the man I was going to marry

ss natalie michael hanshen j Eleven months ago I decided to try my luck with RSVP. I was hopeful that I'd find someone as my best friend had met her beau online. It had only been a few days when Michael emailed me asking me out on a date.

I remember being fascinated by his profile. Not only was he Texan but he spoke Chinese fluently and was cute! I was eager to see what he was like in person. We met at a cafe in Lygon street and chatted for hours. At the end of the date he gave me a gift. It was a little tub of Chinese tea that he had obtained on his last business trip to China. I was really touched by this, I thought it said a lot about him - generous and kind.

I had little idea that this would be the man I was going to marry, however he now tells me that he knew he was going to marry me after that evening. He was so sure that he showed his boss my profile pic and said 'I'm going to marry this girl.'

Three weeks ago I went to meet his family in Texas. He took me for a stroll by a river near his mothers house and as we watched the fire flies twinkle he asked me to marry him.

I can't tell you how grateful I am that I took a chance and went on RSVP. I don't know that I'd meet someone of his calibre in a bar. So please get on RSVP and give it a go!

Thank you!
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