New Internationalist

Organ trafficking

The illicit trade in human organs – mainly kidneys – is a multimillion dollar business. Spanning continents, bringing together for a brief period the medically desperate with the desperately poor, it is portrayed by the pushers as helping out people in extreme need. But this illegal, exploitative trade remains firmly in the hands of criminal networks. We explore the mass of ethical issues involved, bringing to light why the traffic in human organs is so difficult to stamp out.

May 2014, Issue 472

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Other ways to explore New Internationalist: Sample our past issuesBrowse by themeBuy this issue
Perpetual scars
A forensic examination of the persistent problem of trafficking vulnerable people for their organs, and what it would take to stamp it out, by Nancy Scheper-Hughes. PLUS: Stories and opinions from those with personal experience of the trade.
The Medicus affair
A report from Kosovo on the skullduggery of an international gang of medical criminals and the tortuous road to bring them to justice. By Selvije Bajrami.
A living donor Bill of Rights
Principles for protection.
Dear Potential Organ Buyer
If you think the trade on human organs just needs proper regulation, read Nancy Scheper Hughes' exploration of the options.
Beyond burnout
Post-traumatic stress disorder is an occupational hazard for activists on the frontline, says Amy Hall.
10 reasons to be worried about the trojan treaties
Hazel Healy looks at two monster US-led free-trade deals.
Stories making the news this month
Ugandan LGBTI community down but not out
PepsiCo says no
Introducing Arseniy Yatsenyuk
Blanket assault on Cambodian garment workers
East-West strain over Ukraine
Abled people say
PLUS: Scratchy Lines by cartoonist Simon Kneebone and Reasons to be Cheerful
Argument: Should halal and kosher methods of slaughter be banned?
Viva! campaigner Tony Wardle and social commentator Mohammed Ansar go head to head.
Mark Engler
Cadillac's electric dream is a nightmare.
Chris Coltrane
Carbon stomp.
Letter from Bangui
Ruby Diamonde visits the Ba-aka forest people to find out about the impact of missionaries.
Country Profile: The Philippines
And Finally
Filmmaker and director Uri Fruchtmann tells Jo Lateu why he supports activists who expose wrongdoing through video.
Music reviews
Underwater Dub by Sly and Robbie; MetaL MetaL by Meta Meta.
Film reviews
We Are the Best! directed by Lukas Moodysson; An Episode in the Life of an Iron Picker, directed by Danis Tanovic.
Book reviews
The Rise and Fall of Al-Qaeda by Fawaz A Gerges; A Philosophy of Walking by Frederic Gros; Charlie Chaplin by Peter Ackroyd; and The Enchanted by Rene Denfeld.