The Intelligent Investor - Benjamin Graham - Audiobook
William Ackman: Everything You Need to Know About Finance and Investing in Under an Hour
Warren Buffett on The Intelligent Investor - Ben Graham
Investor Jim Grant on Bubbles And Bargains
Whiz Kid Investor (MoneyTrack Episode 312)
Billionaire Investor Ray Dalio Shares His Advice
Die Goldenen Zitronen - Der Investor (Official Video)
Mariana Mazzucato: Government -- investor, risk-taker, innovator
Paradox Of The Skilled Investor (Intelligent Investing With Steve Forbes)
Master Investor 2013 -- Jim Mellon -- New Money, Old Problem
Barbara Corcoran's Angel Investor Checklist
Ferris ft. INVESTOR! - Time [Most Addictive Release]
Six numbers every investor should know - MoneyWeek Investment Tutorials
Inspired by actual events, Anything's Possible shadows the journey of a young boys dream to become an actor in the seemingly impossible industry to break into, Hollywood. Doug, played by: (Douglas Rouillard) will take his parents advice and push it to limits very few have achieved and against the odds to prove anything is possible if you try hard enough. From childhood through adulthood, he learns the hard way, but one thing is constant, never give up. His dreams of film making and finding the love of his life will keep you holding on tight. If you want something bad enough, stop at nothing to get it, just don't get mixed up with the wrong crowd along the way. This story delivers hope, passion and a will worth fighting for that is relatable to all. Life is a marathon of events; join him on the run of his life.
VP of Production Lin Cho-Fung arrives late to the investor meeting to find chaos. Somehow, the eclectic ethnicity's of the investors have clashed, and all around cultural faux pas has been committed. Just when Lin settles restores order, Executive Producer Andy Reeves enters the room less than sober, and more than enthusiastic. A few embarrassing moments later, the boardroom is crashed by a six foot Malaysian prostitute demanding swift remittance for her services. We discover that her customer was none other than Andy (who is sporting a black eye under his dark sunglasses). After the Executive Producer's dirty laundry is publicly aired, security finally enters to remove the enraged prostitute. A vicious fight ensues in the boardroom between the unpaid street walker and security force which unfortunately results in electrocution, unconsciousness, and awkward silence. Just a typical day at Elite productions.
Keywords: low-comedy, office-comedy
The documentary team invades the offices of Elite Productions during a big investor meeting which results in prostitution, electrocution, unconsciousness, and awkward silence.
Andy Reeves: I did not take a shit on her chest!
In 1995, brothers Jimmy Ray Johnson and Bobby Ray Johnson collaborated to produce the horror movie "Curse of the Jackalope." The film was purchased at the Lula (GA) International Film Festival and Barbeque Cook-Off by producer Richard McCovey and released into theaters by his company, McCovey Pictures. Amid bad reviews and a disastrous distribution, the film grossed a total of $17 at the box office. Over time, the film has gained a hint of notoriety as the "lowest grossing film of all time." Richard McCovey Jr has taken over his father's company, with grand plans of re-releasing the film. But first, he has to reunite the cast & crew for the ten-year Anniversary screening, an event he's dubbed "Jackalope X."
Keywords: b-movie, fake-documentary, film-industry, film-within-a-film, georgia-usa, improvisation, jackalope, mockumentary, reunion
A movie about people who shouldn't make movies.
J.T. Leatherwood, the typical rugged cowboy, has fallen on hard times and must decide what is right for his family. Despite the protests of his wife and three daughters, JT decides to sell the cattle ranch he has worked his entire life to Pixie Entertainment for a sum that will make all his problems go away. However, when he finds out what Pixie has in store for his beloved land and cattle, J.T. wants no part of it. As it seems that all hope is lost, Jean, J.T.'s wife, discovers the answer has been right in their hands the whole time.
Marianne falls in love with con man Valentine who uses their relation to get her father's endorsement on a money-raising scheme. He runs off with the money and Marianne, later dumping her. Her sister Laura loves Dr. Lindley although she knows he loves Marianne. Marianne returns and marries a wealthy young man, and Lindley turns his love toward Laura.
Keywords: based-on-novel, con-man, remake
The Intelligent Investor - Benjamin Graham - Audiobook
William Ackman: Everything You Need to Know About Finance and Investing in Under an Hour
Warren Buffett on The Intelligent Investor - Ben Graham
Investor Jim Grant on Bubbles And Bargains
Whiz Kid Investor (MoneyTrack Episode 312)
Billionaire Investor Ray Dalio Shares His Advice
Die Goldenen Zitronen - Der Investor (Official Video)
Mariana Mazzucato: Government -- investor, risk-taker, innovator
Paradox Of The Skilled Investor (Intelligent Investing With Steve Forbes)
Master Investor 2013 -- Jim Mellon -- New Money, Old Problem
Barbara Corcoran's Angel Investor Checklist
Ferris ft. INVESTOR! - Time [Most Addictive Release]
Six numbers every investor should know - MoneyWeek Investment Tutorials
The New Investor Arrives In TNA Wrestling (January 30, 2014)
Best Real Estate Investor - Robert Kiyosaki - Rich Dad Poor Dad Author - Investment Strategies
[Electro House] Ferris ft. INVESTOR! - Time
"A Day In The Life of A Real Estate Investor"
Basant Maheshwari - The Thoughtful Investor - Book Reading Event by IAIP, Kolkata
Jordan's first phone call at the Investor's Centre - The Wolf of Wall Street
Ben Graham and The Intelligent Investor book
Pacific Tycoon Investor Reviews and Testimonials
Kickstarter? How to Get Investors: Pitching Venture Capital / Angel Investor Campaign Strategies
Passive Investing: The Evidence the Fund Management Industry Would Prefer You Not to See
The Difference Between Smart Buys And Gambling Buys, David Morgan []
How To Pitch To Investors With 13 Slides In Under 10 Minutes
Investor's Guide - Investor's Guide: Top Funds for 2014 and more
Trading Strategies for the Online Investor
We are UNDER the cost of PRODUCTION (Silver Talk with David Morgan)
Investor Carrot Candid Customer Review - Brittany Bolling
Online Investor Workshop T101: ปูพื้นฐานการวิเคราะห์ด้วยเทคนิค Basic Technical Analysis
Ken Heebner: Great Contrarian Investor
The Renegade Investor Meets Justin Urquhart Stewart!
Rick Rule: The Australian Economy, Commodities and Investor Education
Robert Wiedemer 100% Fake Economic Recovery Author of "The Aftershock Investor"
Hertha BSC | Pk vor dem Spiel (Investor) | Bundesliga | Spieltag 19 | Saison 2013/2014
Investor's Lessons Learned
Clever Investor Mentoring Review - Real Estate Investments
12 Things Every Investor Should Know #3
12 Things Every Investor Should Know #2
12 Things Every Investor Should Know #1
Top Tech Investor: Michael Brown was an asshole
Successful Tech investor embarrassed by woman after she releases crude hookup email
The New 100 Percent Investor Loan with Guest Pine Financial
E2 Treaty Investor Visa
European Investor Admits He Pestered Woman Entrepreneur For Sex In ?Deal? Email
Investor für Kühnichter Heide ausgebremst - ELSTERWELLE
Investor Pavel Curda Apologizes for Creepy Sex Messages
Wienerberger AG, Results H1 2014: Investor and Analyst Conference
08202014 E Ink Investor Conference
200814 Investor Avenue
20th August 2014 Tv5 Smart Investor
The Hunt for India's Smart Investor
Secrets of the Millionaire Investor - Part 1
Aktuell Freihandelsabkommen TTIP Was geheim gehalten werden soll US Investor Schutz
Taigum - Investor Alert- Don't Miss Out! Location ...
House Investor In San Diego
PetSmart To Explore Sale Amid Investor Pressure
PetSmart To Explore Sale Amid Investor Pressure
Who makes a good real estate investor?
Investor AB is a Swedish investment company, founded in 1916 and still controlled by the Wallenberg family through their foundation asset management company FAM. The company owns a controlling stake in several large Swedish companies with smaller positions in a number of other firms. In 2006 it had a market value of 119 billion kronor (€13 billion, $16 billion). Currently Investor has a strong financial position and is almost debt free.
December 31, 2004
October 15, 2006
In 1916, new legislation made it more difficult for banks to own stocks in industrial companies on a long-term basis. Investor was formed as an investment part of Stockholms Enskilda Bank, at the time the largest instrument of power in the Wallenberg family.
Investor held shares in the following companies as of 31 December 2010:
Investor's other investments include:
We lay decumbant,
Under the horns of the cresent moon...
Destined to degust omnipotence.
We naturally incubate,
Slowly covering in crust...
And migrate into morpheus dimensions.
A reunion for the deceased to achieve universal
Seeking a destination of desolation,
Far beyond the tormentor...
Forms out of fog, a permanent dusk.
The night in which the myths are to be acknowledged...
If not so, dismemberment in return...
Embrace what destiny reveals, but you'll fall...
Thoughts of my agonies go back to when life was not
No one shall miss the secretions from your marrow...
Drenched in accumualated impurities, I would not let this
slip by.
An entity takes over your body, it is the keeper,
Trust your mentor to the deep...
Your mind will wander as presentiments of your death
The sword in hand's not yet to be in the ground...
For at the darkest hour, a man may cry out.
Seven tormenting spirits
To be breathed into him...
The black abominations of elusive kinds,
Heads hung in death... Spilling blood for their dead.
Incinerate the soul to die temporarily..
Betrayed torture for a life of recovery,
Now I begin the quest I was born for...
Ridding the world of those pigmented abortion babies.
Fetal infections transplants the foul wastes...
Lift the eyelids to inject this antidote... Only to...
Live though a slow and painful demise,
Reason from the corroded arteries
Seeps from the bubbling skin...
This vagina is a thing to be tortured...
Rat droppings enclose the orifice.
Seven tormenting spirits
To be breathed into him.
God's purist creatures I've hung and eaten...
To reproduce their meat. Alive.
... We rejoiced for a ceremonial reunion,
Where we'll eat and feast on an array of our departed's
Grant me the delight of necrofucking
My departed followers... They were my companions to the
I am taken to the deepest corners of the earth...
Room of reunion... Join with the departed,
Souls trapped in a timeless sanctuary of darkness.
... Witness the secret places which shall not be
precieved by man.
Talisman strung in remebrance of the dead,
Resurrect visions kept in capsules of existence.
Perception enhanced by smoke and hypnosis,
Subconcious prayers for entreaty.
... Come to call, reappear in form!
Transcending through the boundaries of ancient knowledge.
... Notice the transient beings
Which thrive on your fear,
Their meager existence I have already experienced
... Moving closer to the core,
I engulf in luminescence,
Aquired from this cerulean consumption,
The resting place of emptiness...
Where blackness robs the spirit
Chamber of reunion
... I may not return to this chamber.
From the blood, we are born of sadness...
But thy celestial spirits are breathed into me,
Licking and taunting naked flesh,
Repulsive ebony skin.
Now destroy this bastard...
Sword to the neck...
Cast in blood.
... Fingering the feces from the anus...
Braded into palsy.
Tedious chopping... Tedious chopping.
Opening the stomach wall
Searching for cancerous sores
I love violating her ass
And drowning in oceans of diarrhea
Fingering the feces from her ass
... Grubbing on the unholy bag
A devious affliction of pain...
Mutilated beyond belief, no hope for resurrection.
There shall be no polluting of blood, our enemies are low
Program to burn their offspring,
Lapadation to turn them away
... When the cross begins to burn,
Remove the cerecloth...
Reveal to all the soulless carcass,
His body was his cage.
Scraping off the rancid crust... Mortalized face and
That which will never fucking die.
Cold sweat and fear sets in...
This scalpel that I grasp in fear,
Acidic compounds injested by mouth...
Through my travels, I have pledged to tell of my
Infatuation with the disturbed.
The traces left behind... Still cower upon my
Flucuations bringing change, this hell on Earth...
It is a bed of procrustes.
The means are left behind, to the one who is dormant...
He is the placeby which has transfixed me,
Like a cyst it grows and swells...
Bloating to a new confusion.
Your anguish is revealed to me... As you become...
Gudgeon, provoked by this culmination of callings.
The goatish fiend, spills cowardly puss...
In consined perdition, we are overtaken...
By stygian darkness.
What is not known afflicts the inerted mind...
Reflect upon this... Swine.
As you feel me chew on your remaining bowels...
Your mentality is lost... As is the water on your
Like a sudden change... In the course of events,
You must except your end... As you envision,
I venerate the pleasures of eviscerating,
It is a higher art... Of immutable beauty.
As though the oceans boiled and the lands burned...
Malincony, the winds resound a mourning.
Your fearless one... Violated of his life...
-His blood sprayed far during his mutilation.
The habitat is now a shit-ridden landslide...
All the screams become an echoing chant,
As though we sanctify... Gorging in spiteful cleansing,
The incense cannot cover up,