
Anarkistisk mødeguide

For kunne være effektiv i en by eller region må en anarkistisk politisk organisation holde møder regelmæssigt (ugentligt eller hver anden uge). Det kan være ganske svært at få disse møder, hvor afgørende de end er, til at føles besværet værd. Her er nogle idéer, som kan hjælpe.



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Posting comments

 Like most sites we have a major problem with bots trying to post spam into the comments section.  While looking for a better solution we are reduced to only on turning on the ability to anonymously comment for brief periods around the posting of new articles.  But if you are a regular visitor you can comment at any time by creating an account on the site and logging in before posting. But the Spammers also set up accounts so to reduce the workload of deleting those we only turn on the ability to create accounts for brief periods which we announce on our Twitter & Facebook accounts so follow those to hear when we have that turned on.  We do want you to be able to engage with us via the comments and we are very sorry for the fact that we can't find a better way of dealing with spam.

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