Minister Charlie Flanagans cruel or careless words

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In reaction to our outrage at the state force feeding a women in order to compel her to give birth against her wishes Minister Charlie Flanagan has declared "There doesn't appear to be an appetite for a further referendum" (Transcript)

It's hard to imagine a worse way to dismiss holding a referendum to Repeal the 8th Amendment. It was the 8th amendment (along with the states racist treatment of migrants) that led to the force feeding of the migrant women who had been raped, was suicidal and wanted an abortion. Instead she was forced through an additional 23 weeks of pregnancy and force fed when she stopped eating & drinking. This barbaric treatment eventually lead to her 'agreeing' to a C-section.

We have nothing but disgust for the words of Flanagan - get out and protest tonight (Weds 20th August) , there are protests happening in most cities in Ireland and outside embassies abroad as below

Dublin - The Spire at 6pm
Belfast - City Hall at 6pm
Galway - Eyre Square at 6pm
Cork - Courthouse at 6pm
Limerick - Cellar Door at 8pm
Derry - Guildhall at 6pm
Auckland - Irish Consulate at 8am
London - Irish Embassy at 6pm
Berlin - Irish Embassy at 6.30pm
Warsaw - 10am

WORDS Andrew Flood (Follow Andrew on Twitter )


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