LIVE - Obama and Cameron speak after G7
Joint news conference by US President and UK Prime Minister.
What is in the news today? C...
published: 05 Jun 2014
LIVE - Obama and Cameron speak after G7
LIVE - Obama and Cameron speak after G7
Joint news conference by US President and UK Prime Minister. What is in the news today? Click to watch: http://eurone.ws/1kb2gOl euronews: the most watched news channel in Europe Subscribe! http://eurone.ws/10ZCK4a euronews is available in 14 languages: http://bit.ly/1qPwqgE In English: Website: http://www.euronews.com/news Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/euronews Twitter: http://twitter.com/euronews Google+: http://google.com/+euronews VKontakte: http://vk.com/en.euronews- published: 05 Jun 2014
- views: 0
Mc G7 e Mc Felipinho - Vem Mama o G7 Chupa o Felipinho [THIAGO DJ MPC]
http://www.facebook.com/Origemdofunk CURTA NO FACEBOOOK ! http://www.facebook.com/Origemdo...
published: 11 Sep 2012
author: cristiasmo
Mc G7 e Mc Felipinho - Vem Mama o G7 Chupa o Felipinho [THIAGO DJ MPC]
Mc G7 e Mc Felipinho - Vem Mama o G7 Chupa o Felipinho [THIAGO DJ MPC]
http://www.facebook.com/Origemdofunk CURTA NO FACEBOOOK ! http://www.facebook.com/Origemdofunk CURTA NO FACEBOOOK ! Mc G7 e Mc Felipinho - Vem Mama o G7 Chup...- published: 11 Sep 2012
- views: 874719
- author: cristiasmo
Invincible Youth (청춘불패) - Ep.5 : Let's Make Kimchi with G7 / Yoga Class with Yuri
Korea is gaga for girl groups! Girls' Generation, Kara, Brown Eyed Girls, T-ara, 4Minute, ...
published: 28 May 2013
author: kbsworld
Invincible Youth (청춘불패) - Ep.5 : Let's Make Kimchi with G7 / Yoga Class with Yuri
Invincible Youth (청춘불패) - Ep.5 : Let's Make Kimchi with G7 / Yoga Class with Yuri
Korea is gaga for girl groups! Girls' Generation, Kara, Brown Eyed Girls, T-ara, 4Minute, Secret, f(x), Jewelry. Seven girls from the hottest girl groups get...- published: 28 May 2013
- views: 44838
- author: kbsworld
Invincible Youth | 청춘불패 - Ep.37: G7 in Japan! - Part 1
- G7 goes to Japan! Invitation from a beautiful vilalge in Japan
published: 17 Oct 2013
Invincible Youth | 청춘불패 - Ep.37: G7 in Japan! - Part 1
Invincible Youth | 청춘불패 - Ep.37: G7 in Japan! - Part 1
- G7 goes to Japan! Invitation from a beautiful vilalge in Japan ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subscribe KBS World Official YouTube & Watch more episodes of 'Invincible Youth Season 1' : http://www.youtube.com/kbsworld ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KBS World is a TV channel for international audiences provided by KBS, the flagship public service broadcaster in Korea. Enjoy Korea's latest and most popular K-Drama, K-Pop, K-Entertainment & K-Documentary with multilingual subtitles, by subscribing KBS World official YouTube. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 대한민국 대표 해외채널 KBS World를 유튜브에서 만나세요. KBS World는 전세계 시청자에게 재미있고 유익한 한류 콘텐츠를 영어 자막과 함께 제공하는 No.1 한류 채널입니다. KBS World 유튜브 채널을 구독하고 최신 드라마, K-Pop, 예능, 다큐멘터리 정보를 받아보세요. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Visit KBS World Official Pages] Homepage: http://www.kbsworld.co.kr Twitter: http://twitter.com/kbsworldtv Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/kbsworld- published: 17 Oct 2013
- views: 7072
[Vietsub] G7 Dance@KBS Entertainment Award 2009
Nếu có sai sót mong m.n bỏ qua :D Vì không kịp thời gian nên mình chưa chèn eff vào chữ nê...
published: 20 Jul 2012
author: Rose White
[Vietsub] G7 Dance@KBS Entertainment Award 2009
[Vietsub] G7 Dance@KBS Entertainment Award 2009
Nếu có sai sót mong m.n bỏ qua :D Vì không kịp thời gian nên mình chưa chèn eff vào chữ nên chữ đọc sẽ không đc bắt mắt ^^- published: 20 Jul 2012
- views: 863
- author: Rose White
Awkward diplomacy at D-Day ceremony after G7 without Russia
It was the first time in 16 years that Russia was not invited for the closed-door G7 summi...
published: 08 Jun 2014
Awkward diplomacy at D-Day ceremony after G7 without Russia
Awkward diplomacy at D-Day ceremony after G7 without Russia
It was the first time in 16 years that Russia was not invited for the closed-door G7 summit in Brussels. World leaders did meet the Russian president Vladimir Putin later on Friday, at D-Day commemorations in Normandy - but not without some awkward moments. RT's Marina Kosareva reports. RT LIVE http://rt.com/on-air Subscribe to RT! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=RussiaToday Like us on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/RTnews Follow us on Twitter http://twitter.com/RT_com Follow us on Instagram http://instagram.com/rt Follow us on Google+ http://plus.google.com/+RT RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.- published: 08 Jun 2014
- views: 301
【おめでとう韓国】 G7入り確定!?
published: 06 Aug 2014
【おめでとう韓国】 G7入り確定!?
【おめでとう韓国】 G7入り確定!?
韓国がG7に加入できるとの予想を発表しました。 ついでに国連安全保障理事会の常任理事国に入る予定らしいです。 朝鮮日報の記事からです。 (ニュース) http://www.chosunonline.com/site/data/html_dir/2014/08/02/2014080200661.html http://www.chosunonline.com/svc/auth/index_login.html?contid=2014072301133&code;=news 【日々の投稿状況をお知らせ】 ツイッター⇒https://twitter.com/defendjapan 【ダウンロード:世直し忍者】 http://urx.nu/a6RE 【出版:韓国とかかわるな】 http://urx.nu/a6RB 【CCライセンス表示】 曲名:世直し忍者 ⇒http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/donald_sukisuki69/23430164.html- published: 06 Aug 2014
- views: 35645
G7 Feat Money G Official POUVWA LANMOU
Inscrivez Vous à La Chaîne pour recevoir les meilleurs Clips en exclusivité.
Web : htt...
published: 23 Jun 2014
G7 Feat Money G Official POUVWA LANMOU
G7 Feat Money G Official POUVWA LANMOU
Inscrivez Vous à La Chaîne pour recevoir les meilleurs Clips en exclusivité. Web : http://t.co/6eMNQ7y8mQ G7 Feat Money G Official POUVWA LANMOU- published: 23 Jun 2014
- views: 2008
中国"袋だたき"「力による現状変更」で孤立化鮮明 G7名指し非難へ
中国"袋だたき"「力による現状変更」で孤立化鮮明 G7名指し非難へ
published: 02 Jun 2014
中国"袋だたき"「力による現状変更」で孤立化鮮明 G7名指し非難へ
中国"袋だたき"「力による現状変更」で孤立化鮮明 G7名指し非難へ
中国"袋だたき"「力による現状変更」で孤立化鮮明 G7名指し非難へ 2014.06.02 http://www.zakzak.co.jp/society/foreign/news/20140602/frn1406021524008-n1.htm 中国が袋だたきにあっている。東シナ海や南シナ海で「力による現状変更」を進めていることに、シンガポールでのアジア安全保障会議で各国から批判が集中したのだ。ベルギー・ブリュッセルで4、5両日に開かれるG7(先進7カ国)首脳会議で採択される首脳宣言でも、名指しで非難される方向。習近平国家主席率いる中国の孤立化が鮮明になってきた。- published: 02 Jun 2014
- views: 1940
Youtube results:
MC Pardal Feat. MC G7 - Joga na Cara (TOM PRODUÇÕES 2014)
CURTI http://www.facebook.com/tomproducoesvideoclipes
Tom Pr...
published: 30 Jul 2014
MC Pardal Feat. MC G7 - Joga na Cara (TOM PRODUÇÕES 2014)
MC Pardal Feat. MC G7 - Joga na Cara (TOM PRODUÇÕES 2014)
http://tomproducoes.com.br CURTI http://www.facebook.com/tomproducoesvideoclipes Tom Produções® - ©2014 Filmes Ltda. Todos os direitos reservados. SEGUE AI: http://instagram.com/tomproducoes Contato para vídeo Tom Produções: ID: 13*671862 Direção: Tom Produções SIGA-ME NO TWITTER http://twitter.com/#!/djtomproducoes Baixe os melhores MP3 de FUNK aqui!!! www.funkfodastico.net- published: 30 Jul 2014
- views: 5850
G7 車庫柒號 電視節目樣帶「 宿命對決 BMW X 6M VS BENZ E63 AMG」
G7 車庫柒號即將於年底正式開拍全新電視節目-「極速任務」! G7 創立短短半年多的時間,受到車迷朋友的大力支持與討論、官方臉書粉絲團更在半年內吸引近八萬名粉絲的加入,粉絲團討論...
published: 07 Sep 2013
G7 車庫柒號 電視節目樣帶「 宿命對決 BMW X 6M VS BENZ E63 AMG」
G7 車庫柒號 電視節目樣帶「 宿命對決 BMW X 6M VS BENZ E63 AMG」
G7 車庫柒號即將於年底正式開拍全新電視節目-「極速任務」! G7 創立短短半年多的時間,受到車迷朋友的大力支持與討論、官方臉書粉絲團更在半年內吸引近八萬名粉絲的加入,粉絲團討論度並超越全球任何一個汽車單位,使G7 成為時下最熱門的汽車新媒體。現在,G7車庫柒號醞釀已久的全新電視節目-「極速任務」樣帶已製作完畢,預計將於今年底正式開拍。 「極速任務」節目將展現權威性、專業性、前瞻性與文化性,網羅最新的汽車動向,聚焦車迷朋友們最關心的熱門汽車話題,並設置多個不同內容單元,為觀眾呈現觀點鮮明的車界觀察,從而打造一檔對汽車産業和市場具有強大影響力的權威汽車電視節目。 汽車消費市場早已經由「代步工具」轉向成為結合「休閒、娛樂」的新世代觀念。因此我們摒棄以往汽車類節目的舊型態,改由各種不同的切入角度來欣賞一部車子。從樣帶中,可以明顯的發現我們不只是一般影音的汽車型錄,而是像打造一部精緻影片般地完整,從主持人、節目來賓、試車手、改裝廠等專業人士作為取材對象,讓節目內容更具可看性、更加廣泛與深入,細緻的表現方式但卻能讓觀眾更容易了解並區分每一款車獨有的特性,讓觀眾不僅可依個人喜好做出對車款的選擇之外,也能享受精緻的視覺饗宴。 敬請各位車迷隨時關注G7 動態及後續消息。並請支持由G7車庫柒號所精心製作的-「極速任務」。現在就讓我們搶先欣賞節目樣帶的其中一段單元內容 -「極速任務之宿命對決 BMW X 6M VS BENZ E63 AMG」。- published: 07 Sep 2013
- views: 2352
Mc G7 - DVD da Nivel A
Visite: http://www.GeralnaRede.com .:: Cliquem em Gostei, se Inscreva e Favorite o Vídeo :...
published: 11 Mar 2013
author: RafinhaRp22
Mc G7 - DVD da Nivel A
Mc G7 - DVD da Nivel A
Visite: http://www.GeralnaRede.com .:: Cliquem em Gostei, se Inscreva e Favorite o Vídeo ::. ========================================= Facebook: http://Www.F...- published: 11 Mar 2013
- views: 269072
- author: RafinhaRp22
G7 warns Russia it will step up sanctions over Ukraine
The G7 summit has delivered Russia an ultimatum - stabilise east Ukraine or suffer more s...
published: 05 Jun 2014
G7 warns Russia it will step up sanctions over Ukraine
G7 warns Russia it will step up sanctions over Ukraine
The G7 summit has delivered Russia an ultimatum - stabilise east Ukraine or suffer more sanctions. The leaders of the world's top industrialised nations are being hosted in Brussels without a suspended President Vladimir Putin. Russia must withdraw its forces from Ukraine's border and stop its alleged supply of weapons and extra combatants to separatists.. German Chancellor Angela Merkel was blunt:: "If we do not have progress on the questions we have to solve there is the possibility of ... READ MORE : http://www.euronews.com/2014/06/05/g7-warns-russia-it-will-step-up-sanctions-over-ukraine What is in the news today? Click to watch: http://eurone.ws/1kb2gOl euronews: the most watched news channel in Europe Subscribe! http://eurone.ws/10ZCK4a euronews is available in 14 languages: http://bit.ly/1qPwqgE In English: Website: http://www.euronews.com/news Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/euronews Twitter: http://twitter.com/euronews Google+: http://google.com/+euronews VKontakte: http://vk.com/en.euronews- published: 05 Jun 2014
- views: 1581