We have awesome customers from all over the world. Below are their stories and experiences with The Theme Foundry. Visit the links to view live examples of our themes in action.

Chris Leboe

Chris Leboe

Prince George, British Columbia

A Place For Things


I love to share photographs. Avid has made sharing my work easy and beautiful. I can post large images, and my photo sales plugin integrated seamlessly.

The Theme Foundry has provided fantastic support via email and through their forums. It’s nice to work with folks that love what they do as much as I do. I am a very happy customer.

Jirina Bilkova

Jirina Bilkova

Prague, Czech Republic

Jirina Bilkova Photography


I am a photographer and recently decided that it was time to have my own website to show my portfolio to the world :) I think that beauty is in simplicity and when I found The Theme Foundry’s Photography template I knew that it is exactly what I wanted.

Although I have no experience working with websites, Photography was really user friendly and it took me no time at all to get the hang of things. I am really happy to finally have my own website and love the professional look!

Kerri and Steve Browne

Kerri and Steve Browne

Deepwater, Australia

Anketell Forest


Anketell Forest is a 2000 acres wildlife refuge and tourist accommodation venture on the northern tablelands of NSW, Australia. When we launched our tourist venture in 2009 I wanted a website that matched our accommodation – clean, creative and very well built. Vigilance Pro was perfect and we quickly gained bookings, publicity and compliments about our website.

We’ve since refurbished three times – Linen, React, and now Portfolio – and each time I’ve really appreciated the “Pro” aspect of the themes. The Theme Foundry support staff are helpful, friendly and prompt and the themes themselves are as elegant to use as they are to look at.

Darin Hayton

Darin Hayton

Haverford, Pennsylvania

Darin Hayton


Christopher Columbus did not prove the earth was round. In fact, there never was a time when people believed the earth was flat, despite what we’re told in high school.

As the historian of science at Haverford College, this tenacious myth and others like it trouble me. My site is one place where I analyze the uses and abuses of the history of science in the media, society, and politics. I also use my site to showcase my research and writing, my speaking, and my teaching.

Make is the third theme I’ve used from The Theme Foundry — React, Basis, and now Make, which offers more flexibility and creative options. The Theme Foundry’s themes are clean and modern, and allow me to promote my work. The support is excellent, prompt, and friendly. I continue to recommend The Theme Foundry to colleagues.

Robert Brodey

Robert Brodey

Toronto, Canada

Vicarious Traveller


I’m a writer and photographer based in Toronto, Canada. For the past 17 years, my work has appeared in national and international publications, covering everything from literacy in Gambia, West Africa, to wilderness adventure racing in northern Ontario. As a freelancer, I tend to be self-reliant, which means I need a website that I can regularly update on my own, without having to hire someone to make changes.

I stumbled on The Theme Foundry when I was re-imagining my photography-based website CloudGazer. The React theme really highlighted the visual aspect of my work. I wanted the Vicarious Traveller site to be more text driven but with a sharp looking and intuitive interface, which The Theme Foundry delivered on with Watson. And, because of its dynamic flexibility, I was able to launch my new blog, Daddy-on-the-Move, right from the site, with just a few mouse clicks.

Beth Maiden

Beth Maiden

Todmorden, Yorkshire, UK

Four Elements Web Design


I had been running my own web design company for some time but knew it was time for a re-brand. I spent ages searching for the right theme, but they all seemed to blur into one. Then I found The Theme Foundry! I loved the strong, striking layout offered by the Snap theme and how it enables me to layout my site pages with a strong focus on my elemental photography and unique web design process. Snap enables me to stand out from the crowd – within three days of launching my new site, I’d had several enquiries complementing me on my bold and stylish approach.

Right after buying the theme I had a couple of set-up questions, which were answered within hours on the support forum in a friendly, concise way. I’ll come back to The Theme Foundry to purchase themes for my clients, and would recommend them to anyone wanting to build high-quality sites which truly stand out.

Danielle Batist

Danielle Batist

London, United Kingdom

Danielle Batist


While researching easy-to-use and high quality tools for my Journopreneur Workshop sessions, I came across The Theme Foundry. Having built various WordPress sites before, I was immediately impressed with the quality of the themes and the cleverness of the back end technology.

Combined with stunning design, sharp pricing and solid back-end support and forum help, The Theme Foundry offer is perfect for media freelancers of all kinds. Not only did I find a great resource to share with my workshop participants; I ended up building my own website with the Portfolio theme as well.

Kenny Harrison

Kenny Harrison

Portland, Oregon

Kenny Harrison


I used to be an IT geek, but now I play guitar and study music. I write stories and ruminate about making a musical journey as my vocational finale in life. While I don’t ignore my musical destination, it’s the adventure of making a musical journey that is the ultimate source of my contentment and inspiration in life.

With seven themes in my collection, I’m always impressed by the code quality, flexibility and aesthetics originating from The Theme Foundry. Comfortable with getting my hands into PHP, the times I needed assistance it has always been provided in a friendly and timely manner from TTF staff members. Oxford is a top-notch theme for the content I wish to create and present. Cheers!

Ben Gotow

Ben Gotow

Nashville, Tennessee

Foundry 376 Footnotes


We’re a small group of developers, interface designers, and engineers that craft exceptional user experiences. We work on projects of our own and help clients large and small create software that their customers love. We begin every project with the same goal: to meet user needs and make the boundaries of technology disappear.

Chalk was the perfect theme for our blog—sleek and professional, with a unique look and a variety of different content types.

Marta Victoria

Marta Victoria

Long Beach, California

Icarus Music


As composers who score for TV, film and venues; we needed a fresh site to deliver music and video content in a “2.0″ way.

The Shelf Theme was not only fun, but practical. Since it comes with a child theme, we could tailor it to our hearts’ content; then populate the site with audio and video players so folks could audition our music. We especially like the way our visitors can now interact with us. That kind of engagement just wasn’t possible before our WordPress re-design.

Alexander Telin

Alexander Telin




I have grown up and lived in so many different places that it’s difficult for me to say where I am from in a simple phrase. I have come to a realization that home is where your heart and dreams are even if it is just an idea in your head. With this in mind, I have started my blog to explore
the theme of home through photographs and text. An interview section is coming up, too!

Aesthetics are very important to me and as I like a clean look, I was searching for a theme that would be simple and elegant and yet allow for a lush visual experience. I opted to go with Anthem and have been happy that I did. It is ready-to-use and easy to handle even if you are a beginner in
the world of blogging.

Aaron Shepherd

Aaron Shepherd

Minneapolis, Minnesota

Three Thrifty Guys


I run a personal finance site called Three Thrifty Guys. Our aim is to help folks keep a few more bucks in their pockets (and purses) :)

I was drawn to Vigilance when I was shopping for a theme for Three Thrifty Guys and fell in love with it right away. After purchasing it, I was blown away by the support The Theme Foundry gave me with Vigilance; even on the most detailed things. I’ve bought several other themes since.

Margaret Soraya

Margaret Soraya

Inverness, Scotland

Orange Beetle Chronicles


I am a professional photographer in Inverness, Scotland. I shoot commercial images and travel photography and needed a site that would showcase both of these areas of my business effectively.

With my travel photography I need to show travel articles and with my commercial work I need galleries of images. The portfolio page template gives me the flexibility and functionality to be able to do both of these things. Plus, Portfolio is a unique, clean, responsive theme which is very easy to customize and maintain. Add fantastic customer service and support to that and you can see why I love The Theme Foundry !

Kristy and Ed Ewing

Kristy and Ed Ewing

Port Orchard, Washington

Ewing Creative


Ewing Creative is a graphic and advertising design firm. We know that design is pivotal, that it turns heads and that it can persuade or dissuade. Applying this understanding with talent is how we help our clients succeed.

To date we’ve used 3 of your beautifully designed themes and could not be happier with The Theme Foundry’s timely, friendly tech support. Serious consideration is made to the end-user when building functionality into your themes. We chose to use the Photography theme when redesigning our own website — This gives us a great vehicle to show our clients just how easy content management can be.

Annette L. Venditti

Annette L. Venditti

Fort Myers, Florida

Cucina Di Mammina


I am Italian-American, raised by immigrant parents with a passion for food, family and life. My art and creative design career gave me the opportunity to travel and experience many cultures and the food, drink and people that make them so impressive. My dream has been to create a personal food blog and I instantly liked Watson for my blog; I was looking for a magazine-style, clean layout with a well chosen font and layout options allowing my food and travel stories and photos to be the feature on each post.

I found Watson very easy to set-up and the video tutorial was invaluable as I went through each section and reviewed the available options. The Theme Foundry’s support team was very responsive and easy to work with during the initial development stages and even checked in with me to be sure all was going well! Thank you for all the help and for developing a theme that has helped my food blog come to life.

Hassan Ijwan

Hassan Ijwan

Dhiffushi, Northern Male Atoll

Happy Life Maldives Guesthouse


Happy Life Maldives Guesthouse is a small boutique guesthouse on the local island Dhiffushi in the Northern Male Atoll. We built the whole guesthouse from the ground with our own hands. We are striving to make our little place in paradise as beautiful as the Maldives are, so design, interior and looks are a big one for us. That’s where The Theme Foundry and Portfolio came into the picture.

Knowing that our website would be our predominant sales-channel, we had been looking for a long time for a beautiful but simple and reduced design that would cater for mobile & tablet but at the same time is simple to use and would do our aesthetic ideas justice – voilà! We are super-happy about Portfolio, the support is amazing and fast and we get a lot of very positive feedback on our site. In fact, we believe that we receive more bookings because the site turned out to be so beautiful!

Thomas Borowski

Thomas Borowski

Obing, Germany

Think, Make, Sell


I’m an entrepreneur, writer, developer, podcaster and IT consultant. I didn’t know what I wanted to be when I grew up, so now I’m just doing a little bit of everything. I get bored easily if I have to do the same thing for more than a couple of days in a row. The diversity of my work helps me maintain my sanity.

One of my projects is Think, Make, Sell, a podcast about entrepreneurship and turning your ideas into a business. I decided to run the site on WordPress and since I had previously bought themes from The Theme Foundry, they were my first choice. The Portfolio theme immediately caught my eye and I’m using it on the site with a couple of minor tweaks. I love the clean code and beautiful responsive design and that I can actually talk to the designers and developers of the theme if I ever run into questions or problems (which hasn’t happened very often). Plus, I like to support small businesses like my own because we truly care about every single customer.

Kenji Kwok

Kenji Kwok


Kenji Kwok Photography


I am a photographer who gives himself the chance to dream. While creativity stems from everything but being perfect most of the time, I still seek perfection – that of which I’ve found in Avid. Being a photographer, you want to have the best platform to showcase your work, and be proud to do so. It is akin to opening the door to your house, welcoming guests whom you have never seen or heard of, and wanting them to leave feeling impressed at how nicely thought out your interiors are.

As much as the theme was built for photographers who can’t wait to share their work, it still has the option for you to customize it and the CSS is really very easy to understand. Wait, you have a problem? No worries. The team over at The Theme Foundry is always available to help, and I can attest to that. As artists, we all want to be doing what we set out to do when we set up the website. And for me, that was to photograph and share my stories. That was why I researched, hunted, and found myself looking no further than The Theme Foundry. It is fantastic. Now I can just focus on my photography.

Harold Lloyd

Harold Lloyd

Cambridge, United Kingdom

Sparks of Fire


I take photographs. I was seeking an easy-to-use online solution that would let me display these photographs simply and beautifully – and without using Flash. I wanted a relatively stripped-down look that would emphasis the photographs, not the site itself.

I road-tested a number of possibles but The Theme Foundry’s Photography template stood out: clean, precise, and customisable. As important, response from support was almost immediate when I emailed with a couple of questions. I’d recommend their designs to anyone seeking site templates and a friendly and helpful bunch of people.

Karin Nelson

Karin Nelson

Chilliwack, British Columbia

Kayenne Photography


I’m a graphic designer and a photographer, and I love to write. I just recently moved my blog over from WordPress.org to WordPress.com, mostly because I didn’t want to have to deal with the issues of self hosting.

I was so very pleased to see that The Theme Foundry had such excellent themes even for WordPress.com – especially “Duet”, which I fell in love with right away. Following the instructions provided, I’ve been able to easily adapt it to my needs. A blog is such a wonderful medium for writing, and Duet is one of the most beautiful, best suited themes for such a blog I have ever seen (and I’ve seen a lot, believe me.)

Franklin McMahon

Franklin McMahon

Portland, Maine

Franklin McMahon Studio


I had been planning to rebuild my website for my production studio and had used themes from The Theme Foundry in the past. I wanted to convey a very simple and clean look, focused on great typography and highlighting my areas of expertise such as photography, writing and video production. A key element of the redesign was going to be a blog where I could post updates on topics such as technology, opinions and creative career advice.

Watson was the absolute perfect choice for my website, and the theme fires on all cylinders to achieve exactly what I set out to create. Its customization options allows me to highlight certain posts as well as lead visitors to other topics through excellent responsive navigation. This theme looks beautiful on mobile! Just as responsive, the staff at The Theme Foundry has helped me quickly on many occasions. The detailed documentation, including the excellent full video tutorial, is first rate.

Andrew Miller

Andrew Miller

Dublin, Ireland

BBQ Insanity


I started BBQ Insanity last summer as a blog on all things barbecue related. Never having used WordPress, I jumped right in, but soon found that there’s such a thing as too much choice! I quickly got bogged down trying lots of sub-optimal themes that never quite got me the cohesive look and feel I wanted for the site. It had no identity, it was a mess.

As soon as I saw the Traction theme I knew it was the one for me. I was able to totally redesign my website in the space of a weekend and relaunch what I think is now a much cleaner and polished website. Now I can focus my time and energy on writing quality content and not on site design. I’ve found the forums to be very helpful, empowering me to make any tweaks I’ve needed along the way. I consider themes from The Theme Foundry as money well spent!

Brendon Wilkins

Brendon Wilkins

London, United Kingdom



Run by diggers for diggers, Diggingthedirt is your daily dose of news, features, links and belly laughs from British, Irish and World Archaeologists scattered to the four corners of the wind. Proceed with caution: when you dig up the past, all you get is dirt!

I’ve been a fan of The Theme Foundry since my move to WordPress from Blogger two years ago (made a whole lot easier thanks to their involvement!). My technical skills are limited, so access to the support forum has been amazingly helpful, and has the feel of a small community all pulling in the same direction. Social media integration has really helped build a following to the point now where the website is paying for itself. On to my fourth theme now – and look forward to redecorating the website with a new one soon!

David Gilbert

David Gilbert

Hong Kong, China



I’m a Brit from London working for a large media organisation in Hong Kong, where I manage their travel website as well as my own blog, which I’ve been writing for over 8 years about my life in Asia. I love visiting unusual places tourists don’t often go and learning about cultural differences.

I’ve been using The Theme Foundry since their very first release and, while I’ve looked at many of the free / paid options out there, I’ve found no one else making such well designed themes with clean code and beautiful typography throughout. I appreciate the timely bug-fix updates and friendly support forums which are really useful when I face an issue I can’t resolve myself (being only semi-literate with PHP / CSS). I’m always excited to see what The Theme Foundry team cook up with each new release!

Norbert Weiss

Norbert Weiss

Calgary, Canada

Norbert Weiss Photography


I am a French amateur photographer, mostly working in Black & White. When looking for a theme to display my photographs online, I wanted something uncluttered just like my images. The Theme Foundry’s Portfolio template has been by far the best theme I have found to meet my criteria. Portfolio has been perfect in being flexible and responsive to fit the growing use of mobile devices.

Being not a computer “geek”, I realize when customizing my theme that The Theme Foundry, besides offering stunning themes, also provide an incredible technical support. The Team has been incredibly friendly, helpful and responsive and no issue goes unresolved. You Guys are awesome!

Jeff Branch

Jeff Branch

Pelham, Alabama

Jeff Branch


I wanted a site to write about woodworking and show off some of the things I make. After going through a few free themes I decided I wanted something better suited for showcasing my work. I really like the crisp look of The Theme Foundry products and selected Portfolio. A big part of my decision was how Portfolio looked on a smartphone; much better than the previous themes I had used.

The tutorial video made setting up Portfolio easy. I try to utilize all of Portfolio’s features to make my site stand out. This includes the additional graphic elements available when writing a post as well as the post format options. I also like the format available for portfolio items – very professional looking.

Adrian Taylor

Adrian Taylor

Melbourne, Australia

Vintage Metal


Vintage Metal was started as a way to escape from the boredom of my 9-5 job and pursue the things that I really enjoy. I’ve always been a huge car fan and recently started restoring old Motorcycles and found that the site was a great way to share my passion. In a effort to make it into something more we recently opened an online store to start selling car and bike parts and I’m hoping it will become much more in the future.

The Watson theme has been perfect for me. It’s easy to use, simple to upload images and select what I want to feature. I love the way it looks and I get heaps of positive feedback from people about how great it all looks.

Eirik V Johnsen

Eirik V Johnsen

Oslo, Norway

Mental Propell


We (Krisitian Pohl, Annica Thommson and I) are digital poets exploring Europe through a series of deadline art projects where we create art under strict deadline restrictions.

We have used WordPress for several years now, but Duet is the first custom theme we have found that fit our vision perfectly. Thanks for the care and hard work you put into it!

Charles Rodkoff

Charles Rodkoff

Yuba City, CA

Being Present


As a webmaster / editor, getting the right tools for the right job is a priority. The Theme Foundry came highly recommended and does not disappoint. My theme, Vigilance, is one of the best investments thus far in getting my site up and running and allowing my writers to do what they do best – write!

Support is excellent; professional yet friendly and courteous, and right there when I need. No issue goes unresolved. Two thumbs up for Vigilance and Theme Foundry. Thanks guys!

Patrick Loonstra

Patrick Loonstra

Groningen, Netherlands



Since the beginning I have been a fan of The Theme Foundry’s work. After using one of the first themes for awhile, I now run Watson on my personal blog. I also work as a designer and am currently working on my portfolio using the Basis theme.

I love the design, the readability and, maybe most of all, the ecosystem The Theme Foundry has built over the years. You can depend on the themes and the support. Thanks a lot.

Deborah Cincotta

Deborah Cincotta

Los Angeles, California



I am the founder of Totefish, an internet start-up company that organizes online shopping, coupons & sale notices for its users. I chose the Basis theme for our company blog because we wanted a highly-stylized template compatible with tablets and an interface that was visually appealing, original and yet, easy-to-use.

It is rare to have a third-party development team respond so quickly to our requests. We received incredible support as we “tweaked” the design to our own. It was the kind of customer service all companies should aspire to provide. The Theme Foundry is top shelf all-the-way!



Bordeaux, France

Mes influences de Shibuyette


I created my fashion blog from scratch with the Portfolio theme and I’m very satisfied with that choice.

Portfolio is great because it suits my need to highlight photos perfectly. Once translated (thanks to the ad hoc files) and customized (thanks to a very efficient and friendly support team), the result exceeded all my expectations. I have been using Portfolio for a year now and I do not plan to change! Merci The Theme Foundry! Vous déchirez! = You guys rock! :-)

Immanuel Henne

Immanuel Henne


Immanuel Henne


My own “little” business is to sell small but neat gifts to say thanks. My website is the marketing engine for it.

From the beginning, 4 years ago, I have been using themes from The Theme Foundry. They are number one in terms of clean, sexy and simple design. There is no twisting of WordPress functionalities and they offer continuous updates and prompt replies when support was needed. In my opinion Make (Plus) is the best theme on the WordPress market.

Jonathan Godoy

Jonathan Godoy

Los Angeles, California

Jonathan Godoy


I am a photographer based in Los Angeles, CA. I needed a theme to showcase my photographs in an artistic and elegant manner. The Theme Foundry’s Photography theme provides an aesthetic and functional solution. With responsive layouts and support for retina displays, my website operates flawlessly.

The Theme Foundry staff is friendly, professional, and responds quickly to questions regarding your theme. I’ll stick with The Theme Foundry for a long time. Thanks!

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Send your name, where you're from, your website, your theme, and a 100px by 100px photo to the email address above. Include two to three sentences about yourself or your business and about your experience with The Theme Foundry.