Beit Arabiya

ICAHD Welcomes you to Beit Arabiya Peace Centre

Located in the West Bank, on the outskirts of the village of Anata (Area C), just to the northeast of Jerusalem, Beit Arabiya is a living symbol of resistance to Occupation and the desire for justice and peace. As its name suggests, Beit Arabyia is a home belonging to Arabiya Shawamreh, her husband Salim and their seven children, a Palestinian family whose home has been demolished five consecutive times by the Israeli authorities, and rebuilt each time by ICAHD‘s Palestinian, Israeli and international peace activists.


Special Rapporteur for Human Rights in the OPT. Falk recently highlighted the disturbing case of Salim and Arabiya Shawamreh in his annual report to the Human Rights Council, and stated it was “illustrative of a common Palestinian complaint that their property rights are indirectly usurped through the denial of formal permits and the subsequent issuance and execution of demolition orders.” The UN expert further highlighted that “while it will be rebuilt once again next month, the family will live under the threat of having its home demolished at any moment. The ever-present threat of Israeli bulldozers perverts the sense of normalcy so essential for raising children.” The home is still threatened, but Arabiya and Salim have dedicated it as a center for community empowerment.


Beit Arabyia, rebuilt July 2012, provides a welcoming and functional setting accessible to everyone. The home, roof terrace and beautiful garden can accommodate up to 150 people, offers a full suite of conference equipment, and can provide home-cooked Palestinian refreshments, and traditional entertainment. 


For more information, kindly contact us at or +972-543-039-170