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Back To School…Or Dropping Out, In the Case Of America’s Cultural Marxist-Controlled Colleges


After Labor Day, it’s not just K-12 kids who are headed back to school and the new anti-America: So are college students—but not, after trying it for a couple of years, me.

I’ve dropped out and have no intention of finishing my bachelor’s degree.

Dropping out is a very personal decision. Below is why I did it, take from it what you will. But in no way should this be considered a sort of Dissident Right version of Timothy Leary’s call to “Turn on, tune in, drop out.”

Furthermore, if you are going to college for something that is actually practical (a blue-collar trade, something in STEM, etc.) I would say you should stick with it. Those degrees are valuable—and barely have a political culture to them, much less a Leftist one.

However, my interests have always been lofty and impractical: history, political science, philosophy, and sociology. And as everyone knows, those fields of study are now almost universally under the iron grip of what we call “Cultural Marxism.”

Therein lies part of the trouble—everyone knows those majors are completely and utterly dominated by Leftist professors, administrators, and for the most part, students. What’s more, everyone knows that Right wingers never stop complaining about it.

There has been plenty of writing on the topic here on and on other Dissident Right websites as well. Beyond us, even Conservatism Inc covers this subject with a great deal of vigor and reasonable competency. David Horowitz has a book about it, Dinesh D’Souza has one as well, over 60 years ago William F. Buckley wrote a book about it, over 25 years ago Allan Bloom wrote a book on it…the list goes on and on. Not to mention the regular articles on this topic at National Review, Breitbart, etc.

Even people with only a superficial interest...

Ann Coulter: Speed Kills Racial Profiling Study

Ann CoulterIn an article about police shootings in last Sunday's New York Times (8/31), Michael Wines disputes the conventional wisdom about a disproportionate number of African-Americans being shot by police, saying there are no data one way or another. But Wines revives the canard about blacks being disproportionately targeted in traffic stops. There actually is a study for that. Throughout the 1990s, the nation was fixated on tales of jack-booted New Jersey state troopers who were stopping speeders on the turnpike just because they were black! In a 2000 primary debate, Vice President Al Gore sneered at then-New Jersey Sen. Bill Bradley, saying, "Racial profiling practically began in New Jersey, Senator Bradley." Attorney General Eric Holder recently paid tribute to the myth, claiming that when he was in college, he had been stopped "driving from New York to Washington." He didn't mention how fast he was going. The story never made sense. How could the troopers tell the race of drivers in speeding cars? Did they wait until the driver rolled down his window and, if he was white, say, "Oh, sorry—have a nice day!" But the Clinton administration was slapping consent decrees for racial profiling on police departments across the country, and the N.J. highway patrol was its prime evidence, based on a study that a child wouldn't believe. As is usually the case with bogus race studies...

Democrat Asks His Party’s Leaders To Make Patriotic Breaking News On Immigration Reform

Democrat Asks His Party’s Leaders To Make Patriotic Breaking News On Immigration Reform

We live in a media culture that treats trivia and artificial scandals as “breaking news.” Perhaps it’s time for the Democratic Party to take advantage of this continual hysteria and gave the press something important to talk about – a return to the traditional progressive position of immigration patriotism.

What we have today is a culture that demands politicians make constant petty pronouncements on the passing scene. A typical example is Hillary Clinton essentially being forced to say something about the tragic situation in Ferguson, Missouri. The Huffington Post hinted that Mrs. Clinton waited too long, blaring the headline, “Hillary Clinton Breaks Silence On Ferguson.” [By Mollie Reilly, Huffington Post, August 28, 2014]

The story seems to be that Clinton said something, instead of saying something important. But for my part, this Democrat wishes she had said something substantial about why urban conditions are so intolerable.

Why are our cities such a disaster? As her husband’s campaign might have said, “It’s the numbers, stupid!”

You can’t add over 100 million people...

Memo From Middle America | Meddling Mexican Pena Nieto Calls California “The Other Mexico”—Where Is GOP?


Pena Nieto speaks in California: "This is the other Mexico."

In 1967, while on an official visit to Canada, French President Charles de Gaulle delivered a speech from a Montreal City Hall balcony and shouted: “Vive le Québec libre! "

This was immediately seen as deliberate interference in internal Canadian politics. After all, it took place in the midst of ongoing controversy over whether French-speaking Quebec should be independent of Canada.

Canadian Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson sternly defended Canadian sovereignty in an official statement on television, declaring that “Canadians do not need to be liberated.” This statement was also sent to the French Embassy. Even some Frenchmen who supported the cause of Quebec regarded de Gaulle’s outburst as inappropriate.

Within a few days, President de Gaulle cut short his visit and flew back to France.

Perhaps it’s too much to ask Republicans to rise to the level of America’s patriotic heroes. But is it really too much to ask to meet the standards set by Canadians?

No self-respecting country allows a foreign head of state to create ethnic unrest and claim jurisdiction over citizens and territory of the host country. Yet that is precisely what President Enrique Pena Nieto of Mexico just did in California—and the Republican Party was utterly silent.

The Mexican President was in California...

Deport the Tsarnaev Sisters


The one on the left is dead after committing a bombing attack, the one the right is in prison after being arrested for a bombing attack, and the one in the center was released by the NYPD after allegedly threatening a bombing attack. The question is “Why are any of them in America?”

The Sisters Tsarnaev have been nothing but trouble. Double, bubbling trouble. While their Boston Marathon bomber brother Dzhokhar awaits trial this month for the bloody 2012 attacks that killed three and injured hundreds, his elder Chechen immigrant siblings Ailina and Bella remain on the loose in the U.S. after their own frequent run-ins with the law.

Last week, Ailina was arrested in Harlem after allegedly threatening "to blow up her live-in lover's baby mama," as the New York Post reported. Police charged Ailina, 23, with aggravated harassment and released her.

Will the legal system learn? Ailina's time in America sends one clear message: No consequences. More trouble.

In 2013, she was released without bail in South Boston in connection with a three-year-old counterfeiting case. Prosecutors said she obstructed their investigation. They charged her with willfully lying to police in 2010. She skipped bail in 2011. Upon turning herself in last year after the Boston bombing, she told the court she was indigent, pregnant and a single mother with one other child. The case was dismissed. She has bounced between shelters

On Labor Day 2014, Obama Touts “Immigration Rights”—Help Defend AMERICAN RIGHTS!

Atop her father at a 2014 New England Labor Day Fair, Karia Brimelow ponders her future, and America’s.

I begin’s Fall fundraising appeal on Labor Day, although the readership of all political sites tends to drop down dead on the last long weekend of summer, for a simple reason:

It has always really bothered me, as a long-time financial journalist, that the Main Stream Media completely ignores the impact of immigration (illegal AND LEGAL) on American workers.

We’ve been saying this in our annual Labor Day message since 2001.

The displacement of American workers

Memo From Middle America | Back To School—And Lots Of Exciting New Problems Imported By Immigration Policy!


School started after Labor Day when I was a kid, and most Americans tell pollsters they would still prefer that, but as usual the educrats don’t care. In Oklahoma this year, we started in mid-August. My theory is that it’s is due to (1) the general fanaticism about more and more school, and more and more school taking over our lives; and (2) more mothers working, so school becomes a de facto daycare. School years used to be based on the agricultural year, so the kids could help with harvests in the summer. My extended family still lives that lifestyle, but now most Americans don't. But then, thanks to current immigration policy, what is an American anyway?

The Main Stream Media has already been gloating that white students will no longer be a nationwide majority when they arrive in school this year [White Students No Longer To Be Majority In School, by Kimberly Hefling and Jesse J. Holland, Associated Press, August 10, 2014]. But even the MSM admits that diversity brings problems—and we aren’t allowed to talk about the solutions.

In my family, we’re all in the public school system—my sons are students, my wife is an employee, and I’m a Spanish teacher. The public school system is a good place to preview the American future, and...

Behind the Sinking of the LUSITANIA


About how America became involved in certain wars, many conspiracy theories have been advanced--and some have been proved correct.

When James K. Polk got his declaration of war as Mexico had "shed American blood upon the American soil," Rep. Abraham Lincoln demanded to know the exact spot where it had happened.

And did the Spanish really blow up the battleship Maine in Havana Harbor, the casus belli for the Spanish-American War?

The Gulf of Tonkin Incident, involving U.S. destroyers Maddox and C. Turner Joy, remains in dispute. But charges that North Vietnamese patrol boats had attacked U.S. warships on the high seas led to the 1964 resolution authorizing the war in Vietnam.

In 2003, Americans were stampeded into backing an invasion of Iraq because Saddam Hussein had allegedly been complicit in 9/11, had weapons of mass destruction and was able to douse our East Coast with anthrax.

"(He) lied us into war because he did not have the political courage to lead us into it," said Rep. Clare Luce of Franklin D. Roosevelt, who, according to many historians, made efforts to provoke German subs into attacking U.S. warships and bring us into the European war through the "back door" of a war with Japan.

This week marks the 75th anniversary...

Rick Santorum, Labor Day, And The Workers Who Would Vote Republican If They Thought The GOP Was On Their Side

Rick Santorum, a once and potentially future candidate for president, spoke at the Family Leadership Summit, Ames, Iowa, August 10, 2014.

In the YouTube clip below, Rick Santorum actually talks about the damage done to American workers by immigration. He calls for lower legal immigration. He talks about the Great Wave of immigration in the past, and how it was stopped by the Immigration Act of 1924, which he does not condemn.

Talking about the fact that his grandfather immigrated in 1923, and his father had to wait until 1930 for family reunification, because there were quotas, Santorum doesn’t say we shouldn’t do things like that—he just reports that his father said: “America was worth the wait.”

It’s all sound, patriotic immigration reform stuff—and there’s no transcript online, so watch it yourself:

Did you watch the clip? I’ll transcribe some of it for you. Santorum says

What’s hurting American workers, maybe more than anything else, if you’re an unskilled worker in America, is a huge amount of immigration that’s going on in this country. And I’m not just talking about illegal immigration—yes, we’ve see 12-15 million illegal immigrants here who are competing, in primarily unskilled jobs. But in the last 14 years since 2000, there’ve been more people who’ve come to this country legally than any14 year period in American History, and that includes the Great Wave.

Santorum talks about how waves of immigration come in—and go out. In other words, there were pauses in the immigrant flow—what Pat Buchanan calls “time-outs.”

Santorum is seriously talking about supporting the American worker, and he believes that workers will vote for the GOP if the GOP can give that message and mean it. That’s enough to attract massive condemnation from the likes of Media Matters—always on the alert for “dog whistles”, they’ll be convinced that he got it from us.

And it’s also enough to win an election in 2016.

If politicians, if they can’t see the light, they can feel the heat. I said that about an earlier Santorum speech in June. He’s certainly talking like a guy who’s seen the light, but even if it’s a case of seriously getting it that the GOP is not going to beat the Democrats by running like John McCain, we’ll take it.

A GOP that actually supported American workers would be good news for Labor Day—Obama and the Democrats remain focused on Electing a New People.

Happy Labor Day From!


Why Conservatism Inc. Complained When Ann Coulter Called Out Christian Cowards

See also Ann Coulter’s reply to her critics Let He Who Is Without Ebola Cast The First Stone

In 1980s film Repo Man, Emilio Estevez’s protagonist Otto Maddox asks his pot smoking parents for a promised $1,000. His mother replies they can no longer help because, “Your father gave all our extra money to the Reverend's telethon; we’re sending Bibles to El Salvador.”

Otto asks: “Well what about me?” His father responds: “You're on the Honor Roll of the Chariots Of Fire. Same as us, Otto. It was a gift. From all of us jointly.”

I thought of this line recently while reading ’s much-denounced column criticizing Ebola infected missionary Kent Brantly for going to the Third World instead of helping and evangelizing fellow Americans. After all, though the Good Book commands , “Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel,” it also says, “For there will never cease to be poor in the land. Therefore I command you, 'You shall open wide your hand to your brother, to the needy and to the poor, in your land.’”

Prominent conservative Christians responded with the usual vitriolic outrage they use for MargaretSanger or John Tanton—which is mysteriously never deployed against the likes of anti-Christian bigots like gay columnist Dan Savage. The occasionally sensible Jim Treacher called it “absolute horsecrap.” [Ann Coulter is wrong about Kent Brantly, Daily Caller, August 7, 2014] Channeling Rick Perry, the always squishy Rod Dreher wrote that anyone with “a heart, or a soul” would “hate” Coulter’s column. [Ann Coulter, Dr. Kent Brantly, & Telescopic Philanthropy, American Conservative, August 6, 2014]

Most of Coulter’s antagonists focused on the title of the column