
Zaytoun Palestinian Produce

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Zaytoun News

  • Israel’s biggest land grab in West Bank since 1980s

    In the West Bank, Israel has just announced the biggest land grab in 30 years. Almost 1000 acres are to be taken from 3 villages near Bethlehem. Settlements watchdog Peace Now has said “As far as we know, this declaration is unprecedented in its scope since the 1980s and can dramatically change the reality in the…

    Read the full article here

    September 2014

  • Taysir’s report on West Bank situation

    Updates from the ground on the actual situation in the WestBank The kidnapping of 3 settlers, weather it was planned action by the Israelis, or if it was organized by Palestinian resistance, it has any way been used by the Israelis to attack the Palestinian Unity that has been reached lately between Hamas and Fatah…

    Read the full article here

    August 2014

  • Zaytoun’s May newsletter

    Our newsletter is available to download at…lots to read on an exciting new product, harvest trip details, events and the Nakba Day campaign!

    May 2014

we know that the best products are those that arise form the deep connection of a people to their land - generations of Palestinian farmers have enjoyed the many fruits of their land and are proud to share them now with us

For the latest info on events where we will have Zaytoun stalls click here

Zaytoun are grateful to the support of The Funding Network in launching the Fairtrade Palestinian Olive Oil.

fairtrade soil association organic standard World Fair Trade Organisation
Women in Ethical Business Award