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Voa News
Joe DeCapua A new study says the growing popularity of the Western diet could help worsen climate change. As more people make meat a principle part of their diet, the authors say...
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BBC News
Underwater hideouts may be the domain of James Bond villains and Gerry Anderson's Stingray puppets but people in the real world are also dreaming about living at the bottom of...

In this file photEbola1900o taken on Monday, March 31, 2014, UNICEF health workers teach people about the Ebola virus and how to prevent infection, in Conakry, Guinea.
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The World Health Organisation (WHO) says more than 1,900 people have now died in West Africa's Ebola outbreak. WHO head Margaret Chan said there were 3,500 confirmed or probable cases in Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia. "The outbreaks are...
photo: AP / Youssouf Bah
Valerie Trierweiler
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Former French First Lady Valerie Trierweiler has claimed President Francois Hollande tried to win her back with flowers, dinner invitations and text messages in her secret memoir. The 49-year-old, a journalist for the magazine Paris March, lived with...
photo: Creative Commons / Cyclotron
File - An unidentified member of Oodua People's Congress militia walks with a gun on a major street, during a protest against Boko Haram in Lagos, Nigeria,Thursday, Dec. 8, 2011.
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Reuters MAIDUGURI, NIGERIA— The Nigerian town of Bama remains under government control after an assault by Boko Haram, the Borno state government and local vigilante groups said on Wednesday, contradicting reports that the Islamist group had seized...
photo: AP / Sunday Alamba
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen speaks about "The Future of the Alliance: Revitalizing NATO for a Changing World," Wednesday, March 19, 2014
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Al Pessin CARDIFF, WALES— The 28 NATO leaders are gathering in Wales, in western Britain, for their first summit in two years, amid a new and challenging array of crises. In 2012 in Chicago, they focused on Afghanistan, and continued the...
photo: AP / Jacquelyn Martin
Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, right, and FIFA President Sepp Blatter seen during their meeting in Moscow, Thursday, Oct. 15, 2009.
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BERNE: FIFA president Sepp Blatter has reiterated that Russia's hosting of the 2018 World Cup is not up for discussion. "We are not placing any questions over the World Cup in Russia," he told an event...
photo: AP / Alexei Nikolsky
File - Migrants try to salvage their belongings as French authorities start to clear out makeshift camps housing hundreds of illegal migrants from Syria, Afghanistan and Africa in the English Channel port city of Calais, northern France, Wednesday, May 28, 2014.
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Natacha Bouchart says such a move would be illegal, but she wants to send a strong message to Britain French police expel migrants from a camp in Calais in July. Photograph: Denis Charlet/AFP/Getty Images The mayor of Calais has threatened to shut...
photo: AP / Thibault Vandermersch
President Barack Obama tries to wave away a fly buzzing around his head as he announces in the State Dining Room of the White House in Washington
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WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama has ordered about 350 more troops to...
photo: AP / Carolyn Kaster
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  • Play next
  • Watch Live: CDC Director Testifies on Ebola Threat Before House Committee...2:44:19
  • Who is journalist Steven Sotloff?...1:53
  • Rebels Reject Ukrainian Ceasefire Announcement...0:29
  • Polar Vortex Freezes Parts of US...2:32
  • Fukushima worker exploitation...4:04
  • Barack Obama press conference Estonia, Obama ISIS, Nato, Iraq, Russia, Ukraine, ISIL, US Journalists...39:28
  • Pro-democracy Activists in Hong Kong Prepare for Referendum on Election...2:53
  • Don't trust British politicians! HOS Conference April 2012...3:29
  • Steven Sotloff: Islamic State 'kills US hostage' - BBC News...0:47
  • Monkey Meat and the Ebola Outbreak in Liberia...18:07
  • Apple, FBI Investigate Massive Celebrity Photo 'Hack...4:48
  • Inside ISIS and the Iraq Caliphate...9:24
  • 'Extreme radicals among those who seized power in Ukraine' - Russia's UN envoy (FULL SPEECH)...11:13
  • Jennifer Lawrence leaked nude photos: Apple launches investigation into hacking of iCloud...2:33
add video playlist The House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Africa, Global Health, Global Human Rights, and International Organizations holds a 2 p.m. hearing on the Ebola virus, which has killed more than 900 people, according to The Associated Press. Witnesses include Dr. Tom Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Dr. Ariel Pablos-Méndez, the assistant administrator for global health at the U.S. Agency for International Development, and representatives from the State Department, Samaritan's Purse and SIM. Website: Follow us: Like us: Google+: Tumblr:
The House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Africa, Global Health, Global Human Rights, and International Organizations holds a 2 p.m. hearing on the Ebola virus, which has killed more than 900 people, according to The Associated Press.

Witnesses include Dr. Tom Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Dr. Ariel Pablos-Méndez, the assistant administrator for global health at the U.S. Agency for International Development, and representatives from the State Department, Samaritan\'s Purse and SIM.

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Watch Live: CDC Di­rec­tor Tes­ti­fies on Ebola Threat Be­fore House Com­mit­tee
A video apparently shows the beheading of journalist Steven Sotloff. CNN\'s Alina Machado hears from those who knew him.
Who is jour­nal­ist Steven Sot­loff?
Russian President Vladimir Putin has called on pro-Russian insurgents in eastern Ukraine to \
Rebels Re­ject Ukraini­an Cease­fire An­nounce­ment
About 187 million Americans are hit with record-low temperatures.
Polar Vor­tex Freezes Parts of US
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Reuters uncovers widespread exploitation as Japan looks to recover from the worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl. Produced by Chris Meyers.

Reuters tells the world\'s stories like no one else. As the largest international multimedia news provider, Reuters provides coverage around the globe and across topics including business, financial, national, and international news. For over 160 years, Reuters has maintained its reputation for speed, accuracy, and impact while providing exclusives, incisive commentary and forward-looking analysis.
Fukushi­ma work­er ex­ploita­tion
\'Barack Obama\' press conference Estonia, Obama on ISIS, Nato, Iraq, Russia, Ukraine, ISIL, US Journalists Barack Obama Barack Obama Barack Obama Barack Obama Barack Obama Barack Obama Barack Obama ISIS,Nato,Iraq,Russia,Ukraine,ISIL,US Journalists,Islamic State Of Iraq And Syria (Organization),Barack Obama (US President),North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) (Membership Organization),Soviet Union (Country),Moscow,United States Of America (Country) ISIS,Nato,Iraq,Russia,Ukraine,ISIL,US Journalists,Islamic State Of Iraq And Syria (Organization),Barack Obama (US President),North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) (Membership Organization),Soviet Union (Country),Moscow,United States Of America (Country) ISIS,Nato,Iraq,Russia,Ukraine,ISIL,US Journalists,Islamic State Of Iraq And Syria (Organization),Barack Obama (US President),North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) (Membership Organization),Soviet Union (Country),Moscow,United States Of America (Country) ISIS,Nato,Iraq,Russia,Ukraine,ISIL,US Journalists,Islamic State Of Iraq And Syria (Organization),Barack Obama (US President),North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) (Membership Organization),Soviet Union (Country),Moscow,United States Of America (Country)
Barack Obama press con­fer­ence Es­to­nia, Obama ISIS, Nato, Iraq, Rus­sia, Ukraine, ISIL, US Jour­nal­ists
The debate over election reform in Hong Kong is driving a wedge between Beijing and the vibrant port city, where pro-democracy activists are gearing up for an unofficial referendum this weekend. Activists say they are trying to persuade the city government to draft a democratic ballot law for elections in 2017 and 2020, and have pledged to occupy the city center if their demands go unheard.   Rebecca Valli has more from Hong Kong for VOA.
Pro-democ­ra­cy Ac­tivists in Hong Kong Pre­pare for Ref­er­en­dum on Elec­tion

A speaker from FRFI speaks on the role of British imperialism at HOS Conference April 2012, emphasizing the influence of British politicians and imperialism in the world today. 

The speaker also spoke about StW (Stop the War) giving platforms for imperialist politicians in the past and how what we really need to hear are the voices of the people doing the fighting.

The second speaker, from Hands off Somalia, continues to highlight Haiti and the right for Somalia to self determination.
Don't trust British politi­cians! HOS Con­fer­ence April 2012
An Islamic State video has appeared which purports to show the beheading of Steven Sotloff, a US journalist being held hostage by the militants. White House spokesman Josh Earnest said US officials were checking the reports. Mr Sotloff disappeared in Syria in 2013. He appeared at the end of a video last month showing fellow US journalist James Foley being killed. After Mr Foley\'s death, Mr Sotloff\'s mother appealed to IS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi to save her son\'s life.

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Steven Sot­loff: Is­lam­ic State 'kills US hostage' - BBC News
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West Africa is being plagued by a new outbreak of Ebola — a terrifying disease that causes its victims to bleed to death from the inside out. Ebola has no cure, and the latest epidemic is spreading fast.
VICE News visited Liberia, where many feel the new outbreak began, borne from the bushmeat markets of Lofa. Western scientists feel that the consumption and preparation of meat from monkeys, fruit bats, and other forest animals is behind the transmission of Ebola, and possibly a new supervirus, which if left uncontrolled could kill a third of the world\'s population.

Eight Now Dead from Ebola Virus in Liberia\'s Capital:

Italy\'s False \'Ebola Outbreak\' Is Spread by Racists and Conspiracy Nuts:

Check out the VICE News beta for more:

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Mon­key Meat and the Ebola Out­break in Liberia
Apple, FBI Investigate Massive Celebrity Photo \'Hack
LOS ANGELES:  The FBI and Apple were urgently investigating on Monday after an apparent massive hack of a cloud data service unleashed a torrent of intimate pictures of dozens of celebrities across the Internet.

Anonymous posters to online message boards boasted of having nude images of scores of female stars including Oscar-winner actress Jennifer Lawrence and top model Kate Upton.

Reports suggested hackers had \
Apple, FBI In­ves­ti­gate Mas­sive Celebri­ty Photo 'Hack
Inside Isis: Social networking for Islamist Extremists

Watch our latest report on this escalating conflict here:
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As ISIS continue to make territorial gains in the Middle East, they are also becoming a dynamic presence online. This report looks at one recent campaign video, designed to disseminate their radical manifesto.

In­side ISIS and the Iraq Caliphate
The efforts of radical forces and the self-imposed government in Kiev to forcefully overthrow local authorities in the East are unacceptable and endanger the lives of Ukrainians and Russians, Russia\'s UN envoy Vitaly Churkin told the Security Council. READ MORE:


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RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
'Ex­treme rad­i­cals among those who seized power in Ukraine' - Rus­sia's UN envoy (FULL SPEECH)
Jennifer Lawrence among 101 A-list celebrities targeted by hacker who has leaked graphic naked photographs of the Oscar winner and other stars online

Jennifer Lawrence, other celebrities have nude photos leaked on Internet after massive hacking scandal

Dozens of photos of the \'Hunger Games\' star in various stages of undress first appeared Sunday on the online message board 4chan, along with those of 100 other possible A-list victims such as Rihanna, Lea Michele and Kate Upton.

Dozens of photos of Oscar-winning actress Jennifer Lawrence in the nude and 100 other celebs in compromising positions hit the Internet Sunday in a massive hacking scandal.

The snapshots first appeared on the online message board 4chan and included randy shots of The Hunger Games star.

The hacker claimed to have nude and seminude shots of 101 celebrities, including singers Rihanna and Ariana Grande, supermodel Kate Upton, Olympic gold-medal soccer player Hope Solo and actresses Kirsten Dunst, Lea Michele and Brie Larson.

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Jennifer Lawrence, Victoria Justice in Alleged Nude Photo Hacking
Jennifer Lawrence\'s rep slams stolen pics
Nude photos of Jennifer Lawrence leaked online by hacker
Jennifer Lawrence Alleged Nude Photos Leak
Alleged images of actress Jennifer Lawrence naked surface online
Jennifer Lawrence among 101 A-list celebrities targeted by hacker who has leaked graphic naked photographs of the Oscar winner and other stars online
Nude photos of Jennifer Lawrence leaked online by hacker
Jennifer Lawrence Contacts Authorities After Naked Pictures Leaked Online
Victoria Justice hits out at leaked nude photos, deriding them as fake
Jennifer Lawrence Part of Celebrity Nude Photo Leak, Rep Says 
Jennifer Lawrence, other celebrities have nude photos leaked on Internet
Smartphone not so as nude photos of Jennifer Lawrence hacked
Nude images of Jennifer Lawrence and other female celebrities leaked online
Nude Photos of Jennifer Lawrence, Ariana Grande, Kate Upton and More 
Jennifer Lawrence, others exposed in nude photo leak
Jennifer Lawrence nude photos surface in mass celebrity leak
Ariana Grande Denies Authenticity of Alleged Leaked Nude Photos
Smartphone not so as nude photos of Jennifer Lawrence hacked
Jennifer Lawrence \'nude photos leaked\'
Jennifer Lawrence Nude Photos Leaked, Spokesperson Calls It \
Jen­nifer Lawrence leaked nude pho­tos: Apple launch­es in­ves­ti­ga­tion into hack­ing of iCloud
US Attacks Al-Shabab Militants In Somalia - U.S. Launches Air Strike Against Somali Terrorist Group
US attacks al-Shabab in Somalia
U.S. military conducts operation in Somalia, Pentagon says
U.S. launches Somali operation
Al-Shabaab militants targeted by US forces in Somalia
US attacks al-Shabaab in Somalia
U.S. Carries Out Operation Against Al-Shabaab in Somalia
US forces conduct operation against Shabaab in Somalia
U.S. Military Conducts Operation Against Al-Shabaab In Somalia
Somali president condemns Al Shabaab attack on Jiliow prison
U.S. military targets extremists in Somalia
US military conducts operation in Somalia against al-Shabab
US Forces Conducted Operation in Somalia, Pentagon Says
US Targets Al-Shabab in Somalia Strike
US military targets Shabaab extremists in Somalia
U.S. military conducts operation in Somalia, Pentagon says
U.S. military conducts operation in Somalia
Pentagon: US military conducts operation in Somalia
US Attacks Al-Shabab, Militants In Somalia, U.S. Launches Air Strike, Against Somali, Terrorist Group, U.S. military conducts operation in Somalia, Pentagon 

US attacks al Shabab militants in Somali
Somalia\'s al-Shabab: Ahmed Abdi Godane targeted by US - US Military Attacks Al-Shabab in Somalia - ABC News US attacks al-Shabab in Somalia - BBC US attacks al-Shabab militants in Somalia - The Punch US military attacks al-Shabab in Somalia - U.S. strikes Somali militant camp in bid to kill al Shabaab leader ... US troops mount attacks on al-Shabaab in Somalia | World news ... US military attacks al-Shabab in Somalia - News from The ... 6 militants killed during U.S. strike in Somalia | Military Times ... US Unsure if Somalia Strike Killed Al-Shabab Leader US targets leader of al-Shabaab with Somalia drone strike | Fox News U.S. military conducts operation in Somalia - U.S. carries out counterterrorism strike in Somalia - The Washington ... US forces attack al-Shabaab Islamist group in Somalia after terrorist ... 6 militants killed in US Somalia strike - Washington Times Somalia militants hit by U.S. military; Pentagon mum on details ... al-Shabaab (militant group) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Article - US military attacks al-Shabaab in Somalia Breaking news on al-Shabaab - U.S. \'80% sure\' it killed Al Shabab\'s top leader in an air strike ... 6 militants reported killed in US Somalia strike; al-Shabab leader ... 6 militants killed in US Somalia strike - Houston Chronicle US military targets Al-Shabab in Somalia | Al Jazeera America U.S. forces carry out drone attack against al-Shabaab in Somalia ... US attempts to kill Al Shabab leader in Somalia - US military attacks al-Shabab in Somalia - York Dispatch U.S. military attacks al-Shabab in Somalia | The Japan Times Al-Shabaab - Terrorist Groups - National Counterterrorism Center Africa - US military targets Somalia\'s al Shabaab Islamist group ... Fate of Al Shabab leader in Somalia unknown after US air strike ... 6 militants killed in US Somalia strike - SFGate US attacks al-Shabab militants in Somalia - - Hot news ... al Shabaab | Terrorist Groups | TRAC 6 militants killed in US Somalia strike - The News Tribune US attacks al-Shabab militants in Somalia | NAIJA Lately - Read ... Shabab News - The New York Times US attacks al-Shabab militants in Somalia - Society - Panorama ... US military attacks al-Shabab in Somalia - The York Daily Record US Military Conducts Operation Against Al-Shabaab Militants in ... Al Shabaab -- ADL Terrorist Symbol Database US military attacks al-Shabab in Somalia - US for
US At­tacks Al-Shabab Mil­i­tants In So­ma­lia - U.S. Launch­es Air Strike Against So­ma­li Ter­ror­ist Group

updated 08 Aug 2014; published 08 Aug 2014
Watch Live: CDC Di­rec­tor Tes­ti­fies on Ebola Threat Be­fore House Com­mit­tee
The Salt Lake Tribune 03 Sep 2014, Dakar, SenegalEbola represents a threat to all humanity and an outbreak of the virus in five West African countries will likely spread to more, American officials warned Wednesday. "This is not an African disease. This is a virus that is a threat to all humanity," Gayle Smith, special assistant to President Barack Obama and senior director at...
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updated 03 Sep 2014; published 03 Sep 2014
Who is jour­nal­ist Steven Sot­loff?
Huffington Post 03 Sep 2014, The recent murders of James Foley and Steven J. Sotloff by ISIS militants, brazenly brandishing knives and videotaping these executions are not only horrifying, but also infuriating for millions of Americans. The moment I saw a terrorist standing confidently over James Foley, ready to end the man's life, I wanted retribution and immediately wished...
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updated 03 Sep 2014; published 03 Sep 2014
Rebels Re­ject Ukraini­an Cease­fire An­nounce­ment
Canberra Times 03 Sep 2014, Kiev: The office of Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko says he and Russian President Vladimir Putin have reached agreement on a cease-fire in eastern Ukraine. The brief statement on Wednesday gave no details and...
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updated 07 Jan 2014; published 07 Jan 2014
Polar Vor­tex Freezes Parts of US
Detroit news 03 Sep 2014, Seth Borenstein Associated Press Comments This Jan. 10, 2014 file photo shows the U.S. side of Niagara Falls in New York beginning to thaw after the recent 'polar vortex' that affected millions in the U.S. and Canada. (Nick LoVerde / AP) Washington— Remember the polar vortex, the huge mass of Arctic air that can plunge much of the U.S. into the...
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updated 25 Oct 2013; published 25 Oct 2013
Fukushi­ma work­er ex­ploita­tion
BBC News 03 Sep 2014, Workers decommissioning Japan's crippled Fukushima nuclear plant have sued its operator Tokyo Electric (Tepco) over unpaid hazard wages. The four men are demanding about 65m yen (£375,000; $620,000) in extra pay. They claim the compensation for removing contaminated debris and patrolling the plant has been inadequate given the...
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updated 03 Sep 2014; published 03 Sep 2014
Barack Obama press con­fer­ence Es­to­nia, Obama ISIS, Nato, Iraq, Rus­sia, Ukraine, ISIL, US Jour­nal­ists
BBC News 03 Sep 2014, US President Barack Obama is on his way to Estonia for talks on Russia and the Ukraine crisis with Baltic leaders. He is due to hold talks in the capital Tallinn with the presidents of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Correspondents say the three states, which joined Nato in 2004, are worried about Russia's intervention in Ukraine. Later in the...
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updated 19 Jun 2014; published 19 Jun 2014
Pro-democ­ra­cy Ac­tivists in Hong Kong Pre­pare for Ref­er­en­dum on Elec­tion 02 Sep 2014, Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling By mid-May of 1989, a million students and workers had gathered in Beijing's Tiananmen Square to demonstrate for greater freedoms and democracy. Inspired by reform movements in eastern Europe, many believed it was too late for an aging party leadership to arrest a vibrant wave of youthful...
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updated 21 May 2012; published 21 May 2012
Don't trust British politi­cians! HOS Con­fer­ence April 2012
Voa News 02 Sep 2014, Mohammed Yusuf NAIROBI, KENYA— African leaders are meeting in Nairobi Tuesday to discuss how to tackle terrorism and extremism across the continent. The summit, the first on this topic organized by the African Union, comes amid reports of a U.S. drone strike in Somalia targeting the leader of militant group al-Shabab. The Nairobi security summit is...
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updated 02 Sep 2014; published 02 Sep 2014
Steven Sot­loff: Is­lam­ic State 'kills US hostage' - BBC News
Voa News 02 Sep 2014, VOA News An internet video uploaded by Islamic State Tuesday, purports to show the beheading of U.S. journalist Steven Sotloff. White House spokesman Josh Earnest...
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updated 26 Jun 2014; published 26 Jun 2014
Mon­key Meat and the Ebola Out­break in Liberia
Khaleej Times 02 Sep 2014, Healthcare workers at the John F. Kennedy Medical Center (JFK) in Liberia’s capital Monrovia had gone unpaid for two months. Scores of healthcare workers at Liberia’s main hospital have gone on strike over unpaid wages, complicating the fight against the world’s worst Ebola epidemic that the US disease prevention chief said was...
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updated 02 Sep 2014; published 02 Sep 2014
Apple, FBI In­ves­ti­gate Mas­sive Celebri­ty Photo 'Hack
Skynews 02 Sep 2014, More than 100 celebrities are thought to be victims of this latest hacking scandal but the perpetrator is yet to come forward. As the FBI investigates how nude photos of Jennifer Lawrence and model Kate Upton, among others, came to be posted on, a conversation has begun about the difficulties of maintaining our privacy in this digital...
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updated 02 Jul 2014; published 02 Jul 2014
In­side ISIS and the Iraq Caliphate
BBC News 02 Sep 2014, Fighters from a militant Islamic group in Afghanistan, allied to the Taliban, have told the BBC they are considering joining forces with Islamic State (IS). Their commander also said they would still fight the Afghan government, even after Nato forces left in 2014. Commander Mirwais said that if IS, which he called by its Arabic acronym Daish,...
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updated 03 Mar 2014; published 03 Mar 2014
'Ex­treme rad­i­cals among those who seized power in Ukraine' - Rus­sia's UN envoy (FULL SPEECH)
The Guardian 02 Sep 2014, UN secretary general calls for a political dialogue, as Kiev accuses Russia of launching a 'great war' A bomb shelter in Donetsk, which is on the frontline of artillery fights between the Ukrainian army and pro-Russian rebels. Photograph: Mstislav Chernov/AP UN secretary general, Ban Ki-moon, has warned western powers "there is no military...
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updated 03 Sep 2014; published 03 Sep 2014
Jen­nifer Lawrence leaked nude pho­tos: Apple launch­es in­ves­ti­ga­tion into hack­ing of iCloud
The Irish Times 02 Sep 2014, Apple and the FBI are investigating an online hack that led to the posting of hundreds of explicit photos of some of Hollywood’s most famous female stars. The leak saw British names including model Cara Delevigne and former Downton Abbey actress Jessica Brown Findlay linked to the list of around 100 famous people whose intimate pictures had...
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U.S. officials: Ebola poses threat to humanity
Full Article The Salt Lake Tribune
03 Sep 2014

Dakar, SenegalEbola represents a threat to all humanity and an outbreak of the virus in five West African countries will likely spread to more, American officials warned Wednesday. "This is not an African disease. This is a virus that is a threat to all humanity," Gayle Smith, special assistant to President Barack Obama and senior director at...
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In this photo taken on Tuesday, Aug 12, 2014, a healthcare worker, right, wears protective gear against the Ebola virus before he enters the Ebola isolation ward at Kenema Government Hospital, in Kenema, the Eastern Province around 300km, (186 miles), from the capital city of Freetown in Sierra Leone.
photo: AP / Michael Duff

ISIS Is Beheading Journalists To Lure America Into Another Ground War. Remember The Iraq War's Lessons.
Full Article Huffington Post
03 Sep 2014

The recent murders of James Foley and Steven J. Sotloff by ISIS militants, brazenly brandishing knives and videotaping these executions are not only horrifying, but also infuriating for millions of Americans. The moment I saw a terrorist standing confidently over James Foley, ready to end the man's life, I wanted retribution and immediately wished...
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File - This still image from an undated video released by Islamic State militants on Tuesday, Aug. 19, 2014, purports to show journalist Steven Sotloff being held by the militant group.
photo: AP

Study links shrinking sea ice, extreme winters
Full Article Detroit news
03 Sep 2014

Seth Borenstein Associated Press Comments This Jan. 10, 2014 file photo shows the U.S. side of Niagara Falls in New York beginning to thaw after the recent 'polar vortex' that affected millions in the U.S. and Canada. (Nick LoVerde / AP) Washington— Remember the polar vortex, the huge mass of Arctic air that can plunge much of the U.S. into the...
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File - View of the area around Ny-Ålesund, located on Svalbard, an archipelago in the Arctic Ocean north of mainland Europe.
photo: UN / Mark Garten

Fukushima workers sue Tepco over unpaid hazard wages
Full Article BBC News
03 Sep 2014

Workers decommissioning Japan's crippled Fukushima nuclear plant have sued its operator Tokyo Electric (Tepco) over unpaid hazard wages. The four men are demanding about 65m yen (£375,000; $620,000) in extra pay. They claim the compensation for removing contaminated debris and patrolling the plant has been inadequate given the...
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File - Workers handle pipes which will be used to create a frozen underground wall to surround the crippled reactor buildings at Tokyo Electric Power Co.'s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in Okuma, Fukushima Prefecture, northeast of Tokyo, Japan, Wednesday, July 9, 2014.
photo: AP / Kimimasa Mayama

Ukraine crisis: Obama in Estonia ahead of Nato summit
Full Article BBC News
03 Sep 2014

US President Barack Obama is on his way to Estonia for talks on Russia and the Ukraine crisis with Baltic leaders. He is due to hold talks in the capital Tallinn with the presidents of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Correspondents say the three states, which joined Nato in 2004, are worried about Russia's intervention in Ukraine. Later in the...
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Obama in Estonia ahead of Nato summit
photo: AP / Pablo Martinez Monsivais

Does China's Hong Kong Warning Include Spilling Blood?
Full Article
02 Sep 2014

Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling By mid-May of 1989, a million students and workers had gathered in Beijing's Tiananmen Square to demonstrate for greater freedoms and democracy. Inspired by reform movements in eastern Europe, many believed it was too late for an aging party leadership to arrest a vibrant wave of youthful...
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Protesters attend a protest rally in Hong Kong Sunday, Aug. 31, 2014. China's legislature's standing committee announced Sunday that all candidates must receive more than half of votes from a special nominating body to go before voters.
photo: AP / Vincent Yu

African Summit to Focus on Terrorist Threat
Full Article Voa News
02 Sep 2014

Mohammed Yusuf NAIROBI, KENYA— African leaders are meeting in Nairobi Tuesday to discuss how to tackle terrorism and extremism across the continent. The summit, the first on this topic organized by the African Union, comes amid reports of a U.S. drone strike in Somalia targeting the leader of militant group al-Shabab. The Nairobi security summit is...
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African heads of state pose for an official photograph at the African Union summit in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Saturday, May 25, 2013.
photo: AP / Elias Asmare

Liberian doctors strike, UN warns of food shortages due to Ebola
Full Article Khaleej Times
02 Sep 2014

Healthcare workers at the John F. Kennedy Medical Center (JFK) in Liberia’s capital Monrovia had gone unpaid for two months. Scores of healthcare workers at Liberia’s main hospital have gone on strike over unpaid wages, complicating the fight against the world’s worst Ebola epidemic that the US disease prevention chief said was...
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Health workers spray the body of a amputee suspected of dying from the Ebola virus with disinfectant, in a busy street in Monrovia, Liberia, Tuesday, Sept. 2, 2014.
photo: AP / Abbas Dulleh

Celeb Hack Exposes Holes In Digital Security
Full Article Skynews
02 Sep 2014

More than 100 celebrities are thought to be victims of this latest hacking scandal but the perpetrator is yet to come forward. As the FBI investigates how nude photos of Jennifer Lawrence and model Kate Upton, among others, came to be posted on, a conversation has begun about the difficulties of maintaining our privacy in this digital...
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In this undated photo made available by Giorgio Armani press office in Milan, Wednesday, Jann. 14, 2009, fashion icon Victoria Beckham appears as the official worldwide testimonial for Emporio Armani women's underwear.
photo: AP / Giorgio Armani Press Office

Afghan militants Hezb-e-Islami 'may join Islamic State'
Full Article BBC News
02 Sep 2014

Fighters from a militant Islamic group in Afghanistan, allied to the Taliban, have told the BBC they are considering joining forces with Islamic State (IS). Their commander also said they would still fight the Afghan government, even after Nato forces left in 2014. Commander Mirwais said that if IS, which he called by its Arabic acronym Daish,...
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File - U.S. Army Soldier of 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division provide security during a visitation at Observation Post English, Logar province, Afghanistan, April 18, 2014.
photo: US Army / Capt. John Landry

Ban Ki-moon: 'no military solution to Ukraine crisis
Full Article The Guardian
02 Sep 2014

UN secretary general calls for a political dialogue, as Kiev accuses Russia of launching a 'great war' A bomb shelter in Donetsk, which is on the frontline of artillery fights between the Ukrainian army and pro-Russian rebels. Photograph: Mstislav Chernov/AP UN secretary general, Ban Ki-moon, has warned western powers "there is no military...
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UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon at the Cultural Opening Ceremony of the Third International Conference on Small Island Developing States, hosted by the Government of Samoa, 31 August, 2014.
photo: UN / Evan Schneider

FBI and Apple investigate celebrity nude photo hacking
Full Article The Irish Times
02 Sep 2014

Apple and the FBI are investigating an online hack that led to the posting of hundreds of explicit photos of some of Hollywood’s most famous female stars. The leak saw British names including model Cara Delevigne and former Downton Abbey actress Jessica Brown Findlay linked to the list of around 100 famous people whose intimate pictures had...
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File - Jennifer Lawrence arrives at the Oscars on Sunday, March 2, 2014, at the Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles.
photo: AP / Chris Pizzello/Invision

Bus gets stuck in sinkhole in suburban Phoenix
Full Article Sacramento Bee
04 Sep 2014

TEMPE, Ariz. -- A city bus got stuck in a sinkhole after a water main broke in suburban Phoenix, forcing the passengers...
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Foreclosure scam leads to 35-year prison sentence
Full Article Sacramento Bee
04 Sep 2014

SACRAMENTO, Calif. -- One of two brothers convicted of leading a nationwide foreclosure scam has been sentenced to 35 years in federal...
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New lawsuit filed over alleged abuse by Sandusky
Full Article Sacramento Bee
04 Sep 2014

STATE COLLEGE, Pa. -- A new accuser is suing Jerry Sandusky, Penn State and a charity the former assistant coach...
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U.N. denies Golan peacekeepers ordered to hand arms to Syria rebels
Full Article Daily Press
04 Sep 2014

UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The U.N. peacekeeping chief strongly denied on Wednesday allegations from the Philippines' army chief that Filipino peacekeepers in the Golan Heights were ordered to surrender their weapons to Islamist militants who had trapped them. Filipino army chief General Gregorio Catapang said his soldiers had defended themselves...
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Fort Wayne's 122nd Fighter Wing gets new commander
Full Article Springfield News-Sun
04 Sep 2014

The adjutant general of the Indiana National guard has selected a veteran commander to lead the Fort Wayne-based 122nd Fighter...
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Vietnam races to restart play after roof collapses on court
Full Article The Times of India
03 Sep 2014

HANOI: Organisers of badminton's Vietnam Open rushed to set up a new venue on Wednesday and resume play for the shuttlers who had a narrow escape from a ceiling collapse at an indoor stadium....
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Cho Ben Thanh or Ben Thanh Market in Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
photo: WN / RTayco

Messi retirement is inconceivable for Argentina
Full Article Goal
03 Sep 2014

SPECIAL REPORT: The Barcelona forward has had a tough time over the years with his national team, but is committed despite rumours he will quit the Albiceleste By Ben Hayward in Barcelona The reports of his international retirement have been greatly exaggerated. Lionel Messi is still sad after Argentina lost the World Cup final to Germany in July,...
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Argentina's Lionel Messi celebrates after scoring his side's first goal during the group F World Cup soccer match against Nigeria at the Estadio Beira-Rio in Porto Alegre, Brazil, Wednesday, June 25, 2014.
photo: AP / Martin Meissner

No contract extension clause for Dani Alves, insist Barcelona
Full Article Goal
03 Sep 2014

The Brazilian defender is expected to leave the club at the end of the 2014-15 season, while the Camp Nou chief is happy with Neymar and Lionel Messi Barcelona sporting director Andoni Zubizarreta has stressed that Dani Alves does not have an extension clause in his current contract. The Brazil international's existing deal with Barcelona is due to...
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FC Barcelona's Dani Alves attends a press conference in Yokohama, near Tokyo, Monday, Dec. 12, 2011. Barcelona will play a semi-final match in FIFA Club World Cup Thursday.
photo: AP / Junji Kurokawa

Hodgson challenges Wilshere after Gerrard & Lampard exits
Full Article Goal
03 Sep 2014

The Arsenal midfielder has recently drawn criticism for a perceived struggle to progress, and the England manager is now keen for him to prove his worth on the international scene Roy Hodgson has challenged Jack Wilshere to step up for England following the retirements of Steven Gerrard and Frank Lampard. The Liverpool captain and Chelsea's...
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England's soccer manager Roy Hodgson talks to the media in central London during a press conference of four home nations soccer managers in a preview to the 2014 World Cup in Brazil, Friday, Aug. 24, 2012.
photo: AP / Sang Tan

Campbell's agent slams Wenger after failed Benfica move
Full Article Goal
03 Sep 2014

The Arsenal boss insisted during the summer the Costa Rica forward was part of his plans this season, but has only afforded him 16 minutes of Premier League football thus far The agent of Arsenal forward Joel Campbell has hit out at Arsene Wenger over the management of his client's future. The Costa Rica international garnered many admirers...
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Making his debut Arsenal's Joel Campbell competes for the ball with Benfica's Maxi Pereira, right, during the Emirates Cup soccer match between between Arsenal and Benfica at Arsenal's Emirates Stadium in London, Saturday, Aug. 2, 2014.
photo: AP / Matt Dunham

Roger Federer, Gael Monfils set up quarterfinal match at U.S. Open
Full Article The Los Angeles Times
03 Sep 2014

The best result of Tuesday's action at the U.S. Open was that victories by Roger Federer and Gael Monfils will put them on the same tennis court in two days. That should be good for tennis. Everybody knows Federer, the No. 2-seeded player here and the consensus best-ever, with his 17 major titles. He beat a rising Spaniard in the fourth round...
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Roger Federer of Switzerland scratches his head in his match against Julien Benneteau of France at the ABN AMRO world tennis tournament at Ahoy Arena in Rotterdam, Netherlands
photo: AP / /Peter Dejong

Van Gaal happy to bypass Tottenham for United
Full Article FourFourTwo
03 Sep 2014

Louis van Gaal said he does not regret rejecting Tottenham for Manchester United despite a difficult start to life in the Premier League. Van Gaal was poised to become Tottenham manager following discussions with Daniel Levy last season,...
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Manchester United's new manager Louis van Gaal speaks during a press conference at Old Trafford Stadium, Manchester, England, Thursday July 17, 2014. The new manager takes over after recently guiding Holland to third place at the 2014 World Cup.
photo: AP / Jon Super

Manchester United look to fast-track Radamel Falcao's permit
Full Article Sydney Morning Herald
03 Sep 2014

Click to play video Return to video Video settings Please Log in to update your video settings Video will begin in 5 seconds. Don't play Play now More video Recommended Click to play video Casey Dellacqua out of US Open Click to play video Toowoomba driver a world champion Click to play video Wozniacki...
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Atletico de Madrid's Radamel Falcao from Colombia reacts after scoring against Real Madrid during a Spanish La Liga soccer derby match at the Vicente Calderon stadium in Madrid, Spain Saturday April 27, 2013.
photo: AP / Paul White

Kanye stores Grammys in drawer
Full Article Music News
03 Sep 2014

Kanye West keeps his Grammys in a drawer in his laundry room. The 37-year-old rapper joined his wife Kim at the GQ Men of the Year Awards in London last night, where the brunette beauty scooped the Woman of the Year gong. She was thrilled to have won the prize and already has plans of where to place it...
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Kim Kardashian, left, and Kanye West attend The Hollywood Reporter's celebration of power 100 women in entertainment breakfast on Wednesday, Dec. 11, 2013 in Beverly Hills, Calif.
photo: AP / Todd Williamson

Britney Spears -- Booted Ex-BF Claims ... We Were On a Break!
Full Article TMZ
03 Sep 2014

David Lucado says he didn't technically cheat on Britney Spears ... because his videotaped hookup with another chick went down AFTER Brit had already kicked him to the curb. Lucado is telling friends Britney dumped him via text on August 6th. Sources close to the ex couple tell us they'd been arguing over "outside influences" -- like her...
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Britney Spears accepts the Favorite Pop Artist award at the 40th annual People's Choice Awards at Nokia Theatre L.A. Live on Wednesday, Jan. 8, 2014, in Los Angeles.
photo: AP / Frank Micelotta

Pharrell Williams: I'm more than music
Full Article Music News
03 Sep 2014

Pharrell Williams wants to inject his music with purpose. The American hitmaker is one of the hottest names in music thanks to tracks such as Happy and is riding high on the wave of success. Last night he took home the gong for solo artist at the GQ Men of the Year Awards...
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Pharrell Williams performs on the main stage at Wireless festival in Finsbury Park, north London, Friday, July 4, 2014. The first festival took place in June 2005 and was staged in Hyde Park.
photo: AP / Joel Ryan

Robin Thicke -- Single Guy Parties Too Hard ... Gets Ticketed
Full Article TMZ
03 Sep 2014

Robin Thicke gave cops the same treatment Paula Patton's been giving him -- ignoring officers who asked him to stop blasting music on Labor Day ... and he ended up getting a ticket for it. Law enforcement sources tell TMZ … the LAPD was called to Thicke's home in the Hollywood Hills late Monday night, into Tuesday morning, after...
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Robin Thicke
photo: Creative Commons / Michelle Uthoff

Kanye West performs in a mask on the main stage at Wireless festival in Finsbury Park, north London, Friday, July 4, 2014. The first festival took place in June 2005 and was staged in Hyde Park.
photo: AP / Joel Ryan

Kim K: GQ Woman of the Year
Full Article Music News
03 Sep 2014

Kim Kardashian has been named GQ's Woman of the Year. The 33-year-old reality star was honoured at the GQ Men of the Year Awards at London's Royal Opera House on Tuesday night. Kim was accompanied to the bash by husband Kanye West, with the pair making their official red carpet debut as a married couple at the...
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Kim Kardashian leaves a gym in Paris, Thursday, May 22, 2014. The gates of the Chateau de Versailles, once the digs of Louis XIV, will be thrown open to Kim Kardashian, Kanye West and their guests for a private evening this week ahead of their marriage
photo: AP / Jacques Brinon

Chris Brown due back in DC court for plea hearing
Full Article Newsday
02 Sep 2014

Related media Travel deals WASHINGTON - (AP) -- Singer Chris Brown is expected to appear in a District of Columbia court for what would be a third attempt at a plea deal to resolve an assault case. According to court filings, Brown is scheduled to appear in D.C. Superior Court on Tuesday at 9 a.m. A hearing originally scheduled for Friday was...
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Karrueche Tran, Chris Brown and Jhene Aiko at Jhene Aiko's Private EP Release Party hosted by Hennessy V.S, on Thursday, Nov 14, 2013 in Los Angeles.
photo: AP / Alexandra Wyman

David Guetta Working On ‘Timeless’ New Album
Full Article The Inquisitr
01 Sep 2014

Although the idea of a “timeless” dance tune sounds like a pipe dream, Guetta seems determined to make it happen. Instead of simply coughing up another hit single and crossing his fingers, the EDM mastermind is working tirelessly to create something that people can enjoy for decades to come. In order to make that happen,...
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David Guetta perfoms during the 2011 Y100 Jingle Ball at the Bank Atlantic Center Sunrise, Florida - December 10, 2011
photo: WN / Aaron Gilbert

David Cronenberg's 'Maps to the Stars' acquired by Focus World for early 2015 release
Full Article Celebrity Café
02 Sep 2014

Those wondering just when they will get to see the latest David Cronenberg movie Maps to the Stars have now gotten an answer. At least, sort of. Following its acquisition, Focus World has announced that they will be releasing the movie in early...
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Director David Cronenberg during a photo call for Maps to the Stars at the 67th international film festival, Cannes, southern France, Monday, May 19, 2014.
photo: AP / Thibault Camus

Vin Diesel Shows Off Hannibal Title Treatment During Crazy Helicopter Video
Full Article IMDb
01 Sep 2014

Normal actors announce new projects via press release. Vin Diesel is not a normal actor. Vin Diesel uses helicopters, and social media....
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Vin Diesel speaking at the 2013 San Diego Comic Con International, for "Riddick", at the San Diego Convention Center in San Diego, California.
photo: Creative Commons / Gage Skidmore

Clooney’s ‘red-blooded bachelor party’
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
30 Aug 2014

George Clooney’s male friends are said to be throwing him a stag night at a strip club ahead of his wedding to Amal Alamuddin. The Hollywood heartthrob proposed to his British attorney Amal Alamuddin in April and speculation is rife they are preparing to walk down the aisle soon. And according to UK outlet The Daily Star, George’s male friends have...
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In this Feb. 4, 2014 file, director and actor George Clooney attends the premiere of "The Monuments Men" at the Ziegfeld Theatre in New York. Clooney, 52, Hollywood’s most determined bachelor famous for a litany of fleeting loves, has taken himself off the romantic market and proposed to 36-year-old attorney, Amal Alamuddin.
photo: AP / Evan Agostini/Invision

Neeson: I’m done with biopics
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
30 Aug 2014

Liam Neeson says he’s done with biopics, because shooting action movies is “much more fun”. The 62-year-old actor, who originally made a name for himself in movies such as Schindler’s List, is now more famous for his roles in action films like Taken. And Liam said he much prefers parts nowadays that give him the chance to flex his action man...
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Liam Neeson arrives at the Los Angeles premiere of "Non-Stop" at the Westwood Regency Village Theater on Monday, Feb. 24, 2014.
photo: AP / Jordan Strauss

Joan Rivers: Is she hanging on by a thread, or will she emerge her old self?
Full Article The Examiner
30 Aug 2014

Joan Rivers, the iconic 81-year-old comedian, is reportedly resting comfortably in a New York hospital after suffering cardiac and respiratory arrest, following a procedure at a medical clinic Thursday. Joan's daughter Melissa Rivers issued a statement Friday saying she was touched by all the outpouring of prayers and support for her famous mother,...
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ag2 Joan Rivers performs at Hard Rock Live in Hollywood, Florida, March 2, 2008
photo: WN / Aruna Gilbert

Robin Wright Is Reborn Again and Again in Acid Trip ‘The Congress’ By Israeli Director Ari Folman [Trailer]
Full Article The Inquisitr
28 Aug 2014

Wright plays herself in The Congress — an actress who had a few big roles, but has more or less disappeared from the public spotlight. Robin goes to meeting with her agent, played by Harvey Kietel, where a company offers her a deal she can’t refuse: they’ll make a copy of her to act in new movies as they see fit. But there’s...
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Actress Robin Wright poses before Netflix's "Women Ruling TV" panel discussion at the Leonard H. Goldenson Theatre on Thursday, June 5, 2014 in Los Angeles.
photo: AP / Chris Pizzello

Mardaani box office report: Rani Mukerji's film does average business
Full Article The Times of India
25 Aug 2014

Rani Mukerji starrer 'Mardaani' surely packed a punch with the film critics but the film didn't do exceedingly well when it came to the box office collections. Touted as Rani Mukerji's 'comeback' film,...
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(L) Tollywood Actress Mousumi Chatterjee , Bollywood Actress Rani Mukherjee ,Susmita Sen and Bipasha Basu , Tollywood Actress Koel Mallick along with West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee  during the Closing Ceremony of Kolkata Film Festival at Nandan in Kolkata on Sunday 17 November 2013
photo: WN / Bhaskar Mallick

Obituary: Richard Attenborough
Full Article BBC News
24 Aug 2014

During a career spanning 60 years, the irrepressible Richard Attenborough became one of Britain's best-known actors and directors: a man of charm, talent and old-fashioned liberal principles. What one writer described as "an apparently unquenchable appetite for doing good", Attenborough himself attributed to his upbringing in...
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British actor, director, producer, filmmaker and entrepreneur Richard Attenborough arrives at the Galaxy British Book Awards, in London Wednesday, April 9, 2008.
photo: AP / Lefteris Pitarakis

Tokyo stocks rise for 3rd session despite N.Y. equity drop
Full Article The Japan News
03 Sep 2014

Jiji Press Stocks stretched their rising streak to a third session on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Wednesday, backed by a weaker yen, but their upside was capped by selling to take profits. The 225-issue Nikkei average ended up 59.75 points, or 0.38 percent, at 15,728.35, closing above 15,700 for...
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A man looks at an electronic stock board of a securities firm in Tokyo, Friday, May 23, 2014
photo: AP / Koji Sasahara

Samsung, Philips Said to Face EU Fines for Chip Cartel
Full Article Bloomberg
03 Sep 2014

Samsung Electronics Co. (005930), Royal Philips NV (PHIA) and Infineon Technologies AG (IFX) will be fined as soon as today by the European Union for fixing the price of chips used in mobile phones and bank cards, according to two people with knowledge of the case. Renesas Technology...
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Samsung Digital - logo
photo: WN / Geeta

Microsoft might be about to make a giant move into Android phone software
Full Article The Times of India
03 Sep 2014

By James Cook Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella has met with the founders of open source Android software company Cyanogen, The Information reports, citing a source who had been briefed by Microsoft. Cyanogen is the company behind the somewhat popular CyanogenMod software for Android phones. The open-source modification replaces the Android operating...
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This photo taken July 3, 2014 shows the Microsoft Corp. logo outside the Microsoft Visitor Center in Redmond, Wash.
photo: AP / Ted S. Warren

Airtel turning itself into a company built on, for a smartphone network
Full Article The Times of India
03 Sep 2014

NEW DELHI: Bharti Airtel, India's largest carrier, is turning itself into a company built on and for a 'smartphone network', shifting away from the traditional model where a telco ends up being reduced to a 'dumb pipe' offering just mobile voice services and providing bandwidth for products and content developed by others. Speaking to ET,...
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Airtel logo - one of the largest telecom service provider in India
photo: WN / Geeta

US stocks pull back after strong run in August
Full Article The Australian
02 Sep 2014

US stocks ended mostly lower, pulling back from gains in August that were the largest monthly increases for the Dow industrials and the S&P 500 since February. The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 30.89 points, or 0.18 per cent, to 17,067.56 and the S&P 500 shed 1.09 points, or 0.05 per cent, to 2002.28. Bucking the negative trend, the...
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A trader uses a phone post on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange Tuesday, June 30, 2009
photo: AP / Richard Drew

Second beheading plunges Barack Obama into top crisis
Full Article The Times of India
02 Sep 2014

By Arun Kumar WASHINGTON: Just two weeks after beheading American photojournalist James Foley, the Islamic State (IS) Sunni extremist organisation sent what it called "A second message to America", with a video showing the beheading of another kidnapped American journalist. In the video released Tuesday Steven Sotloff, 31, a freelance journalist...
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FILE - This Oct. 24, 2013 file photo shows President Barack Obama in the East Room of the White House in Washington.
photo: AP / Charles Dharapak, File

Vladimir Putin digs in for long Ukraine fight
Full Article The Times of India
02 Sep 2014

MOSCOW: Riding a wave of military gains by Russia-backed rebels, President Vladimir Putin has made it exceedingly clear that he wants a peace deal for Ukraine on his terms and will not be stopped by economic costs. The four-month conflict has now reached a breaking point, where Russia and Ukraine could either negotiate a political settlement or...
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FILE - In this Jan. 28, 2014 file photo, Russian President Vladimir Putin addresses the media at the end of an EU-Russia summit, at the European Council building in Brussels. With Crimea in Russia’s pocket, the world anxiously awaits Putin’s next move. The Russian President has held regular conversations with Western leaders - with no visible result.
photo: AP / Yves Logghe

US STOCKS-Wall St set for flat open; manufacturing data on tap
Full Article Reuters
02 Sep 2014

* Compuware climbs in premarket; near deal to sell itself * Exelixis tumbles after cancer drug fails study; to cut jobs * Dollar General ups Family Dollar bid * Futures up: Dow 12 pts, S&P; 1.5 pts, Nasdaq 7.5 pts (Updates prices) By Chuck Mikolajczak NEW YORK, Sept 2 (Reuters) - U.S. stocks were poised for a flat open on Tuesday, after the S&P; 500...
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Traders work on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange Wednesday, Jan. 12, 2011, in New York.
photo: AP / Richard Drew

Watch Live: CDC Director Testifies on Ebola Threat Before House Committee
Watch Live: CDC Director Testifies on Ebola Threat Before House Committee
  • Order:
  • Duration: 164:19
  • Updated: 08 Aug 2014
The House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Africa, Global Health, Global Human Rights, and International Organizations holds a 2 p.m. hearing on the Ebola virus, which has killed more than 900 people, according to The Associated Press. Witnesses include Dr. Tom Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Dr. Ariel Pablos-Méndez, the assistant administrator for global health at the U.S. Agency for International Development, and representatives from the State Department, Samaritan's Purse and SIM. Website: Follow us: Like us: Google+: Tumblr:
  • published: 08 Aug 2014
  • views: 5198

Who is journalist Steven Sotloff?
Who is journalist Steven Sotloff?
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:53
  • Updated: 03 Sep 2014
A video apparently shows the beheading of journalist Steven Sotloff. CNN's Alina Machado hears from those who knew him.
  • published: 03 Sep 2014
  • views: 11397

Rebels Reject Ukrainian Ceasefire Announcement
Rebels Reject Ukrainian Ceasefire Announcement
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:29
  • Updated: 03 Sep 2014
Russian President Vladimir Putin has called on pro-Russian insurgents in eastern Ukraine to "stop advancing" and for the Ukrainian army to withdraw their troops from the region. Tags: Rebels reject Ukrainian cease-fire announcement Ukraine President Says Ceasefire Deal With Russia Reached Rebels reject Ukrainian cease-fire announcement - Herald Rebels reject Ukrainian cease-fire announcement | Veooz 3 Rebels Reject Ukrainian Ceasefire Announcement | The .. Indian News - Rebels Reject Ukrainian Ceasefire... | Faceboo Putin: Ukraine must withdraw, rebels must halt - News KIEV, Ukraine: Putin: Ukraine must withdraw, rebels must Pro-Russian rebels reject ceasefire announcement - Worl Ukraine issues cease-fire announcement - FOX 29 News Ukraine crisis: Pro-Russian rebels reject ceasefire ... - Cbc Rebels reject Ukrainian cease-fire announcement - News Ukraine President Says Ceasefire Deal With Russia Reached Rebels reject Ukrainian cease-fire announcement | masslive . Putin: Ukraine must withdraw, rebels must halt - Yahoo News Rebels Reject Ukrainian Ceasefire Announcement Rebels reject Ukrainian cease-fire announcement - WBT CONFLICT IN UKRAINE: Rebels Reject Ukrainian Cease ... Rebels reject Ukrainian cease-fire announcement - KAIT . Rebels reject Ukrainian cease-fire announcement - Livem Rebels reject Ukrainian cease-fire announcement - CBS Putin Calls On Ukraine Rebels To Stop Advance Rebels reject Ukrainian cease-fire announcement | Veooz Rebels Reject Ukrainian Leader's Cease-Fire Idea - The .. Russia rejects Ukraine ceasefire announced by President Ukrainian rebels reject ceasefire offer - The Hindu Putin: Ukraine Must Withdraw, Rebels Must Halt - Time Rebels reject peace proposal from Ukraine - Washington Post Separatists Reject Ukraine Cease-Fire Ukraine president announces temporary truce - Al Jazeera Ukraine President Declares Unilateral Ceasefire, Rebels .. Rebels reject Ukrainian leader's cease-fire idea - Houston . Kiev rejects ceasefire and asks rebels to surrender in ... Ukraine rejects rebel ceasefire proposal - Deutsche Welle Ukraine separatists 'to join truce', rebel leader says - BBC Rebels reject Ukrainian cease-fire announcement - World Ukraine separatists 'to join truce', rebel leader says - Ukrainian Rebels Reject Cease-Fire, As Russian Troops ... Ukraine rejects Russia's call for cease-fire, warns of 'great wa As Military and Rebels Clash in Ukraine, Doubt Falls on .. Poroshenko promises unilateral cease-fire - Kyiv Post Ukraine president announces temporary truce — Raw-News ... (USUF) Newsltter Issue #47: A 4-Day Truce? - US-Ukraine .. Complicated Intrigue and Maneuvering as Ceasefire in ... Ukrainian Rebels Reject Cease-Fire, As Russian Troops .. Poroshenko Sets Out Cease-Fire Plan for East Ukraine ... Separatist leader calls Ukraine cease-fire 'fake,' though ... Ukraine rejects truce talks until rebels disarm - IBTimes India Rebels Reject Ukrainian Leader's Cease-Fire Idea West renews Russia sanctions threat as Ukraine ceasefire ... Ukraine: 'Disappointment' at Yatsenyuk resignation Conflicts Fury in Eastern Ukraine as Rebels Reject Ceasefire Ukraine, Rebels Accuse Each Other Of Attacking Refugee . Ukraine rejects ceasefire calls - Sky News Australia Temporary cease-fire Ukraine, however there is “a plan B Separatists reject Ukraine cease-fire, 23 June 2014 Ukraine crisis: Ceasefire between Government forces and . Vladimir Putin orders Russian troops onto 'combat alert' as ..
  • published: 03 Sep 2014
  • views: 10

Polar Vortex Freezes Parts of US
Polar Vortex Freezes Parts of US
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:32
  • Updated: 07 Jan 2014
About 187 million Americans are hit with record-low temperatures.
  • published: 07 Jan 2014
  • views: 47087

Fukushima worker exploitation
Fukushima worker exploitation
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:04
  • Updated: 25 Oct 2013
More Breaking News: Subscribe: Reuters uncovers widespread exploitation as Japan looks to recover from the worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl. Produced by Chris Meyers. Reuters tells the world's stories like no one else. As the largest international multimedia news provider, Reuters provides coverage around the globe and across topics including business, financial, national, and international news. For over 160 years, Reuters has maintained its reputation for speed, accuracy, and impact while providing exclusives, incisive commentary and forward-looking analysis.
  • published: 25 Oct 2013
  • views: 12973

Barack Obama press conference Estonia, Obama ISIS, Nato, Iraq, Russia, Ukraine, ISIL, US Journalists
Barack Obama press conference Estonia, Obama ISIS, Nato, Iraq, Russia, Ukraine, ISIL, US Journalists
  • Order:
  • Duration: 39:28
  • Updated: 03 Sep 2014
'Barack Obama' press conference Estonia, Obama on ISIS, Nato, Iraq, Russia, Ukraine, ISIL, US Journalists Barack Obama Barack Obama Barack Obama Barack Obama Barack Obama Barack Obama Barack Obama ISIS,Nato,Iraq,Russia,Ukraine,ISIL,US Journalists,Islamic State Of Iraq And Syria (Organization),Barack Obama (US President),North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) (Membership Organization),Soviet Union (Country),Moscow,United States Of America (Country) ISIS,Nato,Iraq,Russia,Ukraine,ISIL,US Journalists,Islamic State Of Iraq And Syria (Organization),Barack Obama (US President),North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) (Membership Organization),Soviet Union (Country),Moscow,United States Of America (Country) ISIS,Nato,Iraq,Russia,Ukraine,ISIL,US Journalists,Islamic State Of Iraq And Syria (Organization),Barack Obama (US President),North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) (Membership Organization),Soviet Union (Country),Moscow,United States Of America (Country) ISIS,Nato,Iraq,Russia,Ukraine,ISIL,US Journalists,Islamic State Of Iraq And Syria (Organization),Barack Obama (US President),North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) (Membership Organization),Soviet Union (Country),Moscow,United States Of America (Country)
  • published: 03 Sep 2014
  • views: 301,_Obama_ISIS,_Nato,_Iraq,_Russia,_Ukraine,_ISIL,_US_Journalists

Pro-democracy Activists in Hong Kong Prepare for Referendum on Election
Pro-democracy Activists in Hong Kong Prepare for Referendum on Election
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  • Duration: 2:53
  • Updated: 19 Jun 2014
The debate over election reform in Hong Kong is driving a wedge between Beijing and the vibrant port city, where pro-democracy activists are gearing up for an unofficial referendum this weekend. Activists say they are trying to persuade the city government to draft a democratic ballot law for elections in 2017 and 2020, and have pledged to occupy the city center if their demands go unheard. Rebecca Valli has more from Hong Kong for VOA.
  • published: 19 Jun 2014
  • views: 629

Don't trust British politicians! HOS Conference April 2012
Don't trust British politicians! HOS Conference April 2012
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:29
  • Updated: 21 May 2012 A speaker from FRFI speaks on the role of British imperialism at HOS Conference April 2012, emphasizing the influence of British politicians and imperialism in the world today. The speaker also spoke about StW (Stop the War) giving platforms for imperialist politicians in the past and how what we really need to hear are the voices of the people doing the fighting. The second speaker, from Hands off Somalia, continues to highlight Haiti and the right for Somalia to self determination.
  • published: 21 May 2012
  • views: 389't_trust_British_politicians!_HOS_Conference_April_2012

Steven Sotloff: Islamic State 'kills US hostage' - BBC News
Steven Sotloff: Islamic State 'kills US hostage' - BBC News
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:47
  • Updated: 02 Sep 2014
An Islamic State video has appeared which purports to show the beheading of Steven Sotloff, a US journalist being held hostage by the militants. White House spokesman Josh Earnest said US officials were checking the reports. Mr Sotloff disappeared in Syria in 2013. He appeared at the end of a video last month showing fellow US journalist James Foley being killed. After Mr Foley's death, Mr Sotloff's mother appealed to IS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi to save her son's life. Subscribe to BBC News HERE Check out our website: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:
  • published: 02 Sep 2014
  • views: 43818'kills_US_hostage'__BBC_News

Monkey Meat and the Ebola Outbreak in Liberia
Monkey Meat and the Ebola Outbreak in Liberia
  • Order:
  • Duration: 18:07
  • Updated: 26 Jun 2014
Subscribe to VICE News here: West Africa is being plagued by a new outbreak of Ebola — a terrifying disease that causes its victims to bleed to death from the inside out. Ebola has no cure, and the latest epidemic is spreading fast. VICE News visited Liberia, where many feel the new outbreak began, borne from the bushmeat markets of Lofa. Western scientists feel that the consumption and preparation of meat from monkeys, fruit bats, and other forest animals is behind the transmission of Ebola, and possibly a new supervirus, which if left uncontrolled could kill a third of the world's population. Eight Now Dead from Ebola Virus in Liberia's Capital: Italy's False 'Ebola Outbreak' Is Spread by Racists and Conspiracy Nuts: Check out the VICE News beta for more: Follow VICE News here: Facebook: Twitter: Tumblr:
  • published: 26 Jun 2014
  • views: 1176731

Apple, FBI Investigate Massive Celebrity Photo 'Hack
Apple, FBI Investigate Massive Celebrity Photo 'Hack
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:48
  • Updated: 02 Sep 2014
Apple, FBI Investigate Massive Celebrity Photo 'Hack LOS ANGELES: The FBI and Apple were urgently investigating on Monday after an apparent massive hack of a cloud data service unleashed a torrent of intimate pictures of dozens of celebrities across the Internet. Anonymous posters to online message boards boasted of having nude images of scores of female stars including Oscar-winner actress Jennifer Lawrence and top model Kate Upton. Reports suggested hackers had "ripped" private images from Apple's iCloud online data storage, a potentially embarrassing -- and damaging -- breach for the California tech giant. "We take user privacy very seriously and are actively investigating this report," said Apple spokeswoman Natalie Kerris, the Re/code website reported. SUBSCRIBE FOR BREAKING NEWS TAGS Apple, FBI Investigate Massive Celebrity Photo 'Hack Cloud' concerns After Celebrity picture Leaks After Nude Photo Hack, Should Cloud Users Be Worried? After Nude Photo Hack, Should Cloud Users Be Worried? All The Different Ways That 'iCloud' Naked Celebrity Photo Leak ... Jennifer Lawrence Celebrity Nude Leak Raises Questions on iCloud ... Safety of Cloud-Based Storage Questioned After Celebr Jennifer Lawrence, Other Celebrities Have Nude Photos . 'Cloud' concerns after celeb leaks 'Cloud' concerns after celebrity picture leaks Safety of Cloud-Based Storage Questioned After Celebrity Nude Photos Of Jennifer Lawrence And Kate Upton Leak The Fappening is more than just nude celebrity pics FBI probes 'Cloud' celebrity leaks Apple, FBI Investigate Massive Celebrity Photo 'Hack Celebrity leaks 'no breach' - Apple
  • published: 02 Sep 2014
  • views: 206,_FBI_Investigate_Massive_Celebrity_Photo_'Hack

Inside ISIS and the Iraq Caliphate
Inside ISIS and the Iraq Caliphate
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  • Duration: 9:24
  • Updated: 02 Jul 2014
Inside Isis: Social networking for Islamist Extremists Watch our latest report on this escalating conflict here: Watch the Journeyman ISIS playlist here: Subscribe to Journeyman for more: For downloads and more information visit: As ISIS continue to make territorial gains in the Middle East, they are also becoming a dynamic presence online. This report looks at one recent campaign video, designed to disseminate their radical manifesto. "These are your passports, O Tyrants all over the world", one anonymous jihadist declares to a baying crowd as he spears a pile of the documents with a machete. Within the organisation's mission to establish a unitary caliphate across the region, such credentials are obsolete: mere vestiges of a by-gone age of national boundaries and rival political identities. "I swear by Allah, we will cleanse the Arabian peninsula of you, you defiled ones." Films such as this, depicting the brutal imposition of a supposedly utopian Islamic supra-state - often by means of summary executions and banning opposing sects from public life - are a sign of the increasing sophistication of ISIS' propaganda strategy. They depict well-armed, organised militants, and are cause for concern for Iraqi ex-pats struggling to reach relatives back home. "ISIS have forgotten the real religion, and now they are full of hate and revenge", says Salahaddin al-Beati, who has lived in Switzerland since 1996. With voices from all sides of the conflict, this report offers a chilling insight into a markedly 21st century insurgency. SRF - Ref 6166 Journeyman Pictures is your independent source for the world's most powerful films, exploring the burning issues of today. We represent stories from the world's top producers, with brand new content coming in all the time. On our channel you'll find outstanding and controversial journalism covering any global subject you can imagine wanting to know about.
  • published: 02 Jul 2014
  • views: 824681

'Extreme radicals among those who seized power in Ukraine' - Russia's UN envoy (FULL SPEECH)
'Extreme radicals among those who seized power in Ukraine' - Russia's UN envoy (FULL SPEECH)
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  • Duration: 11:13
  • Updated: 03 Mar 2014
The efforts of radical forces and the self-imposed government in Kiev to forcefully overthrow local authorities in the East are unacceptable and endanger the lives of Ukrainians and Russians, Russia's UN envoy Vitaly Churkin told the Security Council. READ MORE: RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
  • published: 03 Mar 2014
  • views: 19462'Extreme_radicals_among_those_who_seized_power_in_Ukraine'__Russia's_UN_envoy_FULL_SPEECH

Jennifer Lawrence leaked nude photos: Apple launches investigation into hacking of iCloud
Jennifer Lawrence leaked nude photos: Apple launches investigation into hacking of iCloud
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  • Duration: 2:33
  • Updated: 03 Sep 2014
Jennifer Lawrence among 101 A-list celebrities targeted by hacker who has leaked graphic naked photographs of the Oscar winner and other stars online Jennifer Lawrence, other celebrities have nude photos leaked on Internet after massive hacking scandal Dozens of photos of the 'Hunger Games' star in various stages of undress first appeared Sunday on the online message board 4chan, along with those of 100 other possible A-list victims such as Rihanna, Lea Michele and Kate Upton. Dozens of photos of Oscar-winning actress Jennifer Lawrence in the nude and 100 other celebs in compromising positions hit the Internet Sunday in a massive hacking scandal. The snapshots first appeared on the online message board 4chan and included randy shots of The Hunger Games star. The hacker claimed to have nude and seminude shots of 101 celebrities, including singers Rihanna and Ariana Grande, supermodel Kate Upton, Olympic gold-medal soccer player Hope Solo and actresses Kirsten Dunst, Lea Michele and Brie Larson. Subscribe For Breaking News Tags Jennifer Lawrence, Victoria Justice in Alleged Nude Photo Hacking Jennifer Lawrence's rep slams stolen pics Nude photos of Jennifer Lawrence leaked online by hacker Jennifer Lawrence Alleged Nude Photos Leak Alleged images of actress Jennifer Lawrence naked surface online Jennifer Lawrence among 101 A-list celebrities targeted by hacker who has leaked graphic naked photographs of the Oscar winner and other stars online Nude photos of Jennifer Lawrence leaked online by hacker Jennifer Lawrence Contacts Authorities After Naked Pictures Leaked Online Victoria Justice hits out at leaked nude photos, deriding them as fake Jennifer Lawrence Part of Celebrity Nude Photo Leak, Rep Says Jennifer Lawrence, other celebrities have nude photos leaked on Internet Smartphone not so as nude photos of Jennifer Lawrence hacked Nude images of Jennifer Lawrence and other female celebrities leaked online Nude Photos of Jennifer Lawrence, Ariana Grande, Kate Upton and More Jennifer Lawrence, others exposed in nude photo leak Jennifer Lawrence nude photos surface in mass celebrity leak Ariana Grande Denies Authenticity of Alleged Leaked Nude Photos Smartphone not so as nude photos of Jennifer Lawrence hacked Jennifer Lawrence 'nude photos leaked' Jennifer Lawrence Nude Photos Leaked, Spokesperson Calls It "Flagrant 'This is a flagrant violation of privacy': Cyber hacker has targeted dozens of female celebrities including Jennifer Lawrence and Kate Upton and posted their graphic naked cell phone photographs online Jennifer Lawrence Part of Celebrity Nude Photo Leak, Rep Says "Authorities Have Been Contacted" Nude Pictures of Jennifer Lawrence, Other Stars Leaked After Alleged iCloud Hack Jennifer Lawrence's Nude Photos Leak Online, Other Celebs Targeted Nude Jennifer Lawrence photos leaked by hacker who claims to have 'private pictures of 100 A-listers' Alleged Nude Photos Of Ariana Grande, Jennifer Lawrence & Kate Upton Leak Online Jennifer Lawrence Nude Pictures Allegedly Leaked Jennifer Lawrence among celebrities exposed in massive nude photo leak Nude Photos Of Jennifer Lawrence, Kate Upton, Ariana Grande Leak In Massive iCloud Hack Woah, nude photos of stars like Jennifer Lawrence and Ariana Grande leaked Jennifer Lawrence's nude photos leak online JENNIFER LAWRENCE'S NUDE PHOTOS LEAK ONLINE Jennifer Lawrence & Victoria Justice are Victims of Alleged Nude Photo Leak Jennifer Lawrence among celebs in leaked nude photos Confirmed nude photos of Jennifer Lawrence leaked Jennifer Lawrence nude photos leaked online by hacker Nude photos of Jennifer Lawrence leaked online by hacker 'Cloud' concerns after photo leaks 'Cloud' concerns after celebrity picture leaks J-Law targeted in nude photo scandal Jennifer Lawrence, other female celebs targeted in online nude photo scandal US celebrity email hacker jailed Blame hacker not stars for nude photos Who's at fault over J-Law's nude photo hack? Leaks of nude celebrity photos raise concerns about security of the cloud Jennifer Lawrence targeted in nude scandal Nude photos of Jennifer Lawrence, Kate Upton leak online Jennifer Lawrence, Victoria Justice in Alleged Nude Photo Hacking FBI, Apple begin inquiries into nude celebrity photo leaks Celebrity photo hack: Jennifer Lawrence requests nude pics investigation FBI Is 'Addressing' Massive Celebrity Photo Hack Hundreds of Intimate Celebrity Pictures Leaked Online Following Alleged iCloud ... Jennifer Lawrence's rep slams stolen pics FBI and Apple Investigating Jennifer Lawrence Nude Photo Leak Hunt begins for hacker behind Jennifer Lawrence nude photo theft FBI Investigating Hacked Nude Photos Of Kate Upton, Jennifer Lawrence FBI leads hunt for hacker behind Jennifer Lawrence naked pictures
  • published: 03 Sep 2014
  • views: 299

US Attacks Al-Shabab Militants In Somalia - U.S. Launches Air Strike Against Somali Terrorist Group
US Attacks Al-Shabab Militants In Somalia - U.S. Launches Air Strike Against Somali Terrorist Group
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  • Duration: 2:00
  • Updated: 03 Sep 2014
US Attacks Al-Shabab Militants In Somalia - U.S. Launches Air Strike Against Somali Terrorist Group US attacks al-Shabab in Somalia U.S. military conducts operation in Somalia, Pentagon says U.S. launches Somali operation Al-Shabaab militants targeted by US forces in Somalia US attacks al-Shabaab in Somalia U.S. Carries Out Operation Against Al-Shabaab in Somalia US forces conduct operation against Shabaab in Somalia U.S. Military Conducts Operation Against Al-Shabaab In Somalia Somali president condemns Al Shabaab attack on Jiliow prison U.S. military targets extremists in Somalia US military conducts operation in Somalia against al-Shabab US Forces Conducted Operation in Somalia, Pentagon Says US Targets Al-Shabab in Somalia Strike US military targets Shabaab extremists in Somalia U.S. military conducts operation in Somalia, Pentagon says U.S. military conducts operation in Somalia Pentagon: US military conducts operation in Somalia US Attacks Al-Shabab, Militants In Somalia, U.S. Launches Air Strike, Against Somali, Terrorist Group, U.S. military conducts operation in Somalia, Pentagon US attacks al Shabab militants in Somali Somalia's al-Shabab: Ahmed Abdi Godane targeted by US - US Military Attacks Al-Shabab in Somalia - ABC News US attacks al-Shabab in Somalia - BBC US attacks al-Shabab militants in Somalia - The Punch US military attacks al-Shabab in Somalia - U.S. strikes Somali militant camp in bid to kill al Shabaab leader ... US troops mount attacks on al-Shabaab in Somalia | World news ... US military attacks al-Shabab in Somalia - News from The ... 6 militants killed during U.S. strike in Somalia | Military Times ... US Unsure if Somalia Strike Killed Al-Shabab Leader US targets leader of al-Shabaab with Somalia drone strike | Fox News U.S. military conducts operation in Somalia - U.S. carries out counterterrorism strike in Somalia - The Washington ... US forces attack al-Shabaab Islamist group in Somalia after terrorist ... 6 militants killed in US Somalia strike - Washington Times Somalia militants hit by U.S. military; Pentagon mum on details ... al-Shabaab (militant group) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Article - US military attacks al-Shabaab in Somalia Breaking news on al-Shabaab - U.S. '80% sure' it killed Al Shabab's top leader in an air strike ... 6 militants reported killed in US Somalia strike; al-Shabab leader ... 6 militants killed in US Somalia strike - Houston Chronicle US military targets Al-Shabab in Somalia | Al Jazeera America U.S. forces carry out drone attack against al-Shabaab in Somalia ... US attempts to kill Al Shabab leader in Somalia - US military attacks al-Shabab in Somalia - York Dispatch U.S. military attacks al-Shabab in Somalia | The Japan Times Al-Shabaab - Terrorist Groups - National Counterterrorism Center Africa - US military targets Somalia's al Shabaab Islamist group ... Fate of Al Shabab leader in Somalia unknown after US air strike ... 6 militants killed in US Somalia strike - SFGate US attacks al-Shabab militants in Somalia - - Hot news ... al Shabaab | Terrorist Groups | TRAC 6 militants killed in US Somalia strike - The News Tribune US attacks al-Shabab militants in Somalia | NAIJA Lately - Read ... Shabab News - The New York Times US attacks al-Shabab militants in Somalia - Society - Panorama ... US military attacks al-Shabab in Somalia - The York Daily Record US Military Conducts Operation Against Al-Shabaab Militants in ... Al Shabaab -- ADL Terrorist Symbol Database US military attacks al-Shabab in Somalia - US for
  • published: 03 Sep 2014
  • views: 5