History of Britain The Anglo Saxon Invasion BBC Documentary
1/4 Treasures of the Anglo Saxons
Mr. Osborne - British Literature Unit Preview 1 - Anglo Saxons
VIKINGS (2013) - Ragnars' army meets Anglo-Saxons
Horrible Histories The Anglo Saxon Report
The Saxons
The Anglo-Saxon Period
Beowulf & the Anglo-Saxons (Part 1)
Beowulf, Lesson 1: Introducing the Anglo Saxons
4/4 Treasures of the Anglo Saxons
The Anglo-Saxons in Britain
Anglo-Saxon - The History of English (1/10)
Horrible Histories Saxon Invasion Invasion Invasion
The Worst Jobs In History 1of6 Roman Anglo Saxon
History of Britain The Anglo Saxon Invasion BBC Documentary
1/4 Treasures of the Anglo Saxons
Mr. Osborne - British Literature Unit Preview 1 - Anglo Saxons
VIKINGS (2013) - Ragnars' army meets Anglo-Saxons
Horrible Histories The Anglo Saxon Report
The Saxons
The Anglo-Saxon Period
Beowulf & the Anglo-Saxons (Part 1)
Beowulf, Lesson 1: Introducing the Anglo Saxons
4/4 Treasures of the Anglo Saxons
The Anglo-Saxons in Britain
Anglo-Saxon - The History of English (1/10)
Horrible Histories Saxon Invasion Invasion Invasion
The Worst Jobs In History 1of6 Roman Anglo Saxon
History of Britain The Anglo Saxon Invasion english Documentary Part 1
The Anglo-Saxons from Wikipedia (Ancestors to our ancestors)
Heritage and Origins of the Anglo Saxons, Celtic & British - E. Raymond Capt (Ancient History)
2/4 Treasures of the Anglo Saxons
Beowulf & the Anglo-Saxons (Part 2)
Anglo-Saxons - Horrible Histories
Beowulf & the Anglo-Saxons (Part 3)
Unearthing the Anglo Saxons
Horrible Histories - Anglo Saxon language
La France dans l'étau germano-anglo-saxon - Conférence de Pierre Hillard (17 mai 2013)
Who Were the Anglo-Saxons?
The Making of Anglo-Saxon England
Historical Proof that England {Anglo-Saxon} means Angelic Sons of Isaac {Hebrew Israelites}
Historical Proof of the Israelite Migrations - Bertrand L Comparet (Anglo Saxons, Goths, Britons)
The Lost Israelite Empires - The Parthians, Phoenicians, Scythians & Anglo Saxons - Ancient History
Turning Points in British History - Episode 101 - The Anglo-Saxons
How the Celts Saved Britain - HD - 1of2 (BBC) - A New Civilisation (2009)
The Awesome Anglo-Saxons [#15] Vox Mundi - Crusader Kings 2
Les trusts caritatifs anglo-saxons comme instrument de pouvoir dans les espaces maritimes (2/7)
Les trusts caritatifs anglo-saxons comme instrument de pouvoir dans les espaces maritimes (4/7)
Les trusts caritatifs anglo-saxons comme instrument de pouvoir dans les espaces maritimes (5/7)
Eli James, Part 1, True Israelites are the Anglo Saxons
GWIp Episode 05 - Saga 4 points Normans vs. Anglo-Saxons
SAGA Gripping Beast 28mm Anglo-Saxon Warlord Part 2: Painting
Social and Financial Power in America: White Anglo-Saxon Protestants (1991)
M2TW - The Last Kingdom: Anglo-Saxons of Wessex vs the Vikingr
Baha'i Faith & Canada,The Anglo- Saxons part 1 of 2
Metroid Prime - Episode 08 "Anglo Saxons"
Anonymous – Message to Anglo-Saxons
Art and Culture Moira Butterfield PDF
A Response to the History of Britain: Iron Age to circa 1066 A.D.
Anglo Saxon England
Let's Play Metroid Fusion -Episode 8: The Macaroni Room
Viking Confrontation with the Anglo Saxon in Vikings History Channel
SAGA Battle Report 10 - Jomsviking vs Anglo-Saxons
Anglo Saxon Poetry
Anglo-Saxon History
Anglo-Saxon England
Let's Play Metroid Fusion -Episode 3: Attack of the Anglo-Saxons
White Anglo-Saxon Protestant
Amazing Anglo Saxon coin
Exeter Book Riddle 17 read in Old English / Anglo-Saxon
(4) History of Britain - The Anglo-Saxon Invasion
2014.07.06 Polish Freedom and Democratic Traditions from the Anglo-Saxon Perspective
영어 어원을 마인드맵으로 해보자 - Anglo-Saxon 접두어 en-
SAGA Battle Report 009 - Vikings vs Anglo-Saxon
Anglo saxon poetry by Andrew Rea
Anglo saxon poetry by Andrew Rea 2
The term Anglo-Saxon is used by some historians to designate the Germanic tribes who invaded and settled the south and east of Britain beginning in the early 5th century and the period from their creation of the English nation up to the Norman conquest. The Anglo-Saxon era denotes the period of English history between about 550 and 1066. The term is also used for the language, now known as Old English, that was spoken and written by the Anglo-Saxons and their descendants in England (and part of southeastern Scotland) between at least the mid-5th century and the mid-12th century.
The Benedictine monk Bede, writing in the early 8th century, identified the English as the descendants of three Germanic tribes:
Their language, Old English, which derived from Ingvaeonic West Germanic dialects, transformed into Middle English from the 11th century. Old English was divided into four main dialects: West Saxon, Mercian, Northumbrian and Kentish.
The term Anglo-Saxon can be found in documents produced in the time of Alfred the Great, who seems to have frequently used the titles rex Anglorum Saxonum and rex Angul-Saxonum (king of the English Saxons). The Old English terms ænglisc ('Angle-kin') and Angelcynn ('gens Anglorum') had already lost their original sense of referring to the Angles, as distinct from the Saxons, when they are first attested. In their earliest sense they referred to the nation of Germanic peoples who settled eastern Britain from the 5th century.[citation needed] The indigenous Britons, who wrote in both Latin and Welsh, referred to these invaders as 'Saxones' or 'Saeson' – the word Saeson is the modern Welsh word for 'English people'; the equivalent word in Scottish Gaelic is Sasannach and in the Irish language, Sasanach.