
History's Turning Points - AD 1453 Siege of Constantinople
For more great documentaries visit www.DocumentaryList.NET and c1ick an a.d. to support th...
published: 23 Jun 2011
author: docufans
History's Turning Points - AD 1453 Siege of Constantinople
History's Turning Points - AD 1453 Siege of Constantinople
For more great documentaries visit www.DocumentaryList.NET and c1ick an a.d. to support the site.- published: 23 Jun 2011
- views: 50211
- author: docufans

THEY MIGHT BE GIANTS "Istanbul (Not Constantinople)"
Istanbul was Constantinople Now it's Istanbul, not Constantinople Been a long time gone, C...
published: 29 Jun 2006
author: tubmanss
THEY MIGHT BE GIANTS "Istanbul (Not Constantinople)"
THEY MIGHT BE GIANTS "Istanbul (Not Constantinople)"
Istanbul was Constantinople Now it's Istanbul, not Constantinople Been a long time gone, Constantinople Now it's Turkish delight on a moonlit night Every gal...- published: 29 Jun 2006
- views: 1499563
- author: tubmanss

History: Byzantium - Constantinople - Istanbul - 5-29-1453
More than 1,000 years, the Byzantine Empire was the center of the entire world - the origi...
published: 29 May 2014
History: Byzantium - Constantinople - Istanbul - 5-29-1453
History: Byzantium - Constantinople - Istanbul - 5-29-1453
More than 1,000 years, the Byzantine Empire was the center of the entire world - the origin of great literature, fine art and modern government. Heir to Greece & Rome, the Byzantine Empire was also the first Christian empire. Pass through the gates of Constantinople and explore the magnificent Christian Church (now a Museum) of Agia Sophia (Holy Wisdom) and see the looted treasures of the lost empire, now under Muslim occupation, after the conquest of the city on May 29th, 1453 by Muslim Turks!!- published: 29 May 2014
- views: 34

The Residents - Constantinople
The Residents - Constantinople (Copyright 2008 The Cryptic Corporation)...
published: 25 Sep 2009
author: orchardmusic
The Residents - Constantinople
The Residents - Constantinople
The Residents - Constantinople (Copyright 2008 The Cryptic Corporation)- published: 25 Sep 2009
- views: 393325
- author: orchardmusic

Istanbul (not Constantinople)
Artist: Trevor Horn Orchestra From: Mona Lisa Smile OST....
published: 16 Dec 2010
author: gre1990
Istanbul (not Constantinople)
Istanbul (not Constantinople)
Artist: Trevor Horn Orchestra From: Mona Lisa Smile OST.- published: 16 Dec 2010
- views: 366530
- author: gre1990

Conquest Of Constantinople 1453 - Becoming An Empire
The capture of Constantinople (and two other Byzantine splinter territories soon thereafte...
published: 16 Dec 2013
Conquest Of Constantinople 1453 - Becoming An Empire
Conquest Of Constantinople 1453 - Becoming An Empire
The capture of Constantinople (and two other Byzantine splinter territories soon thereafter) marked the end of the Roman Empire, an imperial state which had lasted for nearly 1,500 years. The Ottoman conquest of Constantinople also dealt a massive blow to Christendom, as the Ottoman armies thereafter were free to advance into Europe without an adversary to their rear. After the conquest, Sultan Mehmed transferred the capital of the Ottoman Empire from Adrianople to Constantinople. Several Greek and non-Greek intellectuals fled the city before and after the siege, with the majority of them migrating particularly to Italy, which helped fuel the Renaissance. The conquest of the city of Constantinople and the end of the Byzantine Empire marks, for some historians, the end of the Middle Ages Constantinople had been an imperial capital since its consecration in 330 under Roman Emperor Constantine the Great. In the following eleven centuries, the city had been besieged many times but was captured only once: during the Fourth Crusade in 1204. The crusaders established an unstable Latin state in and around Constantinople while the remaining empire splintered into a number of Greek successor states, notably Nicaea, Epirus and Trebizond. These Greeks fought as allies against the Latin establishments but among themselves for return to the Byzantine throne. The Nicaeans reconquered Constantinople from the Latins in 1261. Thereafter was little peace for the much-weakened empire; it continually fended off attacks from the Latins, the Serbians, the Bulgarians and, most importantly, the Ottoman Turks. The Black Plague between 1346 and 1349 killed almost half of Constantinople's inhabitants. Far from being in its heyday, Constantinople was severely depopulated as a result of the general economic and territorial decline of the empire following its partial recovery from the disaster of the Fourth Crusade inflicted on it by the Christian army two centuries before. Therefore, the city in 1453 was a series of walled villages separated by vast fields encircled by the fifth-century Theodosian walls. By 1450 the empire was exhausted, consisting of a few square miles outside the city of Constantinople itself, the Princes' Islands in the Sea of Marmara, and the Peloponnese with its cultural center at Mystras. The Empire of Trebizond, an independent successor state that formed in the aftermath of the Fourth Crusade, also survived on the coast of the Black Sea. When Sultan Mehmed II succeeded his father in 1451, it was widely believed that the young ruler, then 19 years old, would prove incapable—and that he would pose no great threat to Christian possessions in the Balkans and the Aegean. This optimism was reinforced by friendly assurances made by Mehmed to envoys sent to his new court. But Mehmed's actions spoke louder than his mild words. Beginning early in 1452 he built a second Ottoman fortress, named Rumeli Hisarı, on the Bosphorus; this was done on the European side several miles north of Constantinople, and set directly across the strait from the similar fortress Anadolu Hisarı, which his great grandfather Bayezid I had previously built on the Asian side. This fortress-pair gained for the Turks complete control of sea traffic on the Bosphorus; specifically, it prevented help from the north, the Genoese colonies on the Black Sea coast, from reaching Constantinople. (The new fortress was also known as Boğazkesen, which held the dual meanings 'strait-blocker' or 'throat-cutter', emphasizing its strategic position.) In October 1452, Mehmed ordered Turakhan Beg to lead a large force into the Peloponnese and remain there to keep the despots Thomas and Demetrios from assisting their brother Constantine during the impending siege of Constantinople. Byzantine Emperor Constantine XI understood Mehmed's intentions, and turned to western Europe for help; but now the fruits of centuries of war and enmity between the eastern and western churches would be tolled. Since the mutual excommunications of 1054, the Pope in Rome was committed to imposing dominion over the eastern church. Nominal union had been negotiated in 1274, (at Lyon), and indeed, some Palaiologoi emperors (Latin, Palaeologan) had since been received into the Latin church. And, Emperor John VIII Palaiologos had recently negotiated union with Pope Eugene IV, with the Council of Florence of 1439 proclaiming a Bull of Union. These events, however, stimulated a massive propaganda initiative by anti-unionist partisans in Constantinople; and the population as well as the laity and leadership of the Byzantine Church became bitterly divided. Latent ethnic hatreds between Greeks and Italians—stemming from the events of the sack of Constantinople in 1204 by the Latins—played a significant role. Finally, the Union failed, greatly annoying Pope Nicholas V and the hierarchy of the Roman church.- published: 16 Dec 2013
- views: 10

The Four Lads - Istanbul (not Constantinople)
"Istanbul (Not Constantinople)" is a 1953 swing-style song, with lyrics by Jimmy Kennedy a...
published: 26 May 2013
author: Ulduz Mammadova
The Four Lads - Istanbul (not Constantinople)
The Four Lads - Istanbul (not Constantinople)
"Istanbul (Not Constantinople)" is a 1953 swing-style song, with lyrics by Jimmy Kennedy and music by Nat Simon. The lyrics comically refer to the official 1...- published: 26 May 2013
- views: 557
- author: Ulduz Mammadova

Constantinople & Barbara Furtuna - "Folias"
published: 08 Jun 2012
author: diffusion14
Constantinople & Barbara Furtuna - "Folias"
Constantinople & Barbara Furtuna - "Folias"
CONSTANTINOPLE & LE CHŒUR BARBARA FURTUNA (Corse) Projet : CANTI DI A TERRA Une rencontre audacieuse entre les polyphonies corses et les musiques ancienne et...- published: 08 Jun 2012
- views: 5620
- author: diffusion14

The city of walls: Constantinople - Lars Brownworth
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/the-city-of-walls-constantinople-lars-brownwor...
published: 18 Oct 2012
author: TED-Ed
The city of walls: Constantinople - Lars Brownworth
The city of walls: Constantinople - Lars Brownworth
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/the-city-of-walls-constantinople-lars-brownworth The world owes much of its cultural legacy to Constantinople's w...- published: 18 Oct 2012
- views: 54865
- author: TED-Ed

Sheikh Imran Hosein - La conquête de Constantinople à la fin des temps - 4 juillet 2012
published: 25 Jul 2012
author: Astaghfer
Sheikh Imran Hosein - La conquête de Constantinople à la fin des temps - 4 juillet 2012
Sheikh Imran Hosein - La conquête de Constantinople à la fin des temps - 4 juillet 2012
- published: 25 Jul 2012
- views: 39445
- author: Astaghfer

Theodosian Land Walls of Constantinople - Lars Brownworth
Lars walks Theodosian II's land walls of Constantinople....
published: 17 May 2011
author: Anders Brownworth
Theodosian Land Walls of Constantinople - Lars Brownworth
Theodosian Land Walls of Constantinople - Lars Brownworth
Lars walks Theodosian II's land walls of Constantinople.- published: 17 May 2011
- views: 3941
- author: Anders Brownworth

Istanbul (Not Constantinople) - Trudbol Barbershop Quartet
Istanbul (Not Constantinople), sung barbershop quartet style!
published: 29 May 2014
Istanbul (Not Constantinople) - Trudbol Barbershop Quartet
Istanbul (Not Constantinople) - Trudbol Barbershop Quartet
Istanbul (Not Constantinople), sung barbershop quartet style! ► BE AWESOME & SUPPORT: http://patreon.com/trudbol ► I SELL LEARNING TRACKS: http://julienneel.com ► DOWNLOAD MY MUSIC: http://trudbol.bandcamp.com ► FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/trudbolmusic --- ABOUT THE SONG "Istanbul (Not Constantinople)" is a 1953 swing-style song, with lyrics by Jimmy Kennedy and music by Nat Simon. The lyrics comically refer to the official 1930 renaming of the city of Constantinople to Istanbul. It also references other renamed cities, specifically the renaming of New York City from New Amsterdam. The song was originally recorded by the Canadian group The Four Lads in 1953. --- CREDITS ► Music & lyrics by Jimmy Kennedy and music by Nat Simon ► Arranged, performed & edited by Julien Neel --- LYRICS Istanbul was Constantinople Now it's Istanbul, not Constantinople Been a long time gone, Constantinople Still a Turkish delight on a moonlit night Every gal in Constantinople Is a Misstanbul, not Constantinople So if you've a date in Constantinople She'll be waiting in Istanbul Even old New York was once New Amsterdam Why they changed it I can't say People just liked it better that way Take me back to Constantinople No, you can't go back to Constantinople Been a long time gone, Constantinople Why did Constantinople get the works? That's nobody's business but the Turks- published: 29 May 2014
- views: 5098
Youtube results:

The buildings of Constantinople
The buildings of Constantinople
The images that are depicted in the video were designed b...
published: 14 Jul 2013
The buildings of Constantinople
The buildings of Constantinople
The buildings of Constantinople The images that are depicted in the video were designed by Antoine Helbert http://www.antoine-helbert.com/fr/portfolio/annexe-work/byzance-architecture.html- published: 14 Jul 2013
- views: 23

Bart&Baker; - Istanbul (Not Constantinople) - NEW TRACK
PLEASE HELP TURKEY AFTER EARTHQUAKE - http://www.infoplease.com/spot/earthquake-turkey1.ht...
published: 25 Oct 2011
author: Bart Sampson
Bart&Baker; - Istanbul (Not Constantinople) - NEW TRACK
Bart&Baker; - Istanbul (Not Constantinople) - NEW TRACK
PLEASE HELP TURKEY AFTER EARTHQUAKE - http://www.infoplease.com/spot/earthquake-turkey1.html La nouvelle production de Bart&Baker;, en inédit du CD "Saint-Ger...- published: 25 Oct 2011
- views: 32227
- author: Bart Sampson

Elder Paisios - The Prophecies about Constantinople (English subs)
This video is in courtesy of www.noiazomai.net so give your credits to them. For many mont...
published: 07 Jan 2012
author: Wolf-shaped Lamb
Elder Paisios - The Prophecies about Constantinople (English subs)
Elder Paisios - The Prophecies about Constantinople (English subs)
This video is in courtesy of www.noiazomai.net so give your credits to them. For many months I've felt the urge to create English subs for this one. St. Kosm...- published: 07 Jan 2012
- views: 45475
- author: Wolf-shaped Lamb

Un film sur la conquête de Constantinople galvanise les Turcs
Entre grand spectacle et "ottomania", le film turc "Fetih 1453" raconte la conquête de Con...
published: 09 Mar 2012
author: afpfr
Un film sur la conquête de Constantinople galvanise les Turcs
Un film sur la conquête de Constantinople galvanise les Turcs
Entre grand spectacle et "ottomania", le film turc "Fetih 1453" raconte la conquête de Constantinople par le sultan Mehmet le Conquérant. Une superproduction...- published: 09 Mar 2012
- views: 19300
- author: afpfr