LPHR and Addameer Joint Public Statement: Update on the continued military detention of the Palestinian human rights defender, Murad Shtaiwi, under Israel’s repressive protest law

LPHR letter published in the Guardian: Urging the UK government to publicly condemn Israel’s policy of directly targeting family homes in Gaza

Urgent Action: LPHR writes to Foreign Secretary, Philip Hammond MP, on the vital need for UK government action on accountability and justice following the current military offensive on Gaza

LPHR Public Statement on the current military offensive on Gaza: 27 August 2014

LPHR Public Statement on the current military offensive on Gaza: 26 August 2014

LPHR Public Statement on the current military offensive on Gaza: 25 August 2014

LPHR Public Statement on the current military offensive on Gaza: 22 August 2014

LPHR Public Statement on the current military offensive on Gaza: 21 August 2014

LPHR Public Statement on the current military offensive on Gaza: 20 August 2014

LPHR Public Statement on the current military offensive on Gaza: 11 August 2014

LPHR Public Statement on the current military offensive on Gaza: 10 August 2014

LPHR Public Statement on the current military offensive on Gaza: 9 August 2014

LPHR Public Statement on the current military offensive on Gaza: 5 August 2014

LPHR Public Statement on the current military offensive on Gaza: 3 August 2014

LPHR Public Statement on the current military offensive on Gaza: 2 August 2014

LPHR Public Statement on the current military offensive on Gaza: 1 August 2014

LPHR Public Statement on the current military offensive on Gaza: 31 July 2014

LPHR Public Statement on the current military offensive on Gaza: 30 July 2014

LPHR Public Statement on the current military offensive on Gaza: 29 July 2014

LPHR Public Statement on the current military offensive on Gaza: 28 July 2014

LPHR Public Statement on the current military offensive on Gaza: 27 July 2014

LPHR Public Statement on the current military offensive on Gaza: 25 July 2014

LPHR Public Statement on the current military offensive on Gaza: 24 July 2014

LPHR Public Statement on the current military offensive on Gaza: 23 July 2014

LPHR Public Statement on the current military offensive on Gaza: 22 July 2014

LPHR Public Statement on the current military offensive on Gaza: 21 July 2014

LPHR Public Statement on the current military offensive on Gaza: 20 July 2014

LPHR Public Statement on the current military offensive on Gaza: 18 July 2014

LPHR Public Statement on the current military offensive on Gaza: 17 July 2014

LPHR Public Statement on the current military offensive on Gaza: 16 July 2014

LPHR Public Statement on the current military offensive on Gaza: 15 July 2014

LPHR Public Statement on the current military offensive on Gaza: 14 July 2014

LPHR Public Statement on the current military offensive on Gaza: 13 July 2014

LPHR Public Statement on the current military offensive on Gaza: 12 July 2014

LPHR Public Statement on the current military offensive on Gaza: 11 July 2014

LPHR Public Statement on the current military offensive on Gaza: 10 July 2014

LPHR Public Statement on the current military offensive on Gaza: 9 July 2014

Urgent Action: LPHR writes to Foreign Secretary, William Hague MP, on the urgent need for UK government intervention concerning the current military offensive on Gaza

LPHR Public Statement on the current military offensive on Gaza: 8 July 2014

Urgent Action: LPHR writes to Foreign Secretary, William Hague MP, on the need for investigations and accountability for alleged excessive use of force and unlawful killings since the start of Operation Brother’s Keeper

Public Statement: LPHR and Addameer submit complaint to the United Nations concerning the military detention of Palestinian human rights defender, Murad Shtaiwi, under Israel’s repressive protest law

Urgent Action: LPHR writes to Foreign Secretary, William Hague MP, on unnecessary violation of fundamental human rights and collective punishment during Operation Brother’s Keeper

Urgent Action: LPHR writes to Foreign Secretary, William Hague MP, on proposed legislation to permit force-feeding against Palestinian administrative detainees

LPHR Press Statement: G4S to be investigated by the OECD UK National Contact Point following LPHR complaint relating to alleged Israeli human rights violations (reported in the Financial Times, the Daily Telegraph and the Guardian)

LPHR and Addameer Joint Urgent Action: LPHR writes to Foreign Secretary, William Hague MP, on the arrest and detention of Palestinian human rights defender, Mr Murad Shtaiwi

Urgent Action: LPHR writes to Foreign Secretary, William Hague MP, on the firing of live ammunition during a demonstration killing two Palestinian minors

Urgent Action: LPHR writes to Foreign Secretary, William Hague MP, on the killing of a 14 year old Palestinian boy crossing the Separation Barrier to pick wild fruit plants

LPHR Student Network film screening of Stone Cold Justice with special guest speakers Sir Geoffrey Bindman QC and Jude Lanchin

Urgent Action: LPHR writes to Foreign Secretary, William Hague MP, on the current situation in Yarmouk refugee camp, Syria

Public Statement: LPHR and Defence for Children International Palestine launch its Know Your Rights campaign to educate and empower Palestinian children to secure their basic rights

LPHR submits complaint to the OECD UK National Contact Point against conduct of the security group G4S in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory

Urgent Action: LPHR writes to Foreign Secretary, William Hague MP, on the proposed mass forced displacement of Palestinian Arab Bedouin citizens of Israel

Urgent Action: LPHR writes to Foreign & Commonwealth Office on the forcible transfer of Palestinian children in violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention

Urgent Action: LPHR writes to Foreign Secretary, William Hague MP, on Palestinian prisoners and administrative detention

Urgent Action: LPHR writes to Foreign Secretary, William Hague MP, on the current situation in Yarmouk refugee camp, Syria

The Independent publishes LPHR’s letter on the current situation in Gaza

Urgent Action: LPHR writes to Foreign Secretary, William Hague MP, on the current situation in Gaza

LPHR Newsletter Edition No.2

LPHR Newsletter Edition No.1






Lawyers for Palestinian Human Rights (LPHR) is a legal charity in the UK which works on projects focused on protecting and promoting Palestinian human rights. Where possible we coordinate our work with human rights organisations in the region.

We pursue our goals through a combination of legal advice and assistance; human rights and international law education and advocacy; research, monitoring and urgent actions on rights violations; and utilising human rights complaint mechanisms of domestic and international institutions. 

LPHR is a membership organisation open to all. To join us, please click here. LPHR is dependent on donations to carry out our work. Please get in touch at contact@lphr.org.uk if you are interested in vitally supporting our work, or click on our JustGiving Donate button.

LPHR's Know Your Rights campaign to educate and empower Palestinian children to secure their basic rights, in partnership with Defence for Children International Palestine











LPHR Rule of Law and Human Rights Blog latest posts:

Crime and Collective Punishment

ICJ ruling on the Wall: ten years on today

Corporate accountability for alleged human rights violations in action: UK NCP Initial Assessment of LPHR’s complaint against G4S

Running for the right to movement

Mental health, prolonged occupation and human rights

The accountability of Do-Gooders in Palestine

The rights of Palestinian children in the Occupied West Bank under arrest and detention

The law of apartheid: Israel and Palestine

Mind the (refugee status) gap

Scarlett, SodaStream and Settlements