An Important Update From The Editors

It is with heavy hearts that we must inform you all that Palestine Note will be significantly scaling back its operations Friday, May 31st. We have done the best we could to bring you engaging new content with the limited resources we had, but we are unable to expand the Note any further. We hope to bring you new and exciting stories about Palestine and Palestinians every few months. Our site and our archive will remain available for your browsing pleasure.

We would like to thank our friends, colleagues, and readers for their generous support. Without you, this blog would never have reached new heights.


Christa Blackmon
Senior Editor

Photo Exhibit: TYO Teachers

“A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.” – Henry E. Adams

In honor of Teacher’s Day (May 6) we pay tribute those who are at the heart of TYO’s work – our teachers – both Core Program Teachers and International Interns.

TYO’s teachers have a passion for working with the most disadvantaged children, youth and mothers in Nablus. From teaching soccer to drama, fitness to art, health to IT, TYO’s teachers all have special skills they enjoy sharing with the people of Nablus!

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Film “My Neighbourhood” Wins a Peabody Award!

Mohammed el Kurd / Emily Smith

Congrats to the team at Just Vision and their latest production My Neighbourhood on winning a Peabody Award! The short film exploring the challenges of living under threat of eviction in an East Jerusalem neighborhood through the eyes of a teenage boy joins ABC News, the New York Times, and BBC’s Doctor Who series in celebrating the awards. Although Just Vision has won numerous awards at film festivals and beyond, most notably the Common Ground Award for their film Budrus in 2010, this is their first Peabody.

Palestine Note caught up with co-director Rebekah Wingert-Jabi to get her thoughts on being honored, the impact of nonviolent films, and what the situation is in Sheikh Jarrah today.

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April Photo Exhibit: Palestinian Children

In honor of Palestinian Children’s Day (April 5) we highlight the most amazing faces of TYO – our children. Children at TYO range from 4-12 years old and come from Nablus’ four refugee camps, the Old City and Khallet al Amood. They come to TYO for everything from sports and games to art and drama, health and nutritious lunches to homework help and IT.

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A Wave of Palestinian Activism

Protesters wave Palestinian flags in Bil’in / Dylan Collins

On 29 November 2012, the United Nations General Assembly voiced resounding approval for a resolution that upgraded the Palestinian Authority to the status of observer state, recognizing its sovereignty within the 1967 borders: the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, including East Jerusalem as its capital.

The following day little changed: Israeli institutions in the occupied territories remained unscathed, including the winding strings of heavily-populated Jewish settlements, military checkpoints strategically dotted across the map, the several hundred kilometer long separation wall, and a number of segregated highways.

Israeli officials reacted by announcing 3,000 new settlement units in the keystone E1 area of the West Bank. In the face of international criticism, PM Benyamin Netanyahu defiantly vowed to press on.  “Today we are building and we will continue to build in Jerusalem and in all areas that are on the map of the strategic interests of the State of Israel,” he told a weekly cabinet meeting on 2 December.

Tensions continue to rise as Israeli military forces have enacted a harsh crackdown in the West Bank, launching sweeping arrest campaigns. As of February, Addameer Prisoner Support Network documents that 4,812 Palestinians were being detained in Israeli prisons, 219 of which were children and 178 of which were being held in administrative detention without trial or charge. Since November, the total number of prisoners increased by 282, including 55 additional children and 22 more administrative detainees.

Additionally, at least seven Palestinians died at the hands of Israel thus far this year. According to Israeli NGO BTselem, five unarmed Palestinians were shot and killed by the Israeli military in January alone. The latest, 23-year-old Mohammed Asfour, died on 7 March as a result of being “shot in the head with a rubber-coated metal bullet” two weeks earlier.

In the face of these steadily intensifying challenges, Palestinian activists in the West Bank have in turn responded by accelerating several creative forms of direct action that have belatedly gained attention in recent years.

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