On Multifaith Solidarity and Movement Building Among Asian and Palestinian Americans
On multifaith solidarity and movement building among Asian Americans and Palestinians By Lynn Gottlieb on Monday, July 22, 2013, 12:03pm The proclamation of June 4 as Palestinian Cultural Day was initiated by the Buena Vista…
Life is sacred and inter-related. (Deut. 6:7) YH’ Ekhad Love your neighbor as you love yourself. Do not do to others that which is hateful to you. (Lev.19: 18; BT Shabbat 31a) Great is human…
Trail Guide to the Torah of Nonviolence
“In a world struggling to move from violence to nonviolence, Trail Guide to the Torah of Nonviolence will play an important part in the new consciousness evolving within the human family which proclaims life is…
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Never Give Up: Nonviolent Civilian Resistance, Healing and Active Hope in the Holyland
Sami Awad, Yoav Litvin, and Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb Introduction by Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb Sami Away and Yoav Litvin are two men whose lives have been deeply impacted by the events of 1948 and 1967 when Palestinians were collectively driven from their homes and villages…
Book signing and performance with Rabbi Lynn
Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb How Do We Get There From Here: Stories of Nonviolent Civilian Resistance, Solidarity and Hope In Palestine & Israel August 18 3 p.m. Glaser Center 547 Mendocino Ave. Santa Rosa Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb is celebrating her 40th year as one of…