Stephanie Westbrook

Warplane delivery makes Italy complicit in Israeli crimes

Stephanie Westbrook
1 August 2014

Bombers of Gaza’s children to take part in Sardinia training exercise this September.

Italian “expo” will showcase Israeli propaganda

Stephanie Westbrook
14 March 2014

Expo 2015 will feature an pavilion whitewashing Israel’s occupation of Palestine.

Israel's water apartheid embraced by Italy

Stephanie Westbrook
21 February 2014

A cooperation agreement involving a firm that deprives Palestinians of water was signed recently in Rome.

Why Israel has no "better friend" than Italy

Stephanie Westbrook
19 November 2013

Military cooperation between the two sides is flourishing.

SodaStream "treats us like slaves," says Palestinian factory worker

Stephanie Westbrook
9 May 2013

An employee describes the claims on a promotional video by the fizzy drink firm as “lies.”

Israeli firms shed crocodile tears for Palestinian workers

Stephanie Westbrook
9 April 2013

Business owners omit salient facts when claiming that a boycott of Israeli goods will harm Palestinians.

Swedish chain kicks out drink machines made in Israeli settlements

Stephanie Westbrook
29 August 2011
Popular Sodastream products directly benefit the largest Israeli settlement colony in the occupied West Bank. Meanwhile the company exploits Palestinian factory workers and attempts to “greenwash” its profit from Israel’s occupation.

Israeli propaganda festival finds few fans in Milan

Stephanie Westbrook
14 July 2011
Palestine solidarity activists in Milan held vibrant protests against an Israeli propaganda festival in the city center last month, highlighting Italian complicity with the Israeli occupation.

Agrexco forum a milestone in Europe's BDS movement

Stephanie Westbrook
15 June 2011
Earlier this month in Montpellier, France, more than a hundred activists from nine countries gathered for the first ever European Forum Against Agrexco for two full days of workshops aimed at strengthening the boycott campaign against the Israeli agricultural export giant.

Activists burst AIPAC conference's bubble

Stephanie Westbrook
1 April 2010

Outside the Washington Convention Center, together with activists from CodePink, Veterans for Peace, Military Families Speak Out, Avaaz, Jewish Voice for Peace and the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation, we tried to bring a little reality to the AIPAC policy conference bubble. We carried signs and banners calling for respect for international law and human rights, an end to the siege of Gaza, Israeli apartheid and US taxpayer funding of war crimes.


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