Mutawalli Abou Nasser

Diseases rise among besieged Palestinians in Syria

Mutawalli Abou Nasser
3 April 2014

Classrooms have had to close in Yarmouk camp because of contagious illnesses.

Lebanon charges punitive registration fees to Palestinians fleeing Syria war

Mutawalli Abou Nasser
8 January 2014

A family of five has to shell out $1,000 for basic papers, an expense few of the destitute refugees can afford.

Teachers brave violence to run classes for Palestinian children in Syria

Mutawalli Abou Nasser
26 August 2013

Children are at constant risk of violence in Damascus refugee camp.

Palestinian medical workers in Syria struggle to provide basic services

Mutawalli Abou Nasser
7 June 2013

A nine-year-old girl is among those to have died because they could not receive essential treatment.

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