Joseph Massad

Jewish volunteers for racial supremacy in Palestine

Joseph Massad
4 August 2014

The Jewish fight for Zionism is the exact opposite of the Jewish fight against anti-Semitism.

Egypt's propagandists and the Gaza massacre

Joseph Massad
29 July 2014

That Sisi has outdone Mubarak’s policies in allying himself with Israel and coordinating with it against the besieged Palestinians is hardly surprising.

Theses on Zionism

Joseph Massad
9 December 2013

Anti-Zionists have interpreted the Zionist project; the point however is to undo it.

Don't deny our rights: open letter to Mahmoud Abbas

Saleh Abdel-Jawad,
Abdul-Rahim Al-Shaikh,
Naseer Aruri,
Mourid Barghouti,
Omar Barghouti,
Ramzy Baroud,
George Bisharat,
Haidar Eid,
Samera Esmeir,
Wael Hallaq,
Nadia Hijab,
Jamil Hilal,
Islah Jad,
Hatem Kanaaneh,
Ghada Karmi,
Nur Masalha,
Joseph Massad,
Jean Said Makdisi,
Saree Makdisi,
Zakaria Muhammad,
Karma Nabulsi and
Eyad al-Sarraj
29 July 2010

No Palestinian institution or leader has ever accepted an exclusive Jewish claim to Palestine, which is irreconcilable with the internationally recognized rights of the Palestinian people. Our rights inhere in us as a people; they are not yours to do with as you please.

An immaculate conception?

Joseph Massad
14 April 2010

The Palestinian Authority is pregnant! Indeed, it is the unelected and American-imposed Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad who is pregnant. He told the Israeli newspaper Haaretz in a recent interview that “the time for this baby to be born will come … and we estimate it will come around 2011.” Unlike females of the human species but like female whales, the gestation period for male Palestinian collaborators with the Israeli occupation extends at least to two years. Joseph Massad comments.

How surrendering Palestinian rights became the language of "peace"

Joseph Massad
27 January 2010

The 1993 Oslo agreement did not only usher in a new era of Palestinian-Israeli relations but has had a much more lasting effect in transforming the very language through which these relations have been governed internationally and the way the Palestinian leadership viewed them. Joseph Massad comments.

Obama's peace

Joseph Massad
20 October 2009

For his continued wars against Pakistanis, Afghans, and Iraqis, his support for the overthrow of democracy in Honduras, his abetting dictatorships across the Arab and Muslim worlds (which his government finances, arms and trains in torture methods), his planning for a possible invasion of Iran, and his enthusiastic support for the racist Israeli settler colony (and its colonial wars and occupations against Palestinians), US President Barack Obama received the Nobel “Peace” Prize. Joseph Massad comments.

Israel and the politics of friendship

Joseph Massad
3 February 2009

The status of Israel as the enemy of the Arabs has largely depended in the last six decades on its enmity or alliance with Arab regimes and not with the Arab peoples. Insofar as Israel threatened Arab regimes, it was depicted by them as the enemy, insofar as it did not, it was welcomed as a friend. Joseph Massad comments for The Electronic Intifada.

Israel's right to defend itself

Joseph Massad
19 January 2009

The logic goes as follows: Israel has the right to occupy Palestinian land, lay siege to Palestinian populations in Bantustans surrounded by an apartheid wall, starve the population, cut them off from fuel and electricity, uproot their trees and crops, and launch periodic raids and targeted assassinations against them and their elected leadership, and if this population resists these massive Israeli attacks against their lives and the fabric of their society and Israel responds by slaughtering them en masse, Israel would simply be “defending” itself as it must and should. Joseph Massad comments for EI.

The Gaza Ghetto Uprising

Joseph Massad
4 January 2009

The crushing of the Gaza Ghetto Uprising and the slaughter of its defenseless population will be relatively an easy task for the giant Israeli military machine and Israel’s sadistic political leadership. It is dealing with the aftermath of a strengthened Palestinian determination to continue to resist Israel that will prove much more difficult for Israel and its Arab allies to deal with. While the thousands of dead and injured Palestinians are the main victims of this latest Israeli terrorist war, the major political loser in all this will be Abbas and his clique of collaborators. Joseph Massad comments for The Electronic Intifada.


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