
Facts on the Ground
This new report describes in depth how construction machinery became a vital component of the occupation mechanism.

A Repot on Agricultural Export from the oPt
The report concerns the major Israeli agricultural export companies presently operating in oPt.

The Pharmaceutical Industry & the Israeli Occupation
How Israel's occupation offers opportunities to exploit the captive Palestinian market?

Proven Effective
A new report demonstrates how the oPt is being used as a lab for testing new weapons for civil oppression on humans, in order to label them as “proven effective” for marketing abroad.



Update 2014-07

منذ أوائل أيّام احتلال العام 1967، استخدمت إسرائيل آلات بناء ثقيلة لتعزيز سيطرتها على الأراضي الفلسطينيّة والشّعب الفلسطينيّ من خلال ممارسة سياسة "فرض الحقائق على أرض الواقع". بما أنّ السّوق الإسرائيليّة للآلات الثّقيلة تعتمد على الاستيراد، فإنّ شركات...


Jul 2014

Since the early days of the 1967 occupation, Israel has used heavy construction machinery in order to strengthen its hold over the Palestinian territories and Palestinian people by “establishing facts on the ground.” As the Israeli heavy machinery market is based on import,...

CORPORATIONS by category

Settlement Industry

Economic Exploitation

Control of Population

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