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This week
2,689Code commits
4,185Issue comments
1,100,720 people in 230 countries* speaking 181 languages power Drupal.
30.2672 -97.7431
DrupalCon Austin
02-06 June 2014
51.2335742 -0.329987
28.5097762 77.0704749
madhusudanmca committed insatllation steps updated
0.3 32.6
Jan van Diepen committed Fixed two issues in virtual_field module...
41.00527 28.97696
48.9 2.5
Tomefa committed Security review: delete LICENCE.txt
-41.298008 174.7783406
47.9941629 7.8290093
rupl committed Issue #1935826...
-41.298008 174.7783406
0.3 32.6
Jan van Diepen committed Changed location to get relation module...
48.9 2.5
Tomefa committed Update README.txt
43.0346733 -87.9088714
45.514087 -122.4008603
48.9 2.5
Tomefa committed First releaseable version with corrected...
28.4898426 77.0620951
gauravjeet_singh committed added functionality for admin to select...
32.7110011 -97.0191932
36.4953072 -4.7471087
ocastle committed Change to hook_help wording.
49.229491 -123.002575
36.4953072 -4.7471087
ocastle committed Check for data being a string and not an...
Introducing Drupal.org Terms of Service and Privacy Policy

Almost half a year ago, with the help of the Drupal.org Content Working Group and lawyers, the Drupal Association started working on a Drupal.org Terms of Service (ToS) and Privacy Read more

Drupal 7.31 and 6.33 released

Drupal 7.30 released

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GNU Global source code tagging system
Translating site interfaces
PDOException: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1048 Column 'title' cannot be null
Drupal mode maintained by arnested
Disabling accidentally deleted modules

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views - how does one - customize node render of full content?
Skinr Context UI required
Send mail after a user action
Make a module approved
Lightbox2 Download Original Image not working

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