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  1. #Spain deserved to win, #Portugal played well but #Spain were the better team at the end of the day
  2. And #Fabregas nails it for #Spain , poor #Ronaldo he'll have to take a penalty at home
  3. Portugal...unlucky
  4. Ramos and Pirlo #Legends
  5. Ike
  6. Goal
  7. I don't think Ronaldo should take a penalty, not the right day for him
  8. @hussenomar hard to tell with penalties, bit of luck as well
  9. Penalties now, hard game to call, shame #Spain couldn't finish the game during normal play
  10. Spain passin the "bauses" right in front of their goal
  11. "Portugal survive by the skin of their teeth"
  12. Portugal playing for penalties, Spain creating all the chances but can't finish
  13. Portugal on the verge of snapping under pressure
  14. Fatigue catching up with Portugal, Spain cutting them open like hot knife on butter
  15. @SonyaKassam @asayf @squaddigital >> yup @PeterGreste 's handy work :)
  16. @coldtusker @maawiymohamed , true, many variable, Fly540 though hacked through in the tough times, its a biz of volume & longterm thinking
  17. @MaawiyMohamed @coldtusker >> interesting finally a contender with financial muscle to give @kenyaairways a serious run for their money
  18. @coldtusker does this mean that #Fly540 will be swallowed by #FastJet?
  19. @mwelela sema boss, nasikia uko JKIA siku hizi? Ntakugotea one of these days. Mambo fureshi lakini?
  20. #BringZackBackHome on @AJEnglish , package by @PeterGreste cc:@asayf @bringzackbackhome