Bondi Vet Season 6 Episode 4
Bondi Vet Season 4 episode 1
Angry Cat at the Vet - Fractious Cat Restraint
Bondi Vet Season 6 Episode 5
Dogs With Quills, Vet Ranch
Bondi Vet Season 6 Episode 7
Barbie Pet Vet Play Doh Pet Food LPS & Frozen Disney Princess Anna Ariel Mermaid Cinderella
bondi vet Season 4 Episode 9
Bondi Vet Season 6 Episode 2
De Vet Du - Pantamera
Boo The Dog, going to the vet!
Simon's Cat in 'Off to the Vet' - Story Inspiration
Improvable: Vet
De Vet Du - TV-Spel
Mike decides to hit the road on his refurbished classic motorcycle along with best buddy Alex, but their trek takes a surprising turn when they become involved in a plan involving political blackmail, corruption, and dirty money. Carrying evidence that could get them killed at any minute, the boys are chased on the open road but turn their skills to their own advantage.
Anarchy is Their Middle Name.
Murphy O'Shea, an Iraq Veteran, has a hard time re-adjusting to society upon his return from a long tour. His world crumbles when he discovers his father, Bill, a Vietnam Veteran, is dying. "Trooper" is a story of a father and son, two veterans from two very different Wars, helping each other to get through each day, and heal the wounds of War.
Keywords: afghanistan, combat, gulf-war, iraq, iraq-war, post-traumatic-stress-disorder, ptsd, soldier, veteran, vietnam
Two veterans, a father and son, help each other to heal the wounds of War.
The story follows a young woman who, in an emotional and financial crisis, succumbs to the charm of an aristocratic benefactor. Their relationship develops from her desire to be loved and cared for and his desire to overcome the loss of his beloved setter, a loyal and devoted pet. She agrees for a considerable sum of money to become his human pet, to sleep in a cage, never wear clothes, and to be led on a leash for a period of six-months. His desire to showcase his beautiful new pet and to have her market value appraised prompts him to place her on the GSM [Global Slave Market]. His arrogance and wealth together are no match for the power and ruthlessness of 21st century slave traders. This exploration of power, trust and captivity were inspired by the prevalence of more-or-less consensual slave/master related lifestyles as well as the existence of global systemic servitude that allows for cheap labor, sex slaves, organ sales etc. There are 11 companies in the US and the UK that makes human pet cages, human auctions where the purchaser can completes the transaction through "Pay Pal", can be found throughout the Internet and slave marking listings such as branding, piercing, tagging and what insiders refer to as TPE [Total Power Exchange] for consensual slaves number in the thousands on the Internet. The GSM is modeled upon and functions much the same way as the NYSE or NASDAQ but without the pretense of regulation and with humans as commodities.
Keywords: alternative-lifestyle, dominance-submissiveness, economic-disaster, female-nudity, human-branding, human-pet, male-nudity, nude-climbing, nude-training, organ-selling
Sal: [after finding a puppy] I'm going to call him chestnut because he's little and brown.
Ray: Where he gonna poop?::Ray: [sees their new house has a balcony] Sal, a place to poop.::Sal: [Laura looks at the girls confused] yeah... urrm...
Ray: [measures dog's height] I think we're feeding him too much. [measures dog again] Now I know we're feeding him too much.
Mary: Don't forget to write us.::Ray: But we don't got stamps.
Ray: Do you think we'll ever get adopted, Sal?::Sal: Probably not.
Ray: Chess!
Sal: [whispers] No dogs allowed!
Ray: Sal, we're gonna be a family now!
Simon is a confessed serial killer who spent the last five years in a mental hospital because of his state. Dr.Karen Shoemaker wants to get through to him and starts visiting him in the hospital, and his previous life comes to us in flashbacks.
Keywords: abusive-mother, anger, asylum, bad-guy, bag-over-head, bandage, bar, beaten-to-death, beating, black-blood
The Ugly - It's not a pretty picture!
A subversive incursion into human mind perversions!
Murder is in the eye of the beholder.
Simon Cartwright: I was happy for the briefest moment.
Simon Cartwright: Haven't you been listening?::Dr. Karen Shoemaker: Refresh my memory.::Simon Cartwright: People pick on me.::Dr. Karen Shoemaker: People pick on me. I don't slice them ear to ear.::Simon Cartwright: Maybe you should.
Dr. Karen Shoemaker: How did you pick your victims?::Simon Cartwright: Different ways.::Dr. Karen Shoemaker: How did you feel when you killed them?::Simon Cartwright: I felt free.
Dr. Karen Shoemaker: Why did you kill her?::Simon Cartwright: I've already told you.::Dr. Karen Shoemaker: No, you told me how. I asked you why. Why did you kill her?::Simon Cartwright: I killed them because I had to.::Dr. Karen Shoemaker: Why did you think you had to?::Simon Cartwright: Because I heard voices.::Dr. Karen Shoemaker: Oh, I know all this Simon, The Ugly would talk.::Simon Cartwright: That's right.::Dr. Karen Shoemaker: No!::Simon Cartwright: What do you mean no?::Dr. Karen Shoemaker: Serial killers get a sense of control from their killings.::Simon Cartwright: I'm not a serial Killer!::Dr. Karen Shoemaker: You're not crazy either!::Simon Cartwright: I heard voices. That's not uncommon in post trauma cases.::Dr. Karen Shoemaker: You said others, do you hear voices?::Simon Cartwright: I heard voices.::Dr. Karen Shoemaker: The Ugly's voice?::Simon Cartwright: Yes, I heard voices.::Dr. Karen Shoemaker: More than one voice?::Simon Cartwright: What's the difference, I hear voices.::Dr. Karen Shoemaker: You mean heard Simon.::Simon Cartwright: What's the fuckin' difference! I hear voices!::Dr. Karen Shoemaker: Who Simon?::Simon Cartwright: . . . The Visitors.
Dr. Karen Shoemaker: Up until Julie's murder, none of your victims were sexually assaulted.::Simon Cartwright: Neither was she.::Dr. Karen Shoemaker: Was that the first time you'd ever been with a woman?::Simon Cartwright: [pause] Yes.
[after Karen's first sighting of The Ugly]::Dr. Marlowe: Did you see them?::Dr. Karen Shoemaker: What?::Dr. Marlowe: Did you see something?::Dr. Karen Shoemaker: No, you said, "Did you see them?" What have you seen?::Dr. Marlowe: Oh, I've seen a lot of things.
Simon Cartwright: [struggling against the handcuffs] Can we take these off? I haven't hurt anyone in six years.::Dr. Karen Shoemaker: It says here you attacked an orderly.::Simon Cartwright: He burnt me with a cigarette.::Dr. Karen Shoemaker: He's in a wheelchair now!
Dr. Marlowe: He once told me he thought he was being pursued by Russians. It was during the Olympics. He told us that they wanted to assassinate him. We knew he was suffering from acute paranoia, possibly even schizophrenia. He told us the assassins were on the Olympic team. So we brought a television in at his request to he could identify the killers. We spent two weeks watching him, monitoring his every move, noting every statement. When it was all over, he admitted that he simply wanted to watch the diving. He was lying. He thought it was a hell of a joke.
Dr. Karen Shoemaker: [frustrated] Who are the visitors?::Simon Cartwright: My victims.::Dr. Karen Shoemaker: Your victims? And do they all come visiting together?::Simon Cartwright: All of them.::Dr. Karen Shoemaker: Is it like a big picnic?::Simon Cartwright: Don't fucking belittle me.::Dr. Karen Shoemaker: Then stop trying to bullshit me. You're being visited by a bunch of dead corpses? And you keep killing, so there's more of them to harass you next time.::Simon Cartwright: Just stop.::Dr. Karen Shoemaker: What's inside your head?::Simon Cartwright: Just fuckin' stop!::Dr. Karen Shoemaker: Victims Simon! Girls as young as 17. Men, hitchhikers, young boys. People want to know. If you go to trial you're going to have to face a lot more difficult questions than the ones I'm asking. In a courtroom you can't hide behind being crazy. After all, you're fit to stand trial aren't you? That's what you want. And they're gonna want to know why. Are you the sick bastard they think you are? You did it because you liked killing. That's what you told me, isn't it? But the families of the people you killed aren't going to accept that, and neither am I. Come on Simon! Tell me why! We have been here two days Simon and you have not said why! Talk to me! I want to know, Simon. Why did you kill them?
Simon Cartwright: Is that offer still open? To try on you what I tried on that bitch?
Martin hates dogs. He is nevertheless an advertising executive at Floppy, a dog food company. The pitch he makes for a new advertising campaign scandalizes the management because the central figure is missing: there is no dog. But that is nothing compared to what he learns next: Sally, a young English au pair girl with whom he had a fling, is pregnant to him. Furthermore, she has decided to raise the child on her own. Martin is torn between his guilt and his feelings towards her and so decides to try and win her over once again. Pitfalls await him, notably with his own mother, a pro third world activist who recommends an immediate abortion in the name of limiting the misery in the world, and his ex-wife, who will never forgive him for not having wanted a child when they were in love. By the end of a hectic pregnancy, Martin will finally get to the age of reason, at 35 years of age.
Keywords: pregnancy
A bank executive is not having a good day. After giving birth to their eighth child, his wife insists that he have a vasectomy, something he doesn't even want to think about. On top of that, he discovers that other family members are stealing money from his bank.
Keywords: deception, independent-film
Albert Steptoe and his son Harold are junk dealers, complete with horse and cart to tour the neighbourhood. They also live amicably together at the junk yard. Always on the lookout for ways to improve his lot, Harold invests his father's life savings in a greyhound who is almost blind and can't see the hare. When the dog loses a race and Harold has to pay off the debt, he comes up with another bright idea. Collect his father's life insurance. To do this his father must pretend to be dead.
Keywords: based-on-tv-series, cigarette-smoking, cistern, debt, drunken-doctor, fake-funeral, false-teeth, father-son-relationship, funeral, funeral-wake
Bondi Vet Season 6 Episode 4
Bondi Vet Season 4 episode 1
Angry Cat at the Vet - Fractious Cat Restraint
Bondi Vet Season 6 Episode 5
Dogs With Quills, Vet Ranch
Bondi Vet Season 6 Episode 7
Barbie Pet Vet Play Doh Pet Food LPS & Frozen Disney Princess Anna Ariel Mermaid Cinderella
bondi vet Season 4 Episode 9
Bondi Vet Season 6 Episode 2
De Vet Du - Pantamera
Boo The Dog, going to the vet!
Simon's Cat in 'Off to the Vet' - Story Inspiration
Improvable: Vet
De Vet Du - TV-Spel
Bondi Vet Season 6 Episode 1 (2014 New Season)
Kitten Pulled Out His Stitches, Vet Ranch
Simon's Cat 'Off to the Vet' - A behind the scenes glimpse!
Fjolla Morina - Bone Vet ( Mos Imagjino )
Henri 3, Le Vet
Official Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 - The Vet & The n00b
It Only Took This Army Vet 3 Minutes To Destroy Obama's Gun Control Plan
De Vet Du - Klä Av Dig Naken
Bo at the Vet
Bondi Vet Season 6 Episode 18
Combat Vet Ferguson Missouri Has Turned Into Fallujah Iraq
Bondi Vet Season 6 Episode 8
Vết thù năm tháng - Tập 1 - Vet thu nam thang - Phim Việt Nam
Bondi Vet Season 6 Episode 14
Bondi Vet Season 4 Episode 8
DreamHack Summer 2012 - De Vet Du
Truy tìm dấu vết - Tập 1 - Truy tim dau vet - Phim Viet Nam
Bondi Vet Series 4 Episode 4
Big haul ! Faire de bonnes affaires a vet affaire !
Bondi Vet Season 6 Episode 16
Army Vet Disarmed/Arrested by Ignorant Cop
Bondi Vet Season 6 Episode 17
Bondi Vet Series 4 Episode 2
Bondi Vet Season 4 Episode 7
Furry Soldiers Go to the Vet at Kandahar Airfield
Grumpy Cats even Love Vegetarian Meats (Pets Cute Dogs Puppy Vet Rescue Shelter Save ASPCA)
Vet Male 15s PSA 8-21-14_REV 4
August 21 taking Bear to the vet
Vet Male 30s PSA 8-21-14_REV 4
Welcome to Village Vet Clinic
Angry US Stormtalon Vet Silver SSM Boss Kills
Oliver swimming at the Vet's pond before his appt
Behind the Scenes - Grooming at Acres Mill Vet Clinic
Danny gives loves. After vet stay this is how happy he is to see me-Frontal Lobe brain tumor
World War II Vet Who Found Hitler's Top Hat Dies at 88
Jag vet hur man gör
Nu vet ni
Jujitsu Vet - Little Smile (Live)
Penn Vet Imaging Core: hydrogel example
98 Years Old WWII Vet Catches A Red Tailed Hawk
Jujitsu Vet - Brought to Life (Boom Rooms Rehearsal)
blev fel skulle inte ladda upp det och vet ej hur man tar bort det:)
Salih Thaqi me t'bijt e vet
I got in to do Vet Med so this is actually it...
Vet Verbrand Geheimen Boek Kopen REVIEW [VIDEO+BONUS] Vet verbrand geheimen boek ervaringen
TSDR Alliance, NE Vet C Moto 2 8/17/14
Jujitsu Vet - Fields of Avalon (Live)
Vet may refer to:
VET may refer to:
Rod Price / Dave Peverett - Knee Trembler Music - ASCAP
I'm back on the road and I ain't gonna stop,
Goin' to roll 'til I'm old, gonna rock 'til I drop.
Out of the smog, headin' into the sun,
I'm goin' to New Orleans, Bourbon Street here I come!
Road fever, wheels turnin' in the rain,
Road fever, fire burnin' in my brain,
Give her the gun, drive like a hurricane.
Got the heat up high, and the radio's on,
Diggin' rock and roll music while we're ridin' along.
Maybe Atlanta, may be Birmingham,
I know where I'm going, God knows where I am!
Road fever, wheels turnin' in the rain,
Road fever, fire burnin' in my brain,
Give her the gun, drive like a hurricane.
{Riffs, Dave - Solo, Riffs}
Speeding along like a bullet from a gun,
It's a three day ride, we're gonna make it in one.
I'm back on the road and I ain't gonna stop,
Goin' to roll 'til I'm old, gonna rock 'til I drop.
Road fever, wheels turnin' in the rain,
Road fever, fire burnin' in my brain,
Go driver go! Move like a hurricane.
{Riffs, Dave and Rod trading licks}
Go driver go!
We're gone
Yea, we're goin' to New Orleans
We're goin' to New Orleans
Look out here I come
I don't care what you need, girl
A lover or a real good friend
If you're lonely, you need somebody
I'll be with you 'til the end
Nothin' I won't do
Ain't nothin' I won't do
Ain't nothin' I won't do
I'll do it all for you
I know you ain't no angel
You're sure gonna do some harm
I love you, baby, you must be crazy
To stick a needle in your arm
Nothin' I won't do
Ain't nothin' I won't do
Ain't nothin' I won't do
I'll give it all to you, hey hey
Walkin' on a tight rope
One slip and you're bound to fall
Slow down, baby, watch your step
Don't run before you learn to crawl
Nothin' I won't do
Ain't nothin' I won't do
Ain't nothin' I won't do
I'll give it all to you
I saw you buy your ticket
And the fireman rang the bell
You feel so good, it's just like heaven
Sure gonna give you hell
Nothin' I won't do
Ain't nothin' I won't do
Ain't nothin' I won't do
I'll give it all to you
Yeah baby, nothin' I won't do
I'll give you my time and my money too
You want my love, I'll give it all to you
Felix Cavaliere / Carman Moore - Ki Music / Sweet Jams Music - ASCAP
Stick 'em up!
Undercover of the silver moon, run for cover,
There's a lover with a magic gun,
Gonna work you over, roll you in the clover.
'Cause he's a rock and roll outlaw with a six string gun, stealin' love for fun,
Sayin' c'mon baby, let's ride tonight, until the risin' sun
We gotta ride, ride, ride, ride, ride.
When I spot you, put your love in my hands, 'cause I got you,
When I catch you, won't know how to behave,
My heart is drummin', and trouble is comin'.
'Cause I'm a rock and roll outlaw with a six string gun, stealin' love for fun.
When I go down baby, goin' down for love, so let the beat go on,
Shoot 'em up now baby!
After midnight, when the beat is strong by the moonlight,
After midnight, though I know it's wrong,
I have me a lover, and then I start on another.
'Cause I'm a rock and roll outlaw with a six string gun, stealin' love for fun,
Sit back baby, 'cause I need all night, until the job is done.
And I'm a rock and roll outlaw with a six string gun, take your love and run,
Sayin' c'mon baby let's rock tonight, Well let the beat go on.
I'm a rock and roll outlaw, woo
Gonna roll you over, yeah
C'mon baby, yeah,
C'mon baby, well, well
Well I'm a rock, rock, rock ,rock
Rock, rock, rock, rock, rock
A rock and roll outlaw
C'mon baby, woo hoo!
Stick 'em up, woo hoo
Dave Peverett - Pevwrite Music - ASCAP
I woke up last night about half past four, two police cars at my door.
Said you'd been drunk and out of control, you ran my car into a telephone pole,
Tell me baby, is it true what I heard? You never said a word.
Don't give me that silent treatment, don't give me that silent treatment,
When you do something bad, it only drives me mad - you do it every time.
Well, I said, "Hey baby, what you tryin' to do?
The things I heard about you can't be true.
Every night you're out on the town, you run my money into the ground,
"Hey baby, were you out with the boys?" You never made a noise.
Don't give me that silent treatment, don't give me that silent treatment,
When you do something bad, it only drives me mad - you do it every time.
Well you broke my heart, it was an accident, just like my money, all my love is spent.
I don't know why but I can't get through to you.
Don't give me that silent treatment, don't give me that silent treatment,
When you do something bad, it only drives me mad - you do it every time.
{Dave - Solo}
Well you broke my heart, it was an accident, just like my money, all my love is spent.
I don't know why but I can't get through to you.
Don't give me that silent treatment, don't give me that silent treatment,
When you do something bad, it only drives me mad - you do it every time.
Oh yeah!
{Dave - Solo}
Don't give me that silent treatment, don't give me that silent treatment,
When you do something bad, it only drives me mad - you do it every time.
Don't give me that silent treatment, don't give me that silent treatment,
When you do something bad, it always drives me mad - you do it every time.
Don't give me that - (Silent treatment) (Silent treatment)
You do something bad, it only drives me mad - you do it every time.
Don't give me that - (Silent treatment)
You do something bad, it only drives me mad - you do it every time.
Don't give me that silent treatment, don't give me that silent treatment
When you do something bad, it only drives me mad - you do it every time.
Peverett / Bassett
I got a six string heater - jump in to the fire.
I got a rim shot beater, that's my desire.
Hundred-watt destroyer, gonna put you away,
Turn it up to eleven, we came to play.
If you don't sweat you don't get it.
If it don't burn it ain't hot.
If ain't nasty forget it.
If it ain't rude it don't rock.
Play dirty, play rough.
Play dirty, 'cause I can't get enough.
I got a mind half crazy, now ain't that sad!
I can't stop rockin', but that's too bad.
Overpowered distortion, blowin' out my brain,
Shockwaves in my body, drivin' me insane.
If you don't sweat you don't get it.
If it don't burn it ain't hot.
If ain't nasty forget it.
If it ain't rude it don't rock.
Play dirty, play rough,
Play dirty, 'cause I can't get enough.
{Rod - Slide Solo}
Ah huh huh huh huh..
If you don't sweat you don't get it.
If it don't burn it ain't hot.
If ain't nasty forget it,
If it ain't rude it don't rock.
Play d-i-r-t-y, play rough.
Play dirty, 'cause I can't get enough.
Play dirty, play rough,
Play dirty, 'cause I can't get enough.
Dave Peverett - Riff Bros. Music - ASCAP
Remember me, you were a friend of mine,
Restless and young, I'm the one you made love to for the first time.
Now look at you, what you been up to, since I saw you last?
Your hair's a mess, you're half-dressed, you're loaded and you're fadin' fast.
All the dreams, you had of wealth and fame,
You took to the city, what a shame, they're all shattered, now your heart's in pain.
Makin love for a livin', you've given up, all you've got's a heart of stone.
Makin' the most of a sad situation, Paradise Alley's your home.
Paradise Alley, what a way to be alone,
Paradise Alley, a thousand miles away from home, yeah.
Lookin' back, I still recall the time,
I wonder how in the world was it so easy to be so unkind.
Will you be sorry when you realize the story has to end this way?
Lost in the night, never quite getting used to all the games they play.
You wait in vain, and your heart's in pain,
And dreams are all you have to hold on to.
You're losin' touch and it hurts so much,
To think of all the love I had for you.
Paradise Alley, what a way to be alone,
Paradise Alley, a thousand miles away from home, yeah.
{Rod - Slide Solo}
Paradise Alley, what a way to be alone.
Paradise Alley, a thousand miles away from home.
Paradise Alley, what a place to call your home,
Paradise Alley, what a way to be alone, yeah.
Listen to me, baby
I'll tell you what I need
Oh, come on and spend some time with me
Oh, come on, one night is all I need, hey hey
Give me satisfaction when you're steady to roll
Give me what you got and you can give me more
Come on, that's how it's gotta be
I need somebody, save your loving for me
I need somebody, save your loving for me
Oh, come on, show me the games you play
Rock on until the break of day, hey hey
Let me come on over, spend some time with you
I know a lot of things that we can do
Come on, don't give it all away
I need somebody, save your loving for me
I need somebody, save your loving for me
You're my all day study, you're my midnight dream
You need love, I need love, rock me baby, 'til I scream
I need somebody, save your loving for me
I need somebody, save your loving for me
I need somebody, save your sweet love for me
I need somebody, save your loving for me
I need, I need your sweet loving
Come on, oh, come on, come on, baby, yeah
Peverett - Loentz Music - ASCAP
There's one thing baby I need to know, why you changed the lock on your front door,
I keep tryin' but I never win, honey won't you let this bad boy in?
It ain't safe to walk these streets alone, so I guess I'll take the last train home,
Go back to my one room shack, but it's cold and it's damp, I don't wanna go back.
Baby, let me rock your house, I just wanna rock your house,
Baby, let me rock your house, I just wanna rock your house.
Whoa oh ho-whoa-oh.
I get lonesome around midnight, well my nerves are shakin' and my skin feels tight,
I can't go back, it would be a sin, so unlock your door and let me in.
Baby, let me rock your house, I just wanna rock your house,
Baby, let me rock your house, I just wanna rock your house,
Whoa oh ho-whoa-oh - Whoa oh ho-whoa-oh. Oh!
{Rod - Slide Solo}
Rockin' in the kitchen, rollin' in the hall - Boogie in the basement, bangin' the wall,
Let's take to the stairs and have a ball - Rock me baby until I fall.
Baby, let me rock your house, I just wanna rock your house,
Baby, let me rock your house, I just wanna rock your house,
Baby, let me rock your house, I just wanna rock your house,
Baby, let me rock your house, I just wanna rock your house.
Let me rock your house, (rock your house) - Let me rock your house, (rock your house)
Let me rock your house, (rock your house) - Let me rock your house, (rock your house)
If it's all night long, (all night long) - If it's all night long, (all night long)
If it's all night long, (all night long) - If it's all night long, (all night long)
Gonna rock, (rock), rock, (rock), rock, (rock), rock, (rock), rock, (rock), rock, oh.
Baby, let me rock your house, I just wanna rock your house,
Baby, let me rock your house, I just wanna rock your house,
Baby, let me rock your house, I just wanna rock your house,
Baby, let me rock your house, I just wanna rock, I just wanna roll.
{Rod - Slide Solo - 8 choruses}
Ah ha ah ha - Ah ha ah ha - Ah ha ah ha.
Dave Peverett - Riff Bros. Music - ASCAP
I got a message from a girl in distress,
She was a prisoner in an apartment address.
But like a hero to the scene of the crime,
I lost my way and there was so little time.
Stood at a bus stop on a cold rainy day,
Tire through a puddle, threw some mud in my face.
No bus arrived so I just crawled into town,
I took my chances on the underground.
Subway station, wall to wall people, I couldn't squeeze onto a train.
In desperation, I looked for a taxi, but, oh, the searching was in vain.
Too late the hero, from ten down to zero.
Too late the hero, why did she say, "Boy, boy you're way too late!"?
She said "Boy, boy you're way too late!"
I caught a train but there was nowhere to sit,
Reached for a strap, I thought I heard something rip,
There on the Central Line, my pants fell apart.
Train broke down and we were stuck in the dark.
Subway tunnel claustrophobia, best suit, wrinkled and damp,
Finally when I crawled up to her door, she said, "Goodbye chump!"
Too late the hero, from ten down to zero.
Too late the hero, why did she say, "Boy, boy you're way too late!"?
She said "Boy, boy you're way too late!"
Did I see someone in the shadow? Did I hear footsteps on the floor?
Did I hear laughter in the background just before she slammed that door?
I turned around and I headed home, I was tired, rejected and cold.
Missed the last train, left around midnight, so I walked that lonesome road.
Too late the hero, from ten down to zero.
Too late the hero, why did she say, "Boy, boy you're way too late!"?
She said "Boy, boy you're way too late!"
(Too late, too late the hero) Way too late.
(Too late, too late the hero) Way too late.
(Too late, too late the hero) Way too late,
Cold nights in the city can turn a heart to stone,
I'm still cryin' and you know why I'm out here on my own.
Being here without you, it takes up all my time,
I'm tryin' to forget you, but you're still on my mind.
And I don't wanna tear you down, but I'm the only fool around.
You know I'm here on shaky ground, but I don't wanna tear you down.
I'm in a crowd of people, on this uneasy street,
I'm walking blind 'til I can't see what your love done to me.
And I don't wanna tear you down, but I'm the only fool around.
You know I'm here on shaky ground, but I don't wanna tear you down.
I don't wanna tear you down, but I'm the only fool around.
You know I'm here on shaky ground, but I don't wanna tear you down.
Just a temporary pleasure, caused a never-ending pain,
But if love could last forever, then we're sure to love again, love again.
And I don't wanna tear you down, but I'm the only fool around.
You know I'm here on shaky ground, but I don't wanna tear you down.
I don't wanna tear you down, but I'm the only fool around.
You know I'm here on shaky ground, but I don't wanna tear you down.
I don't wanna tear you down, but I'm the only fool around.
I believed, this time it wouldn't be too long
Guaranteed, but now I see that I was wrong
Seems like our love is fading, I know the reason why
We can't talk about it, I'm too far away to try
And I see the train arrive
And I see the train arrive
Every night, I laughed at all the bad advice
They were right, and I'm the one who paid the price
We gotta get together and conquer all the hate
Time is runnin' out, it might even be too late
And I see the train arrive
And I see the train arrive
Ride, ride, ride, ride
Ride, ride, ride, ride
So many roads to travel, so many trains to ride
So many trains to ride, ain't no need for you to worry
Ain't no need for you to worry, love is on my side
Don't break down, love is on our side
Ride, ride, ride, ride
Ride, ride, ride, ride
And I see the train arrive
Here I am, a bunch of tickets in my hand
Uncle Sam, afraid I gotta leave your land
I'm lookin' to the future, the past is dead and gone
No peace for the wicked and time keeps me movin' on
And I see the train arrive
And I see the train arrive
Ride, ride, ride, ride
Ride, ride, ride, ride
And I see the train arrive
And I see the train arrive and I see the train arrive
And I see the train arrive, see the train arrive
And I see the train arrive, see the train arrive
I see the train arrive, see the train arrive
I see the train arrive, see the train arrive
I see the train, see the train arrive
Dave Peverett - Riff Bros. Music - ASCAP
Who's that stranger walking out in the cold?
Standing on the corner with his Kodachrome roll?
He may be a psychopath, he's acting so strange,
Lying to himself, saying nothing has changed.
He stares across at a house on the block,
Trying to find the courage to go over and knock.
What will he say when they open the door?
"This was my home, but it ain't no more."
He can't get Brixton, out of his system.
It seems so pathetic, yeah, but it's hard to forget it.
Way back in '59, a young boy was crying, he didn't want to leave, but what could he say?
Jumped into the lorry, left there in a hurry, never knowing he'd back some day.
Stranger in my home town, I'm just a stranger in my home town.
Could this street be a part of me? I can't believe it - this ain't no place to be.
Who's that Peeping Tom climbing the wall?
Staring at the back yard, he's gonna fall.
He looks so suspicious, I should called the law,
I wish I could remember where I've seen him before.
Sunrise to sundown, stumbling through London town.
He acts like he's stranded, but that's how he planned it.
Way back in '59, a young boy was crying, he didn't want to leave, but what could he say?
Jump into the lorry, left there in a hurry, never knowing he'd back some day.
Stranger in my home town, I'm just a stranger in my home town.
Could this street be a part of me? I can't believe it - this ain't no place to be.
{Dave - Solo}
Stranger in my home town, I'm just a stranger in my home town.
Could this street be a part of me? I can't believe it - this ain't no place to be.
Stranger in my home town, I'm just a stranger in my home town.
Stranger in my home town, whoo! Stranger in my home town. I'm just a stranger.
{Dave - Solo}
I don't want you cook my bread
I don't want you make my bed
I don't want your money too
I just wanna make love to you
I don't want you be no slave
I don't want you work all day
I don't want you to be sad and blue
I just wanna make love to you
I can tell by the way that you, baby talk
I can see by the way that you switch and walk
I can tell by the way that you treat your man
But I could love you, baby, it's a cryin' shame
I don't want you, wash my clothes
I don't want you, keep a home
I don't want you to be true
I just wanna make love to you
I don't want you be no slave
I don't want you work all day
I don't want you to be true
I just wanna make love to you
I don't want you keep a home
I don't want you wash my clothes
I don't want you to be true
I knew from the beginning, what you had in mind
But I said to myself baby, "Don't be wastin' your time"
But somehow into the night, things got out of hand
Before I knew it, baby, I was giving my love away again
Well, I slipped, tripped, fell on your love
You slipped your love on me
I slipped, tripped, fell on your love
You slipped your love on me, yeah
Getting hooked on you, baby, was the last thing on my mind
Now you got me wanting you, baby, I want you all the time
When you touch me, I lose control
And I found myself, baby, wantin' more and more
Well, I slipped, tripped, fell on your love
You slipped your love on me
I slipped, tripped, fell on your love
You slipped your love on me, oh yeah
When you touch me, I lose control
I found myself baby, baby, wantin' more and more, yeah
You know I slipped, tripped, fell on your love
You slipped your love on me
I slipped, tripped, fell on your love
You slipped your love on me
Well, I slipped, tripped, fell in love
I slipped, I slipped, tripped, I fell in love, oh yeah
Well, I was sittin' in a smokey room, band playin' rock n' roll
Everybody burnin', yearnin' for some alcohol
I got up to buy the wine, when I saw Shirley Jean
Powdering her nose, posin' like a movie queen
Shirley Jean, sweet little seventeen
Shirley Jean, she's a lovin' machine
I tried to give her a sign but she was too high to see
Sittin' and starin', carin' not a thing for me
Sweet little Shirley Jean, sure lookin' good to me
Jet black stockings, rockin' to the bebop beat
Tell by the way she was actin', musta' had a whole lot to hide
She's got a whole lotta lovin', all bottled up inside
I ain't goin to say a word, can't find a word to say
You ain't gonna get me, let me tell you right away
I gave up and wandered out, when I saw the reason why
Hugging little Shirley, a curly headed honey pie
Shirley Jean, sweet little seventeen
Shirley Jean, sweet little lovin' machine, well
Shirley Jean, sweet little seventeen
Shirley Jean, she's a lovin' machine
Well, Shirley Jean, sweet little seventeen
Shirley Jean, she's a lovin' machine
Yeah, well, Shirley Jean
Let me grease your machine
Let me check your oil
Dave Peverett - Riff Bros. Music - ASCAP
Back in the schoolyard life wasn't so hard, but I couldn't wait to leave.
I left school at sixteen, tired of the routine, money is what I need.
I got into the job line, but there's no work for my kind,
No school tie and no degree, no chance for me.
I found some employment, but still no enjoyment, I worked in a factory.
I picked up my wages, fhe first time in ages, it don't seem enough to me.
The years go by in slow time, became a man in no time,
You came along, the time was right - turned on the light.
Gonna love my life away, I wish I could, (I wish I could)
Girl, you're leadin' me astray, I've been misunderstood (been misunderstood)
Oh oh, I'm in my second childhood, oh oh.
Back on the breadline, seemed like a long time, the waiting was all in vain.
I spent my vacation down at the station, waving to all the trains.
After this deep depression, I shoulda' learned my lesson
I found you in the nick of time, who'll buy the wine?
Gonna love my life away, I wish I could, (I wish I could)
Girl, you're leadin' me astray, I've been misunderstood (been misunderstood)
Oh oh, I'm in my second childhood, oh oh.
{Erik - Slide Solo}
It's hard to act my age now, I'm going through that stage now.
You make me feel good - you make me feel good.
Now I don't feel so grown up, 'cause everytime you phone up,
You make me feel good - you make me feel good.
Gonna love my life away, I wish I could, (I wish I could)
Girl, you're leadin' me astray, I've been misunderstood (been misunderstood)
Oh oh, I'm in my second childhood, Oh oh, I'm in my second childhood,
Sarah Lee, can't you see
Why I'm cryin' like a child?
You had your fun but what you've done
Has made me mad and drove me wild
You used to be good to me
And now you're always raising sand
And it's so strange how you've changed
And now I don't know where I stand
Well, I went down to the roadside
When your wheels began to turn
I called your name but you just drove away, yeah
Time's I wonder, will I ever learn?
Sarah Lee, look at me
See those lines upon my face
I'm so confused and I been abused
I can hardly stand the pace
The things you did and the truth you hid
They caused me pain and misery
And there's no doubt 'cause I checked it out
You've been double-crossing me
Well, I went down to the station
I saw you step onto that train
But someone else was close beside you
Now I wonder will I see you again?
Sarah Lee, can't you see
Why I'm cryin' like a child?
You had your fun but what you've done
Made me mad and drove me wild
Sarah Lee, can't you see
See those lines upon my face?
I'm so confused and I've been abused
Got nowhere to go, you got nothin' to do
Just killin' time but it's killin' me too
Too much sorrow and too many tears
You've been lonely for too many years
Step outside, take a ride
Step outside, take a ride
Lost all your money, now where are your friends?
You burned all your candles at too many ends
Wasted your days, now they ain't worth a dime
It's easy to see why you're blue all the time
Step outside, take a ride
Step outside, take a ride
Look out the window, what do you see?
People are living like you ought to be
Forget the past girl, it's hard but it's right
Loosen up baby, 'cause time's getting tight
Step outside, take a ride
Step outside, take a ride
Step outside, take a ride
Step outside, take a ride
Step outside, take a ride
Step outside, take a ride
Step outside, take a ride
Step outside, take a ride, take a ride
Step outside, take a ride
Step outside, take a ride
Step outside, take a ride
Room 57 in the midnight hour
I'm fresh out of coffee and the cream turned sour
I'm thinkin' 'bout the people I've been talkin' to
Been here a long time and nobody knew
Ain't it shame, ain't it a pity
The bluebird's gone from the windy city
What a shame, what a shame
What a shame, what a shame
Good music on the radio,
A whole lotta people don't wanna know
They say that black is black and white is white
You can't cross over 'cause it don't seem right
Ain't it shame, ain't it a pity
The bluebird's gone from the windy city
What a shame, what a shame
What a shame, what a shame
Ain't it shame, ain't it a pity
The bluebird's gone from the windy city
What a shame, what a shame
Trouble in my way, trouble in my way
Only the darkness can ease the pain
Only the shadows hide my shame
Standin' in the rain, standin' in the rain
Look at the people drivin' home
I'm so tired of bein' alone
Oh, I know yes I know trouble in my way
Give me one more chance, give me one more chance
I'll tell you something you're bound to hate
Maybe tomorrow will be too late
Trouble in my way, trouble in my way
Only the darkness can ease my pain
Only the shadows hide my shame
Oh, I know, yes I know trouble in my way
Trouble in my way, trouble in my way
Trouble, trouble in my way
Oh, I know, yes I know trouble in my way
Oh, I know, yes, I know trouble in my way
Well I feel so lonesome
You'll hear me when I moan
And I feel so lonesome
You'll hear me when I moan
Who been drivin' my Terraplane
For you since I been gone?
I'd said, I'll flash your lights, mama
And the horn won't even blow
I even flash my lights, mama
And this horn won't even blow
I got a short in this connection
Way way down below
The coils ain't even buzzin'
The generator won't get that far
All in a bad condition
I gotta have the batteries charged
I'm cryin', please, please don't do me wrong
Who been drivin' my Terraplane?
Mr. Highway man
Please don't block the road
Mr. Highway man
Please, don't block the road
She ran a cold one hundred
Booked and I got to go
I'll get deep down in this connection
Keep on tanglin' with your wires
And when I mash down on your starter
Your spark plug will give me fire
I'm cryin' please, please don't do me wrong
Who been drivin' my Terraplane, I said who, yeah?
Keep on tanglin' with your wires
Well, that'll be the day, when you say goodbye
Yeah, that'll be the day, when you make me cry
You say you're gonna leave, you know it's a lie
'Cause that'll be the day when I die
Well, you give me all your lovin' and your turtle dovin'
All your hugs and kisses and your money too
Well, you know you love me baby, but still you tell me maybe
That some day, well I'll be through
Yeah, that'll be the day, when you say goodbye
Yeah, that'll be the day, when you make me cry
You say you're gonna leave, you know it's a lie
'Cause that'll be the day when I die
When cupid shot his dart, he shot it at your heart
So if we ever part and I leave you
You say you'll hold me and you, you tell me boldly
That some day well I'll be through
Yeah, that'll be the day, when you say goodbye
Yeah, that'll be the day, when you make me cry
You say you're gonna leave, you know it's a lie
'Cause that'll be the day when I die
Well, that'll be the day, yeah, that'll be the day
That'll be the day, that'll be the day, yeah, that'll be the day
Well that'll be the day
Nick Jameson - Sea of Keys Music - BMI
Oooh yeah!
Nothing like a rock and roll singer, feelin' good on a Saturday night,
I heard him say that he came to play, let the world know he's feelin' alright.
He said no time for the blues on the weekend,
They been beatin' on us all week long,
Forget the news in the paper, let's leave all that to later,
Lighten up with a rock and roll song.
We're gonna sing about love tonight,
Sing about love tonight,
It sounds so sweet and it feels alright,
Gonna sing about love tonight, oh yeah.
Now the guitar player's got the fever,
He's rippin' out one-twenty db.
He said I need someone help me have a little fun,
Sweet love to see about me,
Need a sweet love to see about me.
Gonna sing about love tonight,
Sing about love tonight.
It sounds so sweet and it feels alright,
Gonna sing about love tonight.
Gonna sing about love tonight,
Sing about love tonight.
Turn up the heat, baby turn out the light,
Gonna sing about love tonight, alright.
{Erik - Solo}
You got your pick of politics and religion,
Talkin' 'bout the wrong and the right,
But you don't care, get your hands up in the air,
Let's sing about love tonight.
Do you mind if we play a little louder?
Can you feel it right up in the back?
We gonna turn up to ten, gonna hit it again,
Let the world know we're feelin' alright.
Gonna sing about love tonight.
Sing about love tonight,
Sing about love tonight,
Well it sounds so sweet and it feels alright,
Gonna sing about love tonight.
We're gonna sing about love tonight,
Sing about love tonight,
Stomp your feet if it feel alright,
Gonna sing about love tonight.
It sounds so sweet and it feels alright,
Gonna sing about love tonight,
Sing about love tonight,
Sing about love tonight, yeah!
I want you to love me baby, love your baby slow,
I want you to love me baby, love your baby slow,
I want you to love me baby 'til I drop dead in front of your door.
I want you to love me baby, 'til my lips turn cherry red,
I want you to love me baby, 'til my lips turn cherry red,
I want you to love me baby 'til I fall dead across your bed. Oh yeah
{Rod - Solo - Dave scat solo}
I want you to love me baby, love your baby slow,
I want you, I want you to love me baby, please love me slow,
I want you to love me baby, oh yea,
I want you to love me baby,
I want you to love me baby, 'til I can't take no more.
Love me baby, love me baby.
{Rod - Solo}
Oh yeah
Love me baby, love me baby,
Love me baby, love me baby,
Ah yeah, whoa, ah yeah
Take it or leave it, tell me what you wanna do
Take it or leave it, now the choice is up to you
Can't wait until tomorrow, tomorrow may be too late
Take away the sorrow, I can't wait
Take it or leave it, can't I make you understand?
If you can believe it, you hold the future in your hand
If the choice was up to me girl, you would stay by my side
Our world would be a free world, ain't no lie
If our love was in vain, who's gonna help me, hide the pain
Lonely days, lonely nights, without you girl, it's just not right
Oh, it's just not right, whoa
Take it or leave it, I can't wait another day
I got love if you need it, won't you tell me right away
Losin' track of all the hours, hours run into days
My mind is runnin' out of power, you got me in a haze
Take it or leave it, take it or leave it
Got love if you need it, whoa, take it or leave it
Baby I want to know, I've got to know
Now if you need my love, tell me right now
Oh yeah, tell me right now, yeah, yeah
Lonely days, lonely nights
Oh, come on, baby don't you wanna go?
Oh, come on, baby don't you wanna go?
Back to the same old place, to my sweet home Chicago
One and one is two, two and two is four
Love me baby now, love me slow
Come on, baby don't you wanna go?
Back to the same old place, to my sweet home Chicago
Two and two is four, four and four is eight
Love me baby now, don't be late
Come on, baby don't you wanna go?
Back to the same old place, to my sweet home Chicago
Oh, take me there
Love me baby, love me right
Early in the morning, now, late at night
Come on, baby don't you wanna go?
Back to the same old place, to my sweet home Chicago
I believe, I believe my time ain't long
I believe, I believe my time ain't long
Fe fi fo fum, I can feel the presence of someone
Somebody been sleepin' in my bed
Somebody been sittin' in my chair
Cigarettes in the ash tray and I don't even smoke
Someone's been drinking my best booze
I can tell 'cause the seal is broke
I left my bedroom slippers last night at the foot of my bed
And now they're in my living room and my bed was left unmade
Somebody been sleepin' in my bed
Somebody been sittin' in my chair
They ate up all my food and I don't stand for such
Don't tell me it was a woman, 'cause a woman don't eat that much
My brand new silk pajamas, they were balled up in a chair
My mind ain't playin' tricks on me help me, is he still here?
Somebody been sleepin' in my bed
Somebody been sittin' in my chair
Fe fi fo fum, I can feel the presence of someone
Somebody been sleepin' in my bed
Somebody been sittin' in my chair, yeah
Somebody been sleepin' in my bed, oh
Somebody been sittin' in my chair
Peverett / Price - Riff Bros. Music - ASCAP
If I could be with you tonight,
I would never let you down.
I would come for you, roll away the blue, speaking words without a sound,
I would never let you down.
Like a shadow in the night,
Time is slowly moving on,
Hours go driftin' by, there's no need to cry, now at last I found someone,
Finally our time has come.
Stay, won't you stay with me?
Take my time and love will set me free.
Stay, won't you stay with me?
Take my time and love will set me free.
All my worry's fade away,
Dreams become reality,
Finding love on time, gave me piece of mind, knowing how real love can be,
More than just a fantasy.
Stay, won't you stay with me?
Take my time and love will set me free.
Stay, won't you stay with me?
Take my time and love will set me free.
{Rod - Solo - verse}
Stay, won't you stay with me?
Take my time and love will set me free.
Stay, won't you stay with me?
Take my time and love will set me free.
Stay, won't you stay with me?
Peverett - Loentz Music - ASCAP
Where was Nero when Rome burned? He wasn't worried 'bout the flames.
The cat didn't play no fiddle, he had his mind on better games.
He was down in the cellar with a girl he called B-Betty Lou,
Drinking juice from the grape vine, Chianti BC '52.
The Roman city was burnin', but Nero didn't face it alone,
He was soakin the bone,
Just soakin' the bone,
He was soakin' the bone,
He was soakin' it.
Napoleon he said to Josie, "I'm gonna rule the world for a start."
Josephine said, "Hey Nappy, you're crazy!
Would you rather shake it down Bonaparte?"
The world was there to be conquered, Napoleon, he couldn't leave home,
'Cause he was soakin' the bone,
He was soakin' the bone,
He was soakin' the bone,
He was soakin' it.
{Rod - Solo}
About the Spanish Armada, it didn't faze Sir Francis Drake.
20,000 gun-totin' galleons, but Frankie didn't quiver or quake.
He was down on the beach head, rollin' in the pebbles and stones,
He was soakin' the bone,
He was soakin' the bone,
He was soakin' the bone,
He was soakin' it.
He was soakin' the bone,
He was soakin' the bone,
He was soakin' the bone,
He was soakin' it,
{Rod - Solo}
Slow ride, take it easy
Slow ride, take it easy
Slow ride, take it easy
Slow ride, take it easy
I'm in the mood
The rhythm is right
Move to the music
We can roll all night
Slow ride
Slow ride, take it easy
Slow ride, take it easy
Slow down, go down
Got to get your lovin' one more time
Hold me, roll me
Slow ridin' woman, you're so fine
I'm in the mood
The rhythm is right
Move to the music, yeah
We can roll all night, yeah
Slow ride, take it easy
Slow ride, take it easy
Slow down, go down
Got to get your lovin' one more time
Hold me, roll me
Slow ridin' woman, you're so fine
Slow ride, easy, slow ride, sleazy
Slow ride, easy, slow ride, sleazy
Slow down, go down
Got to get your lovin' one more time
Hold me, roll me
Slow ridin' woman, you're so fine
Slow ride, take it easy
Slow ride, take it easy
Slow down, go down
Slow down, go down
Come on baby, take a slow ride with me
Come on baby, take a slow ride
Oh, feels good, feels so good, I like it, yeah
I feel good, oh, I feel alright
You know the rhythm is right
You know the rhythm is right
We gotta rock all night
We gotta rock all night
You know the rhythm is right, yeah
We gotta rock all night
You know the rhythm is right
We gotta rock all night, oh, come on now
Elevate me, mama, elevate me, mama
Elevate me, mama, elevate me, mama
I'm leavin' again, long way to go
It's a sad feeling, we already know
Ticket's bought and the contract's signed
And it's too late to change my mind
I'm leavin' again, help me pack my case
I'll be a long time, in another place
I'm working for something, and it ain't no lie
It should've taken me, a lifetime to buy
I'm leavin' again, when the night has gone
So let's make love, while the time rolls on
And time rolls on, to another day
And this time tomorrow, I'll be so far away
I just talked to my baby on the telephone,
She said stop what you're doin' and come on home.
Can't hold out, I can't hold out too long,
I get a real good feelin' talkin' to you on the phone.
She said, " Baby don't you worry, you're my heart's desire,
You know I love you baby, can't stand to see you cry."
Can't hold out, I can't hold out too long,
I get a real good feelin' talkin' to you on the phone.
I said talk to me baby, talk to me baby,
Talk to me baby, talk to me baby,
I get a real good feelin' talkin' to you on the phone. Oh yeah!
{Rod - Slide Solo - 2 verses}
She said, "Daddy don't you hurry, if you walk or fly,
You know I'll love you baby now, until the day I die".
Can't hold out, I can't hold out too long,
I get a real good feelin' talkin' to you on the phone.
I said talk to me baby, talk to me baby,
Talk to me baby, talk to me baby,
I get a real good feelin', c'mon baby,
Talk to me, talk to me, talk to me, talk -
I said talk to me baby, talk to me baby,
Talk to me baby, talk to me baby,
I get a real good feelin' talkin' to you on the phone.
Rod Price / Dave Peverett - Knee Trembler Music - ASCAP
Standin' by the window, starin' through the rain,
I built my world around her, now I'm on my way again.
'Cos she's gone, well she's gone,
Well she's gone, well she's gone.
She's taken all my money - she didn't even leave a dime,
Only one thing to do, stay loaded all the time.
Well she's gone, well she's gone,
Well she's gone, she's gone.
I'm gonna get me some wine,
Get high, forget all my troubles,
You know that girl was so fine,
But she's gone, gone, gone.
{Rod - Solo}
Days passin' slowly, nights they never end,
She's right about the future,
I'm left and now I'm lookin' for a woman and a friend.
She's gone, She's gone,
Well she's gone, she's gone,
Well she's gone, yea, yea she's gone,
Dave Peverett - Pevwrite Music - ASCAP
Oh yeah! Alright!
I had myself a good job in the city,
Pushin' a pen and talkin' on the phone.
The money was good but the work was such a big drag,
I thought that my brain would turn to stone.
But I ain't gonna work no more, I've got better things to do, I do,
I need a seven day weekend, spend some time with you, mmm hmm.
They told me if I stayed on for a lifetime,
I'd be an office manager some day.
But my heart was never in the right place,
I only went there for the pay.
But I ain't gonna work no more, I've got better things to do, mmm hmm,
I need a seven day weekend, spend some time with you, Oh yeah.
Well on Friday, the weekend rolls around,
Saturday, I'm gonna rock this town.
On Sunday, won't have to worry no more,
'Cause Monday ain't so bad when there's no work in store.
I guess the money comes in handy,
It helps me pay the bills and rent.
But if I stay too long on this job,
I'll wonder where my time all went.
But I ain't gonna work no more, I've got better things to do, doo-bah-doo.
I need a seven day weekend, spend some time with you. Oh come on!
{Erik/Paul Butterfield - Solo}
Well Tuesday, I'll hang out the beach,
Wednesday, this boy can not be reached.
Thursday, I'll stand out in the rain,
When Friday comes, I'll start all over again.
But I ain't gonna work no more, I've got better things to do, you know I do!
I need a seven day weekend, spend some time with you, mmm hmm.
I need a seven day weekend, spend some time with you.
It's all behind me
There's good luck up ahead
Can't break what's left of my heart
Once bitten twice shy
I hate to see it all fall apart
First love I had I was seventeen and I was younger
Love to us was some kind of game
And all my letters said I would never forget her
Now I can't recall her name
The first time I was a fool
never knew that love could be so cruel
It happened again
Third time lucky
Oh Yeah
I was in love one time
I thought it was the real thing
But I kept the feelings to myself
Afraid to show them
Expecting her to know
It's the reason she found someone else
It's all behind me
There's good luck up ahead
Can't break what's left of my heart
Once bitten twice shy
I hate to see it all fall apart
The first time I was a fool
never knew that love could be so cruel
It happened again
Third time lucky
Oh Yeah
The first time I was a fool
never knew that love could be so cruel
It happened again
Third time lucky
Oh Yeah
The first time I was a fool
never knew that love could be so cruel
It happened again
Third time lucky
Dave Peverett - Pevwrite Music - ASCAP
The way you walk ain't walkin', it's something mama don't allow.
Let your hips do the talkin', and pretend you don't know how.
Ruby red, oh baby blue,
Heaven knows what I can for you,
When you're out there, doin' the Zig-Zag Walk.
Stiletto heels in stockin's, trace the seam up to the top.
And you're daring me to touch you, but I won't know where to stop.
A little rude, that's what you say,
It must be hard to keep the wolves at bay,
When you're out there, doin' the Zig-Zag Walk.
Zig-zag, well it's my kinda move,
Big drag if I can't cut the groove,
No stone gonna be unturned,
When you're walkin', walkin' and a-talkin',
Baby, doin' the Zig-Zag Walk.
Uh, doin' that walk.
The way we love ain't lovin', don't do nothin' for my heart.
Just a physical attraction, you're the bulls-eye - I'm the dart.
At least I know the way you feel,
Don't care nothing for a love that's real,
When you're out there, doin' the Zig-Zag Walk.
Zig-zag, walk like Marilyn Monroe,
Zig-zag, talk like Brigitte Bardot,
No stone gonna be unturned,
When you're out there, walkin' and a talkin',
Baby, doin' the Zig-Zag Walk.
I said baby, doin' the Zig-Zag Walk,
Doin' that walk...
Mmmm, fontastique!
Ooh la la la!
She's doing that walk
Peverett / Price
We're in a world of trouble, now isn't that a shame,
Go down to the city now people, 'cause the streets are all in flames.
You know what I've been sayin', you didn't hear the wake up call, oh no,
There ain't no doubt about it, well the writing's on the wall.
The world is in confusion, we don't know which way to turn,
Things are gettin' so bad, I wonder will we ever learn?
You know what I've been sayin', you didn't hear the wake up call, oh no,
There ain't no doubt about, well the writing's on the wall, oh yea.
{Rod - Slide Solo}
You know what I've been sayin', you didn't hear the wake up call, oh no,
And there ain't no doubt about it, well the writing's on the wall.
What can we do about it, well the writing's on the wall,
What can we do about it, well the writing's on the wall, oh yea-hey-yea.
Oh, you say, you're feeling nervous
The least thing makes you cry
Sounds like a real bad case of a girl who needs a guy
I think, I know the perfect cure
The one you ought to try
Take a heart that's full of love on which you can rely
If you need some satisfaction
And if you need a quick reaction
If you're tired of bein' lonely
'Cause I can help you
If you only take this heart of mine
I may not be a doctor who can cure your ill
Prescribe you all those different colored
Hard-to-swallow pills
My remedy is older than the tale of Jack and Jill
My prescription is the kind
You'll love to have me fill
If you need some satisfaction
And if you need a quick reaction
If you're tired of bein' lonely
'Cause I can help you
If you only take this heart of mine
Got a love inside that's pure as gold
Take it's yours to have and to hold
And if you do that baby, as we grow old
Tell the greatest story that's ever been told
If you need some satisfaction
And if you need a quick reaction
If you're tired of bein' lonely
'Cause I can help you
If you only take this heart of mine
Take this heart of mine
Take this heart of mine
Take this heart of mine
Cherry, wild, wild Cherry
Talkin' 'bout Cherry
Wild, wild Cherry
She make love like a wildcat
Roll like a wire-chrome wheel
She tastes so good, wild Cherry
Ooh, she makes me feel
Cherry, wild, wild Cherry
Dressed like raggedy Annie
Red-headed baby doll
Spends her time drinkin' wine
Diggin' that rock and roll
Cherry, wild wild Cherry
She make love like a wildcat
Roll like a wire-chrome wheel
She tastes so good, wild Cherry
Ooh, she makes me feel
Cherry, wild, wild Cherry, whoa
Rock on
You've heard about 8-ball Sally
You've heard of knee trembler Jane
Well, I got a girl, crazy little momma
'Bout to drive me insane
Wild Cherry, wild, wild Cherry
She make love like a wildcat
Roll like a wire-chrome wheel
She tastes so good, wild Cherry
Yes, she makes me feel
Cherry, wild, wild Cherry, yeah
Whoa, that's me
She loves with a natural feelin'
Moves like a lovin' machine
When she gets down
Starts messin' around
Fast lovin' speedy and lean
Cherry, wild, wild Cherry
I told you, she makes love like a wildcat
Roll like a wire-chrome wheel
She tastes so good, ah, wild Cherry
How she makes me feel
Cherry, wild, wild Cherry, yeah, whoa
Cherry, wild, wild Cherry
Cherry, wild, wild Cherry
You know she tastes so good
You know she tastes so good
You know she tastes so good
You know she tastes so good
When I'm talkin' about Cherry
I'm talkin' about Cherry
I'm talkin' about Cherry
I'm talkin' about Cherry
I said wild, wild, wild, wild, wild Cherry
I said wild, wild, wild, wild, wild Cherry
Ah, the way she moves, I love the way she gets down
Dave Peverett - Riff Bros. Music - ASCAP
Baggy suit and flashy tie, blue of knuckle, red of eye,
He's one of the boys, he's a wide boy.
He'd sell his mother for a quid, rumour has it that he did,
He's one of the boys, he's a wide boy.
He used to be his father's pride, 'til he spent a year inside,
He's one of the boys, he's a wide boy.
Six feet from shoulder to shoulder and five feet from the ground,
Iron fists, a head like a boulder - a friend like that is good to have around!
At the club he's set to pounce, girls to chat and boys to bounce,
He's one of the boys, he's a wide boy.
{Erik - Solo}
Six feet from shoulder to shoulder and five feet from the ground,
Iron fists, a head like a boulder - a friend like that is good to have around!
(Wide boy), wanna buy a stereo?
(Wide boy), heard you got a truckload!
(Wide boy), need a color TV too.
(Wide boy), I'm in a spot of trouble,
I need assistance at the double,
(Wide boy), it's good to have a friend like you.
Never rich and never poor, (never poor)
Just a step outside the law, (outside the law)
He's one of the boys, he's a wide boy,
He's one of the boys, he's a wide boy,
Dave Peverett - Riff Bros. Music - ASCAP
Waitin' for the weekend, soon be comin' around.
Hangin' out with my best friend, I'm so glad I found.
My weekday emotions, gonna leave 'em behind,
When we get together, it's crazy time.
I'm talkin' 'bout my weekend driver, can't live without,
I'm talkin' 'bout my weekend driver, yeah.
Waitin' for the weekend, watch the clock on the wall,
Throw me in at the deep end, hear me when I call.
Workin' week survivor, she's so cool and refined,
But we get together, she's another kind.
I'm talkin' 'bout my weekend driver, can't live without,
I'm talkin' 'bout my weekend driver, yeah.
Don't matter how far we go, it's back to work on Monday,
The weekend's just another memory, yeah.
{Didgeridoo and Erik - Slide Solo}
I'm talkin' 'bout my weekend driver, can't live without,
I'm talkin' 'bout my weekend driver, yeah.
I'm talkin' 'bout my weekend driver,
Can't live without, yeah.
I'm talkin' 'bout my weekend driver, yeah.
Oh yeah, yeah
My brain is cloudy and my eyes are sore
I told myself, I wouldn't drink no more
A bad hangover's something I can't stand
But here I am with a jug in my hand
Whoo, whoo, trouble, trouble
Worries on my mind
Goin' down to the cellar
Get some of that mellow wine
I seem to ruin everything I touch
People say it's 'cause I drink too much
I tried to kick it but it ain't no use
Guess, I'm a slave to that mellow juice
Whoo, whoo, trouble, trouble
Worries on my mind
Goin' down to the cellar
Get some of that mellow wine, yeah
My brain is cloudy and my eyes are sore
I told myself, I wouldn't drink no more
A bad hangover's something I can't stand
But here I am with a jug in my hand
Whoo, whoo, trouble, trouble
Worries on my mind
Goin' down to the cellar
Get some of that mellow wine
J. Lewis - Jalow Music - BMI
What kind of woman, makes me feel so good inside?
I try to run, but she won't let me hide.
Got me doin' things, I said I'd never do.
Using my car and my credit cards too.
And yesterday she said to me,
She's tired of ringin' my doorbell, made me give up a key.
'Nother thing about her that's really blowin' my mind,
She ain't no beauty, the love she's got is fine.
Like a cool glass of water when you're thirsty, tired and hot,
The love she gives me, it always hit the spot.
Had to leave other girls alone,
I need everything I got to take care of my home.
There ain't a horse that can't be rode,
There ain't a cowboy that can't be throwed,
There ain't a thing, can't be bought,
There ain't no man that can't be caught.
Let me tell you something else.
She changed a tiger into a lamb,
Tell you, her love sure puts this man in jam.
One night stands, my theme was sock it to 'em and run,
Never thought a girl could wrap me all around her thumb.
That's one thing men have in common,
That something is the 'mazing power of a woman.
There ain't a horse that can't be rode, There ain't a cowboy that can't be throwed,
There ain't a thing, can't be bought, There ain't no man that can't be caught.
Whoa oh oh oh!
There ain't a horse that can't be rode, There ain't a cowboy that can't be throwed,
There ain't a thing, can't be bought, There ain't no man that can't be caught.
I said,
There ain't a horse that can't be rode, There ain't a cowboy that can't be throwed,
There ain't a thing, can't be bought, There ain't no man that can't be caught.
No oh whoa - no oh whoa
There ain't no man, there ain't no man.
You've got me baby, oh you got me baby...
Dave Peverett - Pevwrite Music - ASCAP
(Ladies and gentlemen - Howlin' Jim Wolf on the vocals!)
Well rave on baby, don't stop,
I love the way you do the crazy bop.
Three wheel Cadillac - three wheel Cadillac,
Lost on the highway, rockin' from side to side.
Drivin' sideways, ninety-five,
Tell me baby, how you stay alive?
Three wheel Cadillac - she drives a three wheel Cadillac,
Lost on the highway, rockin' from side to side.
Get on the right track baby, don't you treat me so bad.
You know they call you crazy, it must be drivin' you mad.
Three wheel Cadillac - a three wheel Cadillac,
Lost on the highway, rockin' from side to side.
{Erik - Solo}
Drivin' backwards, fast lane,
Gonna wind up in jail again.
Three wheel Cadillac - three wheel Cadillac,
Lost on the highway, rockin' from side to side.
{Erik - Slide Solo}
Get on the right track baby, well don't you treat me so bad,
You know they call you crazy, it must be drivin' you mad.
Three wheel Cadillac - three wheel Cadillac,
Lost on the highway, rockin' from side to side.
Lost on the highway, rockin' from side to side.
Lost on the highway, rockin' from side to side.
Cadillac bop-bop - Cadillac bop-bop
Cadillac bop-bop - Cadillac bop-bop...
Dave Peverett - Pevwrite Music - ASCAP
Change a cool, cool man into a nervous wreck, baby,
That's what love can do.
With a heart of gold chained around your neck,
Doesn't mean love's not for you.
Though it don't come easy, take it honey, this may be your chance.
The night goes on forever, when you're lookin' for romance.
Make an old man young, make a young man old,
Baby that's how love can be.
Change a hard rock heart into a jelly roll,
While your warm blood starts to freeze.
When you start to love, you feel a change of personality.
You used to be so mad, but now how crazy can you be?
And now you're stumbling like a jailbird on the run,
Love arrests you and you don't know what you've done.
I ba-ba-babble like a tongue-tied man, honey, that's what love can do.
I talk sweet talk no one can understand, baby, that's what love can do.
I shake and shiver, baby, cry you a river, honey, that's what love can do.
Well, you wake feeling good, but you sleep so bad,
And you keep cryin' all the time.
To your friends' concern, you tell 'em I'm not mad,
But you think that you've lost your mind.
Though it don't come easy, take it honey, this may be your chance.
The night goes on forever, when you're lookin' for romance.
I ba-ba-babble like a tongue-tied man, honey, that's what love can do.
I talk sweet talk no one can understand, baby, that's what love can do.
I shake and shiver, baby, cry you a river, honey, that's what love can do.
And now you're mumblin'and you don't know what you're saying,
You feel so worried 'til she looks your way again.
I ba-ba-babble like a tongue-tied man, honey, that's what love can do.
I talk sweet talk no one can understand, now baby, that's what love can do.
I shake and shiver, honey, cry you a river, baby, that's what love can do.
I ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-babble, honey, that's what love can do
That's alright mama, that's alright for you,
That's alright mama, anyway you do.
Well that's alright, that's alright,
That's alright now mama, anyway you do.
Well I'm leavin' town now baby, I'm leavin' town for sure,
Then you won't be bothered with me hanging 'round your door.
Well that's alright, (that's alright) That's alright, (that's alright)
That's alright now mama, anyway you do.Uh huh huh. Play it now.
{Rod - Dobro Solo}
(That's alright, that's alright)
Well that's, that's alright momma, that's alright for you,
That's alright momma, anyway you do.
Well that's alright, (that's alright) That's alright, (that's alright)
That's alright now momma, anyway you do. Woo-hoo-hoo.
Well that's alright now momma anyway you do, woo-hoo-hoo,
That's alright now momma, anyway you do. Woo-hoo-hoo
Well that's alright, (that's alright) That's alright, (that's alright)
That's alright, (that's alright) Well that's alright, (that's alright)
Anyway you do, (that's alright) Do, (that's alright)
Anyway baby, (that's alright)
Anyway you do, (that's alright)
(that's alright)(that's alright)(that's alright)(that's alright)
{Rod - Dobro Solo}
Whoa yea, that's alright.
That's alright, (that's alright momma)
That's alright, (that's alright)
Now momma, (that's alright momma)
Momma, (that's alright)
Woo-hoo-woo, (that's alright mama - that's alright)(that's alright mama - that's alright)
I'm leavin' now baby, (that's alright mama)
I'm leavin' for sure, (that's alright)
I don't know why I love you like I do
After all the things that you put me through
You stole my money and my cigarettes
And I haven't seen why I should forget
I want to know, won't you tell me
I'd love to stay, yeah, yeah
Take me to the river, wash me down
Please my soul, put my feet on the ground
I don't know why she treat me so bad
After all the things that we could've had
Love is a notion that I can't forget
My sweet sixteen, I will never regret
I want to know, won't you tell me
I'd love to stay, I'd love to stay
Take me to the river, wash me down
Please my soul, put my feet on the ground
Hold me, love me, please me, squeeze me
Oh, 'til I can't, 'til I can't, 'til I can't, I can't take no more
Take me to the river, wash me down
Please my soul, put my feet on the ground
Take me to the river, wash me down
Please my soul, put my feet on the ground
Take me, take me, take me to the river
Take me, take me, take me to the river
Take me, take me, take me to the river
Take me, take me, take me to the river
Take me, take me, take me to the river
Take me, take me, take me to the river
Wind tearing through the back street
I hear the rhythm of my heartbeat
Rain blowing to my face
I'm tired of being in the wrong place
Blues knocking on my back door
I can't jump from the second floor
Turn up the radio higher and higher
Rock and roll music set my ears on fire
When I was stone blue rock and roll sure helped me through
When I was stone blue rock and roll sure helped me through
Laid off work and I can't be free
I need some rock and roll therapy
Put on a 45 and let the needle ride
Juke box jumps and I'll be satisfied
When I was stone blue rock and roll sure helped me through
When I was stone blue rock and roll sure helped me through
Oh, let me ride on your mystery train
Ride through the night in the pouring rain
Rock and roll in my soul got me losing control
Let it roll
Stone Blue
Rock and roll sure helped me through
When I was stone blue rock and roll sure helped me through
Rock and roll in my soul got me losing control
Let it roll; let it roll; let it roll; let it roll
Stone Blue
Rock and roll sure helped me through
Stone Blue
Rock and roll sure helped me through
Stone Blue
Walking on a back street
Stone Blue
I hear the rhythm of my heartbeat
Stone Blue
Pick up my feet - start to run
Stone Blue
I'll be home before the morning sun
Stone Blue
Rain blowing to my face
Stone Blue
I'm tired of being in the wrong place
When I was blue - Stone Blue - rock and roll helped me through
When I was blue - Stone Blue - rock and roll helped me through
Turn up the radio - turn it up (yeah) - higher and higher
Turn it up, turn it up (yeah) higher and higher
Gotta help me through; gotta help me through; gotta help me through; you gotta help me through
Gotta help me through; gotta help me through; gotta help me through; gotta help me through
Dave Peverett - Riff Bros. Music - ASCAP
Come back, baby, talk it over again, maybe we can still be friends.
Cross your heart, don't you tell me no lies, dry my crying eyes.
Is your heart as cold as it seems? Why do you laugh at all of my broken dreams?
There goes another goodbye scene - by now I should be wise.
Love, you hit me when I was down, you had me chained and bound,
Now you want to smile and walk away.
Girl, I tried to make it right, now I'm too weak to fight,
Baby this is all I hear you say -
No hard feelings, no need to take it so bad.
No hard feelings, no love to be had.
Maybe easy for you to explain, falling out of love once again.
Life's too short and you've gotta be free - there ain't no time for me.
So I lay back here on my bed, no more tears to be shed.
No confusion, I know what you said - our love could never be.
Love, you hit me when I was down, you had me chained and bound,
Now you want to smile and walk away.
Girl I tried to make it right, now I'm to weak to fight,
And baby this is all I hear you say -
No hard feelings, don't need to take it so bad.
No hard feelings, no love to be had.
{Dave - Solo}
Another song in my book - nice words, but there ain't no hook.
Turn the page 'cause I can't bear to see what love has done to me.
So I lay back here on my bed, no more tears to be shed,
No confusion, I know what you said, our love could never be.
No hard feelings, no need to take it so bad.
No hard feelings, no love to be had.
No hard feelings, no need to take it so bad.
No hard feelings, no love to be had. No, no, no, no.
No hard feelings, no need to take it so bad.
No hard feelings, no love to be had.
Peverett / Price
For the love of a woman, well many a man,
Has wound up cryin', tryin' to understand.
I've had my share of heartache and pain,
I'm not worried now, I'm not ashamed.
My first time lover I was just seventeen,
We made love and I was lost in a dream.
She said that nothin' would ever go wrong,
I woke up one mornin' - guess what? - she was gone.
Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah, love ain't nothin' but trouble.
Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah, love ain't nothin' but trouble.
So many nights I spent alone,
Just me and that damn telephone.
Holdin' for love, but waiting in vain,
The same old feelin', and it's drivin' me insane.
Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah, love ain't nothin' but trouble.
Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah, love ain't nothin' but trouble.
{Rod - Slide Solo}
For the love of a woman, I searched high and low,
Hopin' that someday I'd be troubled no more.
I guess I was wrong in so many ways,
Now I'll be in trouble for the rest of my days.
Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah, love ain't nothin' but trouble.
Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah, love ain't nothin' but trouble.
Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah, love ain't nothin' but trouble.
Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah, love ain't nothin' but trouble.
{Rod - Slide Solo}
Nothin' but trouble - nothin' but trouble
Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah, love ain't nothin' but trouble
Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah, love ain't nothin' but trouble, yeah
Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah, love ain't nothin' but trouble