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Am I The Only One
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Foul Bachelorette Frog
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One Does Not Simply
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Yeah That'd Be Great
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I'm a music snob and I'm not proud of this

Aside from the horrific loss of life

Was a serious wtf moment

Well, at least I don't have to see their posts anymore.

This needed to be made.

I needed a shower afterwards

Linking to my front page album for charitable purposes!

As an ex-pat Dubliner, I pronounce D as J in some words. His look was priceless and it took me a second to realize why.

Any other generous imgurians out there?

Super Simple Stuff


As an American

9 yo step daughter with fever. Apparently fever reducing pills have taken place of that nasty liquid


Makeup Artists

Are people really this stupid?

I don't know whether or not to be happy about this...

Sheeple will be sheeple


Testing my faith in humanity

BIO major realisations

I am drunk.

Miss Piggy Burns Dearh Nadir

Space Teapot of Love

I dont understand


Did this at work last night

i'm pretty fine

1st world problems

It would save on characters, like typing "@AboveThisTextIsAnImage" takes up a fair few characters for my username alone :(


Another good one from Iroh

Criticizes Ice Bucket Challenge

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

When I'm in the kitchen pouring drinks and my gf tells me to bring out a snack too

Can't help but think

My section leader is an ass

Indignant Yzma

i smiled for it and it smiled back for me

She was a redhead

20 batteries, all used...

First World Problem Dog

Bedroom Tip

Wife Promises Sex, After I Take Out The Trash and Wash The Dishes...

What i've realized after watching all four seasons of Game of Thrones in less than a week.

Maybe they were just too scary.


Well, fuck you too! :P - No idea why i get so happy when 2 people who i think should get together DO get together :)

The Real Reason ALS Ice Bucket Challenge is worth something.

Heart, genitals, stomach, pancreas...all idiots.

MRW when i have sex.

It's Bruschi

Late Night Imgur


I Said Infuse Herbal Tea Not InvisibiliTea

The way I do it, anyway.


This freaked me out!!!!

First post

Captain Link Hogthrob is a Teapot

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