
Train Horn Pranks "You Mad Bro" (COPS)
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published: 09 Oct 2012
author: tdwpplaya
Train Horn Pranks "You Mad Bro" (COPS)
Train Horn Pranks "You Mad Bro" (COPS)
LIKE/SHARE https://twitter.com/#!/tdwpplaya https://www.facebook.com/pages/Tdwpplaya/133540366745532 Buy a train horn http://www.hornblasters.com/- published: 09 Oct 2012
- views: 613634
- author: tdwpplaya

Instrument: Horn
In this film, Katy Woolley introduces her instrument - the horn.
To learn more about the...
published: 07 Aug 2013
Instrument: Horn
Instrument: Horn
In this film, Katy Woolley introduces her instrument - the horn. To learn more about the horn visit http://www.philharmonia.co.uk/explore/instruments/horn Why not download our iPad app The Orchestra to learn even more? Visit www.philharmonia.co.uk/app for more information.- published: 07 Aug 2013
- views: 53

The Best Of Train Horn Pranks
SUBSCRIBE FOR NEW VIDEOS! http://instagram.com/tdwpplaya https://twitter.com/#!/tdwpplaya ...
published: 31 Jul 2010
author: tdwpplaya
The Best Of Train Horn Pranks
The Best Of Train Horn Pranks
SUBSCRIBE FOR NEW VIDEOS! http://instagram.com/tdwpplaya https://twitter.com/#!/tdwpplaya https://www.facebook.com/pages/Tdwpplaya/133540366745532 http://www...- published: 31 Jul 2010
- views: 6400650
- author: tdwpplaya

Vienna Horns Back to the Future
This is an excerpt of VH's brand new CD "Director's Cut" featuring 15 movie themes arrange...
published: 22 Jan 2010
author: viennamusic65
Vienna Horns Back to the Future
Vienna Horns Back to the Future
This is an excerpt of VH's brand new CD "Director's Cut" featuring 15 movie themes arranged for 8 or 12 horns and percussion. Get the CD now at http://shop.o...- published: 22 Jan 2010
- views: 708119
- author: viennamusic65

Funny Pranks : Funny Air Horn Prank 2
The funny prank war continues with this funny video! Andrew strikes back on Matt with anot...
published: 25 Oct 2012
author: funnyd00ds
Funny Pranks : Funny Air Horn Prank 2
Funny Pranks : Funny Air Horn Prank 2
The funny prank war continues with this funny video! Andrew strikes back on Matt with another air horn prank! It is amazing how the first air horn prank was ...- published: 25 Oct 2012
- views: 3202613
- author: funnyd00ds

SUBSCRIBE FOR NEW VIDEOS! https://twitter.com/#!/tdwpplaya https://www.facebook.com/pages/...
published: 22 Jun 2011
author: tdwpplaya
SUBSCRIBE FOR NEW VIDEOS! https://twitter.com/#!/tdwpplaya https://www.facebook.com/pages/Tdwpplaya/133540366745532 http://www.facebook.com/pages/Train-HORN-...- published: 22 Jun 2011
- views: 1781525
- author: tdwpplaya

Vehicle HORN Comparison
Different horns you can put on your car or motorcycle......or bicycle....
published: 01 Sep 2009
author: 13mordeth
Vehicle HORN Comparison
Vehicle HORN Comparison
Different horns you can put on your car or motorcycle......or bicycle.- published: 01 Sep 2009
- views: 98761
- author: 13mordeth

Train Horn Fight Prank (Feat.PublicPrank)
D.J from PublicPrank thought we were filming a new train horn pranks but little did he kno...
published: 04 Jun 2014
Train Horn Fight Prank (Feat.PublicPrank)
Train Horn Fight Prank (Feat.PublicPrank)
D.J from PublicPrank thought we were filming a new train horn pranks but little did he know the prank was on him! Twitter ► https://twitter.com/tdwpplaya Instagram ►http://instagram.com/tdwpplaya Subscribe►https://www.youtube.com/user/tdwpplaya Buy a train horn: https://www.hornblasters.com/ Big thanks to Nemo go follow him! https://twitter.com/nemonehemiah https://twitter.com/BlackBackTV Subscribe to PublicPrank https://www.youtube.com/user/PublicPrank Business Email: mrairhorn@yahoo.com- published: 04 Jun 2014
- views: 36653

Deutsches Horn Ensemble - Friedrich Constantin Homilius - Quartett in B-dur, Op. 38
Deutsches Horn Ensemble Friedrich Constantin Homilius (1813-1902) Quartett in B-dur, Op. 3...
published: 02 Mar 2012
author: plan53de
Deutsches Horn Ensemble - Friedrich Constantin Homilius - Quartett in B-dur, Op. 38
Deutsches Horn Ensemble - Friedrich Constantin Homilius - Quartett in B-dur, Op. 38
Deutsches Horn Ensemble Friedrich Constantin Homilius (1813-1902) Quartett in B-dur, Op. 38 I. Alla Marcia II. Andante III. Presto Weitere Informationen unte...- published: 02 Mar 2012
- views: 6250
- author: plan53de

R. Glière: Horn Concerto in B-flat Major, Op.91
R. Glière: Horn Concerto in B-flat Major, Op.91 I: Allegro II: Andante III: Moderato - All...
published: 15 Jul 2013
author: I-Ping Chiu
R. Glière: Horn Concerto in B-flat Major, Op.91
R. Glière: Horn Concerto in B-flat Major, Op.91
R. Glière: Horn Concerto in B-flat Major, Op.91 I: Allegro II: Andante III: Moderato - Allegro vivace Horn: I-Ping Chiu Conductor: Caleb Young IU Adhoc Orche...- published: 15 Jul 2013
- views: 356
- author: I-Ping Chiu

Giovanni Punto - Horn Concerto No. 11 (1799)
Giovanni Punto (born Jan Václav Stich) (September 28, 1746, Žehušice, Bohemia -- February ...
published: 02 Mar 2014
Giovanni Punto - Horn Concerto No. 11 (1799)
Giovanni Punto - Horn Concerto No. 11 (1799)
Giovanni Punto (born Jan Václav Stich) (September 28, 1746, Žehušice, Bohemia -- February 16, 1803, Prague, Bohemia) was a Czech horn player (more correctly, he played the cor basse) and a pioneer of the hand-stopping technique which allows natural horns to play a greater number of notes. He was an international celebrity in the 18th and early 19th centuries, known in London, Paris, and throughout Germany; A Hungarian critic wrote in 1800 after a performance in Pest by Punto and Beethoven of Beethoven's Op. 17 Sonata for Horn and Piano - "Who is this Beethoven? His name is not known to us. Of course, Punto is very well known". Horn Concerto No. 11 (publ. 1799) 1. Allegro 2. Adagio 06:24 3. Menuetto 09:34 Barry Tuckwell, horn and the Academy of St. Martin-in-the-Fields On arriving in Italy, Stich changed his name to Giovanni Punto (more or less an Italianisation of his given name) and went to work in the orchestra of the Prince of Hechingen. From there he moved to Mainz, to the court orchestra, but left after a few years when they refused to give him the post of Konzertmeister. After this he began to travel and play as a soloist, touring much of Europe including England. Charles Burney heard him play in Koblenz in 1772, saying: The Elector has a good band, in which M. Punto, the celebrated French horn from Bohemia, whose taste and astonishing execution were lately so applauded in London, is a performer. Punto was particularly popular in Paris, playing there 49 times between 1776 and 1788, but his use of hand stopping was criticized by some in London, possibly due to the novelty of the technique. In 1777, however, he was invited to teach the horn players in the private orchestra of George III. Punto also composed pieces to better display his own virtuosity (a common practice then). By studying these works we know that he was a master of quick arpeggios and stepwise passagework. 1778 seems to have been a particularly good year for Punto; not only did he meet Mozart in Paris (Mozart reported to his father Leopold that "Punto plays magnifique."), he also appears to have made arrangements with some Parisian publishers; nearly all his subsequent compositions were published in Paris, whereas they were previously listed in Breitkopf's catalogue. Finally, a new horn was made for him, a silver cor solo, which he used for the rest of his life. Punto actively sought a permanent position where he could conduct as well as compose and play. and in 1781 he duly entered the service of the Prince Archbishop of Würzburg, whence he moved to become the Konzertmeister (with a pension) for the Comte d'Artois (later to become Charles X of France) in Paris. His success was such that in 1787 he was able to secure leave of absence and tour the Rhineland in his own coach (a mark of considerable wealth at the time). On returning to Paris in 1789 Punto was appointed conductor of the Théâtre des Variétés Amusantes, where he remained for ten years, leaving in 1799 only after they refused to appoint him to the staff of the newly founded Paris Conservatoire. Moving on to Vienna via Munich, Punto met Beethoven, who wrote his Op. 17 Sonata for Horn and Piano for the two of them. They premièred the work on 18 April 1800 at the Burgtheater and the following month the pair played the work again in Pest, Hungary (it was here that the critic commented "who is this Beethoven?..."). Paris: Imbault, n.d. [1799] Copyright: Public Domain- published: 02 Mar 2014
- views: 167

I was told that this is a reverberant chamber horn used by NASA. Reverberant chamber is un...
published: 01 Aug 2009
I was told that this is a reverberant chamber horn used by NASA. Reverberant chamber is unique to NASA and the USAF for testing full-size aerospace component...- published: 01 Aug 2009
- views: 429645

Melissa Horn - Jag saknar dig mindre och mindre
Jag saknar dig mindre och mindre är från kommande albumet "Innan Jag Kände Dig" som släpps...
published: 09 Sep 2011
author: melissahornchannel
Melissa Horn - Jag saknar dig mindre och mindre
Melissa Horn - Jag saknar dig mindre och mindre
Jag saknar dig mindre och mindre är från kommande albumet "Innan Jag Kände Dig" som släpps 14 september 2011. Förhandsboka nya albumet och få det signerat! D...- published: 09 Sep 2011
- views: 843318
- author: melissahornchannel

Gustavo Horn - Não Fale Com o Motorista #39
Neste episódio:
Música no início Charme - Thiago Corrêa
Onde encontrar o Gustavo Horn:
published: 30 Apr 2014
Gustavo Horn - Não Fale Com o Motorista #39
Gustavo Horn - Não Fale Com o Motorista #39
Neste episódio: Música no início Charme - Thiago Corrêa Onde encontrar o Gustavo Horn: http://youtube.com/horngames http://youtube.com/guguhorn2 http://youtube.com/guguhorn http://fb.com/gustavohorn http://twitter.com/guguhorn http://instagram.com/gushorn First Place http://bit.ly/jbfirstplace Inscreva-se no canal para receber avisos quando um novo vídeo for lançado http://www.youtube.com/jbanguela Edição: Rodrigo Tucano - http://twitter.com/rodrigotucano Direção: Rodrigo Fernandes - http://twitter.com/jbanguela Realização: Blog Jacaré Banguela - http://jacarebanguela.com.br- published: 30 Apr 2014
- views: 5703
Youtube results:

Das Horn: Behind the Scenes
We hope you enjoy some of the fun we had while shooting the Das Horn Music Video.
published: 02 Dec 2013
Das Horn: Behind the Scenes
Das Horn: Behind the Scenes
We hope you enjoy some of the fun we had while shooting the Das Horn Music Video. ******************* Original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5pj5ezs4O8 Buy Das Horn here: http://www.vat19.com/dvds/das-horn-drinking-horn.cfm?adid=youtube ******************* To check out the latest curiously awesome products from Vat19.com, click here: http://www.vat19.com/dvds/showproducts.cfm?action=new&adid;=youtube For the most popular items on Vat19, click here: http://www.vat19.com/dvds/showproducts.cfm?action=popular&adid;=youtube- published: 02 Dec 2013
- views: 63090

Melissa Horn - Lät du henne komma närmre
Nya singeln från kommande albumet "Säg ingenting till mig" som släpps 14 oktober! http://w...
published: 28 Sep 2009
author: melissahornchannel
Melissa Horn - Lät du henne komma närmre
Melissa Horn - Lät du henne komma närmre
Nya singeln från kommande albumet "Säg ingenting till mig" som släpps 14 oktober! http://www.melissahorn.se.- published: 28 Sep 2009
- views: 1688219
- author: melissahornchannel

Mozart - Quintet for Horn, violin, 2 viola and cello KV 407 - Radovan Vlatkovic 1/3
Mozart Quintet in E flat major for Horn, violin, 2 viola and cello KV 407: Allegro Radovan...
published: 13 Jul 2009
author: salvatorevis
Mozart - Quintet for Horn, violin, 2 viola and cello KV 407 - Radovan Vlatkovic 1/3
Mozart - Quintet for Horn, violin, 2 viola and cello KV 407 - Radovan Vlatkovic 1/3
Mozart Quintet in E flat major for Horn, violin, 2 viola and cello KV 407: Allegro Radovan Vlatkovic, Horn Herich Hobarth, Violin Siegfried Furlinger, Viola ...- published: 13 Jul 2009
- views: 61025
- author: salvatorevis

Berliner Philharmoniker Master Class - Horn
Sarah Willis, horn player of the Berliner Philharmoniker, gives a master class for the You...
published: 11 Oct 2010
author: Berliner Philharmoniker
Berliner Philharmoniker Master Class - Horn
Berliner Philharmoniker Master Class - Horn
Sarah Willis, horn player of the Berliner Philharmoniker, gives a master class for the YouTube Symphony Orchestra 2011 introducing the horn parts of Beethove...- published: 11 Oct 2010
- views: 246402
- author: Berliner Philharmoniker