Has Israel appointed a war criminal to probe civilian deaths in Gaza?

As a military commander Noam Tibon has overseen unlawful killings in the occupied West Bank.

Media whitewash Israeli lynch mobs that preceded murder of Palestinian teen

Major media outlets minimize and ignore incitement, race riots prior to slaying of Muhammad Abu Khudair.

CNN camera catches Israeli soldier who fired at, killed Palestinian teen

CNN’s footage offers further clear proof that Israeli authorities are lying about how boys were killed.

Roseanne Barr and former Obama official join criticism of Israel as Khader Adnan on day 65 of hunger strike

American actress and comedian Roseanne Barr and former Obama administration State Department official Anne-Marie Slaugher are among the latest people to join criticism of Israel’s use of administrative detentions of Palestinians highlighted by the 65 day hunger strike of Khader Adnan as global attention, solidarity grow.

How CNN helped spread a hoax about Syrian babies dying in incubators

A disturbing story is circulating on social networks and the media that a number of premature babies died in their incubators when Syrian forces cut off electricity to hospitals during their assault on the city of Hama. Evidence suggests it is a cruel hoax, and the pictures of the “dead babies” widely circulated online are false.

Salaita skewers liberalism in "Israel's Dead Soul"

Raymond Deane
10 June 2011
Steven Salaita is an associate professor of English at Virginia Tech who has written several books on the failure of liberal civil rights discourse to counter anti-Arab racism, particularly in the United States. In his new book, Israel’s Dead Soul, he evaluates the potential complicity between enlightened ideals and their opposite.
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