Jewish fraternity “fearmongering” against campus Palestine activists

Leaked Zeta Beta Tau email insinuates that actions by Palestine solidarity activists on campus may include violence against Jews.

Israel tech site paying “interns” to covertly plant stories in social media

Israel21c is hiring students to covertly spread for its stories about Israeli technology on the Internet: “present yourself as though you’re an authority.”

Why are US lawmakers more enraged over Hamas-Abbas deal than AIPAC?

Despite Israel’s bluster, it remains closely allied with the Palestinian Authority, on which it relies to maintain control of millions of Palestinians.

Israel has no right to be an apartheid state, says Boycott From Within founder

Calls on musicians to cancel shows in Tel Aviv are touching a nerve in Israeli society.

University of Cincinnati pays for president's propaganda junket to Israel

Ono has been celebrated for his bold use of social media, which in this case provides valuable insights into how Israel activists court US elites.

Obama “peace” envoy ridicules notion that Palestinians have “rights”

Martin Indyk, the US official in charge of the Palestinian-Israeli “peace process” has publicly ridiculed the notion that Palestinians have rights or are seeking justice.

How Latino activists are standing up to the Israel lobby

Adriana Maestas and
Rania Khalek
6 March 2014

While many Latino leaders choose silence, some activists are forging ties with the Palestine solidarity movement.

At AIPAC, Netanyahu launches “desperate” attack on BDS movement

Speaking at AIPAC, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu launched a frontal assault on the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement.

How the Israel lobby is courting US Latinos

Rania Khalek and
Adriana Maestas
27 February 2014

Pro-Israel groups are using free trips and other tactics in effort to win over growing and influential voter bloc.

Is AIPAC trying to stop you from seeing this video?

The anti-war campaign group CODEPINK says the Israel lobby group AIPAC is threatening to sue it over a satirical video clip.


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