EI Extra

The EI Extra section of the Electronic Intifada (EI), offers a quick window on the latest articles added to the Arts, Music & Culture, Bassaleh News Network, Multimedia, and Letters to EI feeds, and lists the categories found in the A-Z Index of EI’s BY TOPIC directory.

Diaries: Live from Palestine

"A clumsy army beating Palestinians into submission": TIME correspondent's Nablus diary from 1990

27 August 2014

“The Israelis had turned the most vital center of Palestinian life into something resembling a vast, maximum security prison,” Murray J. Gart observed.

His last cry of pain "echoes in my ears"

Maram Humaid
Gaza Strip
26 August 2014

Khaled Hamad was making a documentary about paramedics during the current attacks on Gaza.

Art, Music & Culture

New book reveals top-secret collusion between Israel, US during twenty years of “peace talks”

Rod Such
29 August 2014

The author effectively dismisses the Palestinian right of return as a fundamental human right central to their struggle and to a just peace.

Does Iran really pose an existential threat to Israel?

Rod Such
28 July 2014

Gareth Porter’s new book finds that Israel’s foreign spy agency the Mossad helped feed the nuclear scare.