Rania Khalek’s blog

Video: Israeli soldiers fire tear gas at 6-year-old children on their way to school

Israeli soldiers have attacked elementary school kids in the occupied West Bank with tear gas twice this week.

Israel's extermination of whole families in Gaza reflects genocidal impulse

Israel’s crimes in Gaza were not only war crimes and crimes against humanity. The evidence suggests they rise to the level of genocide.

How liberal Zionists enable Israel’s genocidal ambitions

Commentator Sarah Wildman bans Palestinians from using the term “ethnic cleansing” during a think tank event in Washington.

Israel-trained police "occupy" Missouri after killing of black youth

Department using repressing tactics in Ferguson has received advice from Israeli forces.

Israeli army uses Gaza children as human shields

Lies spread about Hamas in deliberate attempt to absolve Israel of responsibility for killing 1,600 civilians.

Democrat youth wing fires members who criticized Israel's child killings

The youth arm of the Democratic party forced two of its members to resign following a right-wing smear campaign that labeled them anti-Semitic for sympathizing with Gaza.

US senator filibusters live coverage of powerful Palestinian testimonies

US Senator Barbara Boxer interrupted powerful Palestinian testimonies of abuse and discrimination airing live on CSPAN to agitate for greater US support for Israel.

Israel uses Palestinians as human shields but US lawmakers condemn Hamas

A resolution being circulated in Washington echoes Israel’s most extreme propaganda.

As atrocities mount in Gaza, US approves Israeli request for more bombs

Pentagon resupplies Israel with requested munitions in spite of reservations about rising civilian death toll in Gaza.

Stocks rise for Israeli drone-maker as Gaza slaughter continues

Gaza is an open-air laboratory for Israel’s weapons industry.


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