Asa Winstanley’s blog

Israel tech site paying “interns” to covertly plant stories in social media

Israel21c is hiring students to covertly spread for its stories about Israeli technology on the Internet: “present yourself as though you’re an authority.”

"Liberal" Guardian to print pro-genocide ad

Guardian justifies plan to run blood libel ad about Palestinian “child sacrifice” on Monday.

UK's student union condemns Israel, calls for boycott

The executive council of the National Union of Students issued “a powerful united statement” in solidarity with Palestine Monday.

UK activists shut factory, demand Israel arms embargo

A direct action group has shut down an Israeli subsidiary, saying they intend to stay there as long as possible.

Hoax alert: video of “child firing an RPG on Gaza Beach” actually from Libya

Another video with faked description has been uploaded to YouTube in an effort to justify Israeli child-killings.

Israel's Gaza massacre boosts boycott calls in South Africa

South African politician joins growing calls for the Israeli ambassador to be expelled from the country, and for the South African ambassador to be recalled from Tel Aviv.

Dublin city council calls for Israel sanctions

The Irish capital city’s government passed a motion Monday calling on Ireland to impose arms embargo and sanctions on Israel.

Academic boycott of Israel now "fireproof" as Australian court challenge fails

Shurat HaDin’s case against now-victorious professor and boycott activist Jake Lynch has collapsed.

Lawfare in retreat as Israeli colonel drops case against union

Public sector union Unison says it’s pleased Moty Cristal has dropped his case against them and against the UK’s National Health Service.

Palestinian activists condemn lethal attack on “Zapatista brothers and sisters”

Statement of solidarity issued after paramilitary attack on school and clinic in La Realidad, in the Mexican state of Chiapas.


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