
(Wissam Nassar / Maan Images)

Activism and BDS Beat

News about popular struggle, international solidarity and boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) activism

Watch: Israel raids "return" camp in destroyed Palestinian village

Israeli occupation authorities have continually monitored and harassed a group of Palestinian activists who returned to their ancestral lands in Kufr Birim a year ago.

Protestors block and delay Israeli ships up and down US West Coast

Activists delay Israeli cargo ships from offloading in three major ports on the West Coast and say this is only the beginning

Students take demand to rehire Salaita directly to Univ. of Illinois trustees

There is mounting national and international outrage at the firing of Steven Salaita over his criticisms of Israel.

Video: Chicago Jewish activists disrupt Rahm Emanuel, Michael Oren at Israel fundraiser

The disruptions took place as dozens of Chicagoans rallied outside calling for an end to the attack on Gaza and for Israeli war criminals to be brought to justice.

How many more Gaza children must die before Israel is taken to war crimes court?

Israel’s ability to “carry out three genocidal wars” on Gaza since 2008 “is due to the absence of accountability,” activist and writer says on Gaza TV channel.

Israeli ship is blocked from unloading in Oakland for four straight days

Activists say they will mobilize until the Israeli shipping vessel leaves with the cargo it brought.

California activists arrested at US senator's office as they demand halt to Israel arms

Estee Chandler of Jewish Voice for Peace says activists are demanding politicians “take action and not just revert back to the status quo … of continued occupation [and] continued siege on Gaza.”

“Warrior students”: How Israeli universities are supporting war crimes in Gaza

Israeli universities are shouldering part of the cost of Operation Protective Edge, and are thereby are complicit in any damage done in Gaza in the course of it.

Thousands march on California port to prevent Israeli ship's arrival

The Israeli ship chose to stay at sea as protests formed picket line on the shore.


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