
How to Pronounce Ethnonym
Learn how to say Ethnonym correctly with EmmaSaying's "how do you pronounce" free tutorial...
published: 28 May 2013
author: Emma Saying
How to Pronounce Ethnonym
How to Pronounce Ethnonym
Learn how to say Ethnonym correctly with EmmaSaying's "how do you pronounce" free tutorials. http://www.emmasaying.com Take a look at my comparison tutorials...- published: 28 May 2013
- views: 5
- author: Emma Saying

Serben ist auch der deutsche Name der lettischen Ortschaft Dzērbene in der Gemeinde Cēsis
Das Ethnonym der Serben ist in Deutschland eigentlich nicht fremd. Verschiedene Ortschafte...
published: 10 Sep 2012
author: hormohib
Serben ist auch der deutsche Name der lettischen Ortschaft Dzērbene in der Gemeinde Cēsis
Serben ist auch der deutsche Name der lettischen Ortschaft Dzērbene in der Gemeinde Cēsis
Das Ethnonym der Serben ist in Deutschland eigentlich nicht fremd. Verschiedene Ortschaften, wie Zscherben (Merseburg)[1], Serbitz (Treben), Zerben, Serba, S...- published: 10 Sep 2012
- views: 97
- author: hormohib

History Of The Kyrgyz People
The Kyrgyz, also spelled Kyrghyz and Kirghiz, are a Turkic people living primarily in Kyrg...
published: 18 May 2014
History Of The Kyrgyz People
History Of The Kyrgyz People
The Kyrgyz, also spelled Kyrghyz and Kirghiz, are a Turkic people living primarily in Kyrgyz Republic. There are several theories on the origin of ethnonym "Kyrgyz". The word "Kyrgyz" is derived from the Turkic word "kyrk"-meaning forty, with -"Iz" being an old plural suffix, referring to a collection of forty tribes.[13] Kyrgyz also means "imperishable", "inextinguishable", "immortal", "unconquerable" or "unbeatable", presumably referring to the epic hero Manas who, as legend has it, unified the forty tribes against the Khitans. The Chinese transcription "Tse-gu" (Gekun, Jiankun) allows to restore the pronunciation of the ethnonym as Kirkut (Kirgut) and Kirkur (Kirgur). Both forms go back to the earliest variation Kirkün (Chinese Tszyan-kun) of the term "Kyrgyz" meaning "Field People", "Field Huns". By the Mongol epoch, the initial meaning of the word Kirkun was already lost, evidenced by differing readings of the earlier reductions of the Yuán Shǐ. The change of ethnonym produced a new version of an origin, and the memory about their steppe motherland, recorded in Yuán Shǐ, survived only as a recollection of the initial birthplace of forty women. Subsequently, however, that recollection was also lost. In the 18th and 19th century, European writers used the word "Kirghiz" (the early Anglicized form of the contemporary Russian "киргизы") to refer not only to the people we now know as Kyrgyz, but also to their more numerous northern relatives, the Kazakhs. When distinction had to be made, more specific terms were used: Kara-Kirghiz for the Kyrgyz proper, and Kaisaks for the Kazakhs. Origins The early Kyrgyz people, known as Yenisei Kyrgyz, have their origins in the western parts of modern-day Mongolia and first appear in written records in the Chinese annals of the Sima Qian's Records of the Grand Historian (compiled 109 BC to 91 BC), as Gekun or Jiankun (鬲昆 or 隔昆). They were described in Tang Dynasty texts as having "red hair and green eyes", while those with dark hair and eyes were said to be descendants of a Chinese general Li Ling. In Chinese sources, these Kyrgyz tribes were described as fair-skinned, green- or blue-eyed and red-haired people with a mixture of European and Mongol features. The Middle Age Chinese composition "Tanghuiyao" of the 8--10th century transcribed the name "Kyrgyz" as Tsze-gu (Kirgut), and their tamga was depicted as identical to the tamga of present day Kyrgyz tribes Azyk, Bugu, Cherik, Sary Bagysh and few others. According to recent historical findings, Kyrgyz history dates back to 201 BC. The Yenisei Kyrgyz lived in the upper Yenisey River valley, central Siberia. In Late Antiquity the Yenisei Kyrgyz were a part of the Tiele people. Later, in the Early Middle Ages, the Yenisei Kyrgyz were a part of the confederations of the Göktürk and Uyghur Khaganates. In 840 a revolt led by the Yenisei Kyrgyz brought down the Uyghur Khaganate, and brought the Yenisei Kyrgyz to a dominating position in the former Turkic Khaganate. With the rise to power, the center of the Kyrgyz Khaganate moved to Jeti-su, and brought about a spread south of the Kyrgyz people, to reach Tian Shan mountains and Xinjiang, bringing them into contact with the existing peoples of western China, especially Tibet. By the 16th century the carriers of the ethnonym "Kirgiz" lived in South Siberia, Xinjiang, Tian Shan, Pamir-Alay, Middle Asia, Urals (among Bashkorts), in Kazakhstan.[24] In the Tian Shan and Xinjiang area, the term "Kyrgyz" retained its unifying political designation, and became a general ethnonym for the Yenisei Kirgizes and aboriginal Turkic tribes that presently constitute the Kyrgyz population.[25] Though it is obviously impossible to directly identify the Yenisei and Tien Shan Kyrgyz, a trace of their ethnogenetical connections is apparent in archaeology, history, language and ethnography. A majority of modern researchers came to the conclusion that the ancestors of Kyrgyz tribes had their origin in the most ancient tribal unions of Sakas and Usuns, Dinlins, Mongols and Huns. Also, there follow from the oldest notes about the Kyrgyz that the definite mention of Kyrgyz ethnonym originates from 6th century. There is certain probability that there was relation between Kyrgyz and Gegunese already in 2nd century BC, next, between Kyrgyz and Khakases since 6th century A.D., but there is quite missing a unique mention. The Kyrgyz as ethnic group are mentioned quite unambiguously in the time of Genghis Khan rule (1162--1227), when their name replaces the former name Khakas.- published: 18 May 2014
- views: 1

Hebrews? Israelites? Jews? What are we? Where did these names come from? Jewu
Hebrews (Hebrew: עברים or עבריים, Tiberian ʿIḇrîm, ʿIḇriyyîm; Modern Hebrew ʿIvrim, ʿIvriy...
published: 21 Nov 2013
Hebrews? Israelites? Jews? What are we? Where did these names come from? Jewu
Hebrews? Israelites? Jews? What are we? Where did these names come from? Jewu
Hebrews (Hebrew: עברים or עבריים, Tiberian ʿIḇrîm, ʿIḇriyyîm; Modern Hebrew ʿIvrim, ʿIvriyyim; ISO 259-3 ʕibrim, ʕibriyim) is an ethnonym used in the Tanakh (Hebrew Bible). It is mostly taken as synonymous with the Semitic Israelites, especially in the pre-monarchic period when they were still nomadic, By the Roman era, Greek Hebraios could refer to the Jews in general, as Strong's Hebrew Dictionary puts it "any of the Jewish Nation" and at other times more specifically to the Jews living in Judea. In Armenian, Italian, Kurdish, Old French, Russian and a few other languages the transfer of the name[citation needed] from Hebrew to Jew never took place, and 'Hebrew' is the primary used word for a Jew. Israelites are defined as the descendants of Jacob, son of Isaac, grandson of Abraham. According to the Jewish Encyclopedia the terms "Hebrews" and "Israelites" usually describe the same people, stating that they were called Hebrews before the conquest of the Land of Canaan and Israelites afterwards. By the Roman period, "Hebrews" could be used to designate the Jews, who use the Hebrew language.[20] The Epistle to the Hebrews was probably written for Jewish Christians.[21] In some modern languages, including Armenian, Greek, Italian, Romanian, and many Slavic languages, the name Hebrews survives as the standard ethnonym for Jews, but in many other languages in which there exist both terms, it is considered derogatory to call modern Jews. Israelis today use the term israeli, citizens of Israel, the country.- published: 21 Nov 2013
- views: 19

nice bangladeshi desi bhabi in the park
The ethnonym belongs in the endonymic category (i.e. it is a self-appellation). Desi is an...
published: 10 Jul 2014
nice bangladeshi desi bhabi in the park
nice bangladeshi desi bhabi in the park
The ethnonym belongs in the endonymic category (i.e. it is a self-appellation). Desi is an Indo-Aryan term that originates from the Sanskrit word (Sanskrit: देश) deśha- ("region, province, country"). Indo-aryan Sanskrit is the root of more than 25 South Asian languages and the first known usage of the Sanskrit root is found in the Natya Shastra (~200 BC), where it defines the regional varieties of folk performing arts, as opposed to the classical, pan-Indian margi. Thus, (Sanskrit: स्वदेश) swadeś refers to one's own country or homeland, while (Sanskrit: परदेश) paradeś refers to another's country or a foreign land. Sources:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Desi- published: 10 Jul 2014
- views: 19

Pagania and Narentians.wmv
The Narentines (Greek: (Ν)αρεντάνοι - (N)arentanoi, Croatian: Neretljani, Italian: Narenta...
published: 27 Aug 2012
author: RamielGodsThunder
Pagania and Narentians.wmv
Pagania and Narentians.wmv
The Narentines (Greek: (Ν)αρεντάνοι - (N)arentanoi, Croatian: Neretljani, Italian: Narentani, Narentini) was an ethnonym of a South Slavic tribe that occupie...- published: 27 Aug 2012
- views: 88
- author: RamielGodsThunder

Sechs Monate Afghanistan - Foxtrott 4 - Teil 5
Foxtrott 4,Sechs Monate Afghanistan.
Der Name Afghanistan ( persisch : افغانستان , [avɣɒne...
published: 28 Nov 2013
Sechs Monate Afghanistan - Foxtrott 4 - Teil 5
Sechs Monate Afghanistan - Foxtrott 4 - Teil 5
Foxtrott 4,Sechs Monate Afghanistan. Der Name Afghanistan ( persisch : افغانستان , [avɣɒnestɒn] ) [ 28 ] bedeutet "Land der Afghanen" , [ 29 ] , die von der stammt ethnonym " Afghan " . Historisch gesehen, der Name "Afghan" bezeichnet vor allem die Paschtunen Menschen , die größte ethnische Gruppe in Afghanistan . [ 30 ] Dieser Name wird in Form erwähnt Abgan im 3. Jahrhundert n. Chr. durch die Sassaniden [ 31 ] und als Avagana ( Afghana ) in die CE-6. Jahrhundert von indischen Astronomen Varahamihira . [ 30 ] Ein Volk genannt die Afghanen werden mehrmals in einem aus dem 10. Jahrhundert erwähnt Geographiebuch , Hudud al-'alam , insbesondere, wenn eine Referenz zu einem Dorf gemacht: "Saul, eine angenehme Dorf auf einem Berg. In ihr Live- Afghanen ".- published: 28 Nov 2013
- views: 1

Turks - Conquerors
Who Really Turks Are? Turks Ruled Asia, Africa and Europe, Conquered strongest empires, ne...
published: 04 May 2013
author: Cenk Turan
Turks - Conquerors
Turks - Conquerors
Who Really Turks Are? Turks Ruled Asia, Africa and Europe, Conquered strongest empires, never lived under any nation reign. Turks the Undefeated, Kings of th...- published: 04 May 2013
- views: 99
- author: Cenk Turan

7 - Uç Karanfil - Biz Kırımçaklarımız
Biz Kırımçaklarımız - Kırımçak Kızı Anara KRYMCHAKS Krymchaks (The Krymchak people) are a ...
published: 22 Jul 2013
author: townundermusic
7 - Uç Karanfil - Biz Kırımçaklarımız
7 - Uç Karanfil - Biz Kırımçaklarımız
Biz Kırımçaklarımız - Kırımçak Kızı Anara KRYMCHAKS Krymchaks (The Krymchak people) are a small community within the Crimean population that developed on eth...- published: 22 Jul 2013
- views: 8
- author: townundermusic
Youtube results:

Turkey by Discovery Travel
The name of Turkey, Türkiye in the Turkish language, can be divided into two components: t...
published: 10 Sep 2011
author: EzelSeason2
Turkey by Discovery Travel
Turkey by Discovery Travel
The name of Turkey, Türkiye in the Turkish language, can be divided into two components: the ethnonym Türk and the abstract suffix --iye meaning "owner", "la...- published: 10 Sep 2011
- views: 759
- author: EzelSeason2

Nadija apa & Ravil abu
Tatar nation in terms of literacy (ability to read and write in their own language) before...
published: 12 Nov 2013
Nadija apa & Ravil abu
Nadija apa & Ravil abu
Tatar nation in terms of literacy (ability to read and write in their own language) before the 1917 coup took a leading position in the Russian Empire. Traditional thirst for knowledge is preserved and the current generation. The ethnonym "Tatars" - an ancient origin, but as a self-modern Tatars he was adopted only in HIHv., And ancient Tatar Turkic tribes lived on the territory of today's Eurasia. The current Tatars (Kazan, Western, Siberian, Crimean) are not direct descendants of the ancient Tatars, who came to Europe with armies of Genghis Khan. They have developed into one nation under the name of Tatars, after they were given the name the peoples of Europe. There is a view of historians that the name "Tatars" comes from the name of a large influential family "Tata", of which there were many native Turkic military leaders of the state "Altyn Orta" (Golden Mean), better known as the "Golden Horde". The Tatars are one of the most urbanized nations of Russia. Social groups of Tatars living in the cities and in the villages, are almost indistinguishable from those which exist in other nations, primarily in Russian. By way of life Tatars did not differ from other surrounding nations. Modern Tatar ethnic group originated in parallel with the Russian. Modern Tatars are Turkic-speaking part of the indigenous population of Russia, which by virtue of greater territorial proximity to the East has chosen not to Orthodoxy and Islam. 99% of believers Tatars - this is a moderate Sunni Muslim Hanafi. Many ethnologists noted the unique phenomenon of tolerance Tartar, which consists in the fact that the history of the Tatars, they did not start any conflict on ethnic and religious grounds. Famous anthropologists and researchers believe that tolerance - is invariable part of the Tatar national character. The traditional food of the Tartars - meat, dairy and vegetable - soups, seasoned pieces of dough (tokmach noodle, Chumar), porridge, bread from leavened dough, tortillas kabartma. National dishes - byalesh with various fillings, most of the meat (peryamyach), cut into pieces and mixed with millet, rice or potatoes, baking unleavened dough is widely represented in the form of bavyrsaka, kosh body ichpochmak, Gubad, katykly salma, chak-chak ( Wedding dish). Horse meat (meat is a favorite of many groups) are preparing a dried sausage - kazylyk or kazi. Considered to be sun-dried delicacy goose (kaklagan penalty). Dairy products - katyk (a special kind of sour milk), sour cream, cottage cheese. Drinks - tea, ayran (Tan) - katyk mixture with water (used mainly in summer). Tatars in all defensive wars of liberation and always took an active part. The victory of 5 April 1242 on the ice of Lake Chud over livontsaimi was entirely merit Tatar regiments who served under Alexander Nevsky. The number of "Heroes of the Soviet Union" Tatars in fourth place, and in the percentage of the number of characters to all the people - the first one. According to the number of Hero of Russia - the Tatars second place. Tatars moved from military leaders such as General of the Army M.A.Gareev, general-colonel PCAkchurin and F.H.Churakov, M.D.Iskanderov vice admiral, rear admiral Z.G.Lyapin, A.I.Bichurin etc. Prominent Tatar politicians of our time - that's Interior Minister Rashid Nurgaliyev, Minister of Economy of the Russian Federation Elvira Elvira, the first President of Tatarstan Mintimer Shaimiev. Quite a few of the Tatars and eminent scientists - is academics R.Z.Sagdeev (physical chemist) K.A.Valiev (physicist), R.A.Syunyaev (astrophysicist), and others. Tatar literature is one of the oldest in Russia. The oldest literary monument - the poem "The Story of Joseph" Bulgarian poet Kul Gali, written in 1236. Among the well-known poets of the past can be called M.Sarai-Gulistan (XIV century), M.Muhammadyara (1496/97-1552), G.Utyz-Imyani (1754-1834), G.Kandaly (1797-1860). Of the poets and writers of the XX century - the classics of the Tatar literature Gabdulla Tukaya, Fatih Amirkhana writers of the Soviet period - Galimzyan Ibragimov, Hadi Taktasha, Majitov Gafuri Hasan Tufan, the poet-patriot, Hero of the Soviet Union Musa Jalil Sibgatov Hakim and many other talented poets and writers. One of the first among the Turkic peoples of the Tatars the theatrical arts. The most prominent artists are: Abdullah Kariev, actor and playwright Tinchurin Karim, Khalil Abdzhalilov, Gabdulla Shamukov, actors: CHulpan Hamatova, Marat Basharov Renata Litvinova, actor and director Sergei Shakur, directed by Marcel Salimjanov, opera singers - Haidar Bigichev and Zilya Sungatullina, folk Ilham singers Shakira and Alfiya Afzalova, popular performers - Rinat Ibragimov, Zemfira Ramazanov Salavat Fatkhutdinov, Idar Galimov, Razakova Malik, a young poet and musician.- published: 12 Nov 2013
- views: 25

1 - Ahıt - Biz Kırımçaklarımız
Biz Kırımçaklarımız - Kırımçak Kızı Anara KRYMCHAKS Krymchaks (The Krymchak people) are a ...
published: 22 Jul 2013
author: townundermusic
1 - Ahıt - Biz Kırımçaklarımız
1 - Ahıt - Biz Kırımçaklarımız
Biz Kırımçaklarımız - Kırımçak Kızı Anara KRYMCHAKS Krymchaks (The Krymchak people) are a small community within the Crimean population that developed on eth...- published: 22 Jul 2013
- views: 27
- author: townundermusic