Chile's distinctive shape—4,300 kilometres (2,700 mi) long and on average 175 kilometres (109 mi) wide—makes it the longest country in the world, north to south, with the fifth lengthiest coastline at over 78 thousand kilometers. The diverse climate of Chile ranges from the world's driest desert in the north—the Atacama—through a Mediterranean climate in the centre, humid subtropical in Easter Island, to an Oceanic climate, including alpine tundra and glaciers in the east and south. The northern desert contains great mineral wealth, principally copper. The relatively small central area dominates in terms of population and agricultural resources, and is the cultural and political center from which Chile expanded in the late 19th century when it incorporated its northern and southern regions. Southern Chile is rich in forests and grazing lands, and features a string of volcanoes and lakes. The southern coast is a labyrinth of fjords, inlets, canals, twisting peninsulas, and islands.
Osorno - Chile
Osorno - Chile
Osorno - Chile
osorno chile 2
osorno chile 2
osorno chile 2
calles dela ciudad de osorno spero les guste aqellos qe desean conocer chile la region delos lagos.
01 - Bariloche - Chile 2014. (Bariloche-Osorno)
01 - Bariloche - Chile 2014. (Bariloche-Osorno)
01 - Bariloche - Chile 2014. (Bariloche-Osorno)
Viaje a chile en moto, preparativos de las motos y primer dia de viaje.
Petrohue Rapids and Osorno Volcano. Chile, Celebrity Infinity, March 2013.
Petrohue Rapids and Osorno Volcano. Chile, Celebrity Infinity, March 2013.
Petrohue Rapids and Osorno Volcano. Chile, Celebrity Infinity, March 2013.
Taken during a Celebrity Infinity "Around Cape Horn" March 2013 cruise. A truly beautiful region, Chile Lake District, with spectacular views everywhere.
Juan Barros asume como Obispo de Osorno
Juan Barros asume como Obispo de Osorno
Juan Barros asume como Obispo de Osorno
Juan Barros asume como Obispo de Osorno entre incidentes y protestas
Manifestantes ingresaron con globos y banderas negras a la Catedral para manifestar su rechazo a la designación. Barros es acusado de encubrir de los abusos que cometió Fernando Karadima.
Osorno. CHILE. 21.04.2015
Entre gritos, incidentes y un tenso ambiente se llevó a cabo la ceremonia en donde Juan Barros asumió este sábado como obispo de Osorno.
Hasta las cercanías de la Catedral de la ciudad llegaron cerca de 200 personas para manifestar su rechazo a la designación del religioso, por las acusaciones que lo califican como encubridor de los abusos que cometió Fernando
OVNI con forma de cigarro entra en el Volcán de Osorno, Chile
OVNI con forma de cigarro entra en el Volcán de Osorno, Chile
OVNI con forma de cigarro entra en el Volcán de Osorno, Chile
Página web:
Una fotografía muestra un OVNI con forma de cigarro que parece caer en picadaodirectamente en el volcán de Osorno en Chile.
Osorno es uno de los volcanes más activos del sur de los Andes de Chile y se sienta encima de un estrato erosionado de 250.000 años de edad, con unos 6 km de ancho de caldera.
Los agricultores de las comunidades vecinas informan de extrañas luces con movimientos irregulares, desapareciendo de la vista general, cerca del Volcán Osorno.
Los residentes locales afirman Tale
Provincial Osorno 1 U. de Chile 2 (2008)
Provincial Osorno 1 U. de Chile 2 (2008)
Provincial Osorno 1 U. de Chile 2 (2008)
Fecha 11 Clausura 31 de agosto 2008 [Jaime Barrientos 62; Marcelo Salas 73pen, Marco Estrada 89]
Espero que les guste este video tanto como a mi me gusto abrazar a tanta gente :D
Mix: WhiteNois3
Manejando con #Vardoc1 ( Parte 7 ) : Viaje Osorno ( Chile ) a Bariloche ( Argentina )
Manejando con #Vardoc1 ( Parte 7 ) : Viaje Osorno ( Chile ) a Bariloche ( Argentina )
Manejando con #Vardoc1 ( Parte 7 ) : Viaje Osorno ( Chile ) a Bariloche ( Argentina )
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11 osorno vs u de chile
11 osorno vs u de chile
11 osorno vs u de chile
Osorno - Chile
Osorno - Chile
Osorno - Chile
osorno chile 2
osorno chile 2
osorno chile 2
calles dela ciudad de osorno spero les guste aqellos qe desean conocer chile la region delos lagos.
01 - Bariloche - Chile 2014. (Bariloche-Osorno)
01 - Bariloche - Chile 2014. (Bariloche-Osorno)
01 - Bariloche - Chile 2014. (Bariloche-Osorno)
Viaje a chile en moto, preparativos de las motos y primer dia de viaje.
Petrohue Rapids and Osorno Volcano. Chile, Celebrity Infinity, March 2013.
Petrohue Rapids and Osorno Volcano. Chile, Celebrity Infinity, March 2013.
Petrohue Rapids and Osorno Volcano. Chile, Celebrity Infinity, March 2013.
Taken during a Celebrity Infinity "Around Cape Horn" March 2013 cruise. A truly beautiful region, Chile Lake District, with spectacular views everywhere.
Juan Barros asume como Obispo de Osorno
Juan Barros asume como Obispo de Osorno
Juan Barros asume como Obispo de Osorno
Juan Barros asume como Obispo de Osorno entre incidentes y protestas
Manifestantes ingresaron con globos y banderas negras a la Catedral para manifestar su rechazo a la designación. Barros es acusado de encubrir de los abusos que cometió Fernando Karadima.
Osorno. CHILE. 21.04.2015
Entre gritos, incidentes y un tenso ambiente se llevó a cabo la ceremonia en donde Juan Barros asumió este sábado como obispo de Osorno.
Hasta las cercanías de la Catedral de la ciudad llegaron cerca de 200 personas para manifestar su rechazo a la designación del religioso, por las acusaciones que lo califican como encubridor de los abusos que cometió Fernando
OVNI con forma de cigarro entra en el Volcán de Osorno, Chile
OVNI con forma de cigarro entra en el Volcán de Osorno, Chile
OVNI con forma de cigarro entra en el Volcán de Osorno, Chile
Página web:
Una fotografía muestra un OVNI con forma de cigarro que parece caer en picadaodirectamente en el volcán de Osorno en Chile.
Osorno es uno de los volcanes más activos del sur de los Andes de Chile y se sienta encima de un estrato erosionado de 250.000 años de edad, con unos 6 km de ancho de caldera.
Los agricultores de las comunidades vecinas informan de extrañas luces con movimientos irregulares, desapareciendo de la vista general, cerca del Volcán Osorno.
Los residentes locales afirman Tale
Provincial Osorno 1 U. de Chile 2 (2008)
Provincial Osorno 1 U. de Chile 2 (2008)
Provincial Osorno 1 U. de Chile 2 (2008)
Fecha 11 Clausura 31 de agosto 2008 [Jaime Barrientos 62; Marcelo Salas 73pen, Marco Estrada 89]
Espero que les guste este video tanto como a mi me gusto abrazar a tanta gente :D
Mix: WhiteNois3
Manejando con #Vardoc1 ( Parte 7 ) : Viaje Osorno ( Chile ) a Bariloche ( Argentina )
Manejando con #Vardoc1 ( Parte 7 ) : Viaje Osorno ( Chile ) a Bariloche ( Argentina )
Manejando con #Vardoc1 ( Parte 7 ) : Viaje Osorno ( Chile ) a Bariloche ( Argentina )
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¡Dame un Me Gustah :3!
11 osorno vs u de chile
11 osorno vs u de chile
11 osorno vs u de chile
Nargaroth - Summer ( Live Osorno - chile )
Nargaroth - Summer ( Live Osorno - chile )
Nargaroth - Summer ( Live Osorno - chile )
Nargaroth en osorno - chile 10/11/2015
Trailer Recomiendo Chile en Osorno
Trailer Recomiendo Chile en Osorno
Trailer Recomiendo Chile en Osorno
Recomiendo Chile, la exitosa serie documental de canal 13 vuelve para una tercera temporada recorriendo nuevas e interesantes zonas de nuestro país. En este ...
Nargaroth - Mother North ( Live Osorno - Chile )
Nargaroth - Mother North ( Live Osorno - Chile )
Nargaroth - Mother North ( Live Osorno - Chile )
Nargaroth en osorno - chile 10/11/2015
Paro de Camiones Ruta 5 Osorno-Chile
Paro de Camiones Ruta 5 Osorno-Chile
Paro de Camiones Ruta 5 Osorno-Chile
Paro de camioneros en la ruta 5 llegando a Osorno, varios kilómetros de taco para poder avanzar, se dice que estuvieron 9 hrs aprox, luego de un rato empezaron a quemar neumáticos y unas horas después se fueron.
Erupción complejo Caulle, Puyehue, Osorno, Chile (recopilación de fotos)
Erupción complejo Caulle, Puyehue, Osorno, Chile (recopilación de fotos)
Erupción complejo Caulle, Puyehue, Osorno, Chile (recopilación de fotos)
Erupción complejo Caulle, Puyehue, Osorno, Chile (recopilación de fotos)... Este video no tiene ningún fin comercial solo mostrar los embates de nuestra natu...
Aikido Osorno Chile, Kobukan, Aikikai Chile, Demo Marzo 2.015
Aikido Osorno Chile, Kobukan, Aikikai Chile, Demo Marzo 2.015
Aikido Osorno Chile, Kobukan, Aikikai Chile, Demo Marzo 2.015
Demo ofrecida por el Club de Aikido Kobukan de Osorno Chile en el marco del Día de las Escuelas y Talleres que funcionan en el Centro Cultural de Osorno, Chile.
Incendio en Osorno-Chile
Incendio en Osorno-Chile
Incendio en Osorno-Chile
Incendio declarado ubicado en calle Zapiga con Chacayuta, ciudad de Osorno [21/12/2014]
Imágenes en Alta Definición (HD) captadas en la Décima Región de Chile - Lago Llanquihue - Volcán Osorno - Entre Lagos - Conociendo Chile - Febrero de 2012 -...
Taken during a Celebrity Infinity "Around Cape Horn" March 2013 cruise. A truly beautiful region, Chile Lake District, with spectacular views everywhere.
Taken during a Celebrity Infinity "Around Cape Horn" March 2013 cruise. A truly beautiful region, Chile Lake District, with spectacular views everywhere.
Juan Barros asume como Obispo de Osorno entre incidentes y protestas
Manifestantes ingresaron con globos y banderas negras a la Catedral para manifestar su rechazo a la designación. Barros es acusado de encubrir de los abusos que cometió Fernando Karadima.
Osorno. CHILE. 21.04.2015
Entre gritos, incidentes y un tenso ambiente se llevó a cabo la ceremonia en donde Juan Barros asumió este sábado como obispo de Osorno.
Hasta las cercanías de la Catedral de la ciudad llegaron cerca de 200 personas para manifestar su rechazo a la designación del religioso, por las acusaciones que lo califican como encubridor de los abusos que cometió Fernando Karadima.
Las consignas contra Barros interrumpieron en varias oportunidades la misa, ya que un grupo de manifestantes ingresó a la iglesia acompañado de carteles, banderas y globos negros para evidenciar su desconteto.
En tanto, las personas que estaban a favor del nombramiento vestían poleras blancas, además de portar globos y pañuelos del mismo color.
Tras finalizar la ceremonia, los personas que rechazan la designación continúan en las afueras de la Catedral a la espera de que el ahora Obispo de Osorno salga del lugar.
A la actividad no asistieron las autoridades locales.
Juan Barros asume como Obispo de Osorno entre incidentes y protestas
Manifestantes ingresaron con globos y banderas negras a la Catedral para manifestar su rechazo a la designación. Barros es acusado de encubrir de los abusos que cometió Fernando Karadima.
Osorno. CHILE. 21.04.2015
Entre gritos, incidentes y un tenso ambiente se llevó a cabo la ceremonia en donde Juan Barros asumió este sábado como obispo de Osorno.
Hasta las cercanías de la Catedral de la ciudad llegaron cerca de 200 personas para manifestar su rechazo a la designación del religioso, por las acusaciones que lo califican como encubridor de los abusos que cometió Fernando Karadima.
Las consignas contra Barros interrumpieron en varias oportunidades la misa, ya que un grupo de manifestantes ingresó a la iglesia acompañado de carteles, banderas y globos negros para evidenciar su desconteto.
En tanto, las personas que estaban a favor del nombramiento vestían poleras blancas, además de portar globos y pañuelos del mismo color.
Tras finalizar la ceremonia, los personas que rechazan la designación continúan en las afueras de la Catedral a la espera de que el ahora Obispo de Osorno salga del lugar.
A la actividad no asistieron las autoridades locales.
published:21 Mar 2015
OVNI con forma de cigarro entra en el Volcán de Osorno, Chile
Página web:
Una fotografía muestra un OVNI con forma de cigarro que parece caer en picadaodirectamente en el volcán de Osorno en Chile.
Osorno es uno de los volcanes más activos del sur de los Andes de Chile y se sienta encima de un estrato erosionado de 250.000 años de edad, con unos 6 km de ancho de caldera.
Los agricultores de las comunidades vecinas informan de extrañas luces con movimientos irregulares, desapareciendo de la vista general, cerca del Volcán Osorno.
Los residentes locales afirman Tales fenómenos son comunes en la región.
Página web:
Una fotografía muestra un OVNI con forma de cigarro que parece caer en picadaodirectamente en el volcán de Osorno en Chile.
Osorno es uno de los volcanes más activos del sur de los Andes de Chile y se sienta encima de un estrato erosionado de 250.000 años de edad, con unos 6 km de ancho de caldera.
Los agricultores de las comunidades vecinas informan de extrañas luces con movimientos irregulares, desapareciendo de la vista general, cerca del Volcán Osorno.
Los residentes locales afirman Tales fenómenos son comunes en la región.
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¡Dame un Me Gustah :3!
Recomiendo Chile, la exitosa serie documental de canal 13 vuelve para una tercera temporada recorriendo nuevas e interesantes zonas de nuestro país. En este ...
Recomiendo Chile, la exitosa serie documental de canal 13 vuelve para una tercera temporada recorriendo nuevas e interesantes zonas de nuestro país. En este ...
Paro de camioneros en la ruta 5 llegando a Osorno, varios kilómetros de taco para poder avanzar, se dice que estuvieron 9 hrs aprox, luego de un rato empezaron a quemar neumáticos y unas horas después se fueron.
Paro de camioneros en la ruta 5 llegando a Osorno, varios kilómetros de taco para poder avanzar, se dice que estuvieron 9 hrs aprox, luego de un rato empezaron a quemar neumáticos y unas horas después se fueron.
published:18 Oct 2014
Erupción complejo Caulle, Puyehue, Osorno, Chile (recopilación de fotos)
Erupción complejo Caulle, Puyehue, Osorno, Chile (recopilación de fotos)... Este video no tiene ningún fin comercial solo mostrar los embates de nuestra natu...
Erupción complejo Caulle, Puyehue, Osorno, Chile (recopilación de fotos)... Este video no tiene ningún fin comercial solo mostrar los embates de nuestra natu...
Demo ofrecida por el Club de Aikido Kobukan de Osorno Chile en el marco del Día de las Escuelas y Talleres que funcionan en el Centro Cultural de Osorno, Chile.
Demo ofrecida por el Club de Aikido Kobukan de Osorno Chile en el marco del Día de las Escuelas y Talleres que funcionan en el Centro Cultural de Osorno, Chile.
Imágenes en Alta Definición (HD) captadas en la Décima Región de Chile - Lago Llanquihue - Volcán Osorno - Entre Lagos - Conociendo Chile - Febrero de 2012 -...
Imágenes en Alta Definición (HD) captadas en la Décima Región de Chile - Lago Llanquihue - Volcán Osorno - Entre Lagos - Conociendo Chile - Febrero de 2012 -...
Travel video about destination Chile.
Chile was given its name by the Incas who respectfully called it Chili, ‘the country in the south’. Santiago De Chile, the capital of Chile, is dignified, modest and European-looking and also lively, modern and full of Latin temperament. The Plaza De Armas is the heart of the city and the historic centre of colonial Santiago that contains the city’s most important buildings. The city of Valparaiso or, Paradise Valley, is around a hundred and twenty kilometres from the capital of Santiago De Chile on the Pacific coast. The city’s development was closely connected with its harbour which brought it wealth
Chile Travel - Chile Promotional Video
Chile Travel - Chile Promotional Video
Chile Travel - Chile Promotional Video
Video promocional. Compilado recorrido por Chile
Santiago De Chile Travel Video Guide
Santiago De Chile Travel Video Guide
Santiago De Chile Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Santiago de Chile.
Santiago De Chile, the capital of Chile, is dignified, modest and European-looking and also lively, modern and full of Latin temperament, a city that has many green areas and a history that covers five hundred years. The Plaza De Armas is the heart of the city and the historic centre of colonial Santiago that contains the city’s most important buildings. The Museo Histórico Nacional is located in the Palacio Real Audiencia. It contains around twelve thousand exhibits that feature Chile’s history from pre-Columbian times right up to the twentieth century. Strikingly dressed in black and whit
Travel Guide to Chile
Travel Guide to Chile
Travel Guide to Chile
As the longest, thinnest country in the world, Chile stretches all the way from the borders with Bolivia and Peru in the north, 4,500ks to Tierra del Fuego in the south, and yet at its widest point it, in the Atacama Desert, is only 400ks across. Sandwiched between the Pacific Ocean and the towering Andes, this fascinating Latin American country is home to the world’s driest desert, arguably the continent’s most stunning national park, an impressive wine region and, on Chiloe Island, the home of the potato! An economically sound country that is fast become a first world nation, Chile has a huge amount to offer the modern traveller.
Chile Travel Guide - Dos and Donts
Chile Travel Guide - Dos and Donts
Chile Travel Guide - Dos and Donts dedicated website for travel Taboos, Dos and Donts of world popular destinations, such as Chile. Come to visit this website for more details of Chile travel taboo, dos and donts. Your opinion counts, please help others by sharing your good and bad travel experiences on this website.
Santiago, Chile Travel Tips - Things to See and Do in Santiago, Chile
Santiago, Chile Travel Tips - Things to See and Do in Santiago, Chile
Santiago, Chile Travel Tips - Things to See and Do in Santiago, Chile See the sights and sounds of Santiago, Chile. We review the top places to go and see in this beautiful city. See the Plaza De Las Armas and the surrounding historical and classical buildings. For more tips on Santiago, Chile head to its destination page on Living Radically at
Atacama Desert - Chile Travel Guide (HD)
Atacama Desert - Chile Travel Guide (HD)
Atacama Desert - Chile Travel Guide (HD)
Atacama Desert Tourism (HD) - Chile, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide
The Atacama Desert ( Desierto de Atacama) is a plateau in South America, covering a 1,000-kilometre (600 mi) strip of land on the Pacific coast, west of the Andes mountains. It is the driest non-polar desert in the world. According to estimates the Atacama Desert proper occupies 105,000 square kilometres (41,000 sq mi), but its size rises to 128,000 square kilometres (49,000 sq mi) when the barren lower slopes of the Andes are included. Most of the desert is composed of stony terrai
Chile Tour Guide 2014 (HD)
Chile Tour Guide 2014 (HD)
Chile Tour Guide 2014 (HD)
Chile Tour Guide, Chile Tours, Chile Vacation, Chile Tourism
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide
Chile narrowly stretches along the southern half of the west coast of South America, between the Andes and the Pacific Ocean. The bordering countries are Peru to the north, Bolivia to north east and Argentina to the east. Chile has over 5,000 km (3,100 miles) of coast on the South Pacific Ocean.
Santiago, the capital and largest city of the country.
Concepción, Chile's second largest city.
Iquique, touristic center in Northern Chile.
La Serena,
Santiago city guide - Lonely Planet travel video
Santiago city guide - Lonely Planet travel video
Santiago city guide - Lonely Planet travel video
Join Lonely Planet on a visit to Santiago, a city that's embracing its history, culture and the best natural location in the Americas. Visit for more information about Chile.
Aristocrazy shows Chile: Travel Guide by Bryan Boy - extended version
Aristocrazy shows Chile: Travel Guide by Bryan Boy - extended version
Aristocrazy shows Chile: Travel Guide by Bryan Boy - extended version
Travel Chile - Visiting Valaparaiso
Travel Chile - Visiting Valaparaiso
Travel Chile - Visiting Valaparaiso
This is the world's oldest Spanish newspaper in circulation. And where is it printed? Right here, in Chile's port city, Valparaiso. Located 120 kilometers from Santiago, Valparaiso's population is about a quarter of a million. Valparaiso gained worldwide attention in the 19th century when it was a major port for sea trade between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. Later, much of that activity shifted to the Panama Canal.
Valparaiso is still Chile's main port, but the reason you want to come here is because it is one of Chile's most picturesque and unique cities. The house are set up along the serros, or hills, and they are painted in bright
Chile: Top 10 Tourist Attractions - Video Travel Guide
Chile: Top 10 Tourist Attractions - Video Travel Guide
Chile: Top 10 Tourist Attractions - Video Travel Guide
Top 10 Tourist attractions in Chile - Travel Chile.
Chile Tourist attractions, Chile Attractions,
Chile Tourist Destinations, Chile Destinations,
Chile Travel Video,
Copyright: Video created by
Omega Tours Co., LTD
Add: 176 Tran Phu Str - Hai Chau Dist - Da Nang City, Vietnam
Disclaimer: All audio in this video, We was used free audio in Youtube Library.
Thank For Creative Commons of Authors:
Photos Credited:
Travel Guide to Santiago, Chile
Travel Guide to Santiago, Chile
Travel Guide to Santiago, Chile
In this video from Santiago, Chile, I travel to Santiago by flying over the Andes and into the capital. I visit Pablo Neruda's house, taste wine in the Maipo Valley, then check out the nightlife in the city.
Backpacking South America - Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile (epic travel montage)
Backpacking South America - Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile (epic travel montage)
Backpacking South America - Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile (epic travel montage)
I took 7 months for Backpacking South America. This video shows all the adventures, lovely people and places I've encountered on my "Hola Gringo" trip.
Related article:
--- equipment used to produce this video ---
Sony NEX 5
GoPro Camera
Amazon Tripod
Joby Gorillapod
Opteka SteadyCam
Zoom H2n Audi Recorder
SDHC Memory Card
Waterproof Memory Card Case
Backpack Osprey Farpoint 40
--- my
Chile Travel Guide - Tour Chile with
Chile Travel Guide - Tour Chile with
Chile Travel Guide - Tour Chile with
Learn to speak Spanish in Chile with . Here we provide you with a virtual tour of this incredibly long and geographically diverse country. Discover everything from the Atacama Desert of the north, to the glaciers of Patagonia in the south, and the beaches of Valparaiso and Viña del Mar just outside of the capital city Santiago, while learning Spanish at one of our Chilean Spanish schools.
Come see for yourself what this South American country has to offer and immerse yourself in the culture with
Torres del Paine National Park, Patagonia - Chile (HD)
Torres del Paine National Park, Patagonia - Chile (HD)
Torres del Paine National Park, Patagonia - Chile (HD)
Torres del Paine National Park, Patagonia, Chile Tourism (HD)
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide
Torres del Paine National Park is a national park encompassing mountains, glaciers, lakes, and rivers in southern Chilean Patagonia. The Cordillera del Paine is the centerpiece of the park. It lies in a transition area between the Magellanic subpolar forests and the Patagonian Steppes. The park is located 112 km (70 mi) north of Puerto Natales and 312 km (194 mi) north of Punta Arenas. The park borders Bernardo O'Higgins National Park to the west and the Los Glaciares National Park
Travel Guide: Chile
Travel Guide: Chile
Travel Guide: Chile
Stretching down the coast of South America, this country is bordered on the west by the Pacific Ocean and on the east by the Andes Mountains. profiles Chile.
Chile Travel Guide: 10 Best Places to Visit in Chile
Chile Travel Guide: 10 Best Places to Visit in Chile
Chile Travel Guide: 10 Best Places to Visit in Chile
Chile Travel Guide: 10 Best Places to Visit in Chile
List of Best Places to Visit in Chile: 1. Easter Island, 2. Torres del Paine, 3. San Pedro de Atacama, 4. Chilean Lake District, 5. Valparaiso, 6. Chilean Fjords, 7. Iquique, 8. Chiloé Island, 9. Santiago, 10. La Serena
Disclaimer: All audio in this video, We was used free audio in Youtube Library and Creative Commons Photos in Flickr and etc.
Thank For Creative Commons of Authors:
Photos Credited:
10. La Serena
Fai H:
9. Santiago
alobos Life:
Chile - Video Travel Guide to Chile
Chile - Video Travel Guide to Chile
Chile - Video Travel Guide to Chile
Visit the highlights of Chile and experience its diversity and contrasts in nature, climate, geography and culture. Visit
South: A Backpacking Adventure - Traveling Peru, Chile and Bolivia
South: A Backpacking Adventure - Traveling Peru, Chile and Bolivia
South: A Backpacking Adventure - Traveling Peru, Chile and Bolivia
What's it like to backpack through South America?
Our four and a half month experience through Peru, Bolivia and Chile will forever remain one of our most treasured memories. From dream-like scenery, beautifully challenging hikes, cultural encounters and wonderful new friends, we were able to live such an incredible adventure.
We have attempted to share glimpses of a few of highlights and outstanding moments that helped shape our trip. South America is a truly spectacular part of the world, and we can't recommend enough that you experience it for yourself. Sooner rather than later.
In total, we spent 2 1/2 months in Peru, 1 month in Chile a
Travel Guide to Santiago, Chile - Travel Channel
Travel Guide to Santiago, Chile - Travel Channel
Travel Guide to Santiago, Chile - Travel Channel
Travel is the movement of people between relatively distant geographical locations, and can involve travel by foot, bicycle, automobile, train, boat, airplane, or other means, with or without luggage, and can be one way or round trip.[1][2] Travel can also include relatively short stays between successive movements.
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Isla Grande De Chiloe Travel Video Guide
Isla Grande De Chiloe Travel Video Guide
Isla Grande De Chiloe Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Isla Grande de Chiloe in Chile.
The Isla Grande De Chiloé is located off the west coast of southern Chile in the Pacific Ocean. It features amazing timber-built churches, an undulating landscape and villages supported by posts. In the small village of Chacao there is a large wooden church one of more than a hundred and fifty that are scattered across the island. Two wooden towers with blue peaks flank the main entrance gate. Striking architecture that unites European design with that of this region. Everything is made of wood with not a single nail used. Fourteen of the churches have been designated as Unes
Top 5 Travel Attractions in Santiago, Chile.
Top 5 Travel Attractions in Santiago, Chile.
Top 5 Travel Attractions in Santiago, Chile.
Take a tour of Santiago, Chile - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats. Hi, this is your host, Naomi. I would like to show you the top .
Take a tour of Santiago, Chile - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats. Hi, this is your host, Naomi. I would like to show you the top .
See the sights and sounds of Santiago, Chile. We review the top places to go and see in this beautiful city. See the Plaza De.
Travel video about destination Santiago de Chile. Santiago De Chile, the capital of Chile, is dignified, modest and European-looking and also lively, modern .
Travel video about destination Chile.
Chile was given its name by the Incas who respectfully called it Chili, ‘the country in the south’. Santiago De Chile, the capital of Chile, is dignified, modest and European-looking and also lively, modern and full of Latin temperament. The Plaza De Armas is the heart of the city and the historic centre of colonial Santiago that contains the city’s most important buildings. The city of Valparaiso or, Paradise Valley, is around a hundred and twenty kilometres from the capital of Santiago De Chile on the Pacific coast. The city’s development was closely connected with its harbour which brought it wealth and power. Since the middle of the nineteenth century, escalators have rattled up and down the steep hills of the harbour city with forty five hills flanking the bay, each of them covered with a number of tiny wooden huts. Only a short journey on a gravel road and the Atacama Desert begins. At its centre it is the driest desert in the world where the forces of nature have turned it into an extraordinary landscape. The Atacama extends between the Pacific Ocean and the Cordilleras, an area of stone and sand that is perforated only by various frequently dried out salt lakes. For those ships that sailed around Cape Horn, Ancud represented a safe harbour on the journey north in which they could rest after sailing the stormy waters of the South Pacific. At a time when whales and seals were hunted in the Antarctic, Ancud served as a supply station along the route to the southern Polar sea. From the Atacama Desert in the north to as far as the stormy Tierra Del Fuego in the south, Chile is a country rich in contrast. Volcanoes, arid deserts, salt lakes, lively geysers, sandstone mountains and a cosmopolitan city. All of this is to be found in Chile, a country at the end of the world!
Travel video about destination Chile.
Chile was given its name by the Incas who respectfully called it Chili, ‘the country in the south’. Santiago De Chile, the capital of Chile, is dignified, modest and European-looking and also lively, modern and full of Latin temperament. The Plaza De Armas is the heart of the city and the historic centre of colonial Santiago that contains the city’s most important buildings. The city of Valparaiso or, Paradise Valley, is around a hundred and twenty kilometres from the capital of Santiago De Chile on the Pacific coast. The city’s development was closely connected with its harbour which brought it wealth and power. Since the middle of the nineteenth century, escalators have rattled up and down the steep hills of the harbour city with forty five hills flanking the bay, each of them covered with a number of tiny wooden huts. Only a short journey on a gravel road and the Atacama Desert begins. At its centre it is the driest desert in the world where the forces of nature have turned it into an extraordinary landscape. The Atacama extends between the Pacific Ocean and the Cordilleras, an area of stone and sand that is perforated only by various frequently dried out salt lakes. For those ships that sailed around Cape Horn, Ancud represented a safe harbour on the journey north in which they could rest after sailing the stormy waters of the South Pacific. At a time when whales and seals were hunted in the Antarctic, Ancud served as a supply station along the route to the southern Polar sea. From the Atacama Desert in the north to as far as the stormy Tierra Del Fuego in the south, Chile is a country rich in contrast. Volcanoes, arid deserts, salt lakes, lively geysers, sandstone mountains and a cosmopolitan city. All of this is to be found in Chile, a country at the end of the world!
Travel video about destination Santiago de Chile.
Santiago De Chile, the capital of Chile, is dignified, modest and European-looking and also lively, modern and full of Latin temperament, a city that has many green areas and a history that covers five hundred years. The Plaza De Armas is the heart of the city and the historic centre of colonial Santiago that contains the city’s most important buildings. The Museo Histórico Nacional is located in the Palacio Real Audiencia. It contains around twelve thousand exhibits that feature Chile’s history from pre-Columbian times right up to the twentieth century. Strikingly dressed in black and white uniforms and brown caps, the soldiers of the guard march across the Plaza De La Constitution towards the La Moneda Palace, an elongated, strictly classical building whose white façade looks almost kitsch with the blue sky as its backdrop. Following restoration work, General Augusto Pinochet moved in and it has been the seat of government ever since. Dictatorship transformed into democracy! The Parque Forestal is situated on the northern edge of the city centre along the Rio Mapocho, a park complex with various varieties of tree. Amid all the green is the German Fountain with, at its centre, a ship with heroic figures and huge birds of prey. Today, the city is looking good and although with colonial roots, Santiago De Chile is now open-minded, modern and cosmopolitan.
Travel video about destination Santiago de Chile.
Santiago De Chile, the capital of Chile, is dignified, modest and European-looking and also lively, modern and full of Latin temperament, a city that has many green areas and a history that covers five hundred years. The Plaza De Armas is the heart of the city and the historic centre of colonial Santiago that contains the city’s most important buildings. The Museo Histórico Nacional is located in the Palacio Real Audiencia. It contains around twelve thousand exhibits that feature Chile’s history from pre-Columbian times right up to the twentieth century. Strikingly dressed in black and white uniforms and brown caps, the soldiers of the guard march across the Plaza De La Constitution towards the La Moneda Palace, an elongated, strictly classical building whose white façade looks almost kitsch with the blue sky as its backdrop. Following restoration work, General Augusto Pinochet moved in and it has been the seat of government ever since. Dictatorship transformed into democracy! The Parque Forestal is situated on the northern edge of the city centre along the Rio Mapocho, a park complex with various varieties of tree. Amid all the green is the German Fountain with, at its centre, a ship with heroic figures and huge birds of prey. Today, the city is looking good and although with colonial roots, Santiago De Chile is now open-minded, modern and cosmopolitan.
As the longest, thinnest country in the world, Chile stretches all the way from the borders with Bolivia and Peru in the north, 4,500ks to Tierra del Fuego in the south, and yet at its widest point it, in the Atacama Desert, is only 400ks across. Sandwiched between the Pacific Ocean and the towering Andes, this fascinating Latin American country is home to the world’s driest desert, arguably the continent’s most stunning national park, an impressive wine region and, on Chiloe Island, the home of the potato! An economically sound country that is fast become a first world nation, Chile has a huge amount to offer the modern traveller.
Unless coming in overland, most trips to Chile will start here in the nation’s capital, Santiago.
Although most guidebooks will tell you Santiago is not as exciting at Rio or as elegant and enchanting as Buenos Aires, and should be used only as a gateway to the rest of the country, I feel it is an interesting place to explore for a day or two. Like many large Latin American cities it suffers somewhat from schizophrenic urban design where the city’s impressive colonial past is often dwarfed and obscured by its more ugly modern present; tenement towers and, since its rise as a regional economic powerhouse – Chile has the highest GDP per capita in South America – glass fronted office blocks. But there are still some great sites to check out including the Plaza de Armas, the Palacio Modera, the city’s main museum, and the Mercado Central, where you can enjoy a delicious seafood lunch, beneath a roof that was actually made in Birmingham! Santiago also has some lovely hotels and is famous for its excellent dining.
But Santiago is unlikely to form the main reason for your visit to Chile, that is much more likely to lie either in the far north, in the Atacama region or in the far south in Patagonia.
From Santiago, and starting in the very south of the country in Chilean Patagonia, is Puerto Aranas, entry point for what is arguably the continents most impressive national park, Torres del Paine. Deriving its name from the bull-like horns of the park’s most impressive mountain, Torres del Paine covers a quarter of a million hectares, is home to some spectacular and varied accommodation, and is a great place to hike, horse ride or just enjoy the scenery.
Moving north, we come to the beautiful Lake District around the towns of Puerto Montt and Puerto Varas. Here, up the Puelo River valley, you can do some wonderful horse riding as well as walking and kayaking. A short distance off the coast you also have Chiloe Island, which along with stunning coastal walks is also famous for being home of the potato. And further still off the coast, in fact more than 2,000 miles into the Pacific Ocean, is the extraordinary Easter Island… a land shrouded in mystery with its dramatic stone head carvings, Easter Island is one of the most remote inhabited islands on the planet.
Heading further north other notable places are the beautiful coastal towns of La Serena and Valparaiso – just a stone’s throw from the capital Santiago – and the wine district of Coquimbo where some of the country’s leading wines are manufacture
And here in the far north of the country, lies the truly extraordinary Atacama Desert. Bordering Bolivia, Peru and Argentina, is a region that’s renowned as being the driest place on earth.
Sitting in the rain shadow of both the Andes and the Chilean Coastal Range, the Atacama Desert is renowned as being the driest place on earth. It is also the region that has been driest for longest, with some suggesting a continuous arid area here dating back at least three million years. Some of the soil has no life at all, a situation NASA has exploited to test instruments for Mars missions. And, due to its otherworldly landscapes, it has been used as a location on numerous space films including Space Odyssey: Voyage to the Planets.
Forming the northern chain of Chile’s ‘Ring of Fire’ the region is framed by a spectacular girdle of volcanoes and plethora of fascinating geographical phenomenon.
A country fast emerging as a first world nation, Chile offers today’s traveller a safe location with some great accommodation, fine dining and world-class wines. But first and foremost she offers some of the most varied and impressive landscapes anywhere on earth.
As the longest, thinnest country in the world, Chile stretches all the way from the borders with Bolivia and Peru in the north, 4,500ks to Tierra del Fuego in the south, and yet at its widest point it, in the Atacama Desert, is only 400ks across. Sandwiched between the Pacific Ocean and the towering Andes, this fascinating Latin American country is home to the world’s driest desert, arguably the continent’s most stunning national park, an impressive wine region and, on Chiloe Island, the home of the potato! An economically sound country that is fast become a first world nation, Chile has a huge amount to offer the modern traveller.
Unless coming in overland, most trips to Chile will start here in the nation’s capital, Santiago.
Although most guidebooks will tell you Santiago is not as exciting at Rio or as elegant and enchanting as Buenos Aires, and should be used only as a gateway to the rest of the country, I feel it is an interesting place to explore for a day or two. Like many large Latin American cities it suffers somewhat from schizophrenic urban design where the city’s impressive colonial past is often dwarfed and obscured by its more ugly modern present; tenement towers and, since its rise as a regional economic powerhouse – Chile has the highest GDP per capita in South America – glass fronted office blocks. But there are still some great sites to check out including the Plaza de Armas, the Palacio Modera, the city’s main museum, and the Mercado Central, where you can enjoy a delicious seafood lunch, beneath a roof that was actually made in Birmingham! Santiago also has some lovely hotels and is famous for its excellent dining.
But Santiago is unlikely to form the main reason for your visit to Chile, that is much more likely to lie either in the far north, in the Atacama region or in the far south in Patagonia.
From Santiago, and starting in the very south of the country in Chilean Patagonia, is Puerto Aranas, entry point for what is arguably the continents most impressive national park, Torres del Paine. Deriving its name from the bull-like horns of the park’s most impressive mountain, Torres del Paine covers a quarter of a million hectares, is home to some spectacular and varied accommodation, and is a great place to hike, horse ride or just enjoy the scenery.
Moving north, we come to the beautiful Lake District around the towns of Puerto Montt and Puerto Varas. Here, up the Puelo River valley, you can do some wonderful horse riding as well as walking and kayaking. A short distance off the coast you also have Chiloe Island, which along with stunning coastal walks is also famous for being home of the potato. And further still off the coast, in fact more than 2,000 miles into the Pacific Ocean, is the extraordinary Easter Island… a land shrouded in mystery with its dramatic stone head carvings, Easter Island is one of the most remote inhabited islands on the planet.
Heading further north other notable places are the beautiful coastal towns of La Serena and Valparaiso – just a stone’s throw from the capital Santiago – and the wine district of Coquimbo where some of the country’s leading wines are manufacture
And here in the far north of the country, lies the truly extraordinary Atacama Desert. Bordering Bolivia, Peru and Argentina, is a region that’s renowned as being the driest place on earth.
Sitting in the rain shadow of both the Andes and the Chilean Coastal Range, the Atacama Desert is renowned as being the driest place on earth. It is also the region that has been driest for longest, with some suggesting a continuous arid area here dating back at least three million years. Some of the soil has no life at all, a situation NASA has exploited to test instruments for Mars missions. And, due to its otherworldly landscapes, it has been used as a location on numerous space films including Space Odyssey: Voyage to the Planets.
Forming the northern chain of Chile’s ‘Ring of Fire’ the region is framed by a spectacular girdle of volcanoes and plethora of fascinating geographical phenomenon.
A country fast emerging as a first world nation, Chile offers today’s traveller a safe location with some great accommodation, fine dining and world-class wines. But first and foremost she offers some of the most varied and impressive landscapes anywhere on earth. dedicated website for travel Taboos, Dos and Donts of world popular destinations, such as Chile. Come to visit this website for more details of Chile travel taboo, dos and donts. Your opinion counts, please help others by sharing your good and bad travel experiences on this website. dedicated website for travel Taboos, Dos and Donts of world popular destinations, such as Chile. Come to visit this website for more details of Chile travel taboo, dos and donts. Your opinion counts, please help others by sharing your good and bad travel experiences on this website.
published:01 Mar 2011
Santiago, Chile Travel Tips - Things to See and Do in Santiago, Chile See the sights and sounds of Santiago, Chile. We review the top places to go and see in this beautiful city. See the Plaza De Las Armas and the surrounding historical and classical buildings. For more tips on Santiago, Chile head to its destination page on Living Radically at See the sights and sounds of Santiago, Chile. We review the top places to go and see in this beautiful city. See the Plaza De Las Armas and the surrounding historical and classical buildings. For more tips on Santiago, Chile head to its destination page on Living Radically at
Atacama Desert Tourism (HD) - Chile, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide
The Atacama Desert ( Desierto de Atacama) is a plateau in South America, covering a 1,000-kilometre (600 mi) strip of land on the Pacific coast, west of the Andes mountains. It is the driest non-polar desert in the world. According to estimates the Atacama Desert proper occupies 105,000 square kilometres (41,000 sq mi), but its size rises to 128,000 square kilometres (49,000 sq mi) when the barren lower slopes of the Andes are included. Most of the desert is composed of stony terrain, salt lakes (salares), sand, and felsic lava that flows towards the Andes.
explora Atacama is located in the Ayllu de Larache (initially a kin-based community of the ancient Atacameño people), near the village of San Pedro de Atacama
Our explorations are the most important aspect of our travel experience. We have over 40 different guided hikes, bike rides, high mountain ascents and horseback rides, in groups of maximum 8 travelers. All our explorations have different difficulty levels ranging from easy to demanding, and different durations, half day or full day
Recommended explorations:
Stargazing sessions at the explora observatory, the Puritama hot springs, Guatín-Puritama (half day hike) and Quebrada de Nacimiento (full day hike), Cerro Toco (half day high mountain ascent), Quebrada del Diablo (half day horseback ride), Piedra de la Coca (half day bike ride)
Rooms and view:
The lodge has 50 rooms with breathtaking views of desert landscapes and the Cordillera de la Sal
At explora, we actively seek disconnection from everyday routine, which is why our rooms are not equipped with televisions or Wi-Fi, which is only available in the lodge’s common areas
Minimum stay and recommendations:
Our programs have a 3 night minimum stay, however, we highly recommend you stay for 5 nights in order to fully experience this destination.
When to visit: You can enjoy our journeys any time of year. Each season has its own charm, colors and aromas. We go out exploring every single day
Come prepared: View the list of suggested equipment
Atacama Desert Tourism (HD) - Chile, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide
The Atacama Desert ( Desierto de Atacama) is a plateau in South America, covering a 1,000-kilometre (600 mi) strip of land on the Pacific coast, west of the Andes mountains. It is the driest non-polar desert in the world. According to estimates the Atacama Desert proper occupies 105,000 square kilometres (41,000 sq mi), but its size rises to 128,000 square kilometres (49,000 sq mi) when the barren lower slopes of the Andes are included. Most of the desert is composed of stony terrain, salt lakes (salares), sand, and felsic lava that flows towards the Andes.
explora Atacama is located in the Ayllu de Larache (initially a kin-based community of the ancient Atacameño people), near the village of San Pedro de Atacama
Our explorations are the most important aspect of our travel experience. We have over 40 different guided hikes, bike rides, high mountain ascents and horseback rides, in groups of maximum 8 travelers. All our explorations have different difficulty levels ranging from easy to demanding, and different durations, half day or full day
Recommended explorations:
Stargazing sessions at the explora observatory, the Puritama hot springs, Guatín-Puritama (half day hike) and Quebrada de Nacimiento (full day hike), Cerro Toco (half day high mountain ascent), Quebrada del Diablo (half day horseback ride), Piedra de la Coca (half day bike ride)
Rooms and view:
The lodge has 50 rooms with breathtaking views of desert landscapes and the Cordillera de la Sal
At explora, we actively seek disconnection from everyday routine, which is why our rooms are not equipped with televisions or Wi-Fi, which is only available in the lodge’s common areas
Minimum stay and recommendations:
Our programs have a 3 night minimum stay, however, we highly recommend you stay for 5 nights in order to fully experience this destination.
When to visit: You can enjoy our journeys any time of year. Each season has its own charm, colors and aromas. We go out exploring every single day
Come prepared: View the list of suggested equipment
Chile Tour Guide, Chile Tours, Chile Vacation, Chile Tourism
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide
Chile narrowly stretches along the southern half of the west coast of South America, between the Andes and the Pacific Ocean. The bordering countries are Peru to the north, Bolivia to north east and Argentina to the east. Chile has over 5,000 km (3,100 miles) of coast on the South Pacific Ocean.
Santiago, the capital and largest city of the country.
Concepción, Chile's second largest city.
Iquique, touristic center in Northern Chile.
La Serena, a charming city, with many things to do in and around it.
Valparaíso, main Chilean port and a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Vina del Mar, the principal touristic attraction: beaches, casino and an iconic music festival.
Valdivia, the "City of Rivers", rebuilt after the strongest earthquake on history.
Punta Arenas, one of the southernmost cities of the world.
San Pedro de Atacama
Villarrica, surrounded by lakes and volcanos.
Chiloé, the largest island of the country.
Western Patagonia
Pichilemu, Chile's premier surfing destination
Torres del Paine National Park.
El Colorado, Portillo, La Parva and Valle Nevado ski resorts.
Robinson Crusoe Island.
Valle de Elqui
Chile Tour Guide, Chile Tours, Chile Vacation, Chile Tourism
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide
Chile narrowly stretches along the southern half of the west coast of South America, between the Andes and the Pacific Ocean. The bordering countries are Peru to the north, Bolivia to north east and Argentina to the east. Chile has over 5,000 km (3,100 miles) of coast on the South Pacific Ocean.
Santiago, the capital and largest city of the country.
Concepción, Chile's second largest city.
Iquique, touristic center in Northern Chile.
La Serena, a charming city, with many things to do in and around it.
Valparaíso, main Chilean port and a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Vina del Mar, the principal touristic attraction: beaches, casino and an iconic music festival.
Valdivia, the "City of Rivers", rebuilt after the strongest earthquake on history.
Punta Arenas, one of the southernmost cities of the world.
San Pedro de Atacama
Villarrica, surrounded by lakes and volcanos.
Chiloé, the largest island of the country.
Western Patagonia
Pichilemu, Chile's premier surfing destination
Torres del Paine National Park.
El Colorado, Portillo, La Parva and Valle Nevado ski resorts.
Robinson Crusoe Island.
Valle de Elqui
Join Lonely Planet on a visit to Santiago, a city that's embracing its history, culture and the best natural location in the Americas. Visit for more information about Chile.
Join Lonely Planet on a visit to Santiago, a city that's embracing its history, culture and the best natural location in the Americas. Visit for more information about Chile.
published:11 Apr 2013
Aristocrazy shows Chile: Travel Guide by Bryan Boy - extended version
This is the world's oldest Spanish newspaper in circulation. And where is it printed? Right here, in Chile's port city, Valparaiso. Located 120 kilometers from Santiago, Valparaiso's population is about a quarter of a million. Valparaiso gained worldwide attention in the 19th century when it was a major port for sea trade between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. Later, much of that activity shifted to the Panama Canal.
Valparaiso is still Chile's main port, but the reason you want to come here is because it is one of Chile's most picturesque and unique cities. The house are set up along the serros, or hills, and they are painted in bright color. We are going to walk up and check out the beautiful view at the top. It is not easy, considering that some hills at a 45 degree angle. All right. So I just made it to the top. It is an exhausting climb, but the view is well worth it. If you do not want to walk up the steep hill, you can take the elevator, or ascensore, for only a 100 pesos. There are 15 elevators, or funiculars, all around Valaparaiso and they are all declared world monuments.
During your walk you will come across some beautiful mansions, as well as some more modest homes. This building is Municipal Museum of belas artes, or fine arts, it is old, beautiful and unique. Chile's Nobel Prize-winning poet, Pablo Neruda, has one of his house right here, in Valaparaiso. It is called Casa Museo la Sebastiana. Right now I am in front of Hotel Gran Gervasoni. It is built right into the hillside, and it is a great option to stay at. Another great option is to stay at antique houses that have been turned into bed and breakfasts. They come in all price ranges, but try to stay in one that is up on the hill and not in the center of town. It is more peaceful and the views are much better.
Valparaiso is famous all over Chile for its nightlife. A lot of bars can be found in Plaza Sotomayor, Cerro Bellavista, and downtown. Due to its beauty and Pablo Neruda, this city attracts lots of artists and writers. As you walk around the town, you will notice lots of murals and graffiti, which really make the city come alive with color. If you want to experience something really special, celebrate New Year's Eve right here, in Valparaiso. There is an excellent fireworks show, but be careful, you need to make your reservations months in advance. This is a safe city, but camera snatching is common, so watch out. Since Valaparaiso is such a unique city, it has been placed on UNESCO's world heritage list, and it is an important cultural center for Chile. I am Helia Goodman, showing you Valparaiso.
This is the world's oldest Spanish newspaper in circulation. And where is it printed? Right here, in Chile's port city, Valparaiso. Located 120 kilometers from Santiago, Valparaiso's population is about a quarter of a million. Valparaiso gained worldwide attention in the 19th century when it was a major port for sea trade between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. Later, much of that activity shifted to the Panama Canal.
Valparaiso is still Chile's main port, but the reason you want to come here is because it is one of Chile's most picturesque and unique cities. The house are set up along the serros, or hills, and they are painted in bright color. We are going to walk up and check out the beautiful view at the top. It is not easy, considering that some hills at a 45 degree angle. All right. So I just made it to the top. It is an exhausting climb, but the view is well worth it. If you do not want to walk up the steep hill, you can take the elevator, or ascensore, for only a 100 pesos. There are 15 elevators, or funiculars, all around Valaparaiso and they are all declared world monuments.
During your walk you will come across some beautiful mansions, as well as some more modest homes. This building is Municipal Museum of belas artes, or fine arts, it is old, beautiful and unique. Chile's Nobel Prize-winning poet, Pablo Neruda, has one of his house right here, in Valaparaiso. It is called Casa Museo la Sebastiana. Right now I am in front of Hotel Gran Gervasoni. It is built right into the hillside, and it is a great option to stay at. Another great option is to stay at antique houses that have been turned into bed and breakfasts. They come in all price ranges, but try to stay in one that is up on the hill and not in the center of town. It is more peaceful and the views are much better.
Valparaiso is famous all over Chile for its nightlife. A lot of bars can be found in Plaza Sotomayor, Cerro Bellavista, and downtown. Due to its beauty and Pablo Neruda, this city attracts lots of artists and writers. As you walk around the town, you will notice lots of murals and graffiti, which really make the city come alive with color. If you want to experience something really special, celebrate New Year's Eve right here, in Valparaiso. There is an excellent fireworks show, but be careful, you need to make your reservations months in advance. This is a safe city, but camera snatching is common, so watch out. Since Valaparaiso is such a unique city, it has been placed on UNESCO's world heritage list, and it is an important cultural center for Chile. I am Helia Goodman, showing you Valparaiso.
published:06 May 2010
Chile: Top 10 Tourist Attractions - Video Travel Guide
Top 10 Tourist attractions in Chile - Travel Chile.
Chile Tourist attractions, Chile Attractions,
Chile Tourist Destinations, Chile Destinations,
Chile Travel Video,
Copyright: Video created by
Omega Tours Co., LTD
Add: 176 Tran Phu Str - Hai Chau Dist - Da Nang City, Vietnam
Disclaimer: All audio in this video, We was used free audio in Youtube Library.
Thank For Creative Commons of Authors:
Photos Credited:
Top 10 Tourist attractions in Chile - Travel Chile.
Chile Tourist attractions, Chile Attractions,
Chile Tourist Destinations, Chile Destinations,
Chile Travel Video,
Copyright: Video created by
Omega Tours Co., LTD
Add: 176 Tran Phu Str - Hai Chau Dist - Da Nang City, Vietnam
Disclaimer: All audio in this video, We was used free audio in Youtube Library.
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In this video from Santiago, Chile, I travel to Santiago by flying over the Andes and into the capital. I visit Pablo Neruda's house, taste wine in the Maipo Valley, then check out the nightlife in the city.
In this video from Santiago, Chile, I travel to Santiago by flying over the Andes and into the capital. I visit Pablo Neruda's house, taste wine in the Maipo Valley, then check out the nightlife in the city.
published:10 Feb 2008
Backpacking South America - Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile (epic travel montage)
I took 7 months for Backpacking South America. This video shows all the adventures, lovely people and places I've encountered on my "Hola Gringo" trip.
Related article:
--- equipment used to produce this video ---
Sony NEX 5
GoPro Camera
Amazon Tripod
Joby Gorillapod
Opteka SteadyCam
Zoom H2n Audi Recorder
SDHC Memory Card
Waterproof Memory Card Case
Backpack Osprey Farpoint 40
--- my travel equipment ---
packing list
Online Language Course
30 ways to stay safe while traveling:
all episodes from South America:
Subscribe to this channel to see new videos every week!
All the places I visited on my Backpacking South America trip:
Peru - Lima, Cusco, Machu Picchu, Choquequirao, Puno, Amantani, Taquile
Bolivia - Copacabana, Isla de la Luna, Isla del Sol, La Paz, Yungas Road, Uyuni
Argentina - Ushuaia, El Calafate, Perito Moreno Glacier, El Chalten, Equel, El Bolsón, Bariloche, Salta, Cordoba, Rosario, Buenos Aires
Uruguay - Colonia del Sacramento, Montevideo, Punta del Este
Chile - Punta Arenas, Puerto Natales, Torres del Paine, Candelario Mansilla, Villa O'Higgins, Carretera Austral (Hitchhiking), Cochrane, Puerto Rio Tranqillo, Coyhaique, Futaleufu, Chaiten, Puerto Montt, Puerto Varas, Osorno
=== Music & Camera ===
Music by Chris Malinchak "So Good to me", iTunes:
I used different cameras to capture my experience while backpacking south america - most of the time it has been the GoPro, also to do the timelapses in Patagonia.
=== even more ===
my Page:
I took 7 months for Backpacking South America. This video shows all the adventures, lovely people and places I've encountered on my "Hola Gringo" trip.
Related article:
--- equipment used to produce this video ---
Sony NEX 5
GoPro Camera
Amazon Tripod
Joby Gorillapod
Opteka SteadyCam
Zoom H2n Audi Recorder
SDHC Memory Card
Waterproof Memory Card Case
Backpack Osprey Farpoint 40
--- my travel equipment ---
packing list
Online Language Course
30 ways to stay safe while traveling:
all episodes from South America:
Subscribe to this channel to see new videos every week!
All the places I visited on my Backpacking South America trip:
Peru - Lima, Cusco, Machu Picchu, Choquequirao, Puno, Amantani, Taquile
Bolivia - Copacabana, Isla de la Luna, Isla del Sol, La Paz, Yungas Road, Uyuni
Argentina - Ushuaia, El Calafate, Perito Moreno Glacier, El Chalten, Equel, El Bolsón, Bariloche, Salta, Cordoba, Rosario, Buenos Aires
Uruguay - Colonia del Sacramento, Montevideo, Punta del Este
Chile - Punta Arenas, Puerto Natales, Torres del Paine, Candelario Mansilla, Villa O'Higgins, Carretera Austral (Hitchhiking), Cochrane, Puerto Rio Tranqillo, Coyhaique, Futaleufu, Chaiten, Puerto Montt, Puerto Varas, Osorno
=== Music & Camera ===
Music by Chris Malinchak "So Good to me", iTunes:
I used different cameras to capture my experience while backpacking south america - most of the time it has been the GoPro, also to do the timelapses in Patagonia.
=== even more ===
my Page:
Learn to speak Spanish in Chile with . Here we provide you with a virtual tour of this incredibly long and geographically diverse country. Discover everything from the Atacama Desert of the north, to the glaciers of Patagonia in the south, and the beaches of Valparaiso and Viña del Mar just outside of the capital city Santiago, while learning Spanish at one of our Chilean Spanish schools.
Come see for yourself what this South American country has to offer and immerse yourself in the culture with
Learn to speak Spanish in Chile with . Here we provide you with a virtual tour of this incredibly long and geographically diverse country. Discover everything from the Atacama Desert of the north, to the glaciers of Patagonia in the south, and the beaches of Valparaiso and Viña del Mar just outside of the capital city Santiago, while learning Spanish at one of our Chilean Spanish schools.
Come see for yourself what this South American country has to offer and immerse yourself in the culture with
published:28 May 2010
Torres del Paine National Park, Patagonia - Chile (HD)
Torres del Paine National Park, Patagonia, Chile Tourism (HD)
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide
Torres del Paine National Park is a national park encompassing mountains, glaciers, lakes, and rivers in southern Chilean Patagonia. The Cordillera del Paine is the centerpiece of the park. It lies in a transition area between the Magellanic subpolar forests and the Patagonian Steppes. The park is located 112 km (70 mi) north of Puerto Natales and 312 km (194 mi) north of Punta Arenas. The park borders Bernardo O'Higgins National Park to the west and the Los Glaciares National Park to the north in Argentine territory.
Torres del Paine National Park is part of the Sistema Nacional de Áreas Silvestres Protegidas del Estado de Chile (National System of Protected Forested Areas of Chile). In 2006, it measured approximately 242,242 hectares. It is one of the largest and most visited parks in Chile. The park averages around 150,000 visitors a year, of which 60% are foreign tourists,[4] who come from all over the world.
The park is one of the 11 protected areas of the Magallanes Region and Chilean Antarctica (together with four national parks, three national reserves, and three national monuments). Together, the protected forested areas comprise about 51% of the land of the region (6,728,744 hectares).
The Torres del Paine are the peaks of the mountain range, Cerro Paine. They extend 3,050 meters above sea level, and are joined by the Cuernos del Paine. The area also boasts valleys, rivers such as the Paine, lakes, and glaciers. The well-known lakes include Grey, Pehoé, Nordenskiöld, and Sarmiento. The glaciers, including Grey, Pingo and Tyndall, belong to the Southern Patagonia Ice Field.
Tourism Torres del Paine National Park, Patagonia - Chile
The national park has over 140,000 visitors per year.[2] It is a popular hiking destination in Chile. There are clearly marked paths and many refugios which provide shelter and basic services. Hikers can opt for a day trip to see the towers, walk the popular "W" route in about five days, or trek the full circle in 8 to 9 days. Make reservations for the night you will stay at each refugio. If you stay inside, dinner is served and there are hot showers. There is also breakfast and an optional picnic lunch. For a lesser fee one can rent a tent and sleeping bag and sleep on the grounds outside of the refugio, where cold showers are an option. The refugio locations are also appropriate for pitching one's own tent and cooking with one's campstove. Cooking with the campstove is not permitted except in refugio locations. Camping is only allowed at specified campsites and wood fires are prohibited throughout the park. Fantastico Sur and Vertice Patagonia are the two owners of the various refugios in the park. For less adventurous visitors, there is a luxury hotel at the entrance to the park.
Hikers are not allowed to stray from the paths in the national park. The visitor impact on the park has been scientifically measured.
A certified guide is required to access some parts of the park. These arrangements need to be made before entering the park.
Visiting the park is recommended between late December and late February, during the southern summer. Not only is the weather more hospitable, but daylight hours are very long given the extreme southern latitude. Outside of this time frame, the weather becomes too extreme for the majority of the public. During the southern winter, daylight dwindles to only a few hours a day.
The park has been elected as the 5th most beautiful place in the world by the National Geographic.
Torres del Paine National Park, Patagonia, Chile Tourism (HD)
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide
Torres del Paine National Park is a national park encompassing mountains, glaciers, lakes, and rivers in southern Chilean Patagonia. The Cordillera del Paine is the centerpiece of the park. It lies in a transition area between the Magellanic subpolar forests and the Patagonian Steppes. The park is located 112 km (70 mi) north of Puerto Natales and 312 km (194 mi) north of Punta Arenas. The park borders Bernardo O'Higgins National Park to the west and the Los Glaciares National Park to the north in Argentine territory.
Torres del Paine National Park is part of the Sistema Nacional de Áreas Silvestres Protegidas del Estado de Chile (National System of Protected Forested Areas of Chile). In 2006, it measured approximately 242,242 hectares. It is one of the largest and most visited parks in Chile. The park averages around 150,000 visitors a year, of which 60% are foreign tourists,[4] who come from all over the world.
The park is one of the 11 protected areas of the Magallanes Region and Chilean Antarctica (together with four national parks, three national reserves, and three national monuments). Together, the protected forested areas comprise about 51% of the land of the region (6,728,744 hectares).
The Torres del Paine are the peaks of the mountain range, Cerro Paine. They extend 3,050 meters above sea level, and are joined by the Cuernos del Paine. The area also boasts valleys, rivers such as the Paine, lakes, and glaciers. The well-known lakes include Grey, Pehoé, Nordenskiöld, and Sarmiento. The glaciers, including Grey, Pingo and Tyndall, belong to the Southern Patagonia Ice Field.
Tourism Torres del Paine National Park, Patagonia - Chile
The national park has over 140,000 visitors per year.[2] It is a popular hiking destination in Chile. There are clearly marked paths and many refugios which provide shelter and basic services. Hikers can opt for a day trip to see the towers, walk the popular "W" route in about five days, or trek the full circle in 8 to 9 days. Make reservations for the night you will stay at each refugio. If you stay inside, dinner is served and there are hot showers. There is also breakfast and an optional picnic lunch. For a lesser fee one can rent a tent and sleeping bag and sleep on the grounds outside of the refugio, where cold showers are an option. The refugio locations are also appropriate for pitching one's own tent and cooking with one's campstove. Cooking with the campstove is not permitted except in refugio locations. Camping is only allowed at specified campsites and wood fires are prohibited throughout the park. Fantastico Sur and Vertice Patagonia are the two owners of the various refugios in the park. For less adventurous visitors, there is a luxury hotel at the entrance to the park.
Hikers are not allowed to stray from the paths in the national park. The visitor impact on the park has been scientifically measured.
A certified guide is required to access some parts of the park. These arrangements need to be made before entering the park.
Visiting the park is recommended between late December and late February, during the southern summer. Not only is the weather more hospitable, but daylight hours are very long given the extreme southern latitude. Outside of this time frame, the weather becomes too extreme for the majority of the public. During the southern winter, daylight dwindles to only a few hours a day.
The park has been elected as the 5th most beautiful place in the world by the National Geographic.
Stretching down the coast of South America, this country is bordered on the west by the Pacific Ocean and on the east by the Andes Mountains. profiles Chile.
Stretching down the coast of South America, this country is bordered on the west by the Pacific Ocean and on the east by the Andes Mountains. profiles Chile.
published:07 Jul 2010
Chile Travel Guide: 10 Best Places to Visit in Chile
Chile Travel Guide: 10 Best Places to Visit in Chile
List of Best Places to Visit in Chile: 1. Easter Island, 2. Torres del Paine, 3. San Pedro de Atacama, 4. Chilean Lake District, 5. Valparaiso, 6. Chilean Fjords, 7. Iquique, 8. Chiloé Island, 9. Santiago, 10. La Serena
Disclaimer: All audio in this video, We was used free audio in Youtube Library and Creative Commons Photos in Flickr and etc.
Thank For Creative Commons of Authors:
Photos Credited:
10. La Serena
Fai H:
9. Santiago
alobos Life:
alobos Life:
8. Chiloé Island
Srikanth Jandhyala:
7. Iquique
James Byrum:
James Byrum:
6. Chilean Fjords
5. Valparaiso
Bárbara Andrade:
4. Chilean Lake District
Joel Mann:
3. San Pedro de Atacama
2. Torres del Paine
Fernanda Saiter:
1. Easter Island
Chile Travel Guide: 10 Best Places to Visit in Chile
List of Best Places to Visit in Chile: 1. Easter Island, 2. Torres del Paine, 3. San Pedro de Atacama, 4. Chilean Lake District, 5. Valparaiso, 6. Chilean Fjords, 7. Iquique, 8. Chiloé Island, 9. Santiago, 10. La Serena
Disclaimer: All audio in this video, We was used free audio in Youtube Library and Creative Commons Photos in Flickr and etc.
Thank For Creative Commons of Authors:
Photos Credited:
10. La Serena
Fai H:
9. Santiago
alobos Life:
alobos Life:
8. Chiloé Island
Srikanth Jandhyala:
7. Iquique
James Byrum:
James Byrum:
6. Chilean Fjords
5. Valparaiso
Bárbara Andrade:
4. Chilean Lake District
Joel Mann:
3. San Pedro de Atacama
2. Torres del Paine
Fernanda Saiter:
1. Easter Island
Visit the highlights of Chile and experience its diversity and contrasts in nature, climate, geography and culture. Visit
Visit the highlights of Chile and experience its diversity and contrasts in nature, climate, geography and culture. Visit
published:19 Aug 2009
South: A Backpacking Adventure - Traveling Peru, Chile and Bolivia
What's it like to backpack through South America?
Our four and a half month experience through Peru, Bolivia and Chile will forever remain one of our most treasured memories. From dream-like scenery, beautifully challenging hikes, cultural encounters and wonderful new friends, we were able to live such an incredible adventure.
We have attempted to share glimpses of a few of highlights and outstanding moments that helped shape our trip. South America is a truly spectacular part of the world, and we can't recommend enough that you experience it for yourself. Sooner rather than later.
In total, we spent 2 1/2 months in Peru, 1 month in Chile and 1 month in Bolivia.
Locations included: Torres Del Paine - Patagonia - Chile, Machu Picchu - Peru, Huacachinca - Peru, Salar De Uyuni - Bolivia, Isla Del Sol - Bolivia, The Death Road - Bolivia, Huaraz - Peru, Copacabana - Bolivia, Colca Canyon - Peru and many more...
Music: Welcome Home by Radical Face
Shot with: Nikon 3100 and GoPro HD Hero
What's it like to backpack through South America?
Our four and a half month experience through Peru, Bolivia and Chile will forever remain one of our most treasured memories. From dream-like scenery, beautifully challenging hikes, cultural encounters and wonderful new friends, we were able to live such an incredible adventure.
We have attempted to share glimpses of a few of highlights and outstanding moments that helped shape our trip. South America is a truly spectacular part of the world, and we can't recommend enough that you experience it for yourself. Sooner rather than later.
In total, we spent 2 1/2 months in Peru, 1 month in Chile and 1 month in Bolivia.
Locations included: Torres Del Paine - Patagonia - Chile, Machu Picchu - Peru, Huacachinca - Peru, Salar De Uyuni - Bolivia, Isla Del Sol - Bolivia, The Death Road - Bolivia, Huaraz - Peru, Copacabana - Bolivia, Colca Canyon - Peru and many more...
Music: Welcome Home by Radical Face
Shot with: Nikon 3100 and GoPro HD Hero
Travel is the movement of people between relatively distant geographical locations, and can involve travel by foot, bicycle, automobile, train, boat, airplane, or other means, with or without luggage, and can be one way or round trip.[1][2] Travel can also include relatively short stays between successive movements.
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travel channel,
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Travel is the movement of people between relatively distant geographical locations, and can involve travel by foot, bicycle, automobile, train, boat, airplane, or other means, with or without luggage, and can be one way or round trip.[1][2] Travel can also include relatively short stays between successive movements.
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travel club,
travel channel,
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travel news,
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Travel video about destination Isla Grande de Chiloe in Chile.
The Isla Grande De Chiloé is located off the west coast of southern Chile in the Pacific Ocean. It features amazing timber-built churches, an undulating landscape and villages supported by posts. In the small village of Chacao there is a large wooden church one of more than a hundred and fifty that are scattered across the island. Two wooden towers with blue peaks flank the main entrance gate. Striking architecture that unites European design with that of this region. Everything is made of wood with not a single nail used. Fourteen of the churches have been designated as Unesco World Heritage sites since the year 2000. When in 1567 the Spaniard, Francisco De Ulloa, discovered the island, he founded Castro, its imposing cathedral having been built in 1906. It has two pointed towers on its façade and the main building is coloured salmon pink. The church’s interior contains brownish colours with circular wooden columns and a beautiful, carved altar. Castro is the island’s oldest town and also the capital of Chiloé Province. Along the waterfront are numerous colourful wooden houses on posts, the Palafitos. When viewed from the street, the houses look like normal buildings but from the coast it can be seen that they are supported by wooden posts. At high tide the fishermen are able to land by boat directly beneath the houses and at low tide the posts are exposed in full. Today the people of Chiloé live from agriculture and fishing and tourism is also becoming increasingly important.
Travel video about destination Isla Grande de Chiloe in Chile.
The Isla Grande De Chiloé is located off the west coast of southern Chile in the Pacific Ocean. It features amazing timber-built churches, an undulating landscape and villages supported by posts. In the small village of Chacao there is a large wooden church one of more than a hundred and fifty that are scattered across the island. Two wooden towers with blue peaks flank the main entrance gate. Striking architecture that unites European design with that of this region. Everything is made of wood with not a single nail used. Fourteen of the churches have been designated as Unesco World Heritage sites since the year 2000. When in 1567 the Spaniard, Francisco De Ulloa, discovered the island, he founded Castro, its imposing cathedral having been built in 1906. It has two pointed towers on its façade and the main building is coloured salmon pink. The church’s interior contains brownish colours with circular wooden columns and a beautiful, carved altar. Castro is the island’s oldest town and also the capital of Chiloé Province. Along the waterfront are numerous colourful wooden houses on posts, the Palafitos. When viewed from the street, the houses look like normal buildings but from the coast it can be seen that they are supported by wooden posts. At high tide the fishermen are able to land by boat directly beneath the houses and at low tide the posts are exposed in full. Today the people of Chiloé live from agriculture and fishing and tourism is also becoming increasingly important.
Take a tour of Santiago, Chile - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats. Hi, this is your host, Naomi. I would like to show you the top .
Take a tour of Santiago, Chile - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats. Hi, this is your host, Naomi. I would like to show you the top .
See the sights and sounds of Santiago, Chile. We review the top places to go and see in this beautiful city. See the Plaza De.
Travel video about destination Santiago de Chile. Santiago De Chile, the capital of Chile, is dignified, modest and European-looking and also lively, modern .
Take a tour of Santiago, Chile - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats. Hi, this is your host, Naomi. I would like to show you the top .
Take a tour of Santiago, Chile - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats. Hi, this is your host, Naomi. I would like to show you the top .
See the sights and sounds of Santiago, Chile. We review the top places to go and see in this beautiful city. See the Plaza De.
Travel video about destination Santiago de Chile. Santiago De Chile, the capital of Chile, is dignified, modest and European-looking and also lively, modern .
Destino VLA - Argentina - Programa 26 - Osorno - Chile
Destino VLA - Argentina - Programa 26 - Osorno - Chile
Destino VLA - Argentina - Programa 26 - Osorno - Chile
Santuario Patagonia - Monica Paez-Mohr Sonesta Hotel Osorno - Fabian Navarro Giraldo El Olivillo - Carlos Espin del Salto Cook´s by Sonesta - Pedro Misari Ar...
BOMBEROS DE CHILE - CB Osorno recibieron estandarte que los acredita como Grupo de Rescate USAR
BOMBEROS DE CHILE - CB Osorno recibieron estandarte que los acredita como Grupo de Rescate USAR
BOMBEROS DE CHILE - CB Osorno recibieron estandarte que los acredita como Grupo de Rescate USAR
Cerca de cuatro años de intenso trabajo, que incluyó complejos programas de capacitación académica y agotadoras jornadas de entrenamiento, vieron coronados con éxito 45 voluntarios del Cuerpo de Bomberos de Osorno al recibir el estandarte que los acredita como Grupo de Rescate Urbano USAR, siendo de esta forma el segundo a nivel nacional, junto con sus pares de Viña del Mar, en alcanzar este estatus.
De esta forma se acredita que el grupo cumple con estándares internacionales exigidos por la Organización de Naciones Unidas, a través del Insarag (Grupo Asesor Internacional en Búsqueda y Rescate).
.El Grupo Rescate Urbano del Cuerpo de Bomber
Scutismo para muchachos BBC (completo) Huillifotem Scout Osorno Chile Jamboree Brownsea Mafeking
Scutismo para muchachos BBC (completo) Huillifotem Scout Osorno Chile Jamboree Brownsea Mafeking
Scutismo para muchachos BBC (completo) Huillifotem Scout Osorno Chile Jamboree Brownsea Mafeking
Documental completo de la BBC con la historia de scoutismo y de BP.
Reunión Misión Chile Osorno
Reunión Misión Chile Osorno
Reunión Misión Chile Osorno
La Sur And Rolla - Temporada 5 - Capitulo 9 - Sonidos del Averno Sur - Rapaz.
La Sur And Rolla - Temporada 5 - Capitulo 9 - Sonidos del Averno Sur - Rapaz.
La Sur And Rolla - Temporada 5 - Capitulo 9 - Sonidos del Averno Sur - Rapaz.
Tokata hecha en Antros Rock Bar, en la ciudad de Osorno Chile.
Grabado por Jc Cardenas - Sonidista de Antros Rock Bar.
Rapaz - Metal de Este Suelo!
Facebook/Jc Odoyle
Facebook/Rapaz Osorno
Facebook/Antros Rock Bar
Programa de música en formato radio. Para un buen consumo de este producto agréguense tóxicos y nocivos para tu salud.
TENIS DE MESA OSORNO CHILE 4ª Fecha Jaime Millaguin-Boris Bello
TENIS DE MESA OSORNO CHILE 4ª Fecha Jaime Millaguin-Boris Bello
TENIS DE MESA OSORNO CHILE 4ª Fecha Jaime Millaguin-Boris Bello
Torneo Provincial 2013 Fecha 4 Grupo 2 Jaime Millaguin - Boris Bello 2-3 29-06-2013. Gimnasio Club Atletico Llanquihue de Osorno.
El relleno sanitario para Osorno y la Masonería en Chile fueron abordados en Actualidad Política
El relleno sanitario para Osorno y la Masonería en Chile fueron abordados en Actualidad Política
El relleno sanitario para Osorno y la Masonería en Chile fueron abordados en Actualidad Política
El diputado Fidel Espinoza reiteró que el alcalde de Osorno llame a nueva licitación para relleno sanitario, mientras que presidente de la masonería en Osorn...
Predicación del Evangelio Hno Claudio - Osorno, Chile
Predicación del Evangelio Hno Claudio - Osorno, Chile
Predicación del Evangelio Hno Claudio - Osorno, Chile
Nuestro amado hermano en la fe, Claudio Reyes Parra se encuentra predicando el evangelio junto al nuestro hermano Miguel Ascencio en Osorno, Chile el dìa 02-...
LA LEY - Osorno, 1991 (FULL ALBUM)
LA LEY - Osorno, 1991 (FULL ALBUM)
LA LEY - Osorno, 1991 (FULL ALBUM)
La Ley en concierto, Osorno, Chile, 1991. Gira Doble Opuesto.
Les compartimos una joya del rock chileno, La Ley en Osorno, promocionando lo que sería en ese entonces, su primer álbum oficial, Doble Opuesto (1991).
Este concierto tiene un valor histórico, pues además de clásicos de la primera época de La Ley como "Doble Opuesto", "Angie" y "Prisioneros de la Piel", la presentación contiene las interpretaciones en vivo de las inéditas "You Come And Go" (grabada por la banda recién en 1997, ya sin Andrés entre sus filas), "Holyness" (aún sin grabar en estudio), además de un instrumental también inédito y sin nombre, de autoría de Andrés Bobe
Fleep playing at @subsueloclub Osorno , Chile #housemusic
Fleep playing at @subsueloclub Osorno , Chile #housemusic
Fleep playing at @subsueloclub Osorno , Chile #housemusic
dj fleep playing house music in sub suelo club osorno , warm up for nico cano (arg) 15 of may 2015
Un viaje al sur de chile 2015 (lago cabrera, volcán Osorno, Lago Lanquihue y alrededores)
Un viaje al sur de chile 2015 (lago cabrera, volcán Osorno, Lago Lanquihue y alrededores)
Un viaje al sur de chile 2015 (lago cabrera, volcán Osorno, Lago Lanquihue y alrededores)
Un excelente Viaje de 11 días por el sur de Chile visitando lugares como:
- lago llanquihue
- Las Cascadas
- lago todos los santos
- volcán osorno
- Hornopirén y alrededores
- Lago Cabrera
Gimnasio Club Llanquihue Osorno. 09-03-2013 6. Final Pablo Vera-Daniel Flores 3-1.
Reik en vivo festival de la leche y la carne en osorno 2015
Reik en vivo festival de la leche y la carne en osorno 2015
Reik en vivo festival de la leche y la carne en osorno 2015
Presentacion de reik en osorno
TENIS DE MESA OSORNO CHILE 4ªFecha.German Mesas-Jaime Millaguin
TENIS DE MESA OSORNO CHILE 4ªFecha.German Mesas-Jaime Millaguin
TENIS DE MESA OSORNO CHILE 4ªFecha.German Mesas-Jaime Millaguin
Torneo Provincial 2013 4ªFecha German Mesas-Jaime Millaguin 3-2
29-06-2013. Gimnasio Club Atletico Llanquihue de Osorno.
TENIS DE MESA OSORNO CHILE 3ª fecha Provincial 2013 Semifinal - Jaime Millaguin - Daniel Flores
TENIS DE MESA OSORNO CHILE 3ª fecha Provincial 2013 Semifinal - Jaime Millaguin - Daniel Flores
TENIS DE MESA OSORNO CHILE 3ª fecha Provincial 2013 Semifinal - Jaime Millaguin - Daniel Flores
Provincial 2013 3ª fecha 18/mayo/ - semifinal - Jaime Millaguin - Daniel Flores 3-2 Gimnasio Club Atletico Llanquihue Osorno.
TENIS DE MESA OSORNO CHILE 4ªFecha.Felipe Godoy-Boris Bello
TENIS DE MESA OSORNO CHILE 4ªFecha.Felipe Godoy-Boris Bello
TENIS DE MESA OSORNO CHILE 4ªFecha.Felipe Godoy-Boris Bello
Torneo Provincial 2013 4ªFecha Cuartos de Final - Felipe Godoy-Boris Bello 3-2 29-06-2013. Gimnasio Club Atletico Llanquihue de Osorno.
TENIS DE MESA OSORNO CHILE 3ª fecha Provincial 2013 - grupo - Carlos Contreras-Boris bello
TENIS DE MESA OSORNO CHILE 3ª fecha Provincial 2013 - grupo - Carlos Contreras-Boris bello
TENIS DE MESA OSORNO CHILE 3ª fecha Provincial 2013 - grupo - Carlos Contreras-Boris bello
Provincial 2013 3ª fecha 18/mayo/ - etapa de grupo - Carlos Contreras-Boris bello 2-3. Gimnasio Club Atletico Llanquihue Osorno.
TENIS DE MESA OSORNO CHILE 4ªFecha F Sebastian Torres-Felipe Godoy
TENIS DE MESA OSORNO CHILE 4ªFecha F Sebastian Torres-Felipe Godoy
TENIS DE MESA OSORNO CHILE 4ªFecha F Sebastian Torres-Felipe Godoy
Torneo Provincial 2013 4ªFecha F Sebastian Torres-Felipe Godoy 29-06-2013. Gimnasio Club Atletico Llanquihue de Osorno.
TENIS DE MESA OSORNO CHILE 4ªFecha SF Boris Villanueva Felipe Godoy
TENIS DE MESA OSORNO CHILE 4ªFecha SF Boris Villanueva Felipe Godoy
TENIS DE MESA OSORNO CHILE 4ªFecha SF Boris Villanueva Felipe Godoy
Torneo Provincial 2013 4ªFecha SF Boris Villanueva Felipe Godoy 29-06-2013. Gimnasio Club Atletico Llanquihue de Osorno.
Tronic en Osorno - Tour "Alerta de Aplicación" 2015!
Tronic en Osorno - Tour "Alerta de Aplicación" 2015!
Tronic en Osorno - Tour "Alerta de Aplicación" 2015!
Hola a todos los fans del Rock! lml En esta ocasión, les traigo el Concierto de Tronic en el Pub Mitoss de Osorno, Chile, al que yo y mi hermana asistimos el sábado recién pasado (23/05/2015) :D Quise rajarme grabando a los cabros del grupo chileno más jarcor en la historia, YEAH! lml y aquí lo tienen :P Para todos esos que no fueron por diversos motivos, espero esto les sacie las ganas de saltar y moshear en el público aquí presente jajjajaa xD!
En fin, ojalá les guste y wea, ya que igual me costó grabar el chistesito de hora y media (de ahí los pequeños cortes por el límite de 4 GB de las microSD en FAT32 y los cambios de memoria, porque l
Partido Los Mancilla Part. 1 Osorno Chile
Partido Los Mancilla Part. 1 Osorno Chile
Partido Los Mancilla Part. 1 Osorno Chile
Aqui el equipo en su mejor faseta despues de los primeros 15 minutos ;D
Partido Los Mancilla part. 2 Osorno Chile
Partido Los Mancilla part. 2 Osorno Chile
Partido Los Mancilla part. 2 Osorno Chile
No me acuerdo cunto esqe ganamos pero casi nos empatan :c
Destino VLA - Argentina - Programa 26 - Osorno - Chile
Santuario Patagonia - Monica Paez-Mohr Sonesta Hotel Osorno - Fabian Navarro Giraldo El Olivillo - Carlos Espin del Salto Cook´s by Sonesta - Pedro Misari Ar...
Santuario Patagonia - Monica Paez-Mohr Sonesta Hotel Osorno - Fabian Navarro Giraldo El Olivillo - Carlos Espin del Salto Cook´s by Sonesta - Pedro Misari Ar...
Cerca de cuatro años de intenso trabajo, que incluyó complejos programas de capacitación académica y agotadoras jornadas de entrenamiento, vieron coronados con éxito 45 voluntarios del Cuerpo de Bomberos de Osorno al recibir el estandarte que los acredita como Grupo de Rescate Urbano USAR, siendo de esta forma el segundo a nivel nacional, junto con sus pares de Viña del Mar, en alcanzar este estatus.
De esta forma se acredita que el grupo cumple con estándares internacionales exigidos por la Organización de Naciones Unidas, a través del Insarag (Grupo Asesor Internacional en Búsqueda y Rescate).
.El Grupo Rescate Urbano del Cuerpo de Bomberos de Osorno está integrado por voluntarios de la ocho Compañías y el líder del grupo es Pablo Oyarzo.
Tras el terremoto de 2010, la Junta Nacional de Bomberos adhirió a la necesidad de que los equipos que trabajen en conjunto manejen los mismos códigos y niveles. Asimismo, cambiar el enfoque de algunos, que está asociado por lo general a Romper, Penetrar y Levantar y que comiencen a Pensar y Actuar como constructores de un orden, que se base en Planificar, Organizar, Dirigir, Controlar y emplear buenas prácticas, para lo cual la Academia Nacional inició un intenso proceso, el mencionado año, para estandarizar a los grupos de Rescate Urbano de nuestro país.
Esta acreditación nacional, elaborada en base a las normas INSARAG es la que permite que ante una emergencia masiva, pueda acudir en colaboración algún grupo USAR, previamente acreditado en alguno de dichos niveles de respuesta.
El su intervención, Raúl Bustos explicó que el terremoto del 27 de febrero de 2010 dejó como lecciones aprendidas dos cosas: la necesidad de tener un Sistema Nacional de Operaciones y la necesidad de tener grupos acreditados en Rescate Urbano.
Cerca de cuatro años de intenso trabajo, que incluyó complejos programas de capacitación académica y agotadoras jornadas de entrenamiento, vieron coronados con éxito 45 voluntarios del Cuerpo de Bomberos de Osorno al recibir el estandarte que los acredita como Grupo de Rescate Urbano USAR, siendo de esta forma el segundo a nivel nacional, junto con sus pares de Viña del Mar, en alcanzar este estatus.
De esta forma se acredita que el grupo cumple con estándares internacionales exigidos por la Organización de Naciones Unidas, a través del Insarag (Grupo Asesor Internacional en Búsqueda y Rescate).
.El Grupo Rescate Urbano del Cuerpo de Bomberos de Osorno está integrado por voluntarios de la ocho Compañías y el líder del grupo es Pablo Oyarzo.
Tras el terremoto de 2010, la Junta Nacional de Bomberos adhirió a la necesidad de que los equipos que trabajen en conjunto manejen los mismos códigos y niveles. Asimismo, cambiar el enfoque de algunos, que está asociado por lo general a Romper, Penetrar y Levantar y que comiencen a Pensar y Actuar como constructores de un orden, que se base en Planificar, Organizar, Dirigir, Controlar y emplear buenas prácticas, para lo cual la Academia Nacional inició un intenso proceso, el mencionado año, para estandarizar a los grupos de Rescate Urbano de nuestro país.
Esta acreditación nacional, elaborada en base a las normas INSARAG es la que permite que ante una emergencia masiva, pueda acudir en colaboración algún grupo USAR, previamente acreditado en alguno de dichos niveles de respuesta.
El su intervención, Raúl Bustos explicó que el terremoto del 27 de febrero de 2010 dejó como lecciones aprendidas dos cosas: la necesidad de tener un Sistema Nacional de Operaciones y la necesidad de tener grupos acreditados en Rescate Urbano.
published:26 Aug 2013
Scutismo para muchachos BBC (completo) Huillifotem Scout Osorno Chile Jamboree Brownsea Mafeking
Tokata hecha en Antros Rock Bar, en la ciudad de Osorno Chile.
Grabado por Jc Cardenas - Sonidista de Antros Rock Bar.
Rapaz - Metal de Este Suelo!
Facebook/Jc Odoyle
Facebook/Rapaz Osorno
Facebook/Antros Rock Bar
Programa de música en formato radio. Para un buen consumo de este producto agréguense tóxicos y nocivos para tu salud.
Tokata hecha en Antros Rock Bar, en la ciudad de Osorno Chile.
Grabado por Jc Cardenas - Sonidista de Antros Rock Bar.
Rapaz - Metal de Este Suelo!
Facebook/Jc Odoyle
Facebook/Rapaz Osorno
Facebook/Antros Rock Bar
Programa de música en formato radio. Para un buen consumo de este producto agréguense tóxicos y nocivos para tu salud.
published:20 May 2015
TENIS DE MESA OSORNO CHILE 4ª Fecha Jaime Millaguin-Boris Bello
El diputado Fidel Espinoza reiteró que el alcalde de Osorno llame a nueva licitación para relleno sanitario, mientras que presidente de la masonería en Osorn...
El diputado Fidel Espinoza reiteró que el alcalde de Osorno llame a nueva licitación para relleno sanitario, mientras que presidente de la masonería en Osorn...
Nuestro amado hermano en la fe, Claudio Reyes Parra se encuentra predicando el evangelio junto al nuestro hermano Miguel Ascencio en Osorno, Chile el dìa 02-...
Nuestro amado hermano en la fe, Claudio Reyes Parra se encuentra predicando el evangelio junto al nuestro hermano Miguel Ascencio en Osorno, Chile el dìa 02-...
La Ley en concierto, Osorno, Chile, 1991. Gira Doble Opuesto.
Les compartimos una joya del rock chileno, La Ley en Osorno, promocionando lo que sería en ese entonces, su primer álbum oficial, Doble Opuesto (1991).
Este concierto tiene un valor histórico, pues además de clásicos de la primera época de La Ley como "Doble Opuesto", "Angie" y "Prisioneros de la Piel", la presentación contiene las interpretaciones en vivo de las inéditas "You Come And Go" (grabada por la banda recién en 1997, ya sin Andrés entre sus filas), "Holyness" (aún sin grabar en estudio), además de un instrumental también inédito y sin nombre, de autoría de Andrés Bobe.
Agradecimientos especiales a Dago Moto.
La Ley - Formación 1991
Beto Cuevas: Voces
Andrés Bobe: Guitarras, teclados y programaciones
Luciano Rojas: Bajos
Mauricio Clavería: Percusiones
01. (00:00) You Come And Go
02. (03:52) Placer
03. (08:24) Qué Va a Suceder
04. (12:51) Holyness
05. (16:15) Doble Opuesto
06. (20:05) Instrumental (Andrés Bobe)
07. (21:52) I.L.U.
08. (26:35) Sasha
09. (30:36) Solo Ideales
10. (35:21) Prisioneros De La Piel
11. (38:33) Desiertos
12. (45:08) Angie
La Ley en concierto, Osorno, Chile, 1991. Gira Doble Opuesto.
Les compartimos una joya del rock chileno, La Ley en Osorno, promocionando lo que sería en ese entonces, su primer álbum oficial, Doble Opuesto (1991).
Este concierto tiene un valor histórico, pues además de clásicos de la primera época de La Ley como "Doble Opuesto", "Angie" y "Prisioneros de la Piel", la presentación contiene las interpretaciones en vivo de las inéditas "You Come And Go" (grabada por la banda recién en 1997, ya sin Andrés entre sus filas), "Holyness" (aún sin grabar en estudio), además de un instrumental también inédito y sin nombre, de autoría de Andrés Bobe.
Agradecimientos especiales a Dago Moto.
La Ley - Formación 1991
Beto Cuevas: Voces
Andrés Bobe: Guitarras, teclados y programaciones
Luciano Rojas: Bajos
Mauricio Clavería: Percusiones
01. (00:00) You Come And Go
02. (03:52) Placer
03. (08:24) Qué Va a Suceder
04. (12:51) Holyness
05. (16:15) Doble Opuesto
06. (20:05) Instrumental (Andrés Bobe)
07. (21:52) I.L.U.
08. (26:35) Sasha
09. (30:36) Solo Ideales
10. (35:21) Prisioneros De La Piel
11. (38:33) Desiertos
12. (45:08) Angie
published:25 Nov 2014
Fleep playing at @subsueloclub Osorno , Chile #housemusic
Un excelente Viaje de 11 días por el sur de Chile visitando lugares como:
- lago llanquihue
- Las Cascadas
- lago todos los santos
- volcán osorno
- Hornopirén y alrededores
- Lago Cabrera
Un excelente Viaje de 11 días por el sur de Chile visitando lugares como:
- lago llanquihue
- Las Cascadas
- lago todos los santos
- volcán osorno
- Hornopirén y alrededores
- Lago Cabrera
published:16 Mar 2015
Hola a todos los fans del Rock! lml En esta ocasión, les traigo el Concierto de Tronic en el Pub Mitoss de Osorno, Chile, al que yo y mi hermana asistimos el sábado recién pasado (23/05/2015) :D Quise rajarme grabando a los cabros del grupo chileno más jarcor en la historia, YEAH! lml y aquí lo tienen :P Para todos esos que no fueron por diversos motivos, espero esto les sacie las ganas de saltar y moshear en el público aquí presente jajjajaa xD!
En fin, ojalá les guste y wea, ya que igual me costó grabar el chistesito de hora y media (de ahí los pequeños cortes por el límite de 4 GB de las microSD en FAT32 y los cambios de memoria, porque llene una de 16 GB, otra de 8, y otra más de 8 a medias) :v a eso sumarle que me pisoteaban y me movían de aquí pa' allá varias veces, pero eso es lo de menos, porque valió la pena :D Larga vida a Tronic y al Rock chileno! lml Saludos a todos :3
1. Capitán Caribe (1:01)
2. Idiotas (3:56)
3. Santiago (6:37)
4. Cuatro Ases (9:50)
5. Otra Vez (13:00)
6. Alexander (15:23)
7. Imitables (19:25)
8. Misis Guiñi [+ Intro] (23:50)
9. Nunca Olvidaremos (26:50)
10. Ciro Longa (29:49)
11. Brasil (33:16)
12. Somos Iguales (36:45)
13. Soñando [12 años sin parar :')] (41:16)
14. Malos Amigos [Jódanse! .l.] (44:17)
15. Fénix [Renace! :3] (46:39)
16. Mateo! [+ Intro Jarcor! lml] (50:00)
17. Mantarraya (51:56)
18. Tele Culiá! [Desde el 1er Coro] (54:56)
19. Kikiki-Up [?] (59:18)
20. Despierta (1:02:56)
21. Abracadabra! [La wea mágica o:] (1:06:03)
22. La Colina (1:09:10)
23. Rompe El Destino [Grande Don Curco! lml] (1:12:22)
24. Veinte Por Ciento (1:15:40)
25. Zem Zem (1:20:39)
26. (Eres) Venenosa! [Desde la 2da Estrofa] (1:23:45)
27. Prendan La Radio! [+ Intro] (1:26:22)
28. Combo Final! [Sorry por las fotos xD! Temazo Final!] (1:29:36)
Únanse a mi en Facebook e.e
También estoy en Tumblr:3
Todos los derechos reservados al grupo "Tronic" por sus respectivas canciones lml
Hola a todos los fans del Rock! lml En esta ocasión, les traigo el Concierto de Tronic en el Pub Mitoss de Osorno, Chile, al que yo y mi hermana asistimos el sábado recién pasado (23/05/2015) :D Quise rajarme grabando a los cabros del grupo chileno más jarcor en la historia, YEAH! lml y aquí lo tienen :P Para todos esos que no fueron por diversos motivos, espero esto les sacie las ganas de saltar y moshear en el público aquí presente jajjajaa xD!
En fin, ojalá les guste y wea, ya que igual me costó grabar el chistesito de hora y media (de ahí los pequeños cortes por el límite de 4 GB de las microSD en FAT32 y los cambios de memoria, porque llene una de 16 GB, otra de 8, y otra más de 8 a medias) :v a eso sumarle que me pisoteaban y me movían de aquí pa' allá varias veces, pero eso es lo de menos, porque valió la pena :D Larga vida a Tronic y al Rock chileno! lml Saludos a todos :3
1. Capitán Caribe (1:01)
2. Idiotas (3:56)
3. Santiago (6:37)
4. Cuatro Ases (9:50)
5. Otra Vez (13:00)
6. Alexander (15:23)
7. Imitables (19:25)
8. Misis Guiñi [+ Intro] (23:50)
9. Nunca Olvidaremos (26:50)
10. Ciro Longa (29:49)
11. Brasil (33:16)
12. Somos Iguales (36:45)
13. Soñando [12 años sin parar :')] (41:16)
14. Malos Amigos [Jódanse! .l.] (44:17)
15. Fénix [Renace! :3] (46:39)
16. Mateo! [+ Intro Jarcor! lml] (50:00)
17. Mantarraya (51:56)
18. Tele Culiá! [Desde el 1er Coro] (54:56)
19. Kikiki-Up [?] (59:18)
20. Despierta (1:02:56)
21. Abracadabra! [La wea mágica o:] (1:06:03)
22. La Colina (1:09:10)
23. Rompe El Destino [Grande Don Curco! lml] (1:12:22)
24. Veinte Por Ciento (1:15:40)
25. Zem Zem (1:20:39)
26. (Eres) Venenosa! [Desde la 2da Estrofa] (1:23:45)
27. Prendan La Radio! [+ Intro] (1:26:22)
28. Combo Final! [Sorry por las fotos xD! Temazo Final!] (1:29:36)
Únanse a mi en Facebook e.e
También estoy en Tumblr:3
Todos los derechos reservados al grupo "Tronic" por sus respectivas canciones lml
Demo efectuada por nuestro club, con motivo de la Expo Anime Gamer Codex, celebrada en el Gimnasio Pedro Aguirre Cerda de la ciudad de Osorno, el 10 de Mayo de 2.015, incluye además de Aikido, Aiki Jo, Kenjtusu y Battojutsu
P. Osorno 2x0 UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE. 19° Fecha, T. Nacional 1996
P. Osorno 2x0 UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE. 19° Fecha, T. Nacional 1996
P. Osorno 2x0 UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE. 19° Fecha, T. Nacional 1996
Provincial Osorno 2x0 UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE. 19° Fecha, Torneo Nacional 1996.
Ficha Técnica:
▪Fecha: 15-08-1996.
▪Estadio: Parque Schott, Osorno.
▪Público: n/d.
▪Árbitro: n/d.
▪Formación U. de Chile: n/d.
▪Formación P. Osorno: n/d.
▪Goles: Jaime Aguilar y Pedro González P. para los lecheros.
▪Incidencias: A los 18' fue expulsado Luis Musrri (U).
Yonha el intocable en vivo PIDES MAS junto a Moreno . Osorno , Chile
Yonha el intocable en vivo PIDES MAS junto a Moreno . Osorno , Chile
Yonha el intocable en vivo PIDES MAS junto a Moreno . Osorno , Chile
Pudahuel FM 90.5 / Osorno - Cortina Desonexión (Ventas Regiones) Mayo 2015
Pudahuel FM 90.5 / Osorno - Cortina Desonexión (Ventas Regiones) Mayo 2015
Pudahuel FM 90.5 / Osorno - Cortina Desonexión (Ventas Regiones) Mayo 2015
Capillas para Chile: Reconstrucción monasterio carmelitas de Osorno
Capillas para Chile: Reconstrucción monasterio carmelitas de Osorno
Capillas para Chile: Reconstrucción monasterio carmelitas de Osorno
En 1993 este monasterio quedó destruido totalmente a causa de un incendio. Con gran esfuerzo las carmelitas lo han reconstruido. Pero ahora, necesitan construir un noviciado, un oratorio-capilla y talleres. Por eso, pidieron ayuda a la fundación pontificia AIS-Chile, en el marco de su campaña "Capillas para Chile". Infórmate cómo puedes ayudar en
Dia de la Mama [ Huillifotem Scout Chile - Scouts Osorno - Scout Osorno - Manada Lobatos ]
Dia de la Mama [ Huillifotem Scout Chile - Scouts Osorno - Scout Osorno - Manada Lobatos ]
Dia de la Mama [ Huillifotem Scout Chile - Scouts Osorno - Scout Osorno - Manada Lobatos ]
Video para el dia de la Mama.
Hecho por los lobatos de la manada Chepamkull del Grupo guias y scouts huillifotem de la universidad de los lagos.
mayo 2015
Rock & Pop 94.1 / Osorno - Cortina desconexión Mayo 2015
Rock & Pop 94.1 / Osorno - Cortina desconexión Mayo 2015
Rock & Pop 94.1 / Osorno - Cortina desconexión Mayo 2015
Tema : " Safe and Sound " - Capital Cities
Demo efectuada por nuestro club, con motivo de la Expo Anime Gamer Codex, celebrada en el Gimnasio Pedro Aguirre Cerda de la ciudad de Osorno, el 10 de Mayo de 2.015, incluye además de Aikido, Aiki Jo, Kenjtusu y Battojutsu
Demo efectuada por nuestro club, con motivo de la Expo Anime Gamer Codex, celebrada en el Gimnasio Pedro Aguirre Cerda de la ciudad de Osorno, el 10 de Mayo de 2.015, incluye además de Aikido, Aiki Jo, Kenjtusu y Battojutsu
published:17 May 2015
P. Osorno 2x0 UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE. 19° Fecha, T. Nacional 1996
Provincial Osorno 2x0 UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE. 19° Fecha, Torneo Nacional 1996.
Ficha Técnica:
▪Fecha: 15-08-1996.
▪Estadio: Parque Schott, Osorno.
▪Público: n/d.
▪Árbitro: n/d.
▪Formación U. de Chile: n/d.
▪Formación P. Osorno: n/d.
▪Goles: Jaime Aguilar y Pedro González P. para los lecheros.
▪Incidencias: A los 18' fue expulsado Luis Musrri (U).
Provincial Osorno 2x0 UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE. 19° Fecha, Torneo Nacional 1996.
Ficha Técnica:
▪Fecha: 15-08-1996.
▪Estadio: Parque Schott, Osorno.
▪Público: n/d.
▪Árbitro: n/d.
▪Formación U. de Chile: n/d.
▪Formación P. Osorno: n/d.
▪Goles: Jaime Aguilar y Pedro González P. para los lecheros.
▪Incidencias: A los 18' fue expulsado Luis Musrri (U).
published:17 May 2015
Yonha el intocable en vivo PIDES MAS junto a Moreno . Osorno , Chile
En 1993 este monasterio quedó destruido totalmente a causa de un incendio. Con gran esfuerzo las carmelitas lo han reconstruido. Pero ahora, necesitan construir un noviciado, un oratorio-capilla y talleres. Por eso, pidieron ayuda a la fundación pontificia AIS-Chile, en el marco de su campaña "Capillas para Chile". Infórmate cómo puedes ayudar en
En 1993 este monasterio quedó destruido totalmente a causa de un incendio. Con gran esfuerzo las carmelitas lo han reconstruido. Pero ahora, necesitan construir un noviciado, un oratorio-capilla y talleres. Por eso, pidieron ayuda a la fundación pontificia AIS-Chile, en el marco de su campaña "Capillas para Chile". Infórmate cómo puedes ayudar en
published:12 May 2015
Dia de la Mama [ Huillifotem Scout Chile - Scouts Osorno - Scout Osorno - Manada Lobatos ]
Video para el dia de la Mama.
Hecho por los lobatos de la manada Chepamkull del Grupo guias y scouts huillifotem de la universidad de los lagos.
mayo 2015
Video para el dia de la Mama.
Hecho por los lobatos de la manada Chepamkull del Grupo guias y scouts huillifotem de la universidad de los lagos.
mayo 2015
published:12 May 2015
Rock & Pop 94.1 / Osorno - Cortina desconexión Mayo 2015
Petrohue Rapids and Osorno Volcano. Chile, Celebrity Infinity, March 2013.
Petrohue Rapids and Osorno Volcano. Chile, Celebrity Infinity, March 2013.
Taken during a Celebrity Infinity "Around Cape Horn" March 2013 cruise. A truly beautiful region, Chile Lake District, with spectacular views everywhere.
Juan Barros asume como Obispo de Osorno entre incidentes y protestas
Manifestantes ingres...
published:21 Mar 2015
Juan Barros asume como Obispo de Osorno
Juan Barros asume como Obispo de Osorno
Juan Barros asume como Obispo de Osorno entre incidentes y protestas
Manifestantes ingresaron con globos y banderas negras a la Catedral para manifestar su rechazo a la designación. Barros es acusado de encubrir de los abusos que cometió Fernando Karadima.
Osorno. CHILE. 21.04.2015
Entre gritos, incidentes y un tenso ambiente se llevó a cabo la ceremonia en donde Juan Barros asumió este sábado como obispo de Osorno.
Hasta las cercanías de la Catedral de la ciudad llegaron cerca de 200 personas para manifestar su rechazo a la designación del religioso, por las acusaciones que lo califican como encubridor de los abusos que cometió Fernando Karadima.
Las consignas contra Barros interrumpieron en varias oportunidades la misa, ya que un grupo de manifestantes ingresó a la iglesia acompañado de carteles, banderas y globos negros para evidenciar su desconteto.
En tanto, las personas que estaban a favor del nombramiento vestían poleras blancas, además de portar globos y pañuelos del mismo color.
Tras finalizar la ceremonia, los personas que rechazan la designación continúan en las afueras de la Catedral a la espera de que el ahora Obispo de Osorno salga del lugar.
A la actividad no asistieron las autoridades locales.
published:21 Mar 2015
OVNI con forma de cigarro entra en el Volcán de Osorno, Chile
OVNI con forma de cigarro entra en el Volcán de Osorno, Chile
OVNI con forma de cigarro entra en el Volcán de Osorno, Chile
Página web:
Una fotografía muestra un OVNI con forma de cigarro que parece caer en picadaodirectamente en el volcán de Osorno en Chile.
Osorno es uno de los volcanes más activos del sur de los Andes de Chile y se sienta encima de un estrato erosionado de 250.000 años de edad, con unos 6 km de ancho de caldera.
Los agricultores de las comunidades vecinas informan de extrañas luces con movimientos irregulares, desapareciendo de la vista general, cerca del Volcán Osorno.
Los residentes locales afirman Tales fenómenos son comunes en la región.
published:30 Jan 2015
Provincial Osorno 1 U. de Chile 2 (2008)
Fecha 11 Clausura 31 de agosto 2008 [Jaime Barrientos 62; Marcelo Salas 73pen, Marco Estra...
Espero que les guste este video tanto como a mi me gusto abrazar a tanta gente :D
Mix: ...
published:25 Dec 2013
Espero que les guste este video tanto como a mi me gusto abrazar a tanta gente :D
Mix: WhiteNois3
published:25 Dec 2013
Manejando con #Vardoc1 ( Parte 7 ) : Viaje Osorno ( Chile ) a Bariloche ( Argentina )
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Aplicación Vardoc Para tu Navegador :
published:12 Feb 2014
Manejando con #Vardoc1 ( Parte 7 ) : Viaje Osorno ( Chile ) a Bariloche ( Argentina )
Manejando con #Vardoc1 ( Parte 7 ) : Viaje Osorno ( Chile ) a Bariloche ( Argentina )
Encuentra todo en
Aplicación Vardoc Para tu Navegador :
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¡Dame un Me Gustah :3!
Travel video about destination Chile.
Chile was given its name by the Incas who respectful...
published:11 Feb 2014
Chile Travel Video Guide
Chile Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Chile.
Chile was given its name by the Incas who respectfully called it Chili, ‘the country in the south’. Santiago De Chile, the capital of Chile, is dignified, modest and European-looking and also lively, modern and full of Latin temperament. The Plaza De Armas is the heart of the city and the historic centre of colonial Santiago that contains the city’s most important buildings. The city of Valparaiso or, Paradise Valley, is around a hundred and twenty kilometres from the capital of Santiago De Chile on the Pacific coast. The city’s development was closely connected with its harbour which brought it wealth and power. Since the middle of the nineteenth century, escalators have rattled up and down the steep hills of the harbour city with forty five hills flanking the bay, each of them covered with a number of tiny wooden huts. Only a short journey on a gravel road and the Atacama Desert begins. At its centre it is the driest desert in the world where the forces of nature have turned it into an extraordinary landscape. The Atacama extends between the Pacific Ocean and the Cordilleras, an area of stone and sand that is perforated only by various frequently dried out salt lakes. For those ships that sailed around Cape Horn, Ancud represented a safe harbour on the journey north in which they could rest after sailing the stormy waters of the South Pacific. At a time when whales and seals were hunted in the Antarctic, Ancud served as a supply station along the route to the southern Polar sea. From the Atacama Desert in the north to as far as the stormy Tierra Del Fuego in the south, Chile is a country rich in contrast. Volcanoes, arid deserts, salt lakes, lively geysers, sandstone mountains and a cosmopolitan city. All of this is to be found in Chile, a country at the end of the world!
published:11 Feb 2014
Chile Travel - Chile Promotional Video
Video promocional. Compilado recorrido por Chile
published:29 Sep 2011
Chile Travel - Chile Promotional Video
Chile Travel - Chile Promotional Video
Video promocional. Compilado recorrido por Chile
published:29 Sep 2011
Santiago De Chile Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Santiago de Chile.
Santiago De Chile, the capital of Chil...
published:31 May 2014
Santiago De Chile Travel Video Guide
Santiago De Chile Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Santiago de Chile.
Santiago De Chile, the capital of Chile, is dignified, modest and European-looking and also lively, modern and full of Latin temperament, a city that has many green areas and a history that covers five hundred years. The Plaza De Armas is the heart of the city and the historic centre of colonial Santiago that contains the city’s most important buildings. The Museo Histórico Nacional is located in the Palacio Real Audiencia. It contains around twelve thousand exhibits that feature Chile’s history from pre-Columbian times right up to the twentieth century. Strikingly dressed in black and white uniforms and brown caps, the soldiers of the guard march across the Plaza De La Constitution towards the La Moneda Palace, an elongated, strictly classical building whose white façade looks almost kitsch with the blue sky as its backdrop. Following restoration work, General Augusto Pinochet moved in and it has been the seat of government ever since. Dictatorship transformed into democracy! The Parque Forestal is situated on the northern edge of the city centre along the Rio Mapocho, a park complex with various varieties of tree. Amid all the green is the German Fountain with, at its centre, a ship with heroic figures and huge birds of prey. Today, the city is looking good and although with colonial roots, Santiago De Chile is now open-minded, modern and cosmopolitan.
published:31 May 2014
Travel Guide to Chile
As the longest, thinnest country in the world, Chile stretches all the way from the border...
published:04 Mar 2015
Travel Guide to Chile
Travel Guide to Chile
As the longest, thinnest country in the world, Chile stretches all the way from the borders with Bolivia and Peru in the north, 4,500ks to Tierra del Fuego in the south, and yet at its widest point it, in the Atacama Desert, is only 400ks across. Sandwiched between the Pacific Ocean and the towering Andes, this fascinating Latin American country is home to the world’s driest desert, arguably the continent’s most stunning national park, an impressive wine region and, on Chiloe Island, the home of the potato! An economically sound country that is fast become a first world nation, Chile has a huge amount to offer the modern traveller.
Unless coming in overland, most trips to Chile will start here in the nation’s capital, Santiago.
Although most guidebooks will tell you Santiago is not as exciting at Rio or as elegant and enchanting as Buenos Aires, and should be used only as a gateway to the rest of the country, I feel it is an interesting place to explore for a day or two. Like many large Latin American cities it suffers somewhat from schizophrenic urban design where the city’s impressive colonial past is often dwarfed and obscured by its more ugly modern present; tenement towers and, since its rise as a regional economic powerhouse – Chile has the highest GDP per capita in South America – glass fronted office blocks. But there are still some great sites to check out including the Plaza de Armas, the Palacio Modera, the city’s main museum, and the Mercado Central, where you can enjoy a delicious seafood lunch, beneath a roof that was actually made in Birmingham! Santiago also has some lovely hotels and is famous for its excellent dining.
But Santiago is unlikely to form the main reason for your visit to Chile, that is much more likely to lie either in the far north, in the Atacama region or in the far south in Patagonia.
From Santiago, and starting in the very south of the country in Chilean Patagonia, is Puerto Aranas, entry point for what is arguably the continents most impressive national park, Torres del Paine. Deriving its name from the bull-like horns of the park’s most impressive mountain, Torres del Paine covers a quarter of a million hectares, is home to some spectacular and varied accommodation, and is a great place to hike, horse ride or just enjoy the scenery.
Moving north, we come to the beautiful Lake District around the towns of Puerto Montt and Puerto Varas. Here, up the Puelo River valley, you can do some wonderful horse riding as well as walking and kayaking. A short distance off the coast you also have Chiloe Island, which along with stunning coastal walks is also famous for being home of the potato. And further still off the coast, in fact more than 2,000 miles into the Pacific Ocean, is the extraordinary Easter Island… a land shrouded in mystery with its dramatic stone head carvings, Easter Island is one of the most remote inhabited islands on the planet.
Heading further north other notable places are the beautiful coastal towns of La Serena and Valparaiso – just a stone’s throw from the capital Santiago – and the wine district of Coquimbo where some of the country’s leading wines are manufacture
And here in the far north of the country, lies the truly extraordinary Atacama Desert. Bordering Bolivia, Peru and Argentina, is a region that’s renowned as being the driest place on earth.
Sitting in the rain shadow of both the Andes and the Chilean Coastal Range, the Atacama Desert is renowned as being the driest place on earth. It is also the region that has been driest for longest, with some suggesting a continuous arid area here dating back at least three million years. Some of the soil has no life at all, a situation NASA has exploited to test instruments for Mars missions. And, due to its otherworldly landscapes, it has been used as a location on numerous space films including Space Odyssey: Voyage to the Planets.
Forming the northern chain of Chile’s ‘Ring of Fire’ the region is framed by a spectacular girdle of volcanoes and plethora of fascinating geographical phenomenon.
A country fast emerging as a first world nation, Chile offers today’s traveller a safe location with some great accommodation, fine dining and world-class wines. But first and foremost she offers some of the most varied and impressive landscapes anywhere on earth.
published:04 Mar 2015
Chile Travel Guide - Dos and Donts dedicated website for travel Taboos, Dos and Donts of world p...
published:01 Mar 2011
Chile Travel Guide - Dos and Donts
Chile Travel Guide - Dos and Donts dedicated website for travel Taboos, Dos and Donts of world popular destinations, such as Chile. Come to visit this website for more details of Chile travel taboo, dos and donts. Your opinion counts, please help others by sharing your good and bad travel experiences on this website.
published:01 Mar 2011
Santiago, Chile Travel Tips - Things to See and Do in Santiago, Chile See the sights and sounds of Santiago, Chile. We review th...
published:05 Feb 2010
Santiago, Chile Travel Tips - Things to See and Do in Santiago, Chile
Santiago, Chile Travel Tips - Things to See and Do in Santiago, Chile See the sights and sounds of Santiago, Chile. We review the top places to go and see in this beautiful city. See the Plaza De Las Armas and the surrounding historical and classical buildings. For more tips on Santiago, Chile head to its destination page on Living Radically at
published:05 Feb 2010
Atacama Desert - Chile Travel Guide (HD)
Atacama Desert Tourism (HD) - Chile, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina
Travel Videos HD, World Tra...
published:29 Aug 2014
Atacama Desert - Chile Travel Guide (HD)
Atacama Desert - Chile Travel Guide (HD)
Atacama Desert Tourism (HD) - Chile, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide
The Atacama Desert ( Desierto de Atacama) is a plateau in South America, covering a 1,000-kilometre (600 mi) strip of land on the Pacific coast, west of the Andes mountains. It is the driest non-polar desert in the world. According to estimates the Atacama Desert proper occupies 105,000 square kilometres (41,000 sq mi), but its size rises to 128,000 square kilometres (49,000 sq mi) when the barren lower slopes of the Andes are included. Most of the desert is composed of stony terrain, salt lakes (salares), sand, and felsic lava that flows towards the Andes.
explora Atacama is located in the Ayllu de Larache (initially a kin-based community of the ancient Atacameño people), near the village of San Pedro de Atacama
Our explorations are the most important aspect of our travel experience. We have over 40 different guided hikes, bike rides, high mountain ascents and horseback rides, in groups of maximum 8 travelers. All our explorations have different difficulty levels ranging from easy to demanding, and different durations, half day or full day
Recommended explorations:
Stargazing sessions at the explora observatory, the Puritama hot springs, Guatín-Puritama (half day hike) and Quebrada de Nacimiento (full day hike), Cerro Toco (half day high mountain ascent), Quebrada del Diablo (half day horseback ride), Piedra de la Coca (half day bike ride)
Rooms and view:
The lodge has 50 rooms with breathtaking views of desert landscapes and the Cordillera de la Sal
At explora, we actively seek disconnection from everyday routine, which is why our rooms are not equipped with televisions or Wi-Fi, which is only available in the lodge’s common areas
Minimum stay and recommendations:
Our programs have a 3 night minimum stay, however, we highly recommend you stay for 5 nights in order to fully experience this destination.
When to visit: You can enjoy our journeys any time of year. Each season has its own charm, colors and aromas. We go out exploring every single day
Come prepared: View the list of suggested equipment
published:29 Aug 2014
Chile Tour Guide 2014 (HD)
Chile Tour Guide, Chile Tours, Chile Vacation, Chile Tourism
Travel Videos HD, World Trav...
published:27 Sep 2014
Chile Tour Guide 2014 (HD)
Chile Tour Guide 2014 (HD)
Chile Tour Guide, Chile Tours, Chile Vacation, Chile Tourism
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide
Chile narrowly stretches along the southern half of the west coast of South America, between the Andes and the Pacific Ocean. The bordering countries are Peru to the north, Bolivia to north east and Argentina to the east. Chile has over 5,000 km (3,100 miles) of coast on the South Pacific Ocean.
Santiago, the capital and largest city of the country.
Concepción, Chile's second largest city.
Iquique, touristic center in Northern Chile.
La Serena, a charming city, with many things to do in and around it.
Valparaíso, main Chilean port and a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Vina del Mar, the principal touristic attraction: beaches, casino and an iconic music festival.
Valdivia, the "City of Rivers", rebuilt after the strongest earthquake on history.
Punta Arenas, one of the southernmost cities of the world.
San Pedro de Atacama
Villarrica, surrounded by lakes and volcanos.
Chiloé, the largest island of the country.
Western Patagonia
Pichilemu, Chile's premier surfing destination
Torres del Paine National Park.
El Colorado, Portillo, La Parva and Valle Nevado ski resorts.
Robinson Crusoe Island.
Valle de Elqui
published:27 Sep 2014
Santiago city guide - Lonely Planet travel video
Join Lonely Planet on a visit to Santiago, a city that's embracing its history, culture an...
published:11 Apr 2013
Santiago city guide - Lonely Planet travel video
Santiago city guide - Lonely Planet travel video
Join Lonely Planet on a visit to Santiago, a city that's embracing its history, culture and the best natural location in the Americas. Visit for more information about Chile.
published:11 Apr 2013
Aristocrazy shows Chile: Travel Guide by Bryan Boy - extended version
published:23 Dec 2013
Aristocrazy shows Chile: Travel Guide by Bryan Boy - extended version
Aristocrazy shows Chile: Travel Guide by Bryan Boy - extended version
published:23 Dec 2013
Travel Chile - Visiting Valaparaiso
This is the world's oldest Spanish newspaper in circulation. And where is it printed? Righ...
published:06 May 2010
Travel Chile - Visiting Valaparaiso
Travel Chile - Visiting Valaparaiso
This is the world's oldest Spanish newspaper in circulation. And where is it printed? Right here, in Chile's port city, Valparaiso. Located 120 kilometers from Santiago, Valparaiso's population is about a quarter of a million. Valparaiso gained worldwide attention in the 19th century when it was a major port for sea trade between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. Later, much of that activity shifted to the Panama Canal.
Valparaiso is still Chile's main port, but the reason you want to come here is because it is one of Chile's most picturesque and unique cities. The house are set up along the serros, or hills, and they are painted in bright color. We are going to walk up and check out the beautiful view at the top. It is not easy, considering that some hills at a 45 degree angle. All right. So I just made it to the top. It is an exhausting climb, but the view is well worth it. If you do not want to walk up the steep hill, you can take the elevator, or ascensore, for only a 100 pesos. There are 15 elevators, or funiculars, all around Valaparaiso and they are all declared world monuments.
During your walk you will come across some beautiful mansions, as well as some more modest homes. This building is Municipal Museum of belas artes, or fine arts, it is old, beautiful and unique. Chile's Nobel Prize-winning poet, Pablo Neruda, has one of his house right here, in Valaparaiso. It is called Casa Museo la Sebastiana. Right now I am in front of Hotel Gran Gervasoni. It is built right into the hillside, and it is a great option to stay at. Another great option is to stay at antique houses that have been turned into bed and breakfasts. They come in all price ranges, but try to stay in one that is up on the hill and not in the center of town. It is more peaceful and the views are much better.
Valparaiso is famous all over Chile for its nightlife. A lot of bars can be found in Plaza Sotomayor, Cerro Bellavista, and downtown. Due to its beauty and Pablo Neruda, this city attracts lots of artists and writers. As you walk around the town, you will notice lots of murals and graffiti, which really make the city come alive with color. If you want to experience something really special, celebrate New Year's Eve right here, in Valparaiso. There is an excellent fireworks show, but be careful, you need to make your reservations months in advance. This is a safe city, but camera snatching is common, so watch out. Since Valaparaiso is such a unique city, it has been placed on UNESCO's world heritage list, and it is an important cultural center for Chile. I am Helia Goodman, showing you Valparaiso.
published:06 May 2010
Chile: Top 10 Tourist Attractions - Video Travel Guide
Top 10 Tourist attractions in Chile - Travel Chile.
Chile Tourist attractions, Chile Attra...
published:30 Nov 2014
Chile: Top 10 Tourist Attractions - Video Travel Guide
Chile: Top 10 Tourist Attractions - Video Travel Guide
Top 10 Tourist attractions in Chile - Travel Chile.
Chile Tourist attractions, Chile Attractions,
Chile Tourist Destinations, Chile Destinations,
Chile Travel Video,
Copyright: Video created by
Omega Tours Co., LTD
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Disclaimer: All audio in this video, We was used free audio in Youtube Library.
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published:30 Nov 2014
Travel Guide to Santiago, Chile
In this video from Santiago, Chile, I travel to Santiago by flying over the Andes and into...
published:10 Feb 2008
Travel Guide to Santiago, Chile
Travel Guide to Santiago, Chile
In this video from Santiago, Chile, I travel to Santiago by flying over the Andes and into the capital. I visit Pablo Neruda's house, taste wine in the Maipo Valley, then check out the nightlife in the city.
published:10 Feb 2008
Backpacking South America - Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile (epic travel montage)
I took 7 months for Backpacking South America. This video shows all the adventures, lovely...
published:03 Jan 2014
Backpacking South America - Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile (epic travel montage)
Backpacking South America - Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile (epic travel montage)
I took 7 months for Backpacking South America. This video shows all the adventures, lovely people and places I've encountered on my "Hola Gringo" trip.
Related article:
--- equipment used to produce this video ---
Sony NEX 5
GoPro Camera
Amazon Tripod
Joby Gorillapod
Opteka SteadyCam
Zoom H2n Audi Recorder
SDHC Memory Card
Waterproof Memory Card Case
Backpack Osprey Farpoint 40
--- my travel equipment ---
packing list
Online Language Course
30 ways to stay safe while traveling:
all episodes from South America:
Subscribe to this channel to see new videos every week!
All the places I visited on my Backpacking South America trip:
Peru - Lima, Cusco, Machu Picchu, Choquequirao, Puno, Amantani, Taquile
Bolivia - Copacabana, Isla de la Luna, Isla del Sol, La Paz, Yungas Road, Uyuni
Argentina - Ushuaia, El Calafate, Perito Moreno Glacier, El Chalten, Equel, El Bolsón, Bariloche, Salta, Cordoba, Rosario, Buenos Aires
Uruguay - Colonia del Sacramento, Montevideo, Punta del Este
Chile - Punta Arenas, Puerto Natales, Torres del Paine, Candelario Mansilla, Villa O'Higgins, Carretera Austral (Hitchhiking), Cochrane, Puerto Rio Tranqillo, Coyhaique, Futaleufu, Chaiten, Puerto Montt, Puerto Varas, Osorno
=== Music & Camera ===
Music by Chris Malinchak "So Good to me", iTunes:
I used different cameras to capture my experience while backpacking south america - most of the time it has been the GoPro, also to do the timelapses in Patagonia.
=== even more ===
my Page:
Destino VLA - Argentina - Programa 26 - Osorno - Chile
Destino VLA - Argentina - Programa 26 - Osorno - Chile
Santuario Patagonia - Monica Paez-Mohr Sonesta Hotel Osorno - Fabian Navarro Giraldo El Olivillo - Carlos Espin del Salto Cook´s by Sonesta - Pedro Misari Ar...
BOMBEROS DE CHILE - CB Osorno recibieron estandarte que los acredita como Grupo de Rescate USAR
Cerca de cuatro años de intenso trabajo, que incluyó complejos programas de capacitación a...
published:26 Aug 2013
BOMBEROS DE CHILE - CB Osorno recibieron estandarte que los acredita como Grupo de Rescate USAR
BOMBEROS DE CHILE - CB Osorno recibieron estandarte que los acredita como Grupo de Rescate USAR
Cerca de cuatro años de intenso trabajo, que incluyó complejos programas de capacitación académica y agotadoras jornadas de entrenamiento, vieron coronados con éxito 45 voluntarios del Cuerpo de Bomberos de Osorno al recibir el estandarte que los acredita como Grupo de Rescate Urbano USAR, siendo de esta forma el segundo a nivel nacional, junto con sus pares de Viña del Mar, en alcanzar este estatus.
De esta forma se acredita que el grupo cumple con estándares internacionales exigidos por la Organización de Naciones Unidas, a través del Insarag (Grupo Asesor Internacional en Búsqueda y Rescate).
.El Grupo Rescate Urbano del Cuerpo de Bomberos de Osorno está integrado por voluntarios de la ocho Compañías y el líder del grupo es Pablo Oyarzo.
Tras el terremoto de 2010, la Junta Nacional de Bomberos adhirió a la necesidad de que los equipos que trabajen en conjunto manejen los mismos códigos y niveles. Asimismo, cambiar el enfoque de algunos, que está asociado por lo general a Romper, Penetrar y Levantar y que comiencen a Pensar y Actuar como constructores de un orden, que se base en Planificar, Organizar, Dirigir, Controlar y emplear buenas prácticas, para lo cual la Academia Nacional inició un intenso proceso, el mencionado año, para estandarizar a los grupos de Rescate Urbano de nuestro país.
Esta acreditación nacional, elaborada en base a las normas INSARAG es la que permite que ante una emergencia masiva, pueda acudir en colaboración algún grupo USAR, previamente acreditado en alguno de dichos niveles de respuesta.
El su intervención, Raúl Bustos explicó que el terremoto del 27 de febrero de 2010 dejó como lecciones aprendidas dos cosas: la necesidad de tener un Sistema Nacional de Operaciones y la necesidad de tener grupos acreditados en Rescate Urbano.
published:26 Aug 2013
Scutismo para muchachos BBC (completo) Huillifotem Scout Osorno Chile Jamboree Brownsea Mafeking
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La Sur And Rolla - Temporada 5 - Capitulo 9 - Sonidos del Averno Sur - Rapaz.
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La Sur And Rolla - Temporada 5 - Capitulo 9 - Sonidos del Averno Sur - Rapaz.
La Sur And Rolla - Temporada 5 - Capitulo 9 - Sonidos del Averno Sur - Rapaz.
Tokata hecha en Antros Rock Bar, en la ciudad de Osorno Chile.
Grabado por Jc Cardenas - Sonidista de Antros Rock Bar.
Rapaz - Metal de Este Suelo!
Facebook/Jc Odoyle
Facebook/Rapaz Osorno
Facebook/Antros Rock Bar
Programa de música en formato radio. Para un buen consumo de este producto agréguense tóxicos y nocivos para tu salud.
published:20 May 2015
TENIS DE MESA OSORNO CHILE 4ª Fecha Jaime Millaguin-Boris Bello
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El relleno sanitario para Osorno y la Masonería en Chile fueron abordados en Actualidad Política
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Predicación del Evangelio Hno Claudio - Osorno, Chile
Predicación del Evangelio Hno Claudio - Osorno, Chile
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La Ley en concierto, Osorno, Chile, 1991. Gira Doble Opuesto.
Les compartimos una joya d...
published:25 Nov 2014
LA LEY - Osorno, 1991 (FULL ALBUM)
LA LEY - Osorno, 1991 (FULL ALBUM)
La Ley en concierto, Osorno, Chile, 1991. Gira Doble Opuesto.
Les compartimos una joya del rock chileno, La Ley en Osorno, promocionando lo que sería en ese entonces, su primer álbum oficial, Doble Opuesto (1991).
Este concierto tiene un valor histórico, pues además de clásicos de la primera época de La Ley como "Doble Opuesto", "Angie" y "Prisioneros de la Piel", la presentación contiene las interpretaciones en vivo de las inéditas "You Come And Go" (grabada por la banda recién en 1997, ya sin Andrés entre sus filas), "Holyness" (aún sin grabar en estudio), además de un instrumental también inédito y sin nombre, de autoría de Andrés Bobe.
Agradecimientos especiales a Dago Moto.
La Ley - Formación 1991
Beto Cuevas: Voces
Andrés Bobe: Guitarras, teclados y programaciones
Luciano Rojas: Bajos
Mauricio Clavería: Percusiones
01. (00:00) You Come And Go
02. (03:52) Placer
03. (08:24) Qué Va a Suceder
04. (12:51) Holyness
05. (16:15) Doble Opuesto
06. (20:05) Instrumental (Andrés Bobe)
07. (21:52) I.L.U.
08. (26:35) Sasha
09. (30:36) Solo Ideales
10. (35:21) Prisioneros De La Piel
11. (38:33) Desiertos
12. (45:08) Angie
published:25 Nov 2014
Fleep playing at @subsueloclub Osorno , Chile #housemusic
dj fleep playing house music in sub suelo club osorno , warm up for nico cano (arg) 15 of ...
published:18 May 2015
Fleep playing at @subsueloclub Osorno , Chile #housemusic
Fleep playing at @subsueloclub Osorno , Chile #housemusic
dj fleep playing house music in sub suelo club osorno , warm up for nico cano (arg) 15 of may 2015
published:18 May 2015
Un viaje al sur de chile 2015 (lago cabrera, volcán Osorno, Lago Lanquihue y alrededores)
Un excelente Viaje de 11 días por el sur de Chile visitando lugares como:
- lago llanqui...
published:16 Mar 2015
Un viaje al sur de chile 2015 (lago cabrera, volcán Osorno, Lago Lanquihue y alrededores)
Un viaje al sur de chile 2015 (lago cabrera, volcán Osorno, Lago Lanquihue y alrededores)
Un excelente Viaje de 11 días por el sur de Chile visitando lugares como:
- lago llanquihue
- Las Cascadas
- lago todos los santos
- volcán osorno
- Hornopirén y alrededores
- Lago Cabrera
published:16 Mar 2015
Gimnasio Club Llanquihue Osorno. 09-03-2013 6. Final Pablo Vera-Daniel Flores 3-1....
Richard Jones calls this the “photo of a lifetime,” and it’s hard to argue that this picture of a raccoon seeming to hitch a ride on top of an alligator is anything but. … Click to Continue »...
TBILISI, Georgia - Severe flooding in the Georgian capital left at least 12 people dead Sunday and triggered a big-game hunt across the city for lions, tigers, a hippopotamus, and other dangerous animals that escaped from Tbilisi's ravaged zoo. Residents were warned to stay indoors as police conducted the hunt, but fear deepened as night fell on the city of 1.1 million with some animals still on the loose ... "I feel frenzied ... ....
BEIRUT (AP) -- U.S.-backed Kurdish fighters captured large sections of a strategic town on the Syria-Turkish border on Monday, dealing the biggest setback yet to the Islamic State group, which lost a key supply line for their nearby self-proclaimed capital ... "We expect to have full control over Tal Abyad within a few hours," he told The Associated Press by telephone ... "YPG forces ... --- ... Learn more about our and . ....
Fans were also upset with two Chile goals disallowed for offside, apparently incorrectly ...Chile, seeking its first Copa America title, is ahead of Bolivia on goal difference....
Santiago, June 16 (IANS) Chile coach Jorge Sampaoli said his team made some errors in their 3-3 Copa America draw against Mexico, but is confident those mistakes can be fixed quickly ... finished off if the two legitimate goals Chile scored had been counted....
Arturo Vidal took centre stage as Chile were held by Mexico at the Copa America on Monday. Chile played out a 3-3 draw against Mexico at the Copa America after a starring display by midfielder Arturo Vidal. Vidal netted a brace, and set up Eduardo Vargas, as Chile twice came from behind before then giving up a second-half lead ...Chile top Group A on four points, while Bolivia (4), Mexico (2) and Ecuador (0) are behind them....
Santiago, June 16 (IANS) Chile missed the chance to book their place in the Copa America quarter-finals as they were held to a 3-3 draw by Mexico... Goals from Vidal and Eduardo Vargas made sure honours were even at the break, and it seemed Chile would go on to clinch victory when the former slotted home a penalty on 55 minutes ... Chile, though, had two goals contentiously ruled out in the second half....
Mexico frustrated Chile's hopes of clinching a Copa America quarterfinal berth on Monday, snatching a 3-3 draw in a pulsating battle with the host nation in Santiago... Two goals from Mexico's veteran striker Vicente Vuoso cancelled out a brace from Juventus midfielder Arturo Vidal for Chile, who also had two goals ruled out for offside in a frenetic late onslaught....
Hosts Chile had to come from behind twice before themselves being pegged back by Mexico in a thrilling 3-3 Group A clash at the Copa America on Monday. Mexican striker Matias Vuoso and Chile midfielder Arturo Vidal both scored twice in a game that roared from end to end and never let up in intensity. The result leaves Chile and Bolivia on four points, ahead of Mexico on two and Ecuador bottom without a point....
Hosts Chile and Mexico share six goals in an exciting 3-3 draw in Group A of the Copa America. Juventus midfielder Arturo Vidal scored twice for Chile, while striker Matias Vuoso did the same for Mexico in front of 45,583 supporters at the Julio Martinez Pradanos stadium ...Watch video Hosts Canada through to last 16 Watch video Stunning goal for Ivory Coast Watch video Chile and Mexico's six-goal thriller Watch video Highlights....
ANTOFAGASTA, Chile -- From the Reggae Boyz landed in the northern province of Antofagasta on Friday, June 5, they were an immediate hit. Not only because they were the first international team to arrive for Copa AmericaChile2015, or the fact that they are regarded in many quarters as the Cinderella team of this tournament with 99 years of rich ......
Chile’s Arturo Vidal, right, celebrates after scoring with his teammate Eduardo Vargas during a Copa AmericaGroup A clash with Mexico... Hosts Chile had to come from behind twice before themselves being pegged back by Mexico in a thrilling 3-3 Group A clash at the Copa America on Monday. Mexican striker Matias Vuoso and Chile midfielder Arturo Vidal both scored twice in a game that roared from end to end and never let up in intensity....